- 5-ht2a
- 5-HT2A receptor
- A-not-B error
- Ability
- Abiotic stress
- Abnormal thinking
- Abnormality
- Abreaction
- Absent-mindedness
- Absolute threshold
- Abulia
- Abusive supervision
- Acceptance
- Acceptance and commitment therapy
- Acedia
- Acrophobia
- Acting out
- Active listening
- Activity theory
- Actus reus
- Acute behavioural disturbance
- Acute psychosis
- Acute stress
- Acute stress disorder
- Acute stress reaction
- Adaptive behavior
- Adaptive Resonance Theory
- Addiction Severity Index
- Addiction vulnerability
- ADHD rating scale
- Adjective Check List
- Adjustment
- Adjustment disorder
- Adolescent depression
- Adolescent egocentrism
- Adult ADHD
- Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
- Adult attachment
- Adult development
- Adult neurogenesis
- Adverse childhood experiences
- Affect
- Affect consciousness
- Affect heuristic
- Affect labeling
- Affect measures
- Affect regulation
- Affection
- Affectional bond
- Affective disorders
- Affective neuroscience
- Affordance
- Aggression
- Aggression Replacement Training
- Agitated depression
- Agitation
- Agoraphobia
- Airspeed
- Akrasia
- Alcohol withdrawal
- Alcohol withdrawal delirium
- Alcohol withdrawal syndrome
- Alertness
- Alexithymia
- Alice in Wonderland syndrome
- Alienation
- Allocentrism
- Allostasis
- Alogia
- Altered mental state
- Altered states of consciousness
- Altman Self-Rating Mania Scale
- Altruism
- Altruistic behavior
- Ambient ionization
- Ambiguous loss
- Ambivalent attachment
- Ambulatory assessment
- Amotivation
- Amotivational syndrome
- Analytical psychology
- Anchor test
- Anchoring effect
- Anger
- Anger management
- Angst
- Anhedonia
- Animal models of depression
- Annoyance
- Anomie
- Anorexia
- Anorexia athletica
- Anorexia nervosa
- Anti-psychiatry
- Anti-social behavior
- Anticipation
- Anticipatory anxiety
- Anticipatory grief
- Antisocial behavior
- Antisocial personality disorder
- Anxiety
- Anxiety attacks
- Anxiety disorders
- Anxiety neurosis
- Anxiety sensitivity
- Apathy
- Aporia
- Apperception
- Applied behavior analysis
- Apprehension
- Approach-avoidance conflict
- Arbitrary inference
- Archetypes
- Army Alpha
- Assertive community treatment
- Association
- Associative learning
- Associative memory
- Atmospheric pressure photoionization
- Atmospheric-pressure chemical ionization
- Attachment disorder
- Attachment in adults
- Attachment in children
- Attachment insecurity
- Attachment parenting
- Attachment style
- Attachment theory
- Attention
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder predominantly inattentive
- Attention economy
- Attention Restoration Theory
- Attentional bias
- Attentional shift
- Attribution bias
- Atypical anorexia nervosa
- Atypical depression
- Auditory hallucinations
- Aura
- Auras
- Authoritarian personality
- Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
- Automatic behavior
- Automatic negative thoughts
- Automation bias
- Automatism
- Autonoetic consciousness
- Autonomy
- Autophony
- Autopoiesis
- Autotelic
- Availability cascade
- Availability heuristic
- Aversion
- Aversion therapy
- Aversives
- Avoidance
- Avoidance behavior
- Avoidance learning
- Avoidant attachment
- Avoidant personality disorder
- Avolition
- Awareness
- Awe
- Babbling
- Baby walkers
- Backward chaining
- Bad faith
- Bad habit
- Balance theory
- Barratt Impulsiveness Scale
- Barrier analysis
- Base rate fallacy
- Basic anxiety
- Battered child syndrome
- Battered woman
- Battlemind
- Beck Anxiety Inventory
- Beck Depression Inventory
- Behavior
- Behavior analyst
- Behavior change
- Behavior change techniques
- Behavior management
- Behavior modification
- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function
- Behavior therapy
- Behavioral activation
- Behavioral addiction
- Behavioral change
- Behavioral disorders
- Behavioral inhibition
- Behavioral modification
- Behavioral momentum
- Behavioral parent training
- Behavioral psychology
- Behavioral script
- Behavioral therapy
- Behavioral treatment
- Behaviorally anchored rating scales
- Behaviorism
- Behaviour therapy
- Behavioural change theories
- Behavioural design
- Behavioural synchrony
- Bereavement
- Bias blind spot
- Bicultural identity
- Big five model of personality
- Big Five personality traits
- Binaural fusion
- Binding problem
- Binge eating disorder
- Binge eating scale
- Biological motion perception
- Biological psychiatry
- Biology of depression
- Biophilia hypothesis
- Biosocial theory
- Bipolar depression
- Bipolar disorder
- Bipolar I disorder
- Bipolar II disorder
- Bipolar mania
- Bipolar Spectrum Diagnostic Scale
- Birth order
- Black sheep
- Block design test
- Blunted affect
- Bodily integrity
- Body dysmorphic disorder
- Body image disturbance
- Body psychotherapy
- Body-focused repetitive behavior
- Bodymind
- Bonding
- Boomerang effect
- Bottom-up approach
- Bounded rationality
- Brain training
- Brainwashing
- Breaking point
- Brief psychotherapy
- Brief psychotic disorder
- Brief therapy
- Broken heart
- Bulimia
- Bulimia nervosa
- Bullying
- Burning sensation
- Burnout
- Burnout syndrome
- Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire
- Butterflies in the stomach
- Bystander effect
- Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
- California Psychological Inventory
- Calmness
- Cannon-Bard theory
- Capgras delusion
- Capgras syndrome
- Captivity
- Career counseling
- Carelessness
- Castration anxiety
- Catastrophizing
- Catatonia
- Catatonic schizophrenia
- Catharsis
- Cathexis
- Causal attribution
- Causes of schizophrenia
- Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale
- Centration
- Certainty
- Change blindness
- Charles Bonnet syndrome
- Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
- Chemical ionization
- Chewing tobacco
- Child abduction
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
- Child behavior checklist
- Child development
- Child guidance
- Child psychology
- Childhood autism
- Childhood Autism Rating Scale
- Childhood depression
- Childhood disintegrative disorder
- Childhood maltreatment
- Childhood trauma
- Children's Depression Inventory
- Chinese Classification of Mental Disorders
- Choice
- Choice reaction time
- Chronic depression
- Chronic stress
- Chunking
- Cigar smoking
- Cigarette smoking
- Cingulotomy
- Circle of Friends
- Circumoral paresthesia
- Circumstantial speech
- Civility
- Clanging
- Classic autism
- Classical conditioning
- Classical test theory
- Classification
- Claustrophobia
- Client-centered therapy
- Climate psychology
- Clinical Associate
- Clinical formulation
- Clinical method
- Clinical neuropsychology
- Clinical psychology
- Clinician Administered PTSD Scale
- Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale
- Clouding of consciousness
- Cluster B personality disorder
- Cluster B personality disorders
- Co-rumination
- Coaching psychology
- Cocooning
- Codependency
- Coercion
- Cognistat
- Cognitive
- Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument
- Cognitive ability
- Cognitive Analytic Therapy
- Cognitive behavior therapy
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Cognitive bias modification
- Cognitive biases
- Cognitive complexity
- Cognitive control
- Cognitive deficit
- Cognitive development
- Cognitive dissonance
- Cognitive dissonance theory
- Cognitive distortion
- Cognitive ergonomics
- Cognitive flexibility
- Cognitive function
- Cognitive functioning
- Cognitive impairment
- Cognitive information processing
- Cognitive intervention
- Cognitive interventions
- Cognitive knowledge
- Cognitive load
- Cognitive load theory
- Cognitive neuropsychiatry
- Cognitive neuropsychology
- Cognitive performance
- Cognitive processes
- Cognitive Processing Therapy
- Cognitive psychologists
- Cognitive psychology
- Cognitive reappraisal
- Cognitive reframing
- Cognitive remediation therapy
- Cognitive resource
- Cognitive restructuring
- Cognitive revolution
- Cognitive shift
- Cognitive shifting
- Cognitive skills
- Cognitive strategy
- Cognitive style
- Cognitive tempo
- Cognitive tests
- Cognitive theory
- Cognitive therapy
- Cognitive triad
- Cognitivism
- Collaborative problem-solving
- Collaborative therapy
- Collective unconscious
- Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale
- Combat fatigue
- Combat stress reaction
- Comfort
- Comfort food
- Common ingroup identity
- Common-method variance
- Communication apprehension
- Community of practice
- Community psychology
- Compassion
- Compassion fatigue
- Compensation
- Competency evaluation
- Complex post-traumatic stress disorder
- Compliance gaining
- Compulsions
- Compulsive behavior
- Compulsive hoarding
- Compulsive personality disorder
- Computerized adaptive testing
- Conation
- Concept learning
- Concept mapping
- Condensation
- Conditioned emotional response
- Conditioned reflex
- Conditioned response
- Conditioned stimulus
- Conditioned taste aversion
- Conditioning
- Condolences
- Conduct disorder
- Conduct disorders
- Confabulation
- Confinement
- Confirmation bias
- Confusion
- Confusion Assessment Method
- Conjoint analysis
- Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale
- Conscience
- Conscientiousness
- Consent
- Conservation of resources theory
- Consideration of future consequences
- Consonant
- Conspicuous consumption
- Constructivism
- Content
- Contentment
- Context effect
- Contextual fear conditioning
- Contingency management
- Controlling behavior
- Conversion disorder
- Cooperation
- Cooperativeness
- Coordinated Specialty Care
- Coping mechanisms
- Coping planning
- Coping strategies
- Coping strategy
- Cotard delusion
- Cotard's syndrome
- Counseling
- Counseling psychology
- Counter transference
- Counterconditioning
- Counterfactual thinking
- Counterproductive work behavior
- Countertransference
- Couple therapy
- Courage
- Covert attention
- Creative process
- Creative thinking
- Creativity
- Creativity test
- Crime prevention
- Criminal profiling
- Crisis intervention
- Criterion-referenced tests
- Critical incident stress
- Critical incident stress management
- Critical Incident Technique
- Cronbach's alpha
- Cross cultural psychology
- Cross education
- Cross-cultural communication
- Cross-cultural psychiatry
- Crying
- Cultural bias
- Cultural differences
- Cultural identity
- Cultural mediation
- Cultural phenomenon
