- 1-wire
- 10 nm process
- 180 nm process
- 1G
- 2G
- 3D
- 3D body scanning
- 3D optical data storage
- 3D radar
- 3G
- 4G
- 500 kHz
- 5G
- 64-bit computing
- Abbe refractometer
- Abbe sine condition
- Aberration
- Ablation
- Absorption
- Absorption cross section
- Absorption edge
- Absorption spectroscopy
- Abstraction layer
- AC
- AC motor
- AC-to-AC converter
- Accent lighting
- Acceptor
- Access control
- Access Point Name
- Access structure
- Access time
- Accumulator
- Achromatic lenses
- Acousto-optic modulator
- Acousto-optics
- Actinism
- Activation products
- Active laser medium
- Active matrix
- Active noise control
- Adapters
- Adaptive filter
- Adaptive optics
- Adaptive user interface
- Add-drop multiplexers
- Adder
- Addressing scheme
- Adiabatic circuit
- Adjacent-channel interference
- Adobe Connect
- Advanced packaging
- Advanced Vector Extensions
- Aeromagnetic survey
- Affinity diagram
- Afterimage
- Aggregation-induced emission
- Air interface
- Air mass
- Airy disk
- Aliasing
- Aligner
- Alpha
- Alternative frequency
- AM
- AM broadcasting
- Amateur radio
- Amazon Echo
- Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
- Ambiguity resolution
- Ambipolar diffusion
- Ampere-hour
- Amplitude distortion
- An
- Analog computers
- Analog device
- Analog multiplier
- Analog signal processing
- Analog transmission
- Analog-to-digital converter
- Analogue electronics
- Analogue switch
- Analytic signal
- AND gates
- AND-OR-Invert
- Aneutronic fusion
- Angle modulation
- Angle of view
- Angular aperture
- Angular spectrum method
- Anode ray
- Anomalous photovoltaic effect
- Antenna
- Antenna array
- Antenna boresight
- Antenna diversity
- Antenna factor
- Antenna feed
- Antenna measurement
- Anthropometry
- Anti-aliasing filter
- Anti-reflective coating
- Antiferroelectricity
- Antiferromagnetism
- Antistatic agent
- Apache Flink
- Apache Hive
- Aperture
- Aperture synthesis
- Apochromat
- Apodization
- Apparent polar wander
- Append-only
- Apple Watch
- Aquadag
- AR
- Arbiters
- Arc blow
- Arc fault
- Arc flash
- Arc lamps
- Arc welding
- Arduino
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Uno
- armature controlled DC motor
- Armatures
- Array factor
- Array gain
- Artificial dielectrics
- Artificial transmission line
- Aspheric lens
- associated Legendre polynomials
- Asynchronous communication
- Athlon 64
- Atmega328
- Atmospheric electricity
- Atmospheric optics
- Atmospheric-pressure plasma
- Atom interferometry
- Atom laser
- Atom optics
- Atomic coherence
- Atomic orbitals
- Attenuation
- Attenuation length
- Attenuators
- Attosecond physics
- Audio power
- Audio power amplifier
- Audio signal processing
- Auger effect
- Augmented cognition
- Aurora
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Auto-configuration
- Autocollimator
- Autoionization
- Automatic exposure control
- Automatic identification and data capture
- Automatic transmission system
- Autotransformer
- Availability
- Available light
- Avalanche breakdown
- Avalanche diode
- Avalanche photodiode
- AVX-512
- Axial flux motors
- Axicon
- B band
- Backend as a service
- Background radiation
- Backlight
- Backlighting
- Backplanes
- Backscatter
- Backward compatibility
- Balance of plant
- Balanced circuits
- Balanced lines
- Ball bonding
- Balun
- Band bending
- Band diagram
- Band gap
- Band II
- Band III
- Bandgap voltage reference
- Bands
- Bandwidth
- Bandwidth allocation
- Banknote
- Banner blindness
- Barcode reader
- Barcode scanners
- Barcodes
- Barkhausen Effect
- Base address
- Baseband
- Baseband processor
- Beam diameter
- Beam divergence
- Beam dump
- Beam parameter product
- Beam splitter
- Beam steering
- Beam tilt
- Beamforming
- Beamlines
- Beat detection
- Bell Laboratories Layered Space-Time
- Bessel beam
- Beta
- Beta particles
- Beyond CMOS
- Bhabha scattering
- Biasing
- BIBO stability
- Bidirectional current
- Biexciton
- Bilinear transform
- Bimorph
- Binocular disparity
- Binocular vision
- bio-FET
- Bioelectrical impedance analysis
- Bioelectronics
- Birefringence
- Bistability
- Bistatic radar
- Bit cell
- Black body
- Black-body radiation
- Blacklight
- Blazed grating
- Blind deconvolution
- Blind equalization
- Bloch sphere
- Bloch's theorem
- Block-level storage
- Blocked rotor test
- Blue light
- Bode plot
- Bohr magneton
- Boost converters
- Borescopes
- Boresight
- Born approximation
- Bragg peak
- Bragg's law
- Braking chopper
- Branch prediction
- Break junctions
- Breakdown voltage
- Breaking capacity
- Bremsstrahlung
- Brewster's angle
- Bridge circuit
- Brightness
- Brillouin scattering
- Broadband
- Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network
- brushless DC electric motor
- Buck converter
- Buffer
- Burning plasma
- Bus
- Bus contention
- Busbars
- Butler matrix
- Buzzers
- C band
- C-element
- Cache
- Cache coherence
- Cache hierarchy
- Cache invalidation
- Call admission control
- Camera
- Camera Link
- Camera obscura
- Camera phone
- Capacitance
- Capacitive sensing
- Capacitively coupled plasma
- Carbon-dioxide laser
- Card readers
- Card sorting
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Carrier Ethernet
- Carrier generation and recombination
- Carrier recovery
- Carrier scattering
- Carrier wave
- Carry-lookahead adder
- Carry-select adder
- Carry-skip adder
- Cascode
- Cassegrain antenna
- Cassegrain reflectors
- Catadioptric system
- Cathode ray
- Cathodoluminescence
- Causal filter
- Cavity optomechanics
- Cavity quantum electrodynamics
- CD
- CD players
- Cdma2000
- Cell site
- Cellular architecture
- Cellular network
- Center frequency
- CentOS
- Centrifugal switch
- Chaining
- Channel allocation schemes
- Channel sounding
- Channel spacing
- Channelling
- Characteristic impedance
- Characteristic mode analysis
- Characteristic x-rays
- Charge carriers
- Charge conservation
- Charge controller
- Charge density wave
- Charge number
- Charge ordering
- Charge pump
- Charge qubit
- Charge sharing
- Charge-transfer complexes
- Charged particle beams
- Charged-Device Model
- Chemiluminescence
- Cherenkov radiation
- Chiplets
- Chips
- Chipset
- Chirp
- Chirp spread spectrum
- Chirped pulse amplification
- Choppers
- Chorus
- Chromaticity
- Circle diagram
- Circuit
- Circuit breakers
- Circuit diagram
- Circular buffer
- Circular polarization
- Circulators
- Clamper
- Clapp oscillator
- Class of service
- Classical electromagnetism
- Clausius-Mossotti relation
- Cleanrooms
- Clipping
- Clock gating
- Clock generator
- Clock rate
- Clock recovery
- Clock signal
- Clock skew
- CLOS networks
- Closure phase
- Cloud
- Cloud computing
- Cloud computing architecture
- Cloud computing security
- Cloud storage
- Cloudant
- Clutter
