- 14-cylinder
- A-weighting
- Abrasive flow machining
- Abrasive jet machining
- Abrasive machining
- Abrasives
- Absolute rotation
- Absolute temperature
- Absolute zero
- Absorption refrigerator
- Acceleration
- Accelerator
- Accretion
- Acoustic attenuation
- Acoustic camera
- Acoustic droplet vaporization
- Acoustic ecology
- Acoustic emission
- Acoustic holography
- Acoustic impedance
- Acoustic metamaterial
- Acoustic metamaterials
- Acoustic microscopy
- Acoustic plaster
- Acoustic radiation force
- Acoustic radiation pressure
- Acoustic resonance
- Acoustic shock
- Acoustic signature
- Acoustic streaming
- Acoustic transmission
- Acoustic wave equation
- Acoustic waveguide
- Acoustic waves
- Acoustical engineering
- Acoustics
- Action
- Active cooling
- Active redundancy
- Active vibration control
- Actuators
- Adiabatic
- Adiabatic flame temperature
- Adiabatic process
- Advection
- Aeroacoustics
- Aerogel
- Aerographene
- Agitator
- Agricultural machinery
- Air bearings
- Air changes per hour
- Air cooling
- Air cycle machine
- Air handler
- Air preheater
- Air pump
- Air temperature
- Air-cooled
- Air-cooled engines
- Air-fuel ratio
- Aircraft noise
- Airflow
- Airlift pump
- Airy stress function
- Alloy wheels
- Altered
- Alternative fuel vehicles
- Ambient noise level
- Ambient pressure
- Ambisonics
- Ampacity
- Amphibious
- Amphibious vehicles
- Amphidromic points
- Amplitude
- Anchor
- Anchor bolts
- Anechoic chambers
- Angular acceleration
- Anharmonicity
- Annular fin
- Anti-fouling paint
- Antiplane shear
- Antiresonance
- Antiwear additives
- Antoine equation
- Apparent source width
- Apparent temperature
- Apparent weight
- Aquastat
- Archimedes' screw
- Ardupilot
- Argument of latitude
- Articulated
- Articulated vehicles
- Artificial lift
- Ascending node
- Aspirator
- Asset integrity management
- Astronomical unit
- Atkinson cycle
- Atmospheric temperature
- Atomic diffusion
- Auditory masking
- Auto rickshaws
- Autofrettage
- Automotive air conditioning
- Automotive design
- Automotive engine
- Autonomous vehicles
- Axial compressor
- Axial piston pump
- Axial-flow pump
- Axis of rotation
- Axle
- Azimuth thrusters
- Back pressure
- Backfire
- Background noise
- Backhoe
- Backhoe loader
- Backlash
- Baffles
- Balance shafts
- Balanced rudder
- Balises
- Ball bearings
- Ball chain
- Ball joint
- Ball screws
- Ballast
- Ballistic gelatin
- Ballistic trajectory
- Ballistics
- Balustrade
- Band brake
- Bar stock
- Bearing balls
- Bearing pressure
- Bearing stress
- Bearings
- Beat
- Bed of nails
- Bell crank
- Bell jar
- Bell mouth
- Belt friction
- Belt grinders
- Bend radius
- Bending
- Bending machine
- Bending moment
- Bending of plates
- Bending stiffness
- Bennett acceptance ratio
- Berry curvature
- Between perpendiculars
- Bevel gears
- Bi-directional
- Biaxial tensile testing
- Bicycle
- Bilge keels
- Bilge pump
- Billets
- Bimetallic strip
- Binary system
- Binodal
- Bioacoustics
- Bistatic sonar
- Blacksmiths
- Blanket
- Blisks
- Blocks
- Boat
- Boat building
- Body forces
- Body style
- Bogies
- Boiler room
- Boiling
- Boiling chips
- Boiling point
- Bolt circle
- Bolted joint
- Bombardier
- Bombardier Transportation
- Bound state in the continuum
- Bow
- Bow shock
- Braided
- Brake
- Brake force
- Brake pads
- Brake shoes
- Brakes
- Brayton cycle
- Brazier effect
- Break-in
- Breather
- Brightness temperature
- Brinelling
- Brittle
- Brittleness
- Brownian Dynamics
- Brushed
- Bubble point