- Cultural psychiatry
- Cultural psychology
- Cultural values
- Culture bound syndromes
- Culture of fear
- Culture-bound syndromes
- Curiosity
- Cyberbullying
- Cyberchondria
- Cyclothymia
- Cyclothymic disorder
- D2
- D2 Test of Attention
- Da Costa's syndrome
- Death anxiety
- Death drive
- Debriefing
- Decatastrophizing
- Decathexis
- Deception
- Declarative knowledge
- Decompensation
- Default mode network
- Defence mechanisms
- Defense mechanisms
- Defensiveness
- Deferred imitation
- Dehumanization
- Deindividuation
- Delayed gratification
- Delayed grief
- Delinquency
- Delirium tremens
- Delusional disorder
- Delusional misidentification syndrome
- Delusional parasitosis
- Delusions
- Demand
- Demand characteristics
- Dementia praecox
- Denial
- Denver Developmental Screening Test
- Dependent personality disorder
- Depersonalization
- Depression
- Depression in childhood and adolescence
- Depressive anxiety
- Depressive disorder
- Depressive personality disorder
- Depressive realism
- Depth psychology
- Descriptive ethics
- Desire
- Desorption electrospray ionization
- Destabilization
- Developmental coordination disorder
- Developmental delay
- Developmental disabilities
- Developmental disability
- Developmental disorders
- Developmental milestones
- Developmental psychology
- Developmental psychopathology
- Developmental regression
- Developmental science
- Developmental stages
- Developmental theory
- Deviance
- Dhat syndrome
- Diabulimia
- Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
- Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies
- Diagnostic overshadowing
- Dialectical behavior therapy
- Dialogical self
- Diary studies
- Diathesis stress model
- Diathesis-stress model
- Dichotic listening
- Differential Ability Scales
- Differential Item Functioning
- Differential susceptibility
- Differential threshold
- Diffusion of responsibility
- Digital detox
- Dignity
- Diminished responsibility
- Diogenes syndrome
- Dipsomania
- Direct Analysis in Real Time
- Direct instruction
- Disaster psychiatry
- Discovery
- Discovery learning
- Discrimination testing
- Discriminative stimulus
- Disease model of addiction
- Disgust
- Dishabituation
- Disinhibition
- Disordered eating
- Disorders of consciousness
- Disorganized attachment
- Disorganized schizophrenia
- Disorientation
- Displaced aggression
- Displacement
- Display rules
- Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
- Dissociation
- Dissociative amnesia
- Dissociative disorder
- Dissociative disorders
- Dissociative Experiences Scale
- Dissociative fugue
- Distancing
- Distracted driving
- Distractibility
- Distress
- Distress tolerance
- Distributive justice
- Diurnal mood variation
- Divided consciousness
- Dodo bird verdict
- Domestic violence
- Dominant response
- Dopamine hypothesis
- Dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia
- Dopamine receptor D2
- Double Deficit
- Double depression
- Draw-a-person test
- Dream speech
- Dreaming
- Drive theory
- Driving phobia
- Dropping out
- Drug-induced psychosis
- Drunkorexia
- DSM-5
- Dual loyalty
- Dual process model of coping
- Dual process theory
- Dual-task paradigm
- Dualism
- Duality
- Dunning-Kruger effect
- Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy
- Dyscalculia
- Dysesthesia
- Dysfunctional impulsivity
- Dysphoria
- Dyspraxia
- Dysthymia
- Dysthymic disorder
- Early childhood
- Early childhood development
- Early childhood intervention
- Early childhood trauma
- Early psychosis
- Eating Attitudes Test
- Eating Disorder Diagnostic Scale
- Eating disorder examination interview
- Eating Disorder Inventory
- Echo chambers
- Eco-anxiety
- Ecological psychology
- Ecological theory
- Economic development
- Economic incentives
- Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
- Educational psychologist
- Educational psychology
- Educational research
- Ego depletion
- Ego integrity
- Ego-state therapy
- Egocentric bias
- Elaboration Likelihood Model
- Elder abuse
- Elective mutism
- Electra complex
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Electron ionization
- Electroshock
- Electrospray
- Electrospray ionization
- Electrospray mass spectrometry
- Elicitation technique
- Emerging adulthood
- Emotion perception
- Emotion recognition
- Emotion regulation
- Emotion work
- Emotion-focused therapy
- Emotional
- Emotional affair
- Emotional attachment
- Emotional competence
- Emotional conflict
- Emotional contagion
- Emotional detachment
- Emotional disorders
- Emotional distress
- Emotional disturbance
- Emotional dysregulation
- Emotional expression
- Emotional flooding
- Emotional intelligence
- Emotional intimacy
- Emotional lability
- Emotional labor
- Emotional literacy
- Emotional prosody
- Emotional reasoning
- Emotional responsivity
- Emotional safety
- Emotional security
- Emotional self-regulation
- Emotional stress
- Emotionality
- Emotionally Focused Therapy
- Empathic accuracy
- Empathy
- Empathy quotient
- Empathy-altruism
- Empty nest syndrome
- Enabling
- Enactivism
- Encounter
- Endogenous depression
- Endophenotype
- Endowment effect
- Environmental
- Environmental psychology
- Environmental sensitivity