- CMOS amplifiers
- Co-channel interference
- Coaxial cable
- Code generation
- Coded aperture
- Cogging torque
- Cognitive engineering
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Cognitive radio
- Cognitive walkthrough
- Coherence
- Coherence length
- Coherence time
- Coherency
- Coherent states
- Cohesion
- Cold cathodes
- Cole-Cole equation
- Collaborative mapping
- Collimated beam
- Collimators
- Color appearance model
- Color correction
- Color difference
- Color mixing
- Color quality scale
- Color rendering
- Color temperature
- Colorimeters
- Colossal magnetoresistance
- Colpitts oscillator
- Comb filter
- Comb generator
- Command
- Common base
- Common collector
- Common drain
- Common emitter
- Common gate
- Common industrial protocol
- Common source
- Common-mode rejection ratio
- Common-mode signal
- Common-path interferometer
- Communication software
- Communication system
- Communications satellites
- Community cloud
- Commutation
- Comparator
- Compasses
- Compatibility
- Complementarity
- Component placement
- Compression artifacts
- Compton scattering
- Compton wavelength
- Computer architecture
- Computer data storage
- Computer engineering
- Computer hardware
- Computer memory
- Computer module
- Computer-mediated reality
- Concentrators
- Conductance
- Conductive agent
- Conductive ink
- Conductive polymers
- Conductivity
- Conductor
- Confocal
- Confocal microscopy
- Conformal antenna
- Conformal coating
- Conical intersection
- Constant angular velocity
- Constant current
- Constant phase element
- Constellation diagram
- Constellation shaping
- Contact pads
- Contactors
- Contention
- Context awareness
- Context-adaptive binary arithmetic coding
- Contextual design
- Contextual inquiry
- Continuous wave
- Continuous-wave radar
- Control bus
- Control Center
- Control grid
- Control register
- Control unit
- Control-c
- controlled NOT gate
- ControlNet
- Cooper pairs
- Cooperative diversity
- cooperative MIMO
- Coordinated Universal Time
- Coplanar waveguide
- Copper interconnects
- Copper loss
- Copper vapor laser
- Coprocessor
- Copy control
- Cordless
- Corona discharge
- Cosmic microwave background
- Cosmic rays
- Costas loop
- Coulomb collision
- Coulomb explosion
- Counter
- Counter-electromotive force
- Counterpoise
- Counting efficiency
- Coupling loss
- Coverage
- Cray-2
- Creation and annihilation operators
- Creeping waves
- Critical field
- Critical frequency
- Cross-phase modulation
- Crossbar switch
- Crosstalk
- Crowbar
- Crowdsensing
- CRTs
- CryoSat
- Crystal filter
- Crystal monochromator
- CT scan
- CT1
- CT2
- Cue
- Current conveyor
- Current crowding
- Current limiting
- Current loop
- Current mirror
- Current sources
- Current transformer
- Current-mode logic
- Cursor
- Curtailment
- Curved mirrors
- Customer experience
- Customer service
- Cutoff voltage
- Cyber-physical system
- Cyberbullying
- Cyclic prefix
- Cycloconverter
- Cyclotron radiation
- Cylindrical lens
- DaaS
- Damper winding
- Damping factor
- Dante
- Dark current
- Darlington transistor
- Data buffer
- Data loggers
- Data service unit
- Data synchronization
- Database machine
- Dataflow architecture
- Daylight
- Daylight factor
- Daylight harvesting
- Daylighting
- dBFS
- DC
- DC bias
- DC block
- DC motors
- DC-to-DC converter
- Debye length
- Decentralized identifier
- Decibels
- Deconvolution
- Decorrelation
- Default passwords
- Defected ground structure
- Defective pixel
- Defocus aberration
- Deformable mirror
- Degree of coherence
- Degree of parallelism
- Delay
- Delay spread
- Delegates
- Delta modulation
- Delta-sigma modulation
- Delta-wye transformer
- Demodulation
- Dennard scaling
- Dense plasma focus
- Densitometry
- Dephasing
- Depletion region
- Depth of field
- Depth of focus
- Depth perception
- Derating
- Desktop computer
- Desktop environment
- Desktop metaphor
- df
- Dialog manager
- Diamagnetism
- Diamond turning
- DiamondTouch
- Dichroic prism
- Dichroism
- Die
- Dielectric
- Dielectric gas
- Dielectric heating
- Dielectric loss
- Dielectric resonator
- Dielectric resonator antenna
- Dielectric spectroscopy
- Dielectric strength
- Differential analyser
- Differential nonlinearity
- Differentiator
- Diffraction
- Diffraction efficiency
- Diffraction gratings
- Diffraction tomography
- Diffraction-limited system
- Diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy
- Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
- Diffuse reflection
- Diffusion barrier
- Diffusion capacitance
- Diffusion current
- Digital audio
- Digital collaboration
- Digital comparator
- Digital content
- Digital data
- Digital delay generators
- Digital down converter
- Digital filters
- Digital goods
- Digital identity
- Digital imaging
- Digital inclusion
- Digital integration
- Digital literacy
- Digital radio
- Digital signage
- Digital transformation
- Digital watermarking
- Digital-to-analog converter
- Dimmers
- Diode
- Diode bridge
- Diode-pumped solid-state lasers
- Diplexer
- Dipole
- Dipole antenna
- Direct and indirect band gaps
- Direct coupling
- Direct photons
- Direct torque control
- Direct-conversion receiver
- Direction finding
- Direction of arrival
- Directional antenna
- Directivity
- DirectShow
- Disconnector
- Discrete dipole approximation
- Disk arrays
- Disk laser
- Dispersive prism
- Displacement current
- Display device
- Dissipation factor
- Dissolved gas analysis
- Distortion
- Distributed antenna system
- Distributed cache
- Distributed power
- Distributed temperature sensing
- Distributed-feedback lasers
- Distribution transformer
- Dither
- Diversity combining
- Diversity factor
- Diversity gain
- Diversity schemes
- Divertor
- Django
- DNA computing
- Domain walls
- Domino logic
- Dongles
- Doping
- Doppler cooling
- Doppler radar
- Dot matrix
- Double-slit experiment
- Dove prism
- Downsampling
- Drawing tower
- Drift velocity
- Drift waves
- Drude model
- DS0
- Dual loop
- Dual-ported RAM
- Dummy load
- Duplex
- Duplexer
- Dusty plasma
- Dye lasers
- Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
- Dynamic frequency scaling
- Dynamic range
- Dynamic range compression
- Dynamic voltage scaling
- Dynamo
- Dynamo theory
- E band
- E-utra
- E911
- Echelle grating
- Ecological interface design
- Eddy currents
- Eddystone
- Edge
- Edge devices
- Electric arc
- Electric arc furnaces
- Electric charge
- Electric dipole transition
- Electric discharge
- Electric field
- Electric field gradient
- Electric flux
- Electric light
- Electric machines
- Electric motors
- Electric potential
- Electric potential energy
- Electric power conversion
- Electric power transmission
- Electric spark
- Electric susceptibility
- Electrical breakdown
- Electrical burns
