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Published in Wenquan Sui, Time-Domain Computer Analysis of Nonlinear Hybrid Systems, 2018
where L is the inductance of an inductor. Like the capacitor, inductance L is a constant value for a linear inductor and it becomes voltage dependent for a nonlinear inductor. Many circuits have certain external excitations, which are also called independent sources. Generally, there are two kinds of independent sources, current and voltage sources. For these sources, the output voltages or currents could be determined with some mathematical expressions or distributions at any given time. For an independent voltage source, its voltage is a function of time
Power System Fundamentals
Published in Stephen W. Fardo, Dale R. Patrick, Electrical Power Systems Technology, 2020
Stephen W. Fardo, Dale R. Patrick
An important consideration in relation to electrical circuits is maximum power transfer. Maximum power is transferred from a voltage source to a load when the load resistance (RL) is equal to the internal resistance of the source (RS). The source resistance limits the amount of power that can be applied to a load. Electrical sources and loads may be considered as diagrammed in Figure 2-8.
Line Harmonics Reduction in High-Power Systems
Published in L. Ashok Kumar, S. Albert Alexander, Computational Paradigm Techniques for Enhancing Electric Power Quality, 2018
L. Ashok Kumar, S. Albert Alexander
There are two types of voltage sources: those that use DC and those that use AC. One problem with this type of waveform is that only part of it is in the positive direction (above the x-axis) while the rest is in the negative direction (below that x-axis). The negative parts of the waveform work against the positive parts, making the overall power supply much less than what we might want.
Investigation of Thermoelectric Generator with Power Converter for Energy Harvesting Applications
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2022
Rakesh Thankakan, Edward Rajan Samuel Nadar
Since, thermocouple has a linear characteristic, it can be electrically modelled as a voltage source with a series resistor. The voltage source is the open-circuit voltage and the series resistor is the internal resistance . The is proportional to and , when the load current drawn is zero can be expressed as The electrical and thermal contact resistance between the ceramic plates and the thermo-element should be considered in the practical model of thermocouple. As a result, the temperature of the thermocouple reduces, which can be expressed as where = is the temperature difference between the hot and cold side of the thermocouple at the outside of the ceramic plates, and are the parasitic