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Group Intervention to Treat Fear of Childbirth with Psycho-Education and Relaxation Exercises
Published in Mary Nolan, Shona Gore, Contemporary Issues in Perinatal Education, 2023
Riikka Airo, Terhi Saisto, Hanna Rouhe
Session 5. The topic is the psychological process of transition to motherhood and life after childbirth. Participants are asked to bring something they have acquired for their infant and talk about it. Psycho-educative information about the importance of early interaction and attachment is presented and discussed. Ways to promote secure attachment and bonding with the infant are highlighted. Prevention, signs, and treatment of postnatal depression are introduced.
Understanding why you feel as you do
Published in Chris Williams, Roch Cantwell, Karen Robertson, Overcoming Postnatal Depression, 2020
Chris Williams, Roch Cantwell, Karen Robertson
Helpful behaviours include doing things such as: Talking to friends or family for support, and yet being firm about when you need to sort things out yourself without other people taking over.Recognising the times when you have been too hard on yourself.Reading or using self-help materials or attending a self-help group to find out more about the causes and treatment of postnatal depression.Going to see a doctor or healthcare practitioner to discuss whether you need extra help.Finding activities or meeting people – things that you can do with your baby. Preferably think of things that give you pleasure, or a feeling of achievement or closeness to other people.If you have a personal spiritual faith, your beliefs may provide helpful support.
Knowledge Area 9: Postpartum Problems
Published in Rekha Wuntakal, Ziena Abdullah, Tony Hollingworth, Get Through MRCOG Part 1, 2020
Rekha Wuntakal, Ziena Abdullah, Tony Hollingworth
This patient has mild postnatal depression. Postnatal depression affects 10–15 in every 100 women. There is a gradual onset of symptoms in the first 2 weeks after birth, and then they peak at 2–4 weeks and 10–14 weeks after birth. As this patient has mild depression, she should be referred to local psychology services. The services will give her reading plus online material that she can read, based on a cognitive behavioural model. It is a 9–12-week course with 8 face-to-face or telephone conversations.
Psychological Distress Prospectively Predicts Later Sleep Quality in a Sample of Black American Postpartum Mothers
Published in Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 2022
Madeleine F. Cohen, Elizabeth J. Corwin, Anne L. Dunlop, Patricia A. Brennan
Postnatal depressive symptoms were assessed using summary scores from the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) (Cox et al., 1987). Mothers were asked to decide whether statements referencing low mood and anhedonia described them in the past week. One item on the EPDS directly references sleep and fatigue (“I have been so unhappy that I have had difficulty sleeping.”) and was thus removed from all subsequent analyses, resulting in a total of nine EPDS items. Scores on the EPDS range from zero to 30; scores greater than or equal to ten suggest clinically significant depressive symptoms in Black American perinatal women (Tandon et al., 2012). In the current study sample, internal consistency for the 9-item scale was good: Cronbach’s α = 0.86 (3-months postpartum), 0.87 (6-months postpartum).
Developments in the discovery and design of intranasal antidepressants
Published in Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 2020
Małgorzata Panek, Paweł Kawalec, Andrzej Pilc, Władysław Lasoń
Oxytocin is an important hormone that is known to have a good impact on maternal behavior. Therefore, the effect of its administration to mothers with postnatal depression was examined in several clinical trials. No positive effect of oxytocin (administered using nasal spray devise) on the mood of mothers was revealed in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, clinical trial with a within-subjects design conducted in 2011. The trial enrolled 25 mothers with postnatal depression with infants aged less than 1 year. Mothers received intranasal oxytocin (24 IU) alternating with placebo at intervals of about 1 week, in a random order. They did not report a better mood when taking oxytocin, but a more positive quality of the mother–baby relationship was observed [58]. Afterward, the same group of researchers conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with a within-subjects design to examine the effects of intranasal oxytocin versus placebo administration on sensitive caregiving in patients with postnatal depression. A total of 25 mothers received a single dose of oxytocin (24 IU) alternating with placebo nasal spray, approximately 1 week apart. The results showed that after oxytocin administration, mothers rated a newborn’s cry as more acute and they more likely chose harsh caregiving methods than in the placebo group. Additionally, no effect of oxytocin on maternal sensitivity was observed. The safety profile of oxytocin was not evaluated in this study [59].
Perinatal Maternal Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms and Child Executive Function and Attention at Two-years of Age
Published in Developmental Neuropsychology, 2020
Kharah M. Ross, Nicole Letourneau, Emma Climie, Gerald Giesbrecht, Deborah Dewey
In contrast, higher maternal postnatal depressive symptoms were associated with poorer attention, independent of prenatal depressive symptoms and anxiety, consistent with the interpersonal model of stress transmission, whereby greater depressive symptomatology in the postnatal period could disrupt mother-child relationships (Hammen et al., 2004). There is a large body of research documenting the pernicious effects of postnatal depression and depressive symptoms on parenting and mother-child interactions (Lonstein, Levy, & Fleming, 2015). Stressful parent-child interactions are also an evolutionary danger cue, representing possible threats to the safety and survival of the offspring, and which could affect early childhood brain development and ability to sustain attention (Wang & Dix, 2017) in a manner that would promote attention switching and sensitivity to environmental danger cues. It is also possible that poorer attention could be learned, with depressed mothers initiating and terminating attention toward objects during play more than mothers who are not depressed (Breznitz & Friedman, 1988). Interventions that focus on reducing postnatal maternal depressive symptoms or that bolster postnatal mother-child relationship quality could have beneficial implications for early childhood attention.