- Electrical capacitance tomography
- Electrical Code
- Electrical conductors
- Electrical connector
- Electrical contact
- Electrical device
- Electrical efficiency
- Electrical energy
- Electrical engineering
- Electrical impedance
- Electrical load
- Electrical network
- Electrical resistivity tomography
- Electrical resonance
- Electrical safety testing
- Electrical substation
- Electricity
- Electro-absorption modulator
- Electro-optic effect
- Electro-optic modulators
- Electroactive polymer
- Electrochemiluminescence
- Electrocution
- Electrodynamic suspension
- Electrogas welding
- Electrohydrodynamics
- Electroluminescence
- Electromagnetic acoustic transducer
- Electromagnetic cavity
- Electromagnetic coil
- Electromagnetic compatibility
- Electromagnetic environment
- Electromagnetic fields
- Electromagnetic induction
- Electromagnetic pulse
- Electromagnetic radiation
- Electromagnetic shielding
- Electromagnetic spectrum
- Electromagnetic suspension
- Electromagnetic wave equation
- Electromagnetism
- Electromagnets
- Electromechanical
- Electromigration
- Electromotive force
- Electron
- Electron avalanche
- Electron backscatter diffraction
- Electron configuration
- Electron cyclotron resonance
- Electron degeneracy pressure
- Electron density
- Electron gun
- Electron localization function
- Electron microprobe
- Electron mobility
- Electron optics
- Electron pairs
- Electron scattering
- Electron shell
- Electron-beam lithography
- Electron-beam processing
- Electronic band structure
- Electronic circuit
- Electronic component
- Electronic filters
- Electronic oscillators
- Electronic paper
- Electronic switches
- Electronvolt
- Electroscope
- Electroslag welding
- Electrospray
- Electrostatic
- Electrostatic analyzer
- Electrostatic coating
- Electrostatic discharge
- Electrostatic induction
- Electrostatic lens
- Electrostatic spray-assisted vapour deposition
- Electrowetting
- Ellipsometry
- Elliptical polarization
- Elm327
- Embedded controller
- Embedded operating systems
- Embedded software
- Embedded system
- Emission
- Emission spectrum
- Emphasis
- Encircled energy
- Encoder
- End-user computing
- Energy gap
- Energy level splitting
- Energy transfer upconversion
- Engineer
- Engineering psychology
- Enodeb
- Enterprise social software
- Entrance pupil
- Epics
- Epitaxial wafer
- Equalization
- Equivalent series inductance
- Ergonomic hazards
- Error vector magnitude
- Error-tolerant design
- ESP32
- Etendue
- Evanescent
- Evanescent field
- Excimer lamp
- Excimer lasers
- Excited states
- Exciter
- Execution unit
- Extended reality
- Extinction ratio
- Extraordinary optical transmission
- Extreme ultraviolet
- Eye tracking
- F number
- F region
- F-number
- Fabs
- Face ID
- Fade
- Fading
- Fail-safe
- Fall time
- Fan-in
- Fan-out
- Fan-out wafer-level packaging
- Fano resonance
- Far infrared
- Far-infrared laser
- Faraday effect
- Faraday rotator
- Faraday's law of induction
- Fast-ion conductor
- Fax
- Feature integration theory
- Feature phones
- Federated identity
- Feed horn
- Feedthrough
- Femtocells
- Fermat's principle
- Fermi contact interaction
- Fermi resonance
- Ferrimagnetic
- Ferrite core
- Ferroelectric polymers
- Ferroelectricity
- Ferrofluid
- Ferromagnetism
- Feshbach resonance
- Fiber Bragg gratings
- Fiber lasers
- Fiber-optic cables
- Fiber-optic communication
- Field coils
- Field effect
- Field electron emission
- Field emission gun
- Field lens
- Field strength
- Field-effect transistor
- Field-emission display
- Fieldbus
- Filling factor
- Filter
- Filter bank
- Filter design
- Fin field-effect transistor
- Fingerprint
- Finite-difference time-domain method
- Firmware
- First-order hold
- Fitts's law
- Flash
- flash ADC
- Flash memory
- Flask
- Flat rate
- Flexible displays
- Flexible organic light-emitting diode
- Flexoelectricity
- Flicker
- Flicker fusion threshold
- Flip chip
- Flip-flop
- floating-gate MOSFET
- Flood gun
- Floodlights
- Fluorescence anisotropy
- Fluorescence imaging
- Fluorescence microscopy
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Fluorescent lamps
- Fluorogenic
- Fluoroscopy
- Flux linkage
- Flux pinning
- Flux pumping
- Flux qubit
- Flyback
- Flyback converter
- Flyback transformer
- FM
- Focal length
- Fock states
- Focus variation
- Force carrier
- Force-sensing resistor
- Forward compatibility
- Forward converter
- Forward scatter
- Four-current
- Four-wave mixing
- Fourier domain mode locking
- Fourier optics
- FR-4
- Fractal antennas
- Fractional quantum hall effect
- Frame grabbers
- Franck-Condon principle
- Fraunhofer diffraction
- Fredkin gate
- Free electron model
- Free spectral range
- Free-electron laser
- Free-space optical communication
- Free-space path loss
- FreeRTOS
- Frequency allocation
- Frequency comb
- Frequency coordination
- Frequency deviation
- Frequency divider
- Frequency drift
- Frequency grid
- Frequency mixer
- Frequency multiplier
- Frequency response
- Frequency scaling
- Frequency selective surface
- Frequency standards
- Fresnel diffraction
- Fresnel equations
- Fresnel lens
- Fresnel number
- Fresnel zone
- Friis transmission equation
- Fringe shift
- Front panel
- Front-end processors
- Front-to-back ratio
- Frontier molecular orbital theory
- Full custom
- Full scale
- Functional testing
- Fusion power
- Fusion reactor
- Fuzzy extractor
- G band
- G-10
- Gain
- Gain compression
- Gain-switching
- Galvanic isolation
- Game controllers
- Gamification
- Gamma correction
- Gamma rays
- Gamma-ray astronomy
- GarageBand
- Gas lasers
- Gas lighting
- Gas mantles
- Gas metal arc welding
- Gate array
- Gate capacitance
- Gate count
- Gate dielectric
- Gate drivers
- Gate equivalents
- Gate oxide
- Gate turn-off thyristor
- Gateway
- Gauge fixing
- Gauss's law
- Gaussian beam
- Gaussian optics
- Geant4
- Geomagnetic pole
- Geometrical optics
- Germanane
- Germicidal lamp
- Gesture recognition
- Getter
- Ghost imaging
- Giant magnetoresistance
- Glare
- Globar
- Gloss
- Glossmeter
- Glow discharge
- GNU Radio
- Gold codes
- Goniophotometer
- GPU virtualization
- Graphical passwords
- Graphics tablets
- Grating light valve
- Grating lobes
- Grease gun
- Green computing
- Ground bounce
- Ground plane
- Ground wave
- Grounding transformer
- Group velocity
- Group-velocity dispersion
- GSC bus
- Guard band
- Guiding center
- Gunn diode
- Gyroradius
- H-bridge
- Halbach array
- Half-band filter
- Hall effect
- Hall effect sensors
- Hall-effect thrusters
- Halogen lamps
- Hamiltonian
- Hand drill
- Hand tools
- Handles
- Handover
- Handset
- Haptic technology
- Hardware security
- Hardware virtualization
- Hardware-based encryption
- Hardware-in-the-loop simulation
- Harmonic balance
