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Non-Isolated Unidirectional Multistage DC-DC Power Converter Configurations
Published in Frede Blaabjerg, Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban, Non-Isolated DC-DC Converters for Renewable Energy Applications, 2021
Frede Blaabjerg, Mahajan Sagar Bhaskar, Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban
The power circuit of a hybrid-flyback-boost converter configuration is shown in Figure 3.21(d) [159]. A switching stage, flyback converter front-end structure and two C-filter stages are used to design this configuration. To reduce the voltage across the switch and to achieve a high-voltage conversion ratio, the output of the flyback and boost converter are connected in series. The power circuit of a boost converter configuration with an integrated transformer is shown in Figure 3.21(e) [160]. In this circuit, to avoid a high current ripple at the input side, the auxiliary circuit is designed by the capacitor and integrated transformer. The configuration is designed by connecting an auxiliary circuit with a boost converter. To achieve a high-voltage conversion ratio, the voltage doubler is used in the auxiliary circuit. The transformer and capacitor form a resonant tank, and thus a quasi-resonant mode is possible. A resonant tank, FES-BC, and C-filter stages are used to design this converter configuration.
Published in L. Ashok Kumar, S. Albert Alexander, Power Converters for Electric Vehicles, 2020
L. Ashok Kumar, S. Albert Alexander
The interleaved ZVS FB converter with a voltage doubler (Figure 1.72) further reduces the voltage stress and ripple current on the capacitive output filter, which reduces the cost too. Interleaving allows equal power and thermal loss distribution in each cell. The number of secondary diodes is reduced significantly by the voltage doubler rectifier at the output [34]. Among its operating modes, DCM (discontinuous conduction mode) and BCM (boundary conduction mode) are preferable.
Ultra-Low-Power Techniques in Small Autonomous Implants and Sensor Nodes
Published in Laurent A. Francis, Krzysztof Iniewski, Novel Advances in Microsystems Technologies and Their Applications, 2017
Benoit Gosselin, Sébastien Roy, Farhad Sheikh Hosseini
The WUR circuit architecture is depicted in Figure 23.12. The RF detector is a form of envelope detector, more specifically a zero-bias Schottky diode voltage doubler. Impedance matching is integrated into this component with lumped reactive elements in order to minimize the form factor. The said matching is optimized for a subset of the 2.4 GHz ISM band, with a worst-case return loss of −10 dB for the first 6 802.11 channels (out of 14).
Overview of High-Step-Up DC–DC Converters for Renewable Energy Sources
Published in IETE Technical Review, 2018
Subhransu Padhee, Umesh Chandra Pati, Kamalakanta Mahapatra
Current-fed, full-bridge isolated converter is usually used for step-up operation. To improve the efficiency and voltage conversion ratio, researchers have used voltage doubler configuration in the secondary side of the converter [66]. Apart from the classical voltage-fed and current-fed converter, half-bridge, three-level converter and full-bridge, three-level converters are widely used in PCU because of their lower voltage stress on switch, lower filter size, and improved dynamic response. Full-bridge, three-level, DC–DC converter and its improvised versions are widely used in wind-turbine-based distributed generation system [67,68]. Full-bridge, three-level, DC–DC converter includes two neutral-pint-clamped, three-level bridges. The centre tap of the two input capacitors provides neutral voltage for the converter. Each phase leg of the three-level converter has two pairs of switching devices in series. The centre of each device pair is clamped to the neutral through a clamping diode. Apart from single-phase three-level DC–DC converter, three-phase, three-level DC–DC converter is widely used for high-power, DC–DC conversion.
Interleaved soft switching resonant converter with a small input ripple current
Published in International Journal of Electronics, 2020
The voltage doubler circuit topology is used on the output side so that the average diode currents equal to one-half of load current and the diode voltage ratings equal output voltage.