- 5-HT receptor
- 5-HT1 receptor
- 5-HT1A receptor
- 5-HT1D receptor
- 5-HT1F receptor
- 5-HT2B receptor
- 5-HT2C receptor
- 5-ht6
- 5-HT6 receptor
- 5-HT7 receptor
- Abasia
- ABCD Study
- Abdominal migraine
- Abnormal posture
- Abnormal posturing
- Absence
- Absence seizures
- Acquired brain injury
- Acrania
- Acute cerebellar ataxia
- Acute confusion
- Acute flaccid myelitis
- Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy
- Acute motor axonal neuropathy
- Acute necrotizing encephalopathy
- Acute tryptophan depletion
- Adaptive memory
- Adenosine monophosphate
- Adenosinergic
- Adequate stimulus
- Adie syndrome
- Adrenoleukodystrophy
- Afferent
- Afferent neurons
- African meningitis belt
- Age-related memory loss
- Agenesis of the corpus callosum
- Agnosia
- Agrammatism
- Agraphia
- Agrin
- Agyria
- Aicardi Goutieres Syndrome
- Aicardi syndrome
- Akathisia
- Akinetic mutism
- Alcohol-related dementia
- Alcoholic neuropathy
- Alcoholic polyneuropathy
- Alexander disease
- Alexia
- Alexia without agraphia
- Alien hand syndrome
- All-or-none law
- Allergic encephalomyelitis
- Allocortex
- Allodynia
- Allostatic load
- Alpha rhythm
- Alpha waves
- Altered level of consciousness
- Alveus
- Alzheimer's disease
- Ambidexterity
- Amnesia
- Amnestic disorder
- AMPA receptors
- Amplitude integrated electroencephalography
- Amusia
- Amygdalohippocampal area
- Amygdalohippocampectomy
- Amygdalotomy
- Amyloid beta
- Amyloid beta protein
- Amyloid beta-protein
- Amyloid precursor protein
- Anencephalus
- Anencephaly
- Angelman syndrome
- Animal models of epilepsy
- Animal models of Parkinson's disease
- Animal models of stroke
- Anomia
- Anomic aphasia
- Anosodiaphoria
- Anosognosia
- Antalgic gait
- Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion
- Anterior cingulate
- Anterior cingulate cortex
- Anterior corticospinal tract
- Anterior funiculus
- Anterior horn cell disease
- Anterior lobe
- Anterior perforated substance
- Anterior spinal artery syndrome
- Anterior temporal lobectomy
- Anterograde
- Anterograde amnesia
- Anterolateral system
- Anteroventral periventricular nucleus
- Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis
- Antidromic
- Antiparkinson
- Antiparkinsonian
- Anton syndrome
- Apamin
- APH-1
- Aphasia
- Apraxia
- Apraxia of speech
- Aprosodia
- Aqueductal stenosis
- Arachnoiditis
- Arcuate fasciculus
- Arnold Chiari Malformation
- Arnold-Chiari malformation
- Artery of Percheron
- Articulatory suppression
- Artificial cerebrospinal fluid
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial neural networks
- Aseptic meningitis
- Asomatognosia
- Asperger syndrome
- Association fibers
- Associative agnosia
- Astasis
- Astereognosis
- Asterixis
- Asthenia
- Astrocytosis
- Astrogliosis
- Ataxia
- Ataxia telangiectasia
- Ataxic
- Ataxic cerebral palsy
- Ataxic gait
- Athetoid
- Athetoid cerebral palsy
- Athetosis
- Attentional control
- Atypical facial pain
- Atypical trigeminal neuralgia
- Auditory agnosia
- Auditory evoked potential
- Auditory learning
- Auditory memory
- Auditory processing disorder
- Auditory stimuli
- Autism
- Autism spectrum
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Autobiographical memory
- Automatisms
- Autonomic dysreflexia
- Autonomic ganglia
- Autonomic neuropathy
- Autoscopy
- Autosomal dominant nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy
- Autosomal recessive spastic ataxia of Charlevoix-Saguenay
- Autotopagnosia
- Awake craniotomy
- Axillary nerve palsy
- Axon guidance
- Axonotmesis
- Axoplasmic transport
- Axotomy
- Bacterial meningitis
- Balance disorders
- Balint syndrome
- Balo's concentric sclerosis
- Barnes maze
- Basal forebrain
- Basal ganglia disease
- Basilar invagination
- Basket cells
- Batten disease
- Becker muscular dystrophy
- Becker's muscular dystrophy
- Beevor's sign
- Behavioral neurology
- Bell-Magendie law
- Bender Gestalt Test
- Benedikt syndrome
- Benedikt's syndrome
- Benign early repolarization
- Benign fasciculation syndrome
- Benton Visual Retention Test
- Berg Balance Scale
- Beta amyloid
- Beta secretase
- Beta secretase 1
- Beta-secretase
- Beta-secretase 1
- Betz cells
- Bifrontal craniotomy
- Bilingualism
- Bing-Neel syndrome
- Binocular neurons
- Binswanger disease
- Binswanger's disease
- Bioamplifier
- Biological motion
- Bipolar cells
- Bipolar neuron
- Blackouts
- Blepharospasm
- Blindsight
- Blood brain barrier
- Blood-brain barrier
- Blood-spinal cord barrier
- Bombesin-like peptides
- Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination
- Boston Naming Test
- Braak staging
- Brachial plexus injury
- Bradyphrenia
- Brain abscess
- Brain age
- Brain aneurysm
- Brain asymmetry
- Brain atlas
- Brain biopsy
- Brain blood flow
- Brain chemistry
- Brain damage
- Brain diseases
- Brain disorders
- Brain dysfunction
- Brain healing
- Brain hemorrhage
- Brain hypoxia
- Brain infarction
- Brain infection