- Harmonic generation
- Hartley oscillators
- Harvard architecture
- Havriliak-Negami relaxation
- Hazards
- Head-mounted display
- Headphones
- Headroom
- Heel effect
- Heisenberg picture
- Helical antennas
- Helicon
- Helmholtz coils
- Heterodyne
- Heterogeneous computing
- Heterojunction
- Hierarchical modulation
- Higgs Boson
- High frequency
- High harmonic generation
- High impedance
- High voltage
- High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line 2
- High-energy x-rays
- High-frequency approximation
- High-resolution computed tomography
- High-temperature superconductivity
- High-κ dielectric
- Higher-order modulation
- Highly charged ions
- Hilbert spectral analysis
- Hilbert spectrum
- Holographic gratings
- Hololens 2
- HomeKit
- HomePod
- Homogeneous broadening
- Homojunction
- Horn antenna
- Horseshoe magnet
- Hot cathode
- Hot swapping
- Hot-carrier injection
- HP 9000
- HTC Vive
- Human body model
- Human-computer interaction
- Humidistat
- Hybrid computers
- Hybrid functionals
- Hybrid transformers
- Hydrogen masers
- Hydrogen-like atom
- Hyperfine structure
- IaaS
- iBeacon
- IC
- Icons
- IDDQ testing
- Identification
- Identity theft
- IEC 61000-4-2
- IEC 61131
- IEEE 1451
- IEEE-488
- IF
- Ignitron
- illuminant D65
- Illumination
- Image intensifiers
- Image processors
- Imaging radar
- Immersion cooling
- Impact ionization
- IMPATT diode
- Impedance analyzer
- Impulse generator
- IMT-2000
- IMT-2020
- IMT-Advanced
- In-circuit testing
- In-memory database
- In-phase and quadrature components
- Incandescent
- Incandescent light bulb
- Inclusive design
- Incoherent scatter
- Independent sideband
- Index ellipsoid
- Indian National Satellite System
- Indoor positioning system
- Inductance
- Induction equation
- Induction motors
- Induction plasma
- Inductive coupling
- Inductors
- Inelastic mean free path
- Inelastic scattering
- Inertial confinement fusion
- InfiniBand
- Information age
- Information infrastructure
- Information society
- Infrared
- Infrared atmospheric sounding interferometer
- Infrared lamp
- Infrared spectroscopy
- Infrared vision
- Injection locking
- Input devices
- Input impedance
- Input offset voltage
- Inrush current
- Insertion devices
- Insertion gain
- Insertion loss
- Instruction register
- Instrument transformer
- Insulation system
- Integrating sphere
- Intel 4004
- Intel Core
- Intel Core 2
- Intel Edison
- Intelligent lighting
- Intensity interferometer
- Intensity modulation
- Inter-cell interference coordination
- Interaction design
- Interaction picture
- Interactive computing
- Interbus
- Interconnect bottleneck
- Interface standard
- Interference
- Interference lithography
- Interferometric microscopy
- Interferometry
- Interleaving
- Interlocks
- Intermodulation
- Internal resistance
- International Reference Ionosphere
- Internet
- Internet access
- Interoperability
- Interoperation
- Interposer
- Interrupt
- Intersystem crossing
- Inverse filter
- Inverse scattering problem
- Inversions
- Inverters
- Invisibility
- Ion acoustic waves
- Ion beam
- Ion beam lithography
- Ion cyclotron resonance
- Ion implantation
- Ion laser
- Ionization
- Ionization energy
- Ionization instability
- Ionizing radiation
- Ionosonde
- Ionosphere
- Ionospheric sounding
- iOS 11
- IoV
- iPad
- iPad 2
- iPad Pro
- iPhone
- IQ imbalance
- Iridescence
- IS-41
- ISM radio band
- Isolated ground
- Isolation transformer
- Isolators
- Isotropic etching
- Isotropic radiator
- IT service management
- Jablonski diagram
- Jitter
- Johnson-Nyquist noise
- Josephson effect
- Joysticks
- Jumpers
- Junction temperature
- K-distribution
- Kaiser window
- Kali Linux
- Kerr effect
- Kerr-lens modelocking
- Key switch
- Keypads
- Keystroke dynamics
- Keystroke-level model
- Klystron
- Kondo effect
- Kruithof curve
- Lab-on-a-chip
- Ladder
- Ladder operators
- Lamb shift
- Lambert's cosine law
- Lambertian reflectance
- Lanczos resampling
- Landau damping
- Landline
- Langmuir probes
- Lantern
- Laptop
- Larmor precession
- Laser
- Laser ablation
- Laser beam profiler
- Laser beam welding
- Laser bonding
- Laser damage threshold
- Laser diodes
- Laser doppler velocimetry
- Laser dye
- Laser engraving
- Laser linewidth
- Laser medicine
- Laser metal deposition
- Laser peening
- Laser safety
- Laser scanning
- Laser surgery
- Laser trimming
- Laser weapons
- Laser-induced fluorescence
- Lasing threshold
- Last mile
- Latch-up
- Lawson criterion
- LC
- LCoS
- Lead frame
- Leakage
- Leakage inductance
- Leaky feeder
- Leaky wave antenna
- Leased line
- LED displays
- LED lamps
- Legacy systems
- Lens
- Lens antennas
- Lens flare
- Lenslet
- Level shifter
- Leyden jars
- LHCb experiment
- Lidar
- Light beam
- Light field
- Light reflectance value
- Light scattering by particles
- Light switch
- Light valve
- Light-emitting diode
- Lighting
- Lightning
- Lightning arresters
- Lightning strikes
- Lightpaths
- Limit switches
- Line of sight
- Line signaling
- Line-of-sight propagation
- Linear circuit
- Linear encoders
- Linear motor
- Linear optics
- Linear polarization
- Linear regulator
- Linear time-invariant system
- Lines of force
- Link adaptation
- Link budget
- Linnik interferometer
- Littrow prism
- Living labs
- Load pull
- Local bus
- Local loop
- Local oscillator
- Local structure
- Locale
- Localized surface plasmon
- Log analysis
- log Gabor filter
- Log-periodic antenna
- Logic analyzers
- Logic blocks
- Logic family
- Logic gates
- Logic level
- Logic synthesis
- Logical effort
- London penetration depth
- Long-period fiber grating
- Longwave
- Loop antenna
- Lorentz force
- Loss of load
- Loudspeaker
- Low frequency
- low IF receiver
- Low voltage
- Low Voltage Directive
- Low-frequency radar
- Low-level laser therapy
- Lumen maintenance
- Luminance
- Luminescence
- Luminescence dating
- Luminophore
- Luminous efficacy
- Luneburg lens
- Lwip
- Lyman-alpha line
- Mac Pro
- Machine-readable passport
- Macrocell
- Maglev
- Magnet therapy
- Magnetic
- Magnetic anomaly
- Magnetic circuit
- Magnetic confinement fusion
- Magnetic cores
- Magnetic coupling
- Magnetic damping
- Magnetic declination
- Magnetic detectors
- Magnetic diffusion
- Magnetic dipole transition
- Magnetic dipoles
- Magnetic domains
- Magnetic fields
- Magnetic flux quantum
- Magnetic hysteresis
- Magnetic impurity
- Magnetic levitation
- Magnetic logic
- Magnetic moment
- Magnetic monopoles
- Magnetic nanoparticles
- Magnetic nozzle
- Magnetic quantum number
- Magnetic reconnection
- Magnetic reluctance
- Magnetic separation
- Magnetic susceptibility
- Magnetic trap
- Magnetization
- Magnetized target fusion
- Magneto-inertial fusion
- Magneto-optic effect
- magneto-optic Kerr effect
- Magneto-optical traps