- Equating
- Equipotentiality
- Erotomania
- Erotophobia
- Etiquette
- Euphoria
- Euphoriants
- Eustress
- Euthymia
- Everyday life
- Evidence-based assessment
- Evolutionary psychology
- Excitement
- Excoriation disorder
- Executive dysfunction
- Executive function
- Exhaustion disorder
- Exhibitionism
- Existential crisis
- Existential therapy
- Experience Sampling Method
- Experiential avoidance
- Experimental analysis of behavior
- Experimental psychology
- Explanatory style
- Exposure hierarchy
- Exposure therapy
- Expressive language disorder
- Expressive suppression
- Extraversion
- Extrinsic motivation
- Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing
- Eye tracking
- Eyewitness testimony
- Face inversion effect
- Facet
- Facial expressions
- Facial recognition
- Falling-out
- False Consensus Effect
- False memory
- False Memory Syndrome
- Familiarity
- Family resilience
- Family romance
- Family systems theory
- Family therapy
- Fast atom bombardment
- Fear
- Fear appeal
- Fear avoidance model
- Fear conditioning
- Fear of falling
- Fear of flying
- Fear of intimacy
- Fear of medical procedures
- Fear of needles
- Fear of negative evaluation
- Fear of the dark
- Fear-potentiated startle
- Feature integration theory
- Feighner Criteria
- Feminist psychology
- Feminist therapy
- Fetishes
- Fidgeting
- Field dependence
- Field desorption
- Fight or flight response
- Figure-Ground
- Filial therapy
- Filter bubble
- First 1000 days
- First generation antipsychotics
- First impression
- Five factor model
- Five stages of grief
- Flashbacks
- Flight zone
- Floor effect
- Flourishing
- Forensic psychiatry
- Forensic psychology
- Forensic psychotherapy
- Foresight
- Formication
- Framing bias
- Framing effect
- Free association
- Fregoli delusion
- Freudian slips
- Frotteurism
- Frustration
- Fun
- Functional analysis
- Functional behavior assessment
- Functional contextualism
- Functionalism
- Future orientation
- Gaze
- Gender dysphoria
- Gender identity
- Gender roles
- Gender socialization
- Gene environment interaction
- General Health Questionnaire
- General intelligence
- Generalized anxiety disorder
- Generation effect
- Generativity
- Genetics of aggression
- Genital stage
- Genogram
- Geriatric Depression Scale
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Gesell Developmental Schedules
- Gestalt psychology
- Gestalt therapy
- Gifts
- Global mental health
- Globus pharyngis
- Glossophobia
- Glow discharge
- Golem effect
- Grandiose delusion
- Grandiosity
- Gratitude
- Grief
- Grit
- Grounded theory
- Group cognition
- Group cohesion
- Groupthink
- Guilt
- Guttman scale
- Habit reversal training
- Habits
- Habituation
- Hallucinations
- Hallucinogens
- Hallucinosis
- Halo effect
- Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
- Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
- Happiness
- Hard problem of consciousness
- Hardiness
- Harm avoidance
- Hawthorne effect
- Health Action Process Approach
- Health behavior
- Health Belief Model
- Health psychology
- Healthy narcissism
- Heavy-headedness
- Hedonic adaptation
- Hedonic hunger
- Help-seeking
- Helplessness
- Heuristics
- Hick's law
- High-functioning autism
- High-stakes testing
- Higher consciousness
- Hikikomori
- Hindsight bias
- Historical trauma
- Histrionic personality disorder
- Hoarding
- Hoarding disorder
- Holmes and Rahe stress scale
- Homelessness and mental health
- Homesickness
- Homosexual panic
- Hope
- Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
- Hospitalism
- Hostility
- Human behavior
- Human cognition
- Human condition
- Human flourishing
- Human intellect
- Human intelligence
- Human welfare
- Humanistic psychology
- Hunger
- Hyperbolic discounting
- Hyperfocus
- Hyperkinesia
- Hyperkinetic
- Hyperkinetic disorder
- Hyperthymic temperament
- Hyperventilation syndrome
- Hypervigilance
- Hypnoid state
- Hypnopompic
- Hypoactivity
- Hypochondriasis
- Hypomania
- Hypomania Checklist
- Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- Hysteria
- ICD-10
- ICD-9
- Idea
- Ideas and delusions of reference
- Ideation
- Identification
- Identification with the Aggressor
- Identity crisis
- Identity development
- Identity disorder
- Identity formation
- Idiothetic
- Ikigai
- Illusion of control
- Illusion of transparency
- Illusory correlation
- Imaginary audience
- Imagination
- Imitation
- Impact bias
- Impact of Event Scale - Revised
- Implementation intention
- Implicit attitudes
- Implicit cognition
- Implicit-association test
- Implosive therapy
- Impostor syndrome
- Impression management
- Improving Access to Psychological Therapies
- Impulse control disorder
- Impulsiveness
- Impulsivity
- Inattentional blindness
- Incentivisation
- Inclusion
- Indecent exposure
- Indeterminacy
- Inequality
- Inferiority complex
- Infestation
- Information bias
- Information cascades
- Information processing
- Ingestive behaviors
- Inhibitory control
- Ink blot test
- Inner critic
- Insanity defense
- Insight-oriented psychotherapy
- Institutionalization
- Instructional design
- Instrumental conditioning
- Insults
- Intellectual and developmental disabilities
- Intellectual disability