- Brain injuries
- Brain injury
- Brain lesion
- Brain lesions
- Brain mapping
- Brain morphometry
- Brain plasticity
- Brain simulation
- Brain size
- Brain slices
- Brain stimulation
- Brain surgery
- Brain ventricle
- Brain waves
- Breakthrough pain
- Bromism
- Brown-Séquard syndrome
- Brown-Sequard syndrome
- Brown-Vialetto-Van Laere syndrome
- Brown–Vialetto–Van Laere syndrome
- Brudzinski's sign
- Bulbar palsy
- Burst lobe
- CA1
- CA3
- Cable theory
- CAG repeats
- Calcitonin gene-related peptide
- Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
- Canavan disease
- Carotid artery disease
- Carotid artery stenosis
- Carotid atherosclerosis
- Carotid cavernous fistula
- Carotid endarterectomy
- Carotid sinus nerve
- Carotid-cavernous fistula
- Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Catalepsy
- Catamenial epilepsy
- Catecholaminergic
- Cauda equina syndrome
- Caudate nucleus
- Cavum septi pellucidi
- Cavum septum pellucidum
- CD10
- Cebocephaly
- Celiac ganglia
- Celiac ganglion
- Central cord syndrome
- Central executive network
- Central lateral nucleus
- Central melanocortin system
- Central nervous system
- Central nervous system depression
- Central nervous system disease
- Central nervous system fatigue
- Central nervous system infection
- Central nervous system infections
- Central nervous system tumor
- Central pain syndrome
- Central pattern generators
- Central pontine myelinolysis
- Centromedian nucleus
- Centronuclear myopathy
- Centrum semiovale
- Cerebellar
- Cerebellar ataxia
- Cerebellar cognitive affective syndrome
- Cerebellar cortex
- Cerebellar hemisphere
- Cerebellar hypoplasia
- Cerebellar peduncle
- Cerebellar tonsils
- Cerebellar vermis
- Cerebellopontine angle
- Cerebellum granule cell
- Cerebral aqueduct
- Cerebral atherosclerosis
- Cerebral blood flow
- Cerebral circulation
- Cerebral contusion
- Cerebral cortex
- Cerebral folate deficiency
- Cerebral hemisphere
- Cerebral hemispheres
- Cerebral hemorrhage
- Cerebral hyperperfusion syndrome
- Cerebral hypoxia
- Cerebral infarction
- Cerebral palsy
- Cerebral softening
- Cerebral vasculitis
- Cerebral vasospasm
- Cerebral ventricles
- Cerebritis
- Cerebrospinal fluid
- Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
- Cerebrospinal fluid diversion
- Cerebrospinal fluid pressure
- Cerebrovascular accident
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Cerebrovascular disorders
- Cervical dystonia
- Cervical ganglia
- Cervical ganglion
- Cervical myelopathy
- Channelopathies
- Channelopathy
- Charcot
- Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease
- Chemogenetics
- Chemoreceptor trigger zone
- Childhood absence epilepsy
- Childhood amnesia
- Chorea
- Chorea gravidarum
- Choreoathetosis
- Choroid plexus cysts
- Chrna3
- Chrna4
- Chronic subjective dizziness
- Ciliary neurotrophic factor
- Cincinnati Prehospital Stroke Scale
- Cingulate cortex
- Cingulate gyrus
- Circumventricular organs
- Claude's syndrome
- Climbing fibers
- Clinical decision making
- Clinical dementia rating
- Clinical neurology
- Clinical neurophysiology
- Clinically isolated syndrome
- Clonus
- Closed head injury
- Clozapine N oxide
- Cluster headaches
- Cluttering
- Cobblestone lissencephaly
- Coffin-Siris syndrome
- Cognition disorder
- Cognitive decline
- Cognitive disorders
- Cognitive dysfunction
- Cognitive neuroscience
- Cognitive planning
- Cognitive rehabilitation
- Cognitive rehabilitation therapy
- Cognitive reserve
- Cognitive vulnerability
- Cold sensitivity
- Colloid cyst
- Colpocephaly
- Communicating hydrocephalus
- Communication deviance
- Communication disorders
- Compensatory hyperhidrosis
- Complex partial seizure
- Complex regional pain syndrome
- Compound muscle action potential
- Comprehensive Aphasia Test
- Computational neuroscience
- Conatus
- Conditioned place preference
- Conduction aphasia
- Congenital analgesia
- Congenital hydrocephalus
- Congenital insensitivity to pain
- Congenital muscular dystrophy
- Congenital myasthenic syndrome
- Congenital stationary night blindness
- Connectionism
- Connectome
- Connectomics
- Conscious awareness
- Conscious mind
- Consciousness
- Consolidation
- Constraint induced movement therapy
- Constraint-induced movement therapy
- Constructional apraxia
- Context dependent memory
- Context-dependent memory
- Continuous performance task
- Continuous performance test
- Contrecoup injury
- Convolutional layer
- Convolutional neural networks
- Convulsions
- Copeptin
- Coprolalia
- Copropraxia
- Cordotomy
- Corona radiata
- Corpus callosotomy
- Corpus callosum agenesis
- Cortex
- Cortical area
- Cortical deafness
- Cortical layer
- Cortical region
- Cortical spreading depression
- Cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loop
- Corticobasal degeneration
- Corticobasal syndrome
- Corticobulbar tract
- Corticogenesis
- Corticomuscular coherence
- Corticospinal tract
