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Power sources and power supplies
Published in Stephen Sangwine, Electronic Components and Technology, 2018
Linear voltage regulators operate by dropping an unregulated voltage through a dissipative element (either a resistor or a transistor), controlling the voltage drop so as to maintain a constant output voltage. Two possible arrangements of linear regulator are shown in Figure 4.9. The load represents the electronic circuits to be supplied with a constant voltage. It contains active circuits, and its impedance varies with time. In the series regulator, a regulating element is placed in series with the load. The voltage drop across the regulating element is varied as the load current or the unregulated voltage varies in order to maintain a constant voltage across the load. In the shunt regulator, a resistor is placed in series with the load and a regulating element is placed in parallel with the load. The current drawn by the regulating element is varied in order to alter the voltage drop across the resistor and keep the load voltage constant. Both series and shunt regulator circuits are used in practical designs, as we shall see below.
Mitigation Techniques
Published in L. Ashok Kumar, S. Albert Alexander, Computational Paradigm Techniques for Enhancing Electric Power Quality, 2018
L. Ashok Kumar, S. Albert Alexander
All electronic voltage regulators will have a stable voltage reference source that is provided by the reverse breakdown voltage operating diode called Zener diode. The main reason to use a voltage regulator is to maintain a constant DC output voltage. It also blocks the AC ripple voltage that cannot be blocked by the filter. A good voltage regulator may also include additional circuits for protection against problems like short circuits, current limiting circuit, thermal shutdown, and overvoltage. Electronic voltage regulators are designed with any combination of the three regulators given below.
Force-System Resultants and Equilibrium
Published in Richard C. Dorf, The Engineering Handbook, 2018
A voltage regulator is an electronic device that supplies a constant voltage to a circuit or load. The output voltage of the voltage regulator is regulated by the internal circuitry of the device to be relatively independent of the current drawn by the load, the supply or line voltage, and the ambient temperature. A voltage regulator may be part of some larger electronic circuit but is often a separate unit or module, usually in the form of an integrated circuit. A voltage regulator, as shown in Figure 118.4, is composed of three basic parts:
Efficient Power Flow Management in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2023
J. Sheeba Jeba Malar, A. Bisharathu Beevi, M. Jayaraju
The energy storage system (ESS) controller manages the power generated by the solar, wind, and battery system in order to fulfill the instantaneous power demand during high non-linearities. A two-loop control system [28] is adopted in the proposed system as shown in Figure 1. The outer loop is voltage control loop, which is used to regulate dc bus voltage and battery voltage. The inner loop is the current control loop which is used to control battery, PV, and wind power variations by controlling power to and from the battery. The load voltage regulator helps the system to produce constant dc voltage irrespective of change in source and load.
An Optimal Multi-Objective Approach for Distributed Generation and AVR Placement in Distribution Networks Using IPMBSA
Published in Electric Power Components and Systems, 2023
K. R. K. V. Prasad, Ravindra Kollu, Sharad Kumar Tiwari
To maintain the distribution feeder voltages within admissible range of industry standard, voltage regulators are extensively used. Maintaining better voltage profile of distribution systems will result in reduced losses, reduced energy costs and increased profits for utility companies. AVR can compensate for voltage drops in the system thereby help in improving the bus voltage profiles. AVR is an auto-transformer with tap changing arrangement.