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Psychological Disorders
Published in Mohamed Ahmed Abd El-Hay, Understanding Psychology for Medicine and Nursing, 2019
Treatment of conduct disorder involves individual and parent management training. Some children may need to be removed from the home and placed in foster care. Medication is used only to treat a comorbid ADHD or mood disorder but not the conduct disorder itself. The long-term outcome depends on the severity of the disorder and the degree and type of comorbidity. Of children with conduct disorder, 25–40 percent go on to have adult antisocial personality disorder.
Reinforce the Positive
Published in Scott A. Simpson, Anna K. McDowell, The Clinical Interview, 2019
Scott A. Simpson, Anna K. McDowell
Positive reinforcement is powerfully motivating for changing behaviors. Even when punishment is an option, it is far less effective than positive reinforcement for changing behaviors. For example, parent management training (PMT) is a behavioral therapy designed to help parents manage problematic behaviors in children.1 Parents have the ability to both reward and punish, but PMT focuses on the need for continued positive reinforcement rather than punishment.
Oppositional defiant behaviour
Published in MS Thambirajah, Case Studies in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2018
Research into treatment of behaviour and conduct problems in children is unanimous in advocating parent training as the most effective form of intervention. The evidence base for parent management training (PMT) is substantial, with established long-term benefits. Individual treatment methods such as counselling and other forms of individual therapy have been shown to be singularly unhelpful in externalising disorders such as ODD and CD (Fonagy et al., 2002). Available evidence favours parent training groups based on empirically validated models as the main form of intervention. PMT is based on principles of social learning theory and teaches parents new ways to manage the child. Most PMT programmes share several common or core elements:
Delivery of cystic fibrosis psychosocial care across developmental stages
Published in Children's Health Care, 2023
Courtney Lynn, Emma Lyons, Emily Muther
Intervention. Psychosocial intervention during the toddler and school-age years can be varied and are largely dependent on the concerns or risks identified during assessments. Intervention during the toddler years can take on many forms depending on the setting in which the intervention is being provided. Additionally, collaboration with other disciplines is essential given that several of the common presenting concerns involve the expertise of different disciplines. Common areas of intervention during the toddler years include compliance with vest treatments, pill swallowing, procedural distress related to blood draws and sputum collection, and behavioral difficulties surrounding mealtime. Additionally, school-age children may need school accommodations due to disruptions as a result of CF as well as intervention for feeling “different” from friends or siblings without CF or mood and behavioral concerns that impact the management of CF. During these stages, behavior modification techniques and parent management training are most commonly utilized to promote adherence to treatment recommendations, establish effective routines, and encourage consistent expectations.
Adapting and Implementing the “Helping Our Toddlers, Developing Our Children’s Skills (HOT DOCS)” Parent Training Program in an Australian Context: A Feasibility Study
Published in Evidence-Based Practice in Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 2021
Sally Dunlop, Eva Kimonis, Heather Agazzi
A key barrier to accessing mental health services is the documented research-to-practice lag in the dissemination and implementation of empirically-supported programs in the community (Herschell et al., 2004; Kohl et al., 2009). Parent management training (PMT) is one of the most rigorously studied interventions for reducing externalizing behaviors, with strong empirical support (Comer et al., 2013; Kaminski & Claussen, 2017; Kazdin, 2008; Ponzetti, 2016), yet research into its dissemination is still in its relative infancy, particularly where this involves cross-national application (Baumann, Kohl et al., 2015). The aim of the current study is to document the process used to adapt and implement an empirically-supported PMT program developed in the United States (US) for use in an Australian context, and to provide a test of the feasibility and initial efficacy of the adapted program in this new context.
Review of the clinical approach to the treatment of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Published in International Review of Psychiatry, 2020
Brian Hendrickson, Mahlet Girma, Leslie Miller
Dialectical Behaviour Therapy for Adolescents is an empirically validated intervention designed to treat emotion dysregulation, suicidal thoughts and behaviours and non-suicidal self-injury (Melhum et al., 2014; Rathus & Miller, 2002). DBT incorporates mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness components. DBT was adapted for preadolescent children (DBT-C) and utilized in a pilot study to determine the preliminary efficacy and feasibility of DBT-C for youth with DMDD. Forty-three children aged 7–12 years old were assigned to receive DBT-C or treatment as usual (TAU) for 32 weeks. DBT-C consisted of weekly 90-min sessions, and included individual psychotherapy, parent management training (PMT), joint parent–child components and telephone coaching (Perepletchikova et al., 2017). TAU consisted of individual psychotherapy; treatment approach, session duration and frequency were determined by each clinician. The rate of positive response on the CGI-I was significantly higher in the DBT-C group (90.4%) compared to TAU (45.5%) at post-treatment and 3-month follow-up. Participants in DBT-C also reached a significantly higher level of functioning on the CGAS and had greater decreases in CGI-S scores compared to the TAU group at 32 weeks and 3-month follow-up. Parent/child acceptability and satisfaction were significantly higher in DBT-C compared with TAU. Outcomes show preliminary efficacy and feasibility of DBT-C (Perepletchikova et al., 2017).