- Cortistatin
- Cotransmission
- Coup contrecoup injury
- CP1
- CP2
- Cramp fasciculation syndrome
- Cranial nerve disorder
- Cranial nerve palsies
- Craniectomy
- Cranioplasty
- Cranioschisis
- Craniotomy
- Cross modal plasticity
- Crossmodal
- Cryoneurolysis
- Culmen
- Cuneate fasciculus
- D1-like receptor
- D2-like receptor
- D4
- Dandy-Walker syndrome
- DaT scan
- Deafferentation pain
- Decision
- Decision making
- Decision-making process
- Declarative memory
- Decompressive craniectomy
- Deep brain stimulation
- Deep brain stimulators
- Deep cerebellar nuclei
- Degos disease
- Deja vu
- Dejerine-Roussy syndrome
- Dejerine-Sottas disease
- Delirium
- Delis Kaplan Executive Function System
- Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System
- Dementia
- Demyelinating disease
- Demyelinating diseases
- Demyelination
- Denervation
- Dent disease
- Dent's disease
- Dentate nucleus
- Dentatorubral-pallidoluysian atrophy
- Derealization
- Developmental cognitive neuroscience
- Developmental delays
- Developmental dyslexia
- Developmental plasticity
- Developmental venous anomaly
- Developmental verbal dyspraxia
- Diadochokinesia
- diagonal band of Broca
- Diaschisis
- Diastematomyelia
- Diencephalic syndrome
- Diencephalon
- Diffuse axonal injury
- Diffuse brain injury
- Digit span
- Digit symbol substitution test
- Digit symbol-coding
- Diplegia
- Direct pathway
- Discectomy
- Disconnection syndrome
- Diseases of the nervous system
- Disequilibrium
- Dissociated sensory loss
- Distal hereditary motor neuropathies
- Distal myopathy
- Dizziness
- Dopamine dysregulation syndrome
- Dopamine receptor
- Dopamine receptor D1
- Dopamine-responsive dystonia
- Dopaminergic
- Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex
- Dorsal column
- Dorsal longitudinal fasciculus
- Dorsal raphe nucleus
- Dorsal spinocerebellar tract
- Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
- Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
- Dorsomedial prefrontal cortex
- Dravet syndrome
- Drug resistant epilepsy
- Drug-induced aseptic meningitis
- Duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Duret hemorrhage
- Dysacusis
- Dysarthria
- Dysdiadochokinesia
- Dysexecutive syndrome
- Dysferlinopathy
- Dysgraphia
- Dyskinesia
- Dyskinetic cerebral palsy
- Dyslexia
- Dysmetria
- Dysnomia
- Dysosmia
- Dysphasia
- Dysphonia
- Dysprosody
- Dystonia
- Early onset dementia
- Early-onset Alzheimer's disease
- EAST syndrome
- Eating disorders
- Eaton Lambert Syndrome
- Echoic memory
- Echolalia
- Echopraxia
- EEGlab
- Efference copy
- Egr1
- Electrical brain stimulation
- Electrical impedance tomography
- Electrocorticography
- Electrodiagnostic
- Electrodiagnostic medicine
- Electroencephalogram
- Electroencephalograph
- Electroencephalography
- Electrogram
- Electromyogram
- Electromyograph
- Electromyography
- Electroneuronography
- Electronystagmography
- Electrooculogram
- Electrooculography
- Embodied cognitive science
- Embolic stroke
- Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
- Empathic concern
- Encephalitis
- Encephalitis lethargica
- Encephalocele
- Encephalomyelitis
- Encephalomyopathy
- Encephalopathy
- End plate potential
- End-plate potential
- Endarterectomy
- Endoscopic third ventriculostomy
- Endozepine
- Endplate potential
- Engrams
- Enteric neuropathy
- Entorhinal cortex
- Environmental enrichment
- Ependyma
- Ependymal cells
- Epidural hematoma
- Epilepsia partialis continua
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy surgery
- Epilepsy syndromes
- Epileptic seizure
- Epileptic spasms
- Episodic ataxia
- Episodic buffer
- Episodic memory
- Episodic-like memory
- Epithalamus
- Erb's palsy
- Ergotism
- Erythromelalgia
- Essential tremor
- Event-related potential
- Evoked field
- Evoked potential
- Evoked potentials
- Evoked response
- Excitatory amino acid
- Excitatory amino acid transporter 3
- Excitatory postsynaptic potential
- Excitatory synapses
- Excitotoxicity
- Excitotoxins
- Exencephaly
- Explicit memory
- Expressive aphasia
- External globus pallidus
- External granular layer
- External ventricular drain
- Extrapyramidal syndrome
- Eyewitness memory
- F wave
- Facetectomy
- Facial electromyography
- Facial nerve paralysis
- Facial pain
- Facial paralysis
- Facial weakness
- Facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
- Fahr's syndrome
- Failed Back Syndrome
- False neurotransmitter
- Familial amyloid polyneuropathy
- Familial hemiplegic migraine
- Fasciculation
- Fastigial nucleus
- Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Finger agnosia
- Flaccid dysarthria
- Flaccid paralysis
- Flapping tremor
- Flashbulb memory
- Flocculonodular lobe
- Flocculus
- Focal dystonia
- Focal neurologic signs
- Focal seizures
- Foetal alcohol syndrome
- Foot drop
- Foraminotomy
- Forgetting
- Forgetting curve
- Form perception
- Fornix
- Foster Kennedy Syndrome