- Magnetocrystalline anisotropy
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Magnetometers
- Magnetomotive force
- Magnetoresistance
- Magnetosonic wave
- Magnetosphere
- Magnets
- Magnification
- Magnifying glass
- Main lobe
- Maintainability
- Majority function
- Marine electronics
- Marine radar
- Maritime mobile service
- Marx Generator
- Masers
- Mashup
- Maskless lithography
- Mass storage
- Master clock
- Master station
- Material design
- Matte
- Maximal-ratio combining
- Maximum energy product
- Maximum power transfer theorem
- Maxwell coils
- McGurk effect
- Mechanical rectifier
- Mechanoluminescence
- Mechatronics
- Media server
- Medium wave
- Mel-frequency cepstrum
- Memory address
- Memory bandwidth
- Memory bank
- Memory cell
- Memory controller
- Memory hierarchy
- Memory module
- Memristors
- Menu
- Mercury-vapor lamps
- Message format
- Metal assisted chemical etching
- Metal gate
- Metal-halide lamp
- Metalorganic vapour-phase epitaxy
- Metamaterial cloaking
- Metamaterials
- Metcalfe's Law
- MF
- mHealth
- Michelson interferometer
- Microarchitecture
- Microcomputer
- Microcontact printing
- Microcontrollers
- Microelectronics
- MicroLED
- Microlenses
- Micropatterning
- Microphone preamplifier
- Microprocessor
- Microsoft Azure
- Microsoft HoloLens
- Microstrip
- Microstrip antenna
- Microstructured optical fiber
- Microwave antenna
- Microwave cavity
- Microwave engineering
- Microwave imaging
- Microwave imaging radiometer with aperture synthesis
- Microwave ovens
- Microwave spectroscopy
- Microwave thermotherapy
- Microwaves
- Mie scattering
- Miller effect
- MIMO radar
- Minicomputers
- Minimum detectable signal
- Minimum phase
- Mirau interferometer
- Mirror mounts
- Mismatch loss
- Missing energy
- Mixed reality
- Mixing
- Mobile
- Mobile advertising
- Mobile broadband
- Mobile cloud computing
- Mobile cloud storage
- Mobile computing
- Mobile devices
- Mobile operating systems
- Mobile phone
- Mobile station
- Mobile technology
- Mobile telephony
- Mobility as a service
- Modal dispersion
- Modality
- Mode coupling
- Mode locking
- Model driven interoperability
- Modified nodal analysis
- Modulation doping
- Modulation order
- Modulational instability
- Molecular beams
- Molecular conductance
- Molecular electronics
- Molecular tagging velocimetry
- Molecule-based magnets
- Monitor
- Monochromatic radiation
- Monochromator
- Monocular
- Monocular vision
- Monolayer doping
- Monopole
- Monopole antenna
- Monopulse radar
- Monorail
- Mood lighting
- Moore's Law
- Morse potential
- Motherboard
- Motion controllers
- Motor control center
- Motor controller
- Motor drive
- Mott scattering
- Mouse
- Mouse tracking
- MPEG-1
- MPEG-2
- MPEG-4
- Mulliken population analysis
- Multi-access edge computing
- Multi-chip module
- Multi-core processor
- Multi-factor authentication
- Multi-level converter
- Multi-tap
- Multi-threshold CMOS
- Multi-tool
- Multi-touch
- Multibus
- Multidimensional signal processing
- Multigate device
- Multilayer soft lithography
- Multimodal interaction
- Multipactor effect
- Multipath propagation
- Multiple exciton generation
- Multiplets
- Multiplicative noise
- Multipole magnet
- Multireference configuration interaction
- Multivibrator
- Mutual authentication
- Naked eye
- NAND gates
- NAND logic
- Nanoelectronics
- Nanoimprint lithography
- Nanolaser
- Nanomagnet
- Nanophotonics
- Naphthalocyanine
- Narrowband
- National Quantum Initiative Act
- Native resolution
- Natural user interfaces
- Near Field
- Near-field optics
- Near-field radiative heat transfer
- Near-infrared spectroscopy
- Nearly free electron model
- Negative refraction
- Negative resistance
- Negative temperature
- Negative-feedback amplifier
- Neon lamps
- Neon signs
- Neon-sign transformer
- Neoprene
- Nernst effect
- Net
- Net neutrality
- Network address
- Network analyzers
- Network on a chip
- Network processor
- Network switch
- Network tomography
- Neuroergonomics
- Neutral current
- Neutral particle
- Neutral-beam injection
- Neutrino oscillation
- Neutron activation
- Neutron diffraction
- Neutron radiation
- Neutron scattering
- Next-generation lithography
- Nice
- Nicol prisms
- Nitrogen laser
- Nitrogen-vacancy center
- NMEA 0183
- NMOS logic
- No-cloning theorem
- Nodal analysis
- Noise margin
- Noise power
- Noise shaping
- Noise temperature
- Noise-cancelling headphones
- Nominal level
- Non-ionizing radiation
- Non-line-of-sight propagation
- Non-neutral plasma
- Non-volatile memory
- Nonlinear distortion
- Nonlinear optics
- Nonstop
- Nonthermal plasma
- Nonuniform sampling
- NOR gates
- NOR logic
- Normalized frequency
- NT
- Nuclear cross section
- Nuclear electronics
- Nuclear magneton
- Nullator
- Nullor
- Numeric keypad
- Numerical aperture
- NVLink
- Nylon
- Nyquist frequency
- Nyquist rate
- Nyquist stability criterion
- OAuth
- Observables
- Ocean optics
- Oculus Quest
- Oculus Rift
- Oculus Rift S
- Off-axis optical system
- Office chair
- Offset
- Ohm's law
- Ohmic contact
- Ohmmeter
- Omnidirectional antenna
- Omnidirectional treadmill
- One-hot
- One-way mirror
- Opacity
- Opcode
- Open architecture
- Open collector
- Open quantum systems
- Open-circuit test
- Open-circuit voltage
- Open-loop gain
- Open-source hardware
- OpenStack
- openSUSE
- Operating system
- Operational amplifier
- Optical
- Optical aberration
- Optical amplifiers
- Optical attenuator
- Optical axis
- Optical bistability
- Optical buffer
- Optical cavity
- Optical chopper
- Optical circulators
- Optical coating
- Optical communication
- Optical computing
- Optical conductivity
- Optical depth
- Optical engineering
- Optical fiber
- Optical flats
- Optical ground wire
- Optical illusions
- Optical interconnects
- Optical isolator
- Optical lattices
- Optical medium
- Optical modulators
- Optical parametric amplifier
- Optical path
- Optical path length
- Optical phenomena
- Optical power
- Optical power meter
- Optical properties
- Optical pumping
- Optical radiation
- Optical recording
- Optical rectification
- Optical resolution
- Optical rogue waves
- Optical rotation
- Optical rotatory dispersion
- Optical storage
- Optical tables
- Optical theorem
- Optical vortex
- Optical windows
- Opto-isolator
- Optode
- Optoelectronics
- Optofluidics
- Optomechanical
- OR gate
- Oracle Cloud
- Organic electrochemical transistor
- Organic electronics
- Organic laser
- Organic semiconductors
- Organic solar cells
- Orthomode transducer
- OSI model
- Output coupler
- Output impedance
- Outrunner
- Overhead projector
- Overmodulation
- Oversampling
- Overshoot
- Overvoltage
- Ozone layer
- P-n diode
- P-n junction
- PaaS
- Page cache
- Pair production
- Palm print
- Panel
- Paper prototyping
