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Quantum Networks
Published in Jonathan P. Dowling, Schrödinger’s Web, 2020
Motivated by the NPI white paper, a new document, prepared by the National Science and Technology Council, appeared in September of 2018. It is titled the “National Strategic Overview for Quantum Information Science.”38 This document greatly expanded upon the material in the NPI report, and it became the template for the National Quantum Initiative Act. The focus of the overview remained on quantum information science, as defined above. What was new is that it also contained a strong focus on education and training of the future quantum information workforce. Right now, there is a terrible shortage of young people trained in quantum technology – at a time when the job market for such persons is exploding at an exponential rate. The few who are trained in the area are often lured first into high-paying jobs in industry or start-up companies. Not just junior people, tenured professors are taking leave of their posts – and of their senses – and founding new start-up companies.
Quantum technology a tool for sequencing of the ratio DSS/DNA modifications for the development of new DNA-binding proteins
Published in Egyptian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 2022
Adamu Yunusa Ugya, Kamel Meguellati
Quantum technology is a new field of physics and engineering that is based on quantum physics principles. Quantum computing, quantum sensors, quantum cryptography, quantum simulation, quantum metrology, and quantum imaging are all examples of quantum technologies that use quantum mechanics properties, particularly quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, and quantum tunneling [85]. Any science concerned with systems that display noticeable quantum-mechanical effects, where waves have particle qualities and particles behave like waves, is referred to as quantum physics. Quantum mechanics has applications in both explaining natural events and developing technology that rely on quantum effects, such as integrated circuits and lasers [86]. Quantum mechanics is also crucial for understanding how covalent bonds connect individual atoms to form molecules. Quantum chemistry is the application of quantum mechanics to chemistry. Quantum mechanics may also demonstrate which molecules are energetically favorable to which others and the magnitudes of the energy involved in ionic and covalent bonding processes [86]. The algebraic determination of the hydrogen spectrum by [87] and the treatment of diatomic molecules by [88] were the earliest applications of quantum mechanics to physical systems. Modern technology operates on a scale where quantum effects are significant in many ways. Quantum chemistry, quantum optics, quantum computing, superconducting magnets, light-emitting diodes, the optical amplifier and laser, the transistor and semiconductors such as the microprocessor, and medical and research imaging such as magnetic resonance imaging and electron microscopy are all important applications of quantum theory. Many biological and physical phenomena, most notably the macromolecule DNA, have explanations based on the nature of chemical bonds. Multiple governments have established quantum technology exploration programs since 2010, including the UK National Quantum Technologies Programme [89], which created four quantum ‘hubs’, the Singapore Center for Quantum Technologies, and QuTech, a Dutch center to develop a topological quantum computer [90]. The European Union launched the Quantum Technology Flagship in 2016, a €1 billion, ten-year megaproject comparable to the European Future and Emerging Technologies Flagship initiatives. The National Quantum Initiative Act, passed in December 2018, allocates a $1 billion annual budget for quantum research in the United States. Large corporations have made multiple investments in quantum technology in the private sector. Google’s collaboration with the John Martinis group at UCSB, various relationships with D-wave Systems, a Canadian quantum computing business, and investment by many UK corporations in the UK quantum technologies initiative are just a few examples [91].