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Ybus matrix
A YBUS matrix is a mathematical representation of a power system that is obtained through a computer algorithm. It identifies the transmission lines connected to each bus and calculates the mutual admittance between the bus and its directly connected neighbors. This matrix can be generated for power systems of any size.From: Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis [2018]
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In the DC approach, this Jacobian is approximated by the B′ (susceptance) matrix representing the imaginary part of the Ybus matrix. This expression is used to calculate the updated angles following a loss of any system component. With appropriate numerical techniques, it is straightforward to update only necessary elements of the equation. Once the angles are calculated, the power flows of all lines can be deducted. Hence, it is possible to check for line limit violation.
Fitness-distance balance based artificial ecosystem optimisation to solve transient stability constrained optimal power flow problem
where NG is the number of generator buses, and the L-index value of the jth bus is defined as Lj. YLL and YLG are computed from the system YBUS matrix.