- Intellectual impairment
- Intellectualization
- Intelligence
- Intelligence assessment
- Intelligence tests
- Intensive Interaction
- Intensive outpatient programs
- Intergroup bias
- Intergroup relations
- Intermetamorphosis
- Intermittent reinforcement
- Internal locus of control
- Internal working model of attachment
- Internalization
- Internalized racism
- International Affective Picture System
- International Classification of Diseases
- Internet addiction disorder
- Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy
- Interpersonal intelligence
- Interpersonal Neurobiology
- Interpersonal Psychotherapy
- Interpersonal Reactivity Index
- Interpersonal violence
- Interruptions
- Interstimulus interval
- Intimidation
- Intrinsic motivation
- Introjection
- Introspection
- Introversion
- Intrusive thoughts
- Intuition
- Invisible support
- Involuntary treatment
- Involutional melancholia
- Ion source
- Iowa gambling task
- IQ
- Irrationality
- Irritability
- Item analysis
- Item response theory
- James-Lange theory
- Jenkins activity survey
- John Henryism
- Joint attention
- Jumping to conclusions
- Just-world hypothesis
- K-hole
- Kama
- Karoshi
- Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia
- Kleptomania
- Knowledge of results
- Knowledge space
- Knowledge transfer
- Koro
- Kuder-Richardson formulas
- Language delay
- Latah
- Latency stage
- Latent inhibition
- Latent variables
- Laughter
- Learned helplessness
- Learned optimism
- Learning disability
- Learning theory
- Learning to learn
- Legal psychology
- Legitimate peripheral participation
- Liaison psychiatry
- Libido
- Lie detection
- Liebowitz social anxiety scale
- Life Events and Difficulties Schedule
- Life satisfaction
- Life-events and difficulties schedule
- Lifelong learning
- Lifestyle
- Lightheadedness
- Likert scale
- Likert type scale
- Listening
- Listlessness
- Lithium toxicity
- Locus of control
- Logotherapy
- Loneliness
- Looking-glass self
- Loss aversion
- Loss of consciousness
- Loud music
- Low frustration tolerance
- Lucid dreams
- Magical thinking
- Major Depression Inventory
- Major depressive disorder
- Major depressive episode
- Maladaptive behavior
- Maladjustment
- Malaise
- Malicious intent
- Malignant narcissism
- Malingering
- Maltreatment
- Mana
- Mand
- Mania
- Manipulation
- Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale
- Masked depression
- Masking
- Maslach Burnout Inventory
- Maslow's hierarchy of needs
- Masochism
- Mass communication
- Mass hysteria
- Matchbox sign
- Matching law
- Maternal deprivation
- Maturity
- Maximization
- McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities
- Meaning
- Meaning-making
- Media panic
- Medical neglect
- Medically unexplained symptoms
- Megalomania
- Melancholia
- Melancholic depression
- Memory biases
- Mental age
- Mental capacity
- Mental diseases
- Mental disorders
- Mental energy
- Mental events
- Mental health
- Mental health consumers
- Mental health first aid
- Mental health literacy
- Mental health nursing
- Mental health policy
- Mental health professionals
- Mental imagery
- Mental mapping
- Mental models
- Mental processes
- Mental representation
- Mental retardation
- Mental rotation
- Mental substance
- Mentalization
- Mentalization-based treatment
- Metacognition
- Metacognitions questionnaire
- Metacognitive therapy
- Method of Levels
- Microaggressions
- Migraine aura
- Migraine with aura
- Milieu therapy
- Mind at Large
- Mind wandering
- Mind-body dualism
- Mind-body problem
- Mindfulness
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
- Mindset
- Minimisation
- Minor depressive disorder
- Minority stress
- Mirror stage
- Mixed anxiety-depressive disorder
- Mixed episode
- Mode Deactivation Therapy
- Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers
- Modified Overt Aggression Scale
- Modularity
- Mokken scale
- Monomania
- Mood
- Mood Disorder Questionnaire
- Mood disorders
- Mood swings
- Moral disengagement
- Moral injury
- Moral reasoning
- Morale
- Morgellons
- Morita therapy
- Mortality salience
- Motivated behavior
- Motivated reasoning
- Motivating operations
- Motivation
- Motivational enhancement therapy
- Motivational interviewing
- Motivational therapy
- Mozart effect
- Multiple Drafts Model
- Multiple personality
- Multisystemic therapy
- Munchausen syndrome
- Muscle dysmorphia
- Musical hallucinations
- N-back
- Nail biting
- Narcissism
- Narcissistic injury
- Narcissistic personality disorder
- Narrative Exposure Therapy
- Narrative identity
- Narrative therapy
- Naturalistic observation
- Nature deficit disorder
- Nature versus nurture
- Near-death experiences
- Need for Cognition
- Negative affectivity
- Negative priming
- Negative therapeutic reaction
- Negativity bias
- Neglect
- Neophobia
- Nervousness
- Neural correlates of consciousness
- Neurasthenia
- Neurocognition
- Neurodiversity
- Neuroeconomics
- Neuroenhancement
- Neurophenomenology
- Neuropsychiatric
- Neuropsychoanalysis
- Neuropsychology
- Neurosis
- Neuroticism
- Neutral stimulus
- NF
- Nightmares
- Non associative learning
- Norm of reciprocity
- Norm-referenced test
- Normality
- Normative influence
- Nose picking