- Bucket chain excavator
- Buckle
- Buckling
- Buffers
- Building insulation
- Built up edge
- Built-up edge
- Bulbous bow
- Bulk modulus
- Bulk temperature
- Bulkheads
- Bulldozer
- Bulletproof vests
- Bumping
- Burnished
- Burnishing
- Burrs
- Bushings
- Butterfly valves
- Cab over
- Cable
- Cable harness
- Calorimetry
- Cam follower
- Camber thrust
- Camless
- Cams
- Camshaft
- Capstan
- Car
- Car-t
- Carburetor
- Cargo bikes
- Carnot cycle
- Carnot heat engine
- Cast iron
- Cast steel
- Castability
- Caster
- Casting
- Casting defects
- Catamarans
- Cauchy elastic material
- Cauchy stress tensor
- Ceiling fans
- Centerless grinding
- Central force
- Centrifugal casting
- Centrifugal clutch
- Centrifugal compressors
- Centrifugal force
- Centrifugal governor
- Centrifugal pumps
- Centripetal force
- Ceramic resonator
- Chain drive
- Chill casting
- Chilled beams
- Chilled water
- Chillers
- Chinese train control system
- Choke valve
- Chuck
- Circadian clocks
- Circle grid analysis
- Circlips
- Circular motion
- Circular orbits
- Circulator pump
- Classical diffusion
- Classical mechanics
- Clausius-Clapeyron relation
- Clevis
- Clutch
- Cmh2o
- Coefficient of restitution
- Coexistence curve
- Coffee ring effect
- Coherence bandwidth
- Coining
- Cold chain
- Cold fronts
- Cold working
- Collision
- Collision avoidance
- Combined cycle
- Combined cycle power plant
- Combined forced and natural convection
- Combined gas and steam
- Combustion chamber
- Comets
- Common rail
- Compartments
- Compliant mechanisms
- Compound lever
- Compressibility
- Compression
- Compression ratio
- Compressor
- Compressor map
- Computational aeroacoustics
- Computational auditory scene analysis
- Condensate pump
- Condensation
- Condenser
- Conduction
- Cone clutches
- Configuration space
- Conjugate variables
- Connecting rod
- Conservative force
- Constant air volume
- Constants of motion
- Constitutive equations
- Constrained-layer damping
- Contact area
- Contact dynamics
- Contact force
- Contact mechanics
- Container crane
- Continuous casting
- Continuous cooling transformation
- Continuum mechanics
- Contraflexure
- Control volume
- Convection cells
- Convection oven
- Convection zone
- Convective heat transfer
- Convective mixing
- Convertibles
- Coolant
- Cooling
- Cooling bath
- Cooling capacity
- Cooling curve
- Cooling fins
- Cooling load
- Cooling ponds
- Cooling towers
- Copper foil
- Cornering force
- Corrective maintenance
- Cotton gin
- Coulomb damping
- Counterbore
- Counterweights
- Couplers
- Coupling
- Crank
- Crankcase
- Crankcase dilution
- Crankcase heater
- Crankcase ventilation system
- Crankpin
- Crankshaft
- Crash test
- Crimped
- Crimping
- Critical distance
- Critical heat flux
- Critical speed
- Cross ventilation
- Crossheads
- Crown gear
- Cryobiology
- Cryocoolers
- Cryogenic
- Cryogenic grinding
- Cryogenic treatment
- Cryogenics
- Cryopreservation
- Cryoprotectants
- Cryopump
- Crystal oscillator
- Crystal plasticity
- Cupola furnace
- Curie temperature
- Curve resistance
- Curvilinear motion
- Cut-off
- Cutoff
- Cutting fluid
- Cutting tools
- Cycle per second
- Cycloid gear
- Cylinder
- Cylinder deactivation
- Cylinder heads
- Damage mechanics
- Damping matrix
- Damping torque
- Dark matter
- Dashpots
- Dbx
- DC distribution system
- De Broglie wavelength
- Dead centre
- Deck
- Deep drawing
- Deflection
- Deformation
- Defrosting
- Degree of frost
- Degrees of freedom
- Dehumidifier
- Demand controlled ventilation