- Foville's syndrome
- Free recall
- Friedreich's ataxia
- Froin's syndrome
- Frontal Assessment Battery
- Frontal cortex
- Frontal eye field
- Frontal eye fields
- Frontal lobe
- Frontal lobe epilepsy
- Frontal lobe injury
- Frontal release sign
- Frontal release signs
- Frontotemporal dementia
- Frontotemporal dementia and parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17
- Frontotemporal lobar degeneration
- Fryns syndrome
- Fukuyama congenital muscular dystrophy
- Functional independence measure
- Functional integration
- Functional neurologic disorder
- Fungal meningitis
- Funiculus
- GAB2
- GABA transporter
- GABAergic
- Gait abnormality
- Gait apraxia
- Galanin
- Galveston Orientation and Amnesia Test
- Ganglion impar
- Ganglionic eminence
- Gasotransmitters
- Gastrin-releasing peptide
- General practitioner assessment of cognition
- Generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus
- Generalized seizures
- Germinal matrix hemorrhage
- Gerstmann syndrome
- Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
- Glial scar
- Gliogenesis
- Gliosis
- Global aphasia
- Globoid cell leukodystrophy
- Glossopharyngeal neuralgia
- Glutamate receptors
- Glutamatergic
- Glutamine synthetase
- Glycinergic
- Golgi cells
- Gowers' sign
- Gowers's sign
- Gracile fasciculus
- Granular layer
- Gray matter
- Gray matter heterotopia
- Grey matter
- Grid cells
- Grik1
- Growth cone
- Guillain-Barre syndrome
- Gustation
- Gustatory cortex
- Gustatory system
- Haemodynamic response
- Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery
- Harlequin syndrome
- Hayling and Brixton tests
- Head direction cells
- Head injury
- Heavy legs
- Hebbian learning
- Hemiballismus
- Hemifacial spasm
- Hemimegalencephaly
- Hemineglect
- Hemiparesis
- Hemiplegia
- Hemiplegic migraine
- Hemispatial neglect
- Hemisphere
- Hemorrhagic transformation
- Hereditary Disease Foundation
- Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathies
- Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
- Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies
- Hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsy
- Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies
- Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy
- Herniated disc
- Herpes simplex encephalitis
- Herpes zoster oticus
- High frequency oscillations
- Hippocampal formation
- Hippocampal sclerosis
- Hippocampal sulcus
- Hippocampus
- Hippocampus proper
- Histaminergic
- HIV dementia
- HIV-associated neurocognitive disorder
- Hoehn and Yahr scale
- Hold test
- Hole-board test
- Holmes tremor
- Holoprosencephaly
- Homeostatic plasticity
- Horner's syndrome
- Htr3e
- Human Connectome Project
- Human perception
- Humanin
- Huntington's disease
- Hydranencephaly
- Hydrocephalus
- Hydromyelia
- Hyperekplexia
- Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
- Hyperlexia
- Hyperreflexia
- Hypertensive encephalopathy
- Hypertonia
- Hypesthesia
- Hypocretin
- Hypoesthesia
- Hypokalemic periodic paralysis
- Hypophonia
- Hypophyseal portal system
- Hypotonia
- Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
- Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
- Iconic memory
- Ictal
- Ideational apraxia
- Ideomotor apraxia
- Idiopathic generalized epilepsy
- Idiopathic intracranial hypertension
- Imagery rescripting
- Implicit memory
- Induced coma
- Infantile hypotonia
- Infantile spasms
- Inferior longitudinal fasciculus
- Inferior medullary velum
- Infralimbic cortex
- Infratentorial region
- Inhibitory postsynaptic potential
- Iniencephaly
- Intention
- Intention tremor
- Interference theory
- Intermuscular coherence
- Internal capsule
- Internal granular layer
- Internal models
- International Subarachnoid Aneurysm Trial
- Interneurons
- Interpeduncular nucleus
- Interventricular foramina
- Intracranial hemorrhage
- Intracranial hypertension
- Intracranial pressure
- Intracranial pressure monitoring
- Intractable epilepsy
- Intralaminar nucleus
- Intralaminar thalamic nuclei
- Intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring
- Intraparenchymal hemorrhage
- Intraventricular hemorrhage
- Ischemic stroke
- Jendrassik maneuver
- Juvenile myoclonic epilepsy
- Juvenile primary lateral sclerosis
- Kainate receptors
- Kernicterus
- Kernohan's notch
- Kisspeptin
- Konzo
- Korsakoff psychosis
- Korsakoff syndrome
- Korsakoff's syndrome
- Krabbe disease
- Lacunar stroke
- Lafora disease
- Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome
- Lamina terminalis
- Laminectomy
- Laminopathies
- Laminopathy
- Laminotomy
- Landau-Kleffner syndrome
- Language development
- Language disorders
- Language module
- Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping
- Large-scale brain networks
- Late talker
- Lateral corticospinal tract
- Lateral funiculus
- Lateral geniculate body
- Lateral geniculate nucleus
- Lateral hypothalamus
- Lateral inhibition
