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Product and service design
Published in Andrew Greasley, Absolute Essentials of Operations Management, 2019
Functional design entails ensuring that the design meets the performance characteristics that are specified in the product concept. Two aspects of functional design are reliability and maintainability. Reliability measures the probability that a product or service will perform its intended function for a specified period of time under normal conditions of use. Strategies for improving product or service reliability include simplified design (for example, fewer parts in a product), improving reliability in individual elements of the product or service and adopting backup product or service elements. Maintainability is the ability of the customer to maintain a product or the need for trained personnel to undertake maintenance or repair activities. Maintainability is connected to issues such as the cost of the product (it may be cheaper to throw away rather than to repair the product) and its reliability (high reliability will reduce the importance of maintainability). Maintainability can be improved by modular design to enable whole modules to be replaced rather than the lengthy investigation of faults. Maintenance schedules should also be specified to help prevent problems from occurring.
Reliability Measures and Indices for Amusement Park Rides
Published in Vonta Ilia, Ram Mangey, Reliability Engineering, 2019
Stavros Kioutsoukoustas, Alex Karagrigoriou, Ilia Vonta
Maintainability may be improved if one knows the components that appear to experience frequent failures and stores a few of the most common spare parts needed for their operation. Finally, one must be reminded that the operation of any machinery, not only that which involves children, should be operated according to the manufacturer’s manual and maintenance should be performed according to the manufacturer’s specifications. Such actions will ensure an improved maintainability and, consequently, a satisfactory reliability and availability.
Published in Michael Pecht, Handbook of Electronic Package Design, 2018
Michael D. Osterman, Michael Pecht
Maintainability refers to the ability to keep an existing level of system performance through preventive or corrective repairs. Due to the expense of labor, design for maintainability is based on a system cost versus repair cost basis. As a result, certain systems or units may be disposable while others are repairable. Thus, design for maintainability is generally reserved for high cost modular systems.
IABSE Survey of Implemented Decision-making Models used by Public and Private Owners/Operators of Road- and Railway Infrastructures
Published in Structural Engineering International, 2023
Alfred Strauss, André Orcesi, Andreas Lampropoulos, Bruno Briseghella, Dan M. Frangopol, Hélder S. Sousa, Joan Casas, José C. Matos, Kristian Schellenberg, Matias Valenzuela, Mitsuyoshi Akiyama, Poul Linneberg, Rade Hajdin, Thomas Moser
The evaluation of KPIs from PIs and mere observations is still a matter for earnest discussion. In addition, it seems that the KPIs from Ref. [15] are not completely orthogonal (certain properties participate in more than one KPI). In particular, Reliability and Availability seem to overlap. Furthermore, some KPIs are difficult to assess, at least at bridge level, notably the KPIs Health and Politics, but also Maintainability. Maintainability is the ease with which a product can be maintained in order to repair damage or its cause, to repair or replace faulty components without having to replace still working parts and to prevent unforeseen maintenance interventions. This can be understood as a design aspect, and it is covered within Economy. Security is the degree of protection against vandalism and may be covered within Maintainability. Protection against terrorism, which especially in the US belongs to security, is not considered in this approach. The KPI Health is the absence of non-failure causes of illness (e.g. the use of asbestos), which is in most cases regulated. The KPI Politics includes the elimination of causes of public outcry, image protection, etc., and is a downstream performance indicator, i.e. fulfilled if RASEE goals are met. Given the latter, the definitions of the RASEE KPIs are adopted to comply with the aforementioned TU1406 WG3 framework.
Maintainability analysis and comprehensive tradeoff of naval ships equipment based on PROMETHEE method
Published in Journal of Control and Decision, 2023
Shanshan Zheng, Guofeng Chen, Yaojun Zhang
Maintainability is one of the important quality characteristics of modern ship equipment. Maintainability is defined as the possibility that a defective component or system will be restored or repaired to a given condition within a specific period of time when maintenance is conducted in line with established procedures. The maintainability level ensures that the equipment not only has complete functions and performance when it leaves the factory, but also can ensure the stable and reliable performance of the equipment in the long-term service process. When the equipment is aging or faulty, it can also take economic and effective means to restore the equipment’s function. The maintainability of the equipment is mainly reflected in the required conditions and time to complete the maintenance, which can ensure the daily functional completeness and availability of the equipment and the success of the tasks in the use process.
A Method to Support Design for Serviceability in the Early Stages of New Product Development
Published in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2020
Otávio Gobbo Junior, Milton Borsato
As for the differentiation between serviceability and maintainability, Dhillon (1999) provides relevant definitions: Maintainability: it refers to the aspects of the product that improve serviceability and repairability, enabling the product to meet the projected requirements.Repairability: it is the probability of a defective product being repaired and returning to activity within a defined set time.Serviceability: it is the degree of difficulty or facility of a defective product being able to return to service.