- Demand-controlled ventilation
- Departure function
- Derailment
- Desiccation
- Destructive testing
- Detailed balance
- Dew
- Dew point
- Diaphragm compressor
- Diaphragm pumps
- Die casting
- Dielectric fluid
- Diesel
- Diesel cycle
- Diesel engines
- Diesel exhaust
- Diesel locomotives
- Diesel-electric
- Differential
- Differential rotation
- Diffusion coefficient
- Diffusion layer
- Diffusion of innovations
- Diffusion pumps
- Diffusionless transformation
- Dilatant
- Dinghy
- Direct chill casting
- Direct digital control
- Direct injection
- Direct-drive
- Direct-drive mechanism
- Directional freezing
- Directional solidification
- Directional stability
- Discharge pressure
- Dislocation creep
- Dispersion-shifted fiber
- Dissipation
- District cooling
- Dog clutch
- Domes
- Door handle
- Doppler echocardiography
- Doppler effect
- Doppler ultrasonography
- Doppler ultrasound
- Double bottom
- Double glazing
- Double hull
- Double inverted pendulum
- Double-clad fiber
- Dowel
- Downhole heat exchanger
- Downsizing
- Dragline
- Drawing
- Dredging
- Drill collar
- Drive shaft
- Dropping point
- Dropwise condensation
- Drucker stability
- Dry dock
- Dry gas seal
- Dry lubricants
- Drying
- Ductile
- Ductile iron
- Ductility
- Ductwork
- Dufour effect
- Duhamel's integral
- Dump truck
- Dumper
- Duty cycle
- Dynamic balance
- Dynamic braking
- Dynamic method
- Dynamics
- Dynamometer
- Earmuffs
- Earplugs
- Earth orbit
- Eccentric anomaly
- Echogenicity
- Eddy current brakes
- Eddy-current testing
- Effective diffusion coefficient
- Effective temperature
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Eigenstrain
- Elastic
- Elastic collision
- Elastic instability
- Elastic modulus
- Elasticity
- Elastomeric bridge bearing
- Electric bicycle
- Electric boats
- Electric supercharger
- Electrical cable
- Electrical conduit
- Electro-chemical grinding
- Electrocaloric effect
- Electrochemical grinding
- Electrochemical machining
- Electrochemical potential
- Electroforming
- Electrohydraulic forming
- Electromagnetic brake
- Electromagnetic clutch
- Electromagnetic pump
- Electromagnetic testing
- Electronic differential
- Electronic throttle control
- Electronics cooling
- Elliptic orbit
- Elliptical orbits
- Embedment
- Embossed
- Embossing
- Energy release rate
- Energy value of coal
- Engine block
- Engine configuration
- Engine displacement
- Engine downsizing
- Engine efficiency
- Engine knocking
- Engine power
- Engine room
- Engineering design
- Engineering design process
- Engraving
- Enhanced heat transfer
- Enthalpy
- Enthalpy of fusion
- Enthalpy of mixing
- Enthalpy of reaction
- Enthalpy of sublimation
- Enthalpy of vaporization
- Entropy production
- Environmental noise
- Environmental Noise Directive
- EP additives
- Equation of state
- Equations of motion
- Equilibrium temperature
- Equivalence principle
- Equivalent temperature
- Ericsson cycle
- Erosion corrosion
- Etched
- Ettingshausen effect
- Euler-Bernoulli beam equation
- Euler-Bernoulli beam theory
- Evaporative cooler
- Evaporative cooling
- Evaporative-pattern casting
- Ex situ
- Exact differential
- Excavators
- Excess chemical potential
- Exergy
- Exergy efficiency
- Exhaust manifold
- Exhaust system
- Exothermic
- Exothermic process
- Expander cycle
- Expansion ratio
- Expansion tank
- Expansion valve
- Extended irreversible thermodynamics
- External
- External ballistics
- External combustion engines
- Extreme pressure additive