- Lateral medullary syndrome
- Lateral prefrontal cortex
- Lateral recess
- Lateral spinothalamic tract
- Lateral thalamic nuclei
- Lateral thinking
- Lateral ventricle
- Lateral vestibulospinal tract
- Laterality
- Lee Silverman Voice Treatment
- Leigh syndrome
- Leigh's disease
- Lennox Gastaut Syndrome
- Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
- Lentiform nucleus
- Leukodystrophy
- Leukoencephalopathy
- Leukomalacia
- Level of consciousness
- Levodopa-induced dyskinesia
- Lewy bodies
- Lewy body
- Lewy body dementia
- Lexical decision task
- Lhermitte's sign
- Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
- Limbic cortex
- Limbic encephalitis
- Limbic lobe
- Limbic system
- Limp
- line of Gennari
- Lipohyalinosis
- Lipomyelomeningocele
- Lissauer's tract
- Lissencephaly
- Lobes of the brain
- Local sleep
- Locked-in syndrome
- Locomotor ataxia
- Logorrhea
- Long term depression
- Long term memory
- Long-term depression
- Long-term memory
- Long-term potentiation
- Los Angeles Prehospital Stroke Screen
- Low pressure hydrocephalus
- Lower motor neuron lesions
- LTP induction
- Lucid interval
- Lumbar puncture
- Lymphocytic pleocytosis
- Machado-Joseph disease
- Macropsia
- Magnetic gait
- Magnetoencephalography
- Magnocellular
- Magnocellular cells
- Malaria therapy
- Mammillary bodies
- Mammillary body
- Mammillothalamic tract
- Manual Ability Classification System
- Marchiafava-Bignami disease
- McDonald criteria
- Mechanosensation
- Medial dorsal nucleus
- Medial eminence
- Medial forebrain bundle
- Medial geniculate body
- Medial geniculate nucleus
- Medial prefrontal cortex
- Medial preoptic area
- Medial temporal lobe
- Medial vestibulospinal tract
- Median aperture
- Median preoptic nucleus
- Medical decision making
- Medium spiny neurons
- Megalencephaly
- Meige's syndrome
- Melatonergic
- Memory
- Memory aid
- Memory and trauma
- Memory consolidation
- Memory disorders
- Memory encoding
- Memory errors
- Memory inhibition
- Memory reconsolidation
- Memory retrieval
- Memory span
- MenAfriVac
- Meningism
- Meningitis
- Meningoencephalitis
- Menstrual migraine
- Mental time travel
- Meralgia paraesthetica
- MERRF syndrome
- Mesocortex
- Mesopontine tegmentum
- Metachromatic leukodystrophy
- Metamemory
- Metaplasticity
- Mickey Mouse sign
- Microcephaly
- Microdiscectomy
- Microneurography
- Microvascular decompression
- Midbrain reticular formation
- Middle cerebellar peduncle
- Middle cerebral artery syndrome
- Middle cervical ganglion
- Midline nuclear group
- Midline shift
- Migraine without aura
- Migraines
- Mild cognitive impairment
- Military Acute Concussion Evaluation
- Mind
- MIND diet
- Mind-blindness
- Miniature endplate potential
- Minimally conscious state
- Mirror neurons
- Mismatch Negativity
- Misophonia
- Mitochondrial encephalomyopathy
- Mitochondrial myopathy
- Mixed transcortical aphasia
- Mnemonics
- Modic changes
- Modified Ashworth scale
- Modulation
- Mohr-Tranebjaerg syndrome
- Mohr-Tranebjærg syndrome
- Molecular neuroscience
- Monoamine transporters
- Monomelic amyotrophy
- Mononeuropathy
- Mononeuropathy multiplex
- Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire
- Morris water maze test
- Morvan's syndrome
- Mossy fibers
- Motion sickness
- Motivated forgetting
- Motoneuron
- Motor cognition
- Motor cortex
- Motor development
- Motor disorders
- Motor imagery
- Motor learning
- Motor neuron
- Motor neuron disease
- Motor neuron diseases
- Motor neurone disease
- Motor neurons
- Motor neuropathy
- Motor planning
- Motor program
- Motor speech disorders
- Motor system
- Movement disorders
- Moyamoya disease
- Mu rhythm
- Multifocal motor neuropathy
- Multiinfarct dementia
- Multiple sleep latency test
- Multiple trace theory
- Multisensory integration
- Munc-18
- Munc18
- Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors
- Muscarinic receptors
- Muscle aches
- Muscle fatigue
- Muscle hypertonia
- Muscle hypotonia
- Muscle memory
- Muscle rigidity
- Muscle spasms
- Muscle spasticity
- Muscle spindles
- Muscle weakness
- Muscular dystrophies
- Muscular dystrophy
- Musicogenic epilepsy
- Myalgia
- Mycotic aneurysm
- Myelography
- Myelomalacia
- Myelopathy
- Myerson's sign
- Myoclonic astatic epilepsy
- Myoclonic dystonia
- Myoclonic epilepsy
- Myoclonus
- Myotomes
- Myotonia
- Myotonia congenita
- Myotonic dystrophy
- N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor
- N-methyl-D-aspartic acid
- N170
- National Adult Reading Test
- National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
- Natural language
- Nemaline myopathy
- Neocortex
- Neonatal meningitis
- Neonatal seizures
- Neprilysin
- Nerve allograft
- Nerve cell
- Nerve compression syndrome
- Nerve conduction velocity
- Nerve damage
- Nerve entrapment
- Nerve growth factor
- Nerve injury
- Nerve regeneration
- Nerve root
- Nerve tract
- Nervous system diseases
- Netrin
- Neural activity