- Nosophobia
- Nostalgia
- Nous
- Novelty effect
- Novelty seeking
- Nudge theory
- Number sense
- Object permanence
- Object relations theory
- Objective tests
- Observational learning
- Obsession
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
- Obsessive-compulsive spectrum
- Obtundation
- Occupational stress
- Oceanic feeling
- Olfactory reference syndrome
- Omission bias
- Online counseling
- Online harassment
- Online participation
- Open Dialogue
- Operant behavior
- Operant conditioning
- Operant learning
- Opinion leaders
- Opponent-process theory
- Opportunism
- Optimism
- Optimism bias
- Oral stage
- Organizational commitment
- Organizational learning
- Organizational psychology
- Orthorexia nervosa
- Other specified feeding or eating disorder
- Other specified paraphilic disorder
- Outcome bias
- Outpatient treatment
- Outrage
- Overconfidence
- Paced auditory serial addition test
- Pain psychology
- Pair bonding
- Paired comparison
- Pairwise comparison
- Panic
- Panic and Agoraphobia Scale
- Panic attacks
- Panic disorder
- Panic Disorder Severity Scale
- Pansexuality
- Paradigm shift
- Paradoxical intention
- Paradoxical intervention
- Paranoia
- Paranoid personality disorder
- Paranoid schizophrenia
- Paraphilia
- Paraphilic disorder
- Paraphilic infantilism
- Parasocial interaction
- Parent management training
- Parent-child interaction therapy
- Parentification
- Paresthesia
- Parity of esteem
- Partial hospitalization
- Partialism
- Passive-aggressive personality disorder
- Paternal depression
- Pathological jealousy
- Pathological lying
- Pathos
- Patient Health Questionnaire
- Pattern recognition
- Pavlovian conditioning
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
- Peak experiences
- Pediatric Symptom Checklist
- Pedophilia
- Peer pressure
- Peer support
- Penis envy
- Perazine
- Perceived Stress Scale
- Perceptual development
- Perceptual narrowing
- Perfectionism
- Performance anxiety
- Perinatal bereavement
- Peripheral vertigo
- Persecutory delusion
- Perseveration
- Perseverative cognition
- Persistent vegetative state
- Person-centered therapy
- Person-centred planning
- Person-situation debate
- Persona
- Personal Construct Theory
- Personal distress
- Personal fable
- Personal identifier
- Personal life
- Personality
- Personality assessment
- Personality Assessment Inventory
- Personality changes
- Personality clashes
- Personality development
- Personality disorders
- Personality pathology
- Personality tests
- Personality traits
- Personnel selection
- Persuasive communication
- Phobias
- Phobic disorders
- Phonophobia
- PHQ-9
- Phronesis
- Physiological arousal
- Piblokto
- Pica
- Picture Superiority Effect
- Pincer grasp
- Play therapy
- Pluralistic ignorance
- Pointing
- Political bias
- Polygyny
- Polyvagal theory
- Popularity
- Positive affectivity
- Positive Behavior Support
- Positive illusions
- Positive mental attitude
- Positive psychology
- Positive psychotherapy
- Positivity effect
- Post-stroke depression
- Post-traumatic growth
- Postnatal depression
- Postpartum depression
- Postpartum psychosis
- Posttraumatic growth
- Posttraumatic stress disorder
- Postvention
- Pre-conception counseling
- Preconditioning
- Preconscious
- Predictive coding
- Preferential looking
- Present bias
- Presyncope
- Prevention of mental disorders
- Primary care behavioral health
- Primary consciousness
- Primary polydipsia
- Primary reinforcer
- Priming
- Priming effect
- Principal coordinate analysis
- Principle of least effort
- Prisoner's dilemma
- Private speech
- Problem formulation
- Problem solving
- Problem-focused coping
- Problematic social media use
- Procedural knowledge
- Processing fluency
- Processing speed
- Procrastination
- Prodrome
- Professional boundaries
- Profile of Mood States
- Progressive muscle relaxation
- Projective tests
- Prolonged exposure therapy
- Prolonged grief disorder
- Prosocial behavior
- Prosociality
- Protection Motivation Theory
- Prototype theory
- Proxemics
- Pseudobulbar affect
- Pseudodementia
- Psyche
- Psychedelia
- Psychedelic experiences
- Psychiatric assessment
- Psychiatric care
- Psychiatric diagnosis
- Psychiatric history
- Psychiatric intensive-care unit
- Psychiatric interview
- Psychic apparatus
- Psychic numbing
- Psychoanalysis
- Psychoanalytic infant observation
- Psychoanalytic theory
- Psychobiography
- Psychodynamic
- Psychodynamic psychotherapy
- Psychodynamic theory
- Psychogenic amnesia
- Psychogenic pain
- Psychogenic polydipsia
- Psychological abuse
- Psychological adaptation
- Psychological assessment
- Psychological development
- Psychological distance
- Psychological distress
- Psychological flexibility
- Psychological injury
- Psychological intervention
- Psychological mindedness
- Psychological pain
- Psychological refractory period
- Psychological research
- Psychological resilience
- Psychological stress
- Psychological testing
- Psychological violence
- Psychometric function
- Psychometrics
- Psychomotor agitation
- Psychomotor retardation
- Psychomotor vigilance task
- Psychonautics
- Psychopathology
- Psychopathy
- Psychophysics
- Psychophysiology
- Psychoses
- Psychosexual