- Eye bolt
- Face seal
- Facing
- Factor of safety
- Failure
- False brinelling
- Fan
- Fan coil units
- Fan heaters
- Fastener
- Feedwater heater
- Ferrography
- Ferrules
- Fictitious forces
- Fillets
- Filling stations
- Finite strain theory
- Fins
- Firing order
- First moment of area
- Flange nut
- Flash-gas
- Flat panel detectors
- Flat-panel detectors
- Fleet
- Flexicoil
- Flexural rigidity
- Flexural strength
- Flexure
- Float chamber
- Float switch
- Floating cranes
- Flow control valve
- Flow process
- Fluid bearing
- Flute
- Focused ultrasound
- Foil
- Foil bearings
- Food drying
- Food rheology
- Force
- Force control
- Forced convection
- Forced draught
- Forced induction
- Forced-air
- Forceps
- Forces
- Forging
- Forging temperature
- Formability
- Forming
- Forming limit diagram
- Forwarder
- Foundry
- Four-bar linkage
- Four-stroke
- Four-stroke engine
- Fracture
- Free body
- Free body diagram
- Free cooling
- Free particles
- Free-piston engine
- Freeze thaw resistance
- Freezing
- Frequency
- Friction
- Friction modifier
- Friction torque
- Frozen food
- Fuel pumps
- Fuel tanks
- Full-size
- Fundamental frequency
- Furuta Pendulum
- Fusible alloy
- Galilean invariance
- Galling
- Galvani potential
- Gartner Hype Cycle
- Gas engines
- Gas lift
- Gas turbines
- Gas-generator cycle
- Gaskets
- Gear
- Gear cutting
- Gear manufacturing
- Gear oil
- Gear pumps
- Gear ratio
- Gear shaping
- Gear train
- Generalized coordinates
- Generalized forces
- Geometric mechanics
- Geometric phase
- Geometrical acoustics
- Geosynchronous orbit
- Gerotor
- Gibbs free energy
- Gibbs-Thomson equation
- Glass transition
- Glass transition temperature
- Grain boundary diffusion
- Grain boundary diffusion coefficient
- Grand potential
- Granulation
- Grashof number
- Gravitational acceleration
- Gravity
- Gravity waves
- Grease
- Green wave
- Grinding
- Grinding wheels
- Grindstones
- Grooves
- Gross tonnage
- Ground reaction force
- Ground vibrations
- Group contribution method
- Group-contribution method
- Grouser
- Gudgeon
- Gudgeon pins
- Guided wave testing
- Guy-wires
- H-point
- Haigh-Westergaard stress space
- Halo orbit
- Hamilton's principle
- Hamiltonian mechanics
- Hamiltonian system
- Hamiltonian vector field
- Hand pumps
- Handrails
- Hans device
- Harmonic
- Harmonic analysis
- Harmonic drive
- Harmonic spectrum
- Harmonics
- Harvester
- Hatchbacks
- Haul trucks
- Hawser
- Head gasket
- Headway
- Hearing protection
- Hearing protection devices
- Heat
- Heat bath
- Heat capacity
- Heat engine
- Heat equation
- Heat exchanger
- Heat flux
- Heat of fusion
- Heat of vaporization
- Heat pipes
- Heat rate
- Heat sinks
- Heat transfer
- Heat transfer coefficient
- Heat transfer enhancement
- Heat transfer fluid
- Heat-transfer fluid
- Heater core
- Helix angle
- Helmholtz equation
- Helmholtz free energy
- Helmholtz resonance
- Helmholtz resonators
- Hemispherical combustion chambers
- Hermetic seal
- Hermetically sealed
- Herringbone gear
- High earth orbit
- High fidelity
- High-speed grinding
- Highly elliptical orbits
- Hill yield criterion
- Hinges
- Hodograph
- Hoek-Brown failure criterion
- Hoist
- Holonomic constraints
- Homodyne detection
- Homologous temperature
- Honda
- Honing
- Hooke's Law
- Hoop stress
- Horn
- Hose clamps
- Hot filament
- Hot pressing
- Hot working
- Hovercraft
- Hull
- Huygens-Fresnel principle
- Hybrid rocket
- Hydraulic pump
- Hydraulic ram
- Hydraulic tappet
- Hydrocarbon dew point