- Neural adaptation
- Neural cell
- Neural coding
- Neural decoding
- Neural encoding
- Neural facilitation
- Neural network model
- Neural networks
- Neural oscillations
- Neural plasticity
- Neural substrate
- Neural synchrony
- Neural tube defects
- Neuralgia
- Neurapraxia
- Neurectomy
- Neuregulin
- Neuritis
- Neuro-oncology
- Neuro-ophthalmology
- Neuroanatomy
- NeuroArm
- Neurochemical
- Neurochemistry
- Neurocognitive disorders
- Neurocritical care
- Neurodegeneration
- Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation
- Neurodegenerative
- Neurodegenerative diseases
- Neurodevelopmental disorders
- Neuroeffector junction
- Neuroepithelial cells
- Neuroepithelium
- Neuroethology
- Neuroferritinopathy
- Neurofibrillary tangles
- Neurofibromatosis 2
- Neurofibromatosis type II
- Neurogenic shock
- Neurogliaform cells
- Neuroglycopenia
- Neuroinflammation
- Neurointensive care
- Neurokinin B
- Neurologic disease
- Neurological disorders
- Neurological examination
- Neurologists
- Neuroma
- Neuromedin B
- Neuromedin u
- Neuromodulation
- Neuromuscular disease
- Neuromuscular disorders
- Neuromuscular junction disease
- Neuromyelitis optica
- Neuron
- Neuronal activity
- Neuronal migration disorder
- Neuronal plasticity
- Neuronal sprouting
- Neuronavigation
- Neurons
- Neuropathic pain
- Neuropeptide K
- Neuropeptide Y
- Neuropeptidergic
- Neurophysiology
- Neuropil
- Neuropil threads
- Neuroplasticity
- Neuroprivacy
- Neuroprotection
- Neuropsychological assessment
- Neuropsychological testing
- Neuropsychological tests
- Neurorehabilitation
- Neuroscience
- Neuroscience of sleep
- Neurosecretion
- Neurosecurity
- Neurospheres
- Neurosteroids
- Neurosurgeons
- Neurosurgery
- Neurotensin
- Neurotmesis
- Neurotomy
- Neurotoxic
- Neurotoxicity
- Neurotransmission
- Neurotransmitter transporters
- Neurotransmitters
- Neurotrophin-3
- Neurotrophin-4
- Neurotrophins
- Neurovascular unit
- New daily persistent headache
- Nicastrin
- NIH Toolbox
- NMDA receptor
- NMDA receptor antagonists
- NMDA receptors
- Nociception
- Nociceptive pain
- Non-epileptic seizures
- Nondeclarative memory
- Nonsyndromic deafness
- Normal pressure hydrocephalus
- Notalgia paresthetica
- Noxious stimuli
- NT-4
- Nucleus accumbens
- Nucleus basalis
- nucleus basalis of Meynert
- Nucleus reuniens
- Number form
- Object recognition
- Obstructive hydrocephalus
- Occipital epilepsy
- Occipital face area
- Occipital nerve stimulation
- Occipital neuralgia
- Occipitofrontal fasciculus
- Occult spinal dysraphism
- Oculogyric crisis
- Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
- Ohtahara syndrome
- Olfactory tubercle
- Olivopontocerebellar atrophy
- Opioidergic
- Opisthotonus
- Optokinetic drum
- Orbital apex syndrome
- Orbitofrontal cortex
- Orexin
- Orexin-A
- Organic brain syndrome
- Organic mental disorders
- Organic personality disorder
- Organoleptic
- Orienting response
- Orofacial dyskinesia
- Orofacial pain
- Oromandibular dystonia
- Orthodromic
- Oscillations
- Oscillopsia
- Osmotherapy
- Otic ganglion
- Overlearning
- P300
- Pachygyria
- Pain
- Pain perception
- Palatability
- Palatal myoclonus
- Paleocortex
- Palilalia
- Pallidotomy
- Pallidum
- Panayiotopoulos syndrome
- Papez circuit
- Papillitis
- Paradoxical embolism
- Paragrammatism
- Parahippocampal gyrus
- Parahippocampal place area
- Paralimbic cortex
- Parallel fibers
- Paralysis
- Paramyotonia congenita
- Paraparesis
- Paraphasia
- Paraplegia
- Paratonia
- Parkinson's disease
- Parkinson's disease dementia
- Parkinsonian disorders
- Parkinsonian gait
- Parkinsonism
- Paroxysmal
- Paroxysmal dyskinesia
- Paroxysmal exercise-induced dystonia
- Paroxysmal kinesigenic choreoathetosis
- Paroxysmal sympathetic hyperactivity
- Paroxysms
- Partial anterior circulation infarct
- Partial seizures
- Parvalbumin
- Patch clamp
- Patch clamp technique
- Path dependence
- Pathoclisis
- PEN-2
- Penetrating head injury
- Penetrating head trauma
- Perception
- Perceptual experience
- Perforant path
- Periamygdaloid cortex
- Periaqueductal gray
- Periaqueductal gray matter
- Perihypoglossal nuclei
- Periodic paralysis
- Peripheral nerve
- Peripheral nerve injury
- Peripheral nervous system
- Peripheral neuropathies
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Perirhinal cortex
- Periventricular leukomalacia
- Periventricular nucleus
- Phantom limb
- Phonological awareness
- Phonological loop
- Photophobia
- Photosensitive epilepsy
- Physical stimulation
- Physiological tremor
- Pick disease
- Pick's disease
- Piriform cortex
- Piriformis syndrome
- Pittsburgh Compound B
- Place cells
- Planning
- Planum temporale
- Plasticity
- Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma
- Plexopathy
- Pneumocephalus
- POEMS syndrome
- Polioencephalitis
- Polymicrogyria
- Polyneuropathy
- PolyQ
- Polyradiculoneuropathy
- Polysomnography
- Pontine tegmentum
- Post concussion syndrome