- Psychosexual development
- Psychosexual disorders
- Psychosexual dysfunction
- Psychosis
- Psychosocial
- Psychosocial development
- Psychosocial distress
- Psychosomatic
- Psychosomatic disorder
- Psychosomatic medicine
- Psychotherapeutic approach
- Psychotherapy
- Psychotic break
- Psychotic depression
- Psychoticism
- Psychotraumatology
- Punding
- Purging
- Purging disorder
- Purity
- Pygmalion effect
- Pyromania
- Qualia
- Qualitative methodology
- Quality of life
- Queen bees
- Racing thoughts
- Radical behaviorism
- Rage
- Rape Trauma Syndrome
- Rasch model
- Rate of reinforcement
- Rating scale
- Rating scales for depression
- Rationalization
- Raven's Progressive Matrices
- Reaction formation
- Reaction time
- Reactive attachment disorder
- Read
- Reading
- Realistic Conflict Theory
- Reality principle
- Reality therapy
- Recall bias
- Recall test
- Recency effect
- Reciprocal determinism
- Reciprocity
- Recklessness
- Reconciliation
- Recovery model
- Reductionism
- Reduplicative paramnesia
- Reflective listening
- Regression
- Regret
- Rehabilitation counseling
- Rehabilitation psychology
- Reinforcement
- Reinforcers
- Relational aggression
- Relationship education
- Relaxation
- Relaxation training
- Release modulator
- Reliability
- Religiosity
- Religious beliefs
- REM sleep
- Reminiscence bump
- Reminiscence therapy
- Remorse
- Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status
- Repetition priming
- Repressed memory
- Repression
- Reproductive loss
- Reputation management
- Research Diagnostic Criteria
- Research Domain Criteria
- Residual schizophrenia
- Resocialization
- Respect
- Response inhibition
- Restlessness
- Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
- Right to die
- Rod and Frame Test
- Role model
- Role-playing
- Rorschach test
- Rosenberg self-esteem scale
- Rough-and-tumble play
- Roughness
- rTMS
- Rumination
- Rumination syndrome
- S100A10
- Sadness
- Safety behaviors
- Salience
- Salutogenesis
- Schema therapy
- Schizoaffective disorder
- Schizoid personality disorder
- Schizophrenia
- Schizophreniform disorder
- Schizotypal personality disorder
- Schizotypy
- School psychology
- School refusal
- Scientist-Practitioner Model
- SCOFF questionnaire
- Screen time
- Scrupulosity
- Seasonal affective disorder
- Seclusion
- Secondary trauma
- Secure attachment
- Selective auditory attention
- Selective mutism
- Self model
- Self poisoning
- Self psychology
- Self report
- Self-actualization
- Self-advocacy
- Self-affirmation
- Self-Assessment Manikin
- Self-concealment
- Self-concept
- Self-consciousness
- Self-control
- Self-deception
- Self-destructive behavior
- Self-determination
- Self-determination theory
- Self-directedness
- Self-disclosure
- Self-discovery
- Self-disorder
- Self-efficacy
- Self-enhancement
- Self-esteem
- Self-fulfilling prophecy
- Self-fulfillment
- Self-governance
- Self-harm
- Self-identity
- Self-image
- Self-injurious behavior
- Self-interest
- Self-medication
- Self-monitoring
- Self-neglect
- Self-ownership
- Self-reflection
- Self-regulated learning
- Self-regulation
- Self-schema
- Self-serving bias
- Self-transcendence
- Self-verification theory
- Selfhood
- Selfies
- Semantic differential
- Semantic differential scale
- Semantic priming
- Sensation Seeking Scale
- Sense of agency
- Sense of community
- Sense of direction
- Sense of impending doom
- Sensibility
- Sensitivity training
- Sensitization
- Sensory deprivation
- Sensory overload
- Sensory threshold
- Sentience
- Separation anxiety
- Separation anxiety disorder
- Seriousness
- Severe mental illness
- Sex addiction
- Sex life
- Sexual addiction
- Sexual exploration
- Sexual jealousy
- Sexual masochism
- Sexual obsessions
- Sexual sadism
- Sexuality
- Shadow
- Shared psychotic disorder
- Shell shock
- Shock therapy
- Shyness
- Sibling abuse
- Sibling rivalry
- Signal detection theory
- Similarity
- Situated cognition
- Situation awareness
- Situational Judgement Test
- Sluggish schizophrenia
- Snarl
- Snoezelen
- Social anxiety
- Social anxiety disorder
- Social cognition
- Social Cognition and Interaction Training
- Social cognitive theory
- Social cohesion
- Social competence
- Social concept
- Social connectedness
- Social construction
- Social constructivism
- Social contagion
- Social control
- Social desirability bias
- Social determinants of mental health
- Social disruption
- Social dominance
- Social emotional development
- Social emotions
- Social environment
- Social influence
- Social information processing
- Social innovation
- Social intelligence
- Social Interaction Anxiety Scale
- Social isolation
- Social learning theory
- Social marketing
- Social norms
- Social perception
- Social phobia
- Social Phobia Inventory
- Social preferences
- Social psychiatry
- Social Readjustment Rating Scale
- Social representations
- Social skills
- Social stereotype
- Social Stories
- Social stress
- Social support
- Social withdrawal
- Socialization
- Sociocultural context
- Sociotropy
- Socratic method
- Socratic questioning
- Solution-focused brief therapy
- Somatic anxiety
- Somatic marker hypothesis
- Somatic symptom disorder
- Somatization