- Parabolic antenna
- Parabolic reflectors
- Parallax
- Parallel port
- Paramagnetism
- Parasitic capacitance
- Parasitic elements
- Paraxial approximation
- Partial discharge
- Partial-wave analysis
- Participatory culture
- Participatory ergonomics
- Particle in a box
- Particle physics
- Particle-induced x-ray emission
- Pass transistor logic
- Passivation
- Passive radar
- Password
- Password manager
- Patch
- Patch antenna
- Patched
- Path loss
- Pauli equation
- Pauli Exclusion Principle
- PCBs
- PCI Express
- Peak kilovoltage
- Penetration depth
- Penning traps
- Pentium
- Perceived performance
- Perfect conductor
- Perfect mirror
- Peripheral
- Peripheral vision
- Permanent magnet motors
- Permittivity
- Persistence of vision
- Persistent current
- Persistent luminescence
- Personal computers
- Personas
- Persuasive technology
- Phablet
- Phase center
- Phase detector
- Phase distortion
- Phase margin
- Phase modulation
- Phase splitter
- Phase vocoder
- Phase-shift oscillator
- Phase-space formulation
- Phased array
- Phenomenology
- Phosphorescent
- Phosphors
- Photobiology
- Photoconductivity
- Photocopier
- Photocurrent
- Photodarkening
- Photodetection
- Photodiodes
- Photoelastic modulator
- Photoelectric effect
- Photoemission spectroscopy
- Photoinduced charge separation
- Photoionisation cross section
- Photoionization
- Photolithography
- Photoluminescence
- Photomasks
- Photometer
- Photometry
- Photon counting
- Photon energy
- Photon gas
- Photon noise
- Photon polarization
- Photon upconversion
- Photonic crystal sensor
- Photonic integrated circuit
- Photonic molecules
- Photonic-crystal fiber
- Photons
- Photophoresis
- Photoresistor
- Photosphere
- Photostimulated luminescence
- Phototubes
- Photovoltaic effect
- Physical optics
- Picocell
- Piezoelectric accelerometer
- Piezoelectric coefficient
- Piezoelectric motor
- Piezoelectricity
- Piezoresistive effect
- Pilot signal
- Pin
- Pin diode
- Pin insulator
- Pinch
- Pinhole
- Pinning force
- Pisarenko harmonic decomposition
- Pitch angle
- Pitch control
- Pitch correction
- Planar transmission line
- Planck's relation
- Plane mirror
- Plane of incidence
- Plane of polarization
- Plane-wave expansion
- Plasma
- Plasma antenna
- Plasma arc welding
- Plasma ashing
- Plasma channels
- Plasma confinement
- Plasma diagnostics
- Plasma displays
- Plasma medicine
- Plasma modeling
- Plasma oscillation
- Plasma parameter
- Plasma sheet
- Plasma stability
- Plasma stealth
- Plasma surface interaction
- Plasma torch
- Plasmoid
- Plasmon
- Pliers
- Plotter
- Plug
- Plug and play
- Plum pudding model
- Pluralistic walkthrough
- Pockels effect
- Pointing device
- Polar mount
- Polarimeters
- Polarimetry
- Polarizability
- Polarization
- Polarization controller
- Polarization density
- Polarization mode dispersion
- Polarization rotator
- Polarization scrambling
- Polarization-division multiplexing
- Polarizers
- Polarizing filter
- Pole piece
- Polyacetylene
- Polycarbonate
- Polychromator
- Polyphenylene sulfide
- Polyvinylidene fluoride
- Ponderomotive force
- PoP
- Population inversion
- Positron annihilation spectroscopy
- Positronium
- Positrons
- Potentiometers
- Powder diffraction
- Power cable
- Power conditioner
- Power delay profile
- Power electronics
- Power factor
- Power gain
- Power inverter
- Power management
- Power margin
- Power module
- power MOSFET
- Power rating
- Power semiconductor device
- Poynting vector
- Pre-charge
- Precession electron diffraction
- Precoding
- Prefetching
- Premium efficiency
- Prescaler
- Print-through
- Priority encoder
- Prism coupler
- Prisms
- Probabilistic Data Association Filter
- Probability current
- Probe cards
- Process corners
- Process design kit
- Process gain
- Process variation
- Processor
- Processor design
- Processor register
- Productivity software
- Program counter
- programmable ROM
- Programming by demonstration
- Progress bars
- Progress indicators
- Progressive disclosure
- Projector
- Propagation constant
- Propagation time
- Proprietary hardware
- Protective relay
- Protocol-control information
- Proton magnetometer
- Proton tunneling
- Proximity effect
- Pull-up resistor
- Pulsars
- Pulse compression
- Pulse duration
- Pulse generator
- Pulse shaping
- Pulse width
- Pulsed lasers
- Punch
- Purcell effect
- Push switch
- Push-button
- Q-switching
- Qiskit
- QR codes
- Quadrupole
- Quadrupole magnets
- Quadrupole splitting
- Quantization
- Quantum
- Quantum anomalous hall effect
- Quantum capacitance
- Quantum circuit
- Quantum decoherence
- Quantum dot laser
- Quantum dots
- Quantum dynamics
- Quantum electrodynamics
- Quantum entanglement
- Quantum error correction
- quantum Fisher information
- Quantum harmonic oscillators
- Quantum imaging
- Quantum information science
- Quantum logic gates
- Quantum machine learning
- Quantum mechanics
- Quantum memory
- Quantum networks
- Quantum neural networks
- Quantum noise
- Quantum numbers
- Quantum optics
- Quantum phase transitions
- Quantum radar
- Quantum sensors
- Quantum simulator
- Quantum spin hall effect
- Quantum state
- Quantum superposition
- Quantum supremacy
- Quantum technology
- Quantum teleportation
- Quantum tunnelling
- Quantum vortex
- Quantum well lasers
- Quantum wells
- Quantum yield
- Quantum zeno effect
- Quantum-cascade lasers
- Quantum-confined stark effect
- Quartz
- Quartz fiber
- Quasistatic approximation
- Qubit
- Queuing delay
- Qutrit
- Rabi frequency
- Racetrack memory
- Radar
- Radar display
- Radial polarization
- Radiant energy
- Radiation
- Radiation damage
- Radiation damping
- Radiation efficiency
- Radiation exposure
- Radiation hardening
- Radiation length
- Radiation pattern
- Radiation portal monitors
- Radiation pressure
- Radiation protection
- Radio
- Radio astronomy
- Radio beacon
- Radio broadcasting
- Radio control
- Radio propagation
- Radio scanner
- Radio spectrum
- Radio telescopes
- Radio waves
- Radio-frequency identification
- Radio-frequency induction
- Radiolocation
- Radioluminescence
- Radiometry
- Radomes
- Rake receiver
- Raman amplification
- Raman laser
- Raman microscopy
- Raman scattering
- Raman spectroscopy
- Random Access
- Random dopant fluctuation
- Random laser
- Random pulse-width modulation
- Rare-earth magnet
- Rashba effect
- Rasta filtering
- Ray
- Rayleigh fading
- Rayleigh scattering
- RC
- RC oscillator
- RC time constant
- Re-order buffer
- Readout integrated circuit
- Real image
- Real-time communication
- Received noise power
- Reciprocity
- Recloser
- Reconfigurability
- Reconfigurable antenna
- Reconfigurable computing
- Reconvergent fan-out
- Rectangular potential barrier
- Rectifier
- Recurrence plots
- Recurrence quantification analysis