- Hydroformed
- Hydroforming
- Hydronic
- Hydronic balancing
- Hydrophones
- Hydrostatic shock
- Hygrometer
- Hype cycle
- Hyperacusis
- Hyperelastic material
- Hyperloop
- Hypocaust
- Hypoid
- i4
- IATF 16949
- Ideal machine
- Ignition switch
- Impact extrusion
- Impeller
- Impulse
- Impulse noise
- Inch of mercury
- Inch of water
- Inches of water
- Inclination
- Inclined orbit
- Incremental deformations
- Incremental sheet forming
- Indexable
- Indicator diagram
- Indirect calorimetry
- Indirect injection
- Industrial noise
- Industrial radiography
- Inelastic collision
- Inertial frame
- Inertial frame of reference
- Inexact differentials
- Infrasound
- Ingot
- Inharmonic
- Injection pump
- Inlays
- Inlet manifold
- Instant centre of rotation
- Insulated glazing
- Insulation
- Intake
- Intake manifold
- Intelligent maintenance system
- Intelligent pump
- Intelligibility
- Interaction
- Intercooler
- Interdigital transducers
- Interfacial rheology
- Interfacial thermal resistance
- Interference fit
- Interlocking
- Internal combustion engine
- Internal heat
- Internal heating
- Internal pressure
- International temperature scale of 1990
- Inversion temperature
- Inverted pendulum
- Investment casting
- Involute gear
- Ion pumps
- Irreversibility
- Isenthalpic
- Isenthalpic process
- Isentropic
- Isentropic process
- ISO 26262
- ISO metric screw thread
- Isobaric
- Isobaric process
- Isochoric
- Isochoric process
- Isothermal
- Isothermal process
- J-integral
- Jacketed vessel
- Jacquard loom
- Jerk
- Jet engine
- Joule effect
- Joule-Thomson effect
- Junction box
- Kalina cycle
- Kapitza resistance
- Keel
- Kelvin waves
- Kepler problem
- Keyway
- Kinematic coupling
- Kinematic diagram
- Kinematic synthesis
- Kinematics
- Kinetic theory of gases
- Kirchhoff's law of thermal radiation
- Kirsch equations
- Kit
- Knitting machines
- Knudsen diffusion
- Knurled
- Knurling
- Krytox
- Labyrinth seals
- Lagrange points
- Lagrangian points
- Lamb waves
- Laplace pressure
- Lapping
- Lapping film
- Laser cooling
- Laser shock
- Laser ultrasonics
- Latches
- Lateral strain
- Leadscrew
- Lean burn
- Lean-burn
- Leidenfrost effect
- Lever
- Lever action
- Lever-action
- License plate
- Lift
- Light-gas gun
- Line of action
- Linear actuator
- Linear compressor
- Linear elasticity
- Linear motion
- Linkages
- Lip seal
- Liquefied gas
- Liquid air
- Liquid cooling
- Liquid dielectrics
- Liquid gas
- Liquid helium
- Liquid ring pump
- Liquid-cooled
- Liquid-ring pump
- Living hinge
- LM6000
- Lobe pump
- Longitude of the ascending node
- Longitudinal framing
- Longitudinal waves
- Loop heat pipe
- Lost-foam casting
- Lost-wax casting
- Loudness
- Low emissivity
- Low-emissivity
- Low-intensity pulsed ultrasound
- Low-speed vehicle
- Lubricants
- Lubrication
- Lug nuts
- Luge
- Luminous flame
- Lyapunov stability
- Mach's principle
- Machinability
- Machine elements
- Machine press
- Machining
- Machining vibrations
- Machinists
- Magnetic bearings
- Magnetic field-assisted finishing
- Magnetic flux leakage
- Magnetic particle inspection
- Magnetic refrigeration
- Magnetic vector potential
- Main bearing
- Maintenance
- Maintenance window
- Malleability
- Malleable iron
- Manifold vacuum
- Manometer
- Mantle convection
- MAP sensor
- Marine engineering
- Marine navigation
- Marine propulsion
- Martensitic transformation
- Mass diffusivity
- Mass distribution
- Mass flow meters
- Mass transfer
- Mass transfer coefficient
- Mass-spring-damper
- Master cylinder
- Material removal rate
- Matter wave
- Mbar
- McLeod gauge
- Mean anomaly
- Mean longitude
- Mean radiant temperature
- Mecanum wheels
- Mechanical advantage
- Mechanical arm
- Mechanical efficiency
- Mechanical engineering
- Mechanical equivalent of heat
- Mechanical index
- Mechanical joint
- Mechanical load
- Mechanical resonance
- Mechanical room
- Mechanical wave
- Mechanization
- Medical ultrasound
- Meditation
- Melamine foam
- Melting
- Melting point
- Melting-point depression
- Membrane theory of shells
- Mesocosms
- Metal fabrication
- Metal forming
- Metal fume fever
- Metal hoses
- Metal spinning
- Metalworking
- Metronome
- Microbubbles
- Microrheology
- Milling
- Milling machine
- Mindlin-Reissner plate theory
- Minimum total potential energy principle
- Mixture theory
- Mobile crane
- Modal analysis
- Modal testing
- Mode conversion
- Mohr-Coulomb theory
- Mohr's circle
- Moisture analysis
- Molding sand
- Molecular diffusion
- Molecular vibration
- Mollier diagram
- Moment of inertia
- Momentum diffusion
- Monopropellant rocket
- Motion
- Motion control
- Motion estimation
- Motor oil
- Motor vehicle
- Motorcycle engine
- Mountain bike
- Moving block
- Moving load
- Moving parts
- Muffler
- Multi-mode optical fiber
- Multi-valve
- Multibeam echosounders
- Multibody dynamics
- Multibody system
- Muzzle blast
- Nail
- Natural frequency
- Naturally aspirated
- Naturally aspirated engine
- Near net shape
- Needle bearings
- Needle valves
- Net force
- Net tonnage
- Neutron temperature
- Noise
- Noise abatement
- Noise barrier
- Noise control
- Noise dosimeter
- Noise floor
- Noise map
- Noise measurement
- Noise pollution
- Noise reduction
- Noise reduction coefficient
- Noise-induced hearing loss
- Noisy data
- Non-circular gears
- Non-contact forces
- Non-equilibrium thermodynamics
- Non-metallic inclusions
- Non-Newtonian fluids
- Non-smooth mechanics
- Non-zero dispersion-shifted fiber
- Nondestructive testing
- Nonlinear acoustics
- Nonlinear resonance
- Normal contact stiffness
- Normal force
- Notchback
- Notching
- Nuclear reactor coolant
- Nucleate boiling
- Nusselt number
- Nut
- O-rings
- Objective stress rate
- Occupational noise
- Octave band
- Odometer
- Off-road vehicles
- Oil additives
- Oil analysis
- Oil cooler
- Oil cooling
- Oil filter
- Oil sludge
- Oil-fired
- One-way wave equation
- Onsager reciprocal relations
- Onset
- Open-end spinning
- Operating point
- Operating temperature
- Operational availability
- Operational modal analysis
- Operative temperature
- Opposed-piston
- Opposed-piston engine
- Optical heterodyne detection
- Orbit
- Orbit determination
- Orbital elements
- Orbital inclination
- Orbital period
- Orbital plane
- Organic rankine cycle
- Orthotropic
- Orthotropic material
- Oscillation
- Oscillator phase noise
- Oscillators
- Osmolytes
- Outboard motors
- Outriggers
- Overhang
- Overhead crane
- Overheating
- Overlap
- Overpressure
- Overspeed
- Paddle
- Pair potential
- Parallel axis theorem
- Parallel motion
- Parking meters
- Partially premixed combustion
- Particle acceleration
- Particle damping
- Particle displacement
- Particle number
- Particle velocity
- Passive cooling
- Pawl
- Pedelecs
- Peening
- Pendulums
- Pent-roof combustion chamber
- Percussion caps
- Perfect thermal contact
- Perfluoropolyether
- Perforated
- Perforated metal
- Perforating
- Perforation
- Performance-based logistics
- Peridynamics
- Peristaltic pump