- Somatization disorder
- Somatoform disorder
- Somatoparaphrenia
- Somatosensory amplification
- Somnolence
- Sorrow
- Soteria
- Spacing effect
- Spatial ability
- Spatial cognition
- Specific phobia
- Spectrum disorder
- Speech repetition
- Spiritual crisis
- Splitting
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
- Stanine
- Staring
- State dependent learning
- State dependent memory
- Stereotype threat
- Stereotyping
- Stiff upper lip
- Stimming
- Stimulus generalization
- Stimulus onset asynchrony
- Stimulus-response compatibility
- Stockholm Syndrome
- Strange Situation
- Stranger anxiety
- Strategic Family Therapy
- Stream of consciousness
- Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire
- Stress in early childhood
- Stress management
- Stress related disorders
- Stressors
- Stroop effect
- Stroop task
- Stroop test
- Structural family therapy
- Structured Clinical Interview for DSM
- structured clinical interview for DSM-IV
- Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology
- Student engagement
- Study 329
- Stupor
- Subitizing
- Subjective character of experience
- Subjective units of distress scale
- Subjective well-being
- Subjectivity
- Substance-induced psychosis
- Subvocalization
- Suicidal behavior
- Suicidal ideation
- Suicidality
- Suicide
- Suicide attempt
- Suicide intervention
- Suicide prevention
- Suicide survivor
- Suicide watch
- Summative assessment
- Superego
- Superficial charm
- Supervisory attentional system
- Support group
- Supported employment
- Supportive psychotherapy
- Surgency
- Surrogation
- Survey methodology
- Survivor guilt
- Sustained attention
- Susto
- Symbolic behavior
- Symptom Checklist 90
- Syncope
- Syndromic autism
- System justification
- Systematic desensitization
- Systemic therapy
- Tacit knowledge
- Tactile hallucination
- Talking cure
- Tantrums
- Task analysis
- Taste aversion
- Teasing
- Telephone counseling
- Telepsychiatry
- Temperament
- Temperament and Character Inventory
- Terror
- Terror management theory
- Test anxiety
- Test of Variables of Attention
- Test score
- Texas Medication Algorithm Project
- The Seed
- The Symbolic
- Thematic coherence
- Theory of mind
- Theory of planned behavior
- Theory of reasoned action
- Therapeutic alliance
- Therapeutic assessment
- Therapeutic relationship
- Thetan
- Thought disorder
- Thought insertion
- Thought stopping
- Thought withdrawal
- Thousand-yard stare
- Threat assessment
- Threats
- Three-term contingency
- Thriving
- Thumb sucking
- Tic disorder
- Tickling
- Tics
- Time perception
- Tinnitus retraining therapy
- Tip of the tongue
- Tipping point
- Token economy
- Tonal memory
- Toronto Alexithymia Scale
- Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking
- Trait anxiety
- Transfer of learning
- Transfer of training
- Transfer-appropriate processing
- Transference
- Transference focused psychotherapy
- Transinstitutionalisation
- Transphobia
- Transtheoretical model
- Transvestic fetishism
- Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy
- Trauma risk management
- Trauma Screening Questionnaire
- Trauma-informed care
- Traumatic
- Traumatic bonding
- Traumatic event
- Traumatic grief
- Traumatic stress
- Treatment-resistant depression
- treatments for PTSD
- Trichophagia
- Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire
- Trier social stress test
- Trust
- Tuberous sclerosis
- Twice Exceptional
- Two-alternative forced choice
- Type D personality
- Typical antipsychotics
- Typology
- UCLA Loneliness Scale
- Ultimatum game
- Uncanny Valley
- Uncertainty
- Uncertainty avoidance
- Unconditional positive regard
- Unconditioned stimulus
- Unconscious
- Unconsciousness
- Understanding
- Undue influence
- Unspecified feeding or eating disorder
- Utilitarianism
- Validity
- Validity scale
- Values in Action Inventory of Strengths
- Vapors
- Vedanta
- Vegetative state
- Verbal abuse
- Verbal fluency test
- Vertigo
- Vicarious traumatization
- Victim blaming
- Video modeling
- Video self-modeling
- Vigilance
- Vignette
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale
- Vineland Social Maturity Scale
- Violence
- Visual analogue scale
- Visual attention
- Visual hallucinations
- Visual reasoning
- Visual schedules
- Visual short-term memory
- Visuospatial function
- Vivid dream
- Vocabulary development
- Volition
- Voluntary action
- Voodoo death
- Wakefulness
- Warning signs of suicide
- Wave
- Waxy flexibility
- Weber-Fechner law
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
- Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
- Wellness Recovery Action Plan
- Whole Language
- Wicked problems
- Wilderness therapy
- Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
- Wisdom of the Crowd
- Wonder
- Woodcock Johnson
- Workaholism
- Workplace aggression
- Workplace bullying
- World Mental Health Day
- Worry
- Writing therapy
- Yale Food Addiction Scale
- Yale Global Tic Severity Scale
- Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
- Yerkes-Dodson law
- Young Mania Rating Scale
- Zone of proximal development
- Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale
- Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale