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Published in Alexander R. Toftness, Incredible Consequences of Brain Injury, 2023
Next, the brain cells become hyperexcitable—meaning that cells that connect to one another have an easier time spreading brain activation to each other. They do this because they are trying to make up for the damage that is making it harder for hearing sensations such as signals from the cochlea to reach them, so the cells begin to react as a group to weaker signals (Schaette & McAlpine, 2011). Firing together like this is called neural synchrony.
Effects of Essential Oils on Human Cognition
Published in K. Hüsnü Can Başer, Gerhard Buchbauer, Handbook of Essential Oils, 2020
Recordings of the spontaneous EEG allow deriving a large number of measures. Time- (index) or voltage- (power) based rates of typical frequency bands, as well as ratios between certain frequency bands (e.g., between the alpha and the beta band or the theta and the beta band), within a selected time interval are most commonly used to quantify EEG patterns. Period analysis quantifies the number of waves which occur in the various frequency bands within a distinct time interval of the EEG record and is supposed to be more sensitive to task-related changes than spectral analysis (Lorig 1989). Coherence and neural synchrony are parameters that describe the covariation of a given signal at different electrodes. These measures inform on the functional link between brain areas (Oken et al. 2006).
Current and Emerging Clinical Applications of the auditory Steady-State Response
Published in Stavros Hatzopoulos, Andrea Ciorba, Mark Krumm, Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science, 2020
Another practical application of ASSR is assessment of age-related deficits in speech perception in noise. This common patient complaint involves difficulty in following conversations, especially in the presence of background noise or while multiple speakers are talking (Goossens et al., 2016). Speech perception in noise problems may be due to peripheral and/or central auditory dysfunction, as well as cognitive impairments. ASSR may permit objective measurement of neural oscillations in the CNS and synchronization of phase patterns related to temporal features of sound speech. Specifically, the size of the ASSR reveals the degree of synchronization of neural oscillation that coincides with characteristic frequency of acoustic stimulation. Difficulties in speech perception with aging can be associated with disruption of synchronized neural activity. Age-related reduction in neural synchrony occurs at the level of brainstem and may be associated reduced levels of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA (Mamo et al., 2016; Anderson et al., 2012; Bidelman et al., 2014; Caspary et al., 2008).
Use of neuroimaging to measure neurocognitive engagement in health professions education: a scoping review
Published in Medical Education Online, 2022
Serkan Toy, Dana D Huh, Joshua Materi, Julie Nanavati, Deborah A. Schwengel
This review also indicates a few areas ripe for further research efforts. One such area is the establishment of a viable study design and research methods for operational settings. Though researchers attempted to approximate real-life tasks, studies embedded in operational settings with realistic clinical tasks are scarce. For environmental validity, future research endeavors may use real-world settings, perhaps by integrating functional neuroimaging within simulated clinical environments. For example, one study included in this review explored the use of functional neuroimaging to examine team functioning [69] during high-fidelity simulation-based training for crisis event management in the operating rooms. This group showed that it was feasible to use wireless functional neuroimaging technology to measure workload and team engagement in simulated clinical settings. Their results suggested that deoxyhemoglobin in the PFC was a good indicator of workload for individuals but that oxyhemoglobin neural synchrony was more sensitive to scenario difficulty levels. The teams that participated in that study showed greater neural synchrony during teamwork. These findings are encouraging; however, team dynamics in fluid clinical settings are quite complex, and more work is needed to continue building evidence for reliability and validity for capturing neurocognitive correlates of team experience.
Passive Elaborative Cueing of Retrieval ProcessesFollowing Traumatic Brain Injury
Published in Brain Injury, 2021
While the ability to successfully engage and perform a given task is a key indicator of recovery, assessments of behavioral change may not be sensitive to alterations in neural processing, which can be a sign of residual impairment. Event-related potentials (ERPs) can serve as a measure of neural response that may be sensitive to impairment. Several studies have reported that individuals who have sustained a TBI may have neural signatures distinct from their NT peers (38–41). Münte and Heinze (38) examined the N400, a measure of linguistic expectation (commonly semantic expectation, i.e., dog-bone relative to cat-plane) (42,43). Participants produced N400 responses that were less robust than the responses produced by NT participants. Fratantoni and colleagues (41) utilized ERPs to examine the neural signatures of athletes with a history of TBI using a semantic word retrieval task. Individuals were to identify if word pairs facilitated retrieval of a target object. No significant differences were observed behaviorally, though distinctions in neural signatures were observed with participants with TBI failing to produce distinct neural signatures between conditions. The authors postulated that this may be indicative of difficulty with neural synchrony or reduced communication between neural processes. In the current study, ERPs were utilized as measure of neural performance intended to identify residual impairments that may not be captured by behavioral measures.
Speech evoked potentials in cochlear implant recipients with auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder
Published in Hearing, Balance and Communication, 2021
Adel Abdel Maksoud Nassar, Dalia Mohammed Hassan, Amal Younis, Tayseer Taha Abdel Rahman
Regarding SABR, both study subgroups had prolonged onset and offset responses evidenced by shifted waves V, A and O than the NH control group, with more longer latencies in ANSD-CI group than SNHL group. These findings were consistent with the study conducted by Abdel Rahman et al. [17] and Gabr and Hassaan [18], demonstrating that all wave latency in children with CI was longer than that of NH children. These response parameters were more affected in ANSD-CI group than SNHL-CI group as shown in the current study by the prolonged latencies in onset and offset latency response in ANSD group than SNHL group (Table 7). These abnormalities could reflect decreased neural synchrony at the level of the brain stem in ANSD. Transient responses are characterised by rapidly changing temporal envelop and their accurate representation requires synchronous firing of large population of neurons.