- Recursive filter
- Red color
- Redirection
- Redistribution layer
- Reed relay
- Reed switch
- Reference model
- Reflection
- Reflection coefficient
- Reflectometry
- Reflector
- Reflow soldering
- Refraction
- Refractive index
- Refractive index profile
- Registers
- Relative intensity noise
- Relative permittivity
- Relativistic electron beams
- Relativistic plasma
- Relaxation oscillator
- Relaxor ferroelectrics
- Relay lenses
- Relay logic
- Relays
- Reliability prediction for electronic components
- Reluctance motor
- Reminders
- Remote controls
- Remote data transmission
- Remote surgery
- Repeater
- Repeater insertion
- Residential gateway
- Resistor
- Resonance Raman spectroscopy
- Resonant converter
- Resonant inductive coupling
- Resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
- Resonant inverter
- Resonant-tunneling diode
- Responsive web design
- Responsiveness
- Responsivity
- Retarded time
- Retroreflectors
- Retrospective think aloud
- Return loss
- Reverse leakage current
- Reverse short-channel effect
- RF module
- RF power amplifier
- RF probe
- RF switches
- Rician fading
- Rietveld refinement
- Right-hand rule
- Rigid rotor
- Ring counter
- Ring laser
- Ring oscillator
- Ringing
- Ringtones
- RL circuit
- RLC circuit
- Roadrunner
- Rogowski coil
- Rotary encoder
- Rotary switch
- Rotary transformer
- Rotating magnetic field
- Rotating-wave approximation
- Rotational brownian motion
- Rotational temperature
- Rotaxanes
- Round-trip delay
- Routing and wavelength assignment
- RS-422
- RS-485
- Rubidium standard
- Ruby laser
- Runaway electrons
- Rutherford scattering
- Rydberg formula
- Rydberg states
- SaaS
- Safe operating area
- Sample and hold
- Sample-rate conversion
- Satellite internet constellation
- Satellite phones
- Saturated absorption spectroscopy
- Saturation
- Saturation velocity
- Scalability
- Scalar control
- Scanning vibrating electrode technique
- Scattering
- Scattering amplitude
- Scattering from rough surfaces
- Scattering parameters
- Scattering-matrix method
- Scherrer equation
- Schlieren
- Schmitt trigger
- Schottky barrier
- Schottky diode
- Scott-T transformer
- Screen reading
- Screen time
- Screenshots
- Scroll wheel
- Search coil magnetometer
- Secondary mirror
- Sector antennas
- Secure channel
- Security as a service
- Security tokens
- Selection rules
- Selective area epitaxy
- Self-amplified spontaneous emission
- Self-focusing
- Self-interference cancellation
- Self-phase modulation
- Sellmeier equation
- Semiconductor detector
- Semiconductor device fabrication
- Semiconductor devices
- Semiconductor memory
- Semiconductor packages
- Semiconductors
- Sense amplifier
- Sequential access
- Serial communication
- Serial ports
- Servo control
- Settling time
- Sextupole magnet
- Shade
- Shadows
- Shaft voltage
- Shallow trench isolation
- Sheet resistance
- Shielding effect
- Shielding gas
- Shift register
- Shockley diode
- Shockley diode equation
- Short circuit
- Short-channel effect
- Sidebands
- Sidelobes
- Signal averaging
- Signal conditioning
- Signal corps
- Signal integrity
- Signal processing
- Signal reconstruction
- Signal reflection
- Signal separation
- Signal subspace
- Signal transmission
- Signal-to-quantization-noise ratio
- Signaling
- Signature recognition
- Silhouettes
- Silicon drift detector
- Silicon photomultiplier
- Silicon photonics
- Silicon quantum dots
- SIM card
- Simatic
- Simultaneous editing
- Sinc function
- Single-board computer
- Single-board microcontrollers
- Single-core
- Single-event upset
- Single-molecule magnets
- Single-photon sources
- Single-sideband modulation
- Singlet fission
- Skin effect
- Skywave
- Slant range
- Slater determinants
- Slater-type orbitals
- Slave clock
- Slew rate
- Sliders
- Slip rings
- Slit lamp
- Slope efficiency
- Slot antennas
- Slot-waveguide
- Slotted line
- Slow light
- SMA connector
- Small cells
- Small-angle scattering
- Smart antennas
- Smart cards
- Smart devices
- Smart glasses
- Smart grid
- Smart label
- Smart locks
- Smart speakers
- Smart thermostat
- Smart toys
- Smart traffic light
- Smart transducer
- Smartphone
- Smartwatch
- Smith chart
- SMS gateway
- Snapshots
- Snubber
- Soft biometrics
- Soft error
- Soft handover
- Soft lithography
- Softphones
- Software evolution
- Software maintenance
- Software-defined storage
- Soil resistivity
- Solaris
- Solarization
- Solder mask
- Soldering iron
- Solenoids
- Solid ink
- Solid-state electronics
- Solid-state lasers
- Solid-state lighting
- Solid-state relays
- Solid-state storage
- Solid-state transformer
- Sommerfeld radiation condition
- Sonification
- Sonoluminescence
- Sorting networks
- Sound card
- Sound recognition
- Source data
- Source transformation
- Space charge
- Space vector modulation
- Space weather
- Spark gap
- Spark plugs
- Spark-ignition engine
- Spatial ability
- Spatial correlation
- Spatial filters
- Spatial light modulator
- Speaker diarisation
- Speaker recognition
- Speckle
- Spectral bands
- Spectral centroid
- Spectral density
- Spectral flatness
- Spectral flux
- Spectral imaging
- Spectral interferometry
- Spectral slope
- Spectral width
- Spectroscopic notation
- Spectroscopy
- Spectrum analyzer
- Spectrum management
- Specular reflection
- Speech enhancement
- Speech processing
- Speech recognition
- Speech synthesis
- Speech-generating device
- Speedstep
- Spherical tokamak
- Spin hall effect
- Spin polarization
- Spin probe
- Spin quantum number
- Spin transistor
- Spin valves
- Spin-exchange interaction
- Spin-orbit interaction
- Spin-transfer torque
- Spintronics
- Spiral antennas
- Spoken dialog systems
- Spontaneous emission
- Spontaneous magnetization
- Spontaneous parametric down-conversion
- Spontaneous potential
- Spoof surface plasmon
- Sputter deposition
- Square-law detector
- Squelch
- Squid
- SST-1
- Stacking factor
- Standard illuminant
- Standby power
- Star
- Stark effect
- Static electricity
- Static light scattering
- Stationary state
- Stator
- Status register
- Steane code
- STED microscopy
- Stellarator
- Step potential
- Step response
- Stepper
- Stepper motors
- Stepping
- Stereoscope
- Stimulated emission
- Stokes parameters
- Stokes shift
- Stoner criterion
- Storage efficiency
- Stored-program computer
- Strain engineering
- Stray light
- Streak camera
- Streaming current
- Stripline
- Strobe lights
- Strong authentication
- Structural battery
- Stuck-at fault
- Stud welding
- Stylus
- Sub-band coding
- Subcarriers
- Submerged arc welding
- Subthreshold conduction
- Subthreshold slope
- Subtractor
- Sum of absolute differences
- Sum-frequency generation
- Sun
- Sun photometry
- Sunway
- Superconducting magnets
- Superconductivity