- Post tetanic potentiation
- Post traumatic amnesia
- Post-polio syndrome
- Post-traumatic epilepsy
- Postencephalitic parkinsonism
- Posterior circulation infarct
- Posterior column
- Posterior commissure
- Posterior cord syndrome
- Posterior cortical atrophy
- Posterior funiculus
- Posterior lobe
- Posterior nucleus
- Posterior parietal cortex
- Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome
- Postictal state
- Postsynaptic potential
- Posturography
- Powassan encephalitis
- Prefrontal cortex
- Premonitory urge
- Premotor cortex
- Preoptic anterior hypothalamus
- Preoptic area
- Prepulse inhibition
- Presenilin-1
- Pressure of speech
- Pressured speech
- Presynaptic inhibition
- Pretectal area
- Pretectum
- Primary age-related tauopathy
- Primary lateral sclerosis
- Primary motor cortex
- Primary olfactory cortex
- Primary progressive aphasia
- Procedural memory
- Progressive bulbar palsy
- Progressive muscular atrophy
- Progressive myoclonus epilepsy
- Progressive nonfluent aphasia
- Progressive supranuclear palsy
- Projection fibers
- Projection neurons
- Pronator drift
- Proopiomelanocortin
- Prospective memory
- Protein aggregates
- Protein aggregation
- Pseudobulbar palsy
- Pseudohypertrophy
- Pseudomeningocele
- Psychobiology
- Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
- Psychology of perception
- Psychoneuroimmunology
- Psychosurgery
- Pudendal nerve entrapment
- Pulvinar
- Pulvinar nuclei
- Pupillometry
- Pure autonomic failure
- Purkinje cells
- Putamen
- Pyramidal cells
- Pyramidal signs
- Pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy
- Pyruvate dehydrogenase deficiency
- Quadrilateral space syndrome
- Quadriparesis
- Quadriplegia
- Quantitative sensory testing
- Rachischisis
- Radial arm maze
- Radial glial cell
- Radial nerve palsy
- Radial neuropathy
- Radiculopathy
- Radiologically Isolated Syndrome
- Radiosurgery
- Ramsay Hunt syndrome
- Rancho Los Amigos Scale
- Raphe
- Raphe nuclei
- Raphe nucleus
- Rasmussen's encephalitis
- Reading disability
- Reading epilepsy
- Recall memory
- Receptive aphasia
- Receptive fields
- Recognition memory
- Reconsolidation
- Reflex hammer
- Reflex seizures
- Regional cerebral blood flow
- Reinnervation
- Reminiscence
- Remyelination
- Repetitive nerve stimulation
- Representational systems
- Resting potential
- Resting tremor
- Restless legs syndrome
- Retrograde amnesia
- Retrograde tracing
- Retrospective memory
- Retrosplenial cortex
- Rett syndrome
- Reuptake
- Reward circuit
- Reward dependence
- Rewards
- Rheobase
- Rhombic lip
- Rhomboid fossa
- Rhythmic movement disorder
- Right hemisphere
- Rigidity
- Risdiplam
- Rolandic epilepsy
- Romberg's test
- Rostral migratory stream
- Rote learning
- Rubrospinal tract
- S100B
- Saccular aneurysm
- Sacral ganglia
- Saddle anesthesia
- Sagittal sinus thrombosis
- Saint Louis encephalitis
- Salience network
- Saltatory conduction
- Saltiness
- Scanning speech
- Schaffer collateral
- Schizencephaly
- Scintillating scotoma
- Scissor gait
- Second impact syndrome
- Secondary somatosensory cortex
- Seizure threshold
- Seizures
- Selective amnesia
- Self-agency
- Semantic dementia
- Semantic memory
- Senile dementia
- Senility
- Sensation
- Sense organ
- Sense organs
- Sensorimotor cortex
- Sensorimotor network
- Sensory ataxia
- Sensory cortex
- Sensory cue
- Sensory defensiveness
- Sensory gating
- Sensory memory
- Sensory modality
- Sensory nerve
- Sensory neuropathy
- Sensory organs
- Sensory phenomena
- Sensory processing
- Sensory processing disorder
- Sensory stimulation
- Sensory stimulation therapy
- Sensory-specific satiety
- Sequence learning
- Serotonin receptors
- Severe cognitive impairment
- Sexually dimorphic nucleus
- SGK1
- Shaken baby syndrome
- Short term memory
- Short-term memory
- Shuffling gait
- Shunting inhibition
- Shy drager syndrome
- Silent synapses
- Simple partial seizure
- Simple View of Reading
- Simulator sickness
- Single-unit recording
- SLC1A3
- Sleep and memory
- Slit
- Slow afterhyperpolarization
- Slurred speech
- Small fiber neuropathy
- Small fiber peripheral neuropathy
- SMN1
- SMN2
- Social narrative
- Social neuroscience
- Softmax function
- Somatic nervous system
- Somatosensory evoked potential
- Somatotopy
- Sopite syndrome
- Sour taste
- Spasmodic torticollis
- Spasms
- Spastic cerebral palsy
- Spastic diplegia
- Spastic hemiplegia
- Spastic quadriplegia
- Spasticity
- Spatial learning
- Spatial memory
- Spatial neglect
- Spatial summation
- Special senses
- Specific developmental disorder
- Speech and language impairment
- Spike-timing-dependent plasticity
- Spinal cord disease
- Spinal cord stimulator
- Spinal dysraphism
- Spinal fractures
- Spinal fusion
- Spinal hematoma
- Spinal muscular atrophies
- Spinal shock
- Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6
- Spinocerebellar tract
- Spinoreticular tract
- Spinothalamic tract
- Split brain
