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Synthesis of programmable biological central processing system
Published in Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 2021
Wei-Xian Li, Jiangfeng Cheng, Chun-Liang Lin, Chia-Feng Juang
A biological status register, or condition code register, is a collection of status flag bits for the Bio-CPU. The decision function indicates a specific condition that must be fulfilled when the bit of the status register is processed. The instruction address will then be JUMP with a specific instruction address. The condition is determined by referencing the Bio-ALU output state. One condition is that when the protein state in the Bio-ALU causes the Carry-output to be high, the system must have a CARRY status. Another condition is that when all output states in the Bio-ALU are at the low state, the system must have the condition of ZERO. We coordinate the enable commands and the biological registers to retain bit status, which can be utilized to trigger the opcodes of JUMPC, JUMPNC, JUMPZ, and JUMPNZ.