- Supercontinuum
- Supercurrent
- Superdense coding
- Superheterodyne receiver
- Superlens
- Superluminescent diode
- Supernodes
- Supply chain networks
- Surface charge
- Surface equivalence principle
- Surface waves
- Surge protector
- Susceptors
- Sustainable electronics
- Sustainable lighting
- Sweep generators
- Switch
- Switched capacitor
- Switched reluctance motor
- Switchgear
- Switching frequency
- Symmetric multiprocessing
- Symmetrical components
- Synchronous condensers
- Synchronous motor
- Synchrotron light sources
- Synchrotron radiation
- System analysis
- System bus
- System on a chip
- System Usability Scale
- Systems design
- T-matrix method
- Tablet
- Tablet computers
- Tactile sensor
- Tangible user interface
- Tap changer
- Telecommand
- Telecommunications network
- Teleconference
- Telegraphy
- Telehealth
- Telemetry
- Teleoperation
- Telephone
- Telephone line
- Telephone network
- Telephony
- Telepresence
- Telerobotics
- Temperature coefficient
- Terahertz radiation
- Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy
- Terminal emulator
- Terminal equipment
- Test vector
- Tetrapol
- Tetrathiafulvalene
- Text messaging
- Thermal diodes
- Thermal management
- Thermal stability
- Thermionic emission
- Thermoluminescence
- Thermopiles
- Thermostat
- Theta pinch
- Thin clients
- Thin lens
- Thin-film diode
- Thin-film interference
- Thin-film optics
- Think aloud protocol
- Third-order intercept point
- Threshold voltage
- Thunder
- Thunderbolt
- Thunderstorm
- Thyristors
- Ti-sapphire lasers
- Time diversity
- Time of arrival
- Time switch
- Time-sharing
- Time-to-digital converter
- Timers
- TinyOS
- Titanium oxide
- TK
- Tkinter
- Tms9900
- TO-220
- TO-263
- TO-66
- TO-92
- Toffoli gate
- Toggle switch
- Tomographic reconstruction
- Tomosynthesis
- Torch
- Torque motor
- Torque ripple
- Torque tester
- Total active reflection coefficient
- Total internal reflection
- Touch ID
- Touch switch
- Touchscreens
- Townsend
- Townsend discharge
- Trackballs
- Tracking
- Traction motor
- Traffic grooming
- Traffic intensity
- Trailer
- Transceivers
- Transducer
- Transfer function
- Transfer switch
- Transformers
- Transient photocurrent
- Transimpedance amplifiers
- Transistor
- Transistor computer
- Transistor count
- Transition dipole moment
- Transition radiation
- Translation operator
- Translinear circuits
- Transmission gate
- Transmission line
- Transmission medium
- Transmission system
- Transmit diversity
- Transmitters
- Transponder
- Transrapid
- Transverse mode
- Traveling-wave antenna
- Treadmill desk
- Triboelectric effect
- Triboluminescence
- Trimmer
- Triodes
- Trions
- Triplet state
- Triplet-triplet annihilation
- True and false
- Tube
- Tube sound
- Tunable laser
- Tunnel diode
- Tunnel ionization
- Tunnel magnetoresistance
- Turnstile antenna
- Twisted pair
- Two-dimensional electron gas
- Two-electron atom
- Two-port network
- Two-way communication
- Two-way radios
- Type-ii superconductors
- Typographical errors
- Ubuntu
- Ubuntu Mate
- Ultra-wideband
- Ultrafast electron diffraction
- Ultrafast x-ray
- Ultrashort pulse laser
- Ultrashort pulses
- Ultrasonic motor
- Ultrasparc
- Ultraviolet
- Umklapp scattering
- Unbalanced lines
- Undersampling
- Undulator
- Unified communications
- Uniform memory access
- Unimorph
- Universal dielectric response
- Universal memory
- Universal Plug and Play
- Universal usability
- Unix
- Unpaired electron
- Unpolarized light
- Unsharpness
- Upconverting nanoparticles
- Upilex
- Uptime
- Usability
- Usability engineering
- Usability goals
- Usability inspection
- Usability testing
- USB flash drive
- USB hardware
- USB hub
- Useful field of view
- User equipment
- User experience
- User identifier
- User innovation
- User interface
- User interface design
- User interface management system
- User research
- User-centered design
- Utility computing
- UV curing
- VA
- Vacuum arc
- Vacuum level
- Vacuum permittivity
- Vacuum tubes
- Valleytronics
- Value-added services
- Van Allen radiation belt
- Van der Waals force
- Van Vleck paramagnetism
- Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
- Variable-gain amplifier
- Variable-range hopping
- Varistors
- Vector control
- Vector soliton
- Vehicle bus
- Veiling glare
- Velocity factor
- Venography
- Vibrating-sample magnetometer
- Vibrational energy relaxation
- Vibrational temperature
- Vibrator
- Victim cache
- Video codec
- Video coding format
- Video-oculography
- Vienna rectifier
- Viewing angle
- Viewing cone
- Vinyl cutters
- Vircator
- Virtex
- Virtual circuits
- Virtual ground
- Virtual image
- Virtual reality
- Visible spectrum
- Visual appearance
- Visual comfort probability
- Visual communication
- Visual perception
- Vivaldi antenna
- Voice coil
- Voice over IP
- Voice over LTE
- Voigt effect
- Volatile memory
- Voltage controller
- Voltage divider
- Voltage doubler
- Voltage droop
- Voltage drop
- Voltage multiplier
- Voltage reference
- Voltage regulation
- Voltage regulators
- Voltage sag
- Voltage source
- Voltage spike
- Voltage transformer
- Voltage-controlled resistor
- Volumetric display
- von Neumann architecture
- Wafer
- Wafer dicing
- Wafer fabrication
- Wafer testing
- Wafer-level packaging
- Warm dense matter
- Watchdog timer
- Waterfall plot
- Watermark
- Wave function
- Wave interference
- Wave radar
- Wave-particle duality
- Wavefront
- Waveguide filter
- Waveguides
- Wavelab
- Waveplate
- Wear leveling
- Wearable computers
- Wearable technology
- Weather radar
- Web conferencing
- Web directory
- Web framework
- Web-based simulation
- Wedge prism
- Weibull fading
- Weighting filters
- Wendelstein 7-X
- Westmere
- Wetting layer
- Whip antennas
- Whisker
- Whistler
- White light interferometry
- Wibro
- Wide-angle x-ray scattering
- Wideband
- Wideband audio
- Wien bridge
- Wien Bridge Oscillator
- Wiggler
- Wigner distribution function
- Wilkinson power divider
- Wind profiler
- Windows 10
- Windows 8
- Windows 95
- Windows API
- Windows Media Player
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Vista
- Wire bonding
- Wired communication
- Wireless mesh networks
- Wireless telegraphy
- Wiring diagrams
- Woofer
- Write buffer
- X-ray detectors
- X-ray emission spectroscopy
- X-ray filter
- X-ray lasers
- X-ray lithography
- X-ray microscopy
- X-ray notation
- X-ray optics
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
- X-ray raman scattering
- X-ray reflectivity
- X-rays
- X10
- X86-64
- Xenon arc lamps
- Xeon Phi
- XNOR gate
- XOR gate
- Z-pinch
- Z-source inverter
- Zeeman Effect
- Zeeman energy
- Zemax
- Zener diode
- Zero crossing
- Zero-dispersion wavelength
- Zero-order hold
- Zigzag transformer
- Zone plate
- Zoom fatigue