- Permanent mold casting
- Personal watercraft
- Perturbation
- Perturbations
- Petrol engine
- Phase
- Phase boundary
- Phase conjugation
- Phase synchronization
- Phase transformations
- Phase transitions
- Phase velocity
- Phon
- Photoacoustic effect
- Photochemical machining
- Photoelasticity
- Photomechanical effect
- Photon diffusion
- Physical acoustics
- Pickling
- Pillow block
- Pilot valve
- Pilot-operated relief valves
- Pinch analysis
- Pinion
- Pink noise
- Pintles
- Pipe clamp
- Pipe insulation
- Pirani gauge
- Piston
- Piston engine
- Piston pumps
- Piston rings
- Piston rod
- Piston speed
- Pitch
- Pitch bearings
- Plain bearings
- Plane strain
- Plane waves
- Planing
- Plasma diffusion
- Plastic optical fiber
- Plasticity
- Plasticity theory
- Plate fin heat exchanger
- Plate heat exchangers
- Plate theory
- Plate-fin heat exchanger
- Platform screen doors
- Plenum chamber
- Plenums
- Plug valve
- Plunger pump
- Pneumatic actuators
- Pneumatic motor
- Pneumatic trail
- Point particle
- Poisson's ratio
- Polar moment of inertia
- Polished
- Polishing
- Polyamorphism
- Polyolester
- Polytropic
- Poppet valves
- Poroelasticity
- Poromechanics
- Portable ultrasound
- Positive pressure
- Potential energy
- Potentiometric surface
- Power attenuator
- Power band
- Power bandwidth
- Powerpack
- Pre-echo
- Pre-ignition
- Pre-production
- Precession
- Precession of the equinoxes
- Precision engineering
- Press hardening
- Pressure
- Pressure angle
- Pressure cookers
- Pressure cooking
- Pressure drop
- Pressure gradient
- Pressure measurement
- Pressurization
- Pressurized
- Principle of minimum energy
- Process integration
- Profile angle
- Prognostics
- Programmable thermostat
- Progressing cavity pumps
- Progressive cavity pumps
- Progressive stamping
- Projectile motion
- Prony brake
- Propagation loss
- Propellant tank
- Propeller shaft
- Proportioning valve
- Propulsion
- Propulsor
- Psychrometric
- Pulse tube refrigerators
- Pulse wave
- Pump
- Pump as turbine
- Pump-jet
- Punching
- Pure bending
- Pure tone
- Pushrod
- PV diagram
- Pyroelectric
- Pyroelectricity
- Quadricycle
- Quasistatic loading
- R-value
- Races
- Racing bicycle
- Rack and pinion
- Rack railway
- Radial
- Radial engines
- Radial velocity
- Radiative cooling
- Radiative equilibrium
- Radiator
- Radius of gyration
- Rail grinding
- Rail profile
- Railway brake
- Raised floor
- Raising
- Random vibration
- Range anxiety
- Rankine
- Rankine cycle
- Rankine scale
- Rapeseed oil
- Rapid phase transition
- Rapier looms
- Rarefaction
- Ratchets
- Rate of heat flow
- Ray acoustics
- Rayleigh waves
- Reaction calorimeters
- Reactive centrifugal force
- Reboiler
- Reciprocating compressor
- Reciprocating engines
- Reciprocating motion
- Reciprocating pump
- Recording
- Recuperator
- Reduced mass
- Reduced properties
- Reduced temperature
- Reference plane
- Refresh
- Refrigeration
- Refrigeration cycle
- Refrigerator
- Regelation
- Regenerative heat exchanger
- Regenerator
- Regenerators
- Regular solution
- Relaxation time
- Relay valve
- Relief valves
- Remote diagnostics
- Remote visual inspection
- Remus
- Residual stress
- Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
- Resonators
- Response amplitude operator
- Restoring force
- Resultant force
- Retaining rings
- Retrograde condensation
- Reverberation room
- Reversible process
- Reversing valve
- Revolving door
- Reynolds analogy
- Reynolds equation
- Rheology
- Rheometry
- Ribbon cables