- Split hand syndrome
- Spontaneous alternation
- Sporadic hemiplegic migraine
- Stanford Sleepiness Scale
- Status dystonicus
- Status epilepticus
- Status migrainosus
- Stellate
- Stellate cells
- Steppage gait
- Stereognosis
- Stiff-person syndrome
- Stimuli
- Storage
- Straight leg raise
- Stroke
- Stroke Belt
- Sturge-Weber syndrome
- Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
- Subarachnoid hemorrhage
- Subcallosal gyrus
- Subclavian steal syndrome
- Subclinical seizures
- Subcommissural organ
- Subcortex
- Subcortical dementia
- Subdural effusion
- Subdural empyema
- Subdural hematoma
- Subdural hygroma
- Subfornical organ
- Subgaleal hemorrhage
- Subgranular zone
- Subiculum
- Suboccipital puncture
- Subplate
- Substance P
- Substantia innominata
- Subthalamic nucleus
- Subventricular zone
- Success
- Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy
- Sulci
- Superficial Siderosis
- Superior cerebellar peduncle
- Superior colliculus
- Superior fronto-occipital fasciculus
- Superior medullary velum
- Supplementary motor area
- Supratentorial region
- Surface dyslexia
- Survival of Motor Neuron
- Susac's syndrome
- Sydenham's chorea
- Sympathectomy
- Symptomatic epilepsy
- Synapse formation
- Synaptic development
- Synaptic inhibition
- Synaptic noise
- Synaptic plasticity
- Synaptic potential
- Synaptic pruning
- Synaptic scaling
- Synaptic transmission
- Synaptic vesicle
- Synaptic vesicles
- Synaptogenesis
- Synaptopathy
- Synaptosomal associated protein 25
- Synaptosomes
- Synesthesia
- Synkinesis
- Synucleinopathies
- Syringomyelia
- Syrinx
- TAC1
- Tachykinin peptides
- Tachykinins
- Tangential speech
- Tapping rate
- Tardive dyskinesia
- Tarlov cysts
- Task switching
- Taste
- Tauopathies
- Tauopathy
- Tectum
- Temporal horn of the lateral ventricle
- Temporal lobe
- Temporal lobe epilepsy
- Temporal summation
- Temporoparietal junction
- Tensilon test
- Tentorial notch
- Test of Everyday Attention
- Test of Memory Malingering
- Testing effect
- Tetany
- Tethered cord syndrome
- Tethered spinal cord syndrome
- Tetraplegia
- Thalamic
- Thalamic nuclei
- Thalamic reticular nucleus
- Thalamocortical radiations
- Third ventricle
- Thomsen disease
- Thoracic ganglia
- Thoracic outlet syndrome
- Thought suppression
- Thrombectomy
- Tick paralysis
- Time constant
- Time-based prospective memory
- Timothy syndrome
- Tinel sign
- Tinel's sign
- Todd's paralysis
- Todd's paresis
- Tolosa-Hunt syndrome
- Tone deafness
- Tonic clonic seizures
- Tonic neck reflex
- Tonic seizure
- Tonic-clonic seizures
- Tonotopy
- Topographical disorientation
- Total anterior circulation infarct
- Total disc replacement
- Tourette syndrome
- Tourette's syndrome
- Tower of London test
- Toxic encephalopathy
- Toxic leukoencephalopathy
- Trail Making Test
- Transactive memory
- Transcortical motor aphasia
- Transcortical sensory aphasia
- Transcranial Doppler
- Transient epileptic amnesia
- Transient global amnesia
- Translabyrinthine approach
- Transneuronal degeneration
- Transsphenoidal surgery
- Transthyretin amyloidosis
- Traumatic memory
- Tremors
- Trendelenburg gait
- Trepanning
- Trephination
- Trinucleotide repeat
- Tripartite synapse
- Triplegia
- tRNS
- Trochlear nucleus
- Tropical ataxic neuropathy
- Truncal ataxia
- Tuber cinereum
- Tuberoinfundibular pathway
- Tuberomammillary nucleus
- Tympanic nerve
- Ulnar neuropathy
- Ultradian rhythm
- Umwelt
- Uncinate fasciculus
- Uncus
- Unipolar neurons
- Unsteady gait
- Upper motor neuron
- Upper motor neuron lesions
- Vagotomy
- Validation therapy
- Vanillylmandelic acid
- Vanilmandelic acid
- Vascular bypass
- Vascular dementia
- Ventral anterior nucleus
- Ventral lateral nucleus
- Ventral pallidum
- Ventral posterior nucleus
- Ventral posterolateral nucleus
- Ventral posteromedial nucleus
- Ventricular system
- Ventricular zone
- Ventriculitis
- Ventriculoatrial shunt
- Ventriculostomy
- Ventriculotomy
- Ventrobasal complex
- Ventrolateral prefrontal cortex
- Ventrolateral preoptic nucleus
- Ventromedial prefrontal cortex
- Verbal memory
- Vertical occipital fasciculus
- Vesicular glutamate transporter
- Vestibular cortex
- Vestibular disorders
- Vestibular migraine
- Vestibulocerebellum
- Vestibulospinal tract
- Viral encephalitis
- Visual evoked potential
- Visual extinction
- Visual memory
- Visual stimuli
- Visual word form area
- Visually evoked potential
- Visuospatial sketchpad
- Wada test
- Wallenberg syndrome
- Wallerian degeneration
- Wandering
- Wartenberg's sign
- Water maze
- Weakness
- Weber's syndrome
- Wechsler Memory Scale
- Werdnig-Hoffmann disease
- Wernicke area
- Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome
- Wernicke's area
- West syndrome
- Western Aphasia Battery
- Wetware
- White matter
- Winged scapula
- Working memory
- Working memory training
- X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
- X-linked myotubular myopathy