- Rickshaws
- Rigid body
- Rigid origami
- Rigidity theory
- Ring spinning
- Rivets
- Road pricing
- Road racing
- Road rollers
- Roadheaders
- Rocker arm
- Roll center
- Roll forming
- Roll trailer
- Roller bearings
- Roller burnishing
- Roller chain
- Roller screw
- Rolling
- Rolling chassis
- Rolling mill
- Rolling resistance
- Rolling-element bearing
- Room acoustics
- Room temperature
- Roots blowers
- Rotary actuator
- Rotary engines
- Rotary feeder
- Rotary valves
- Rotary vane pump
- Rotating reference frame
- Rotation
- Rotational diffusion
- Rotational molding
- Rotational spectroscopy
- Rotodynamic pump
- Rotor ship
- Rotordynamics
- Roughing pump
- Route capacity
- Rowing
- Rowing cycle
- Rubber elasticity
- Rubber pad forming
- Rubber tyred gantry crane
- Rubber washer
- Rudder
- Run-out
- Rupture disc
- S waves
- SAE J300
- Safety factor
- Safety pins
- Safety valve
- Sails
- Saint-Venant's principle
- Salvage
- Sampling valve
- Sand bath
- Sand casting
- Sandblasting
- Sandpaper
- Sandwich theory
- Sawtooth wave
- Scale of temperature
- Scavenging
- Schlieren imaging
- Scotch yoke
- Screw compressor
- Screw pumps
- Screw theory
- Screw thread
- Scroll compressor
- Sea trials
- Sealant
- Seebeck coefficient
- Seismic source
- Self-diffusion
- Self-tapping screw
- Semi-automatic
- Semi-trailer
- Semi-trailer truck
- Semipermeable membrane
- Sensible heat
- Servomotor
- Shackle
- Shear
- Shear flow
- Shear force
- Shear modulus
- Shear pins
- Shear rate
- Shear strength
- Shear stress
- Shear thinning
- Shear wave splitting
- Shearing
- Shearography
- Sheet metal
- Sheet metal forming simulation
- Shell and tube heat exchanger
- Shell-and-tube heat exchanger
- Shims
- Ship collision
- Ship stability
- Shipbuilding
- Ships
- Shock response spectrum
- Shock waves
- Shockwaves
- Shortwave radiation
- Shot peening
- Side-scan sonar
- Side-valve
- Sight glass
- Signal velocity
- Signalling
- Significant wave height
- Silence
- Silent
- Simple harmonic motion
- Simple machines
- Sine waves
- Single-acting
- Single-cylinder
- Single-cylinder engine
- Single-mode optical fiber
- Single-track vehicle
- Sinusoidal plane wave
- Six-bar linkage
- Six-stroke engine
- Size effect
- Skeg
- Skidder
- Sleds
- Sleeve valves
- Slewing
- Slide valves
- Sliding
- Slip factor
- Slipways
- Slow steaming
- Snap freezing
- Snap-fit
- Snowboard
- Snowmobile
- Sociable
- Sofar channel
- Soil stabilizer
- Sol-air temperature
- Solar resource
- Solenoid valve
- Solid mechanics
- Solid-propellant rocket
- Sonar
- Sonar signal processing
- Sonic booms
- Sonication
- Sonobuoys
- Sonotrode
- Sorption pump
- Sound
- Sound energy
- Sound energy density
- Sound exposure
- Sound exposure level
- Sound intensity
- Sound level meter
- Sound localization
- Sound masking
- Sound power
- Sound pressure
- Sound reduction index
- Soundproofing
- Soundscape
- Soundwalk
- Specific impulse
- Specific volume
- Specified minimum yield strength
- Spectrograms
- Speech transmission index
- Speed of sound
- Spherical bearing
- Spherical pendulum
- Spherical roller bearing
- Sphygmomanometer
- Spin casting
- Spin waves
- Spindle oil
- Spindles
- Spinning frame
- Spinning jenny
- Spinning mule
- Spinodal
- Spiral bevel gear
- Splash lubrication
- Spokes
- Sports car
- Spot facing
- Spray drying
- Spray forming
- Spray pond
- Sprockets
- Sprues
- Spur gear
- Square waves
- Squeeze casting
- Squish
- Stability
- Stackers
- Staged combustion
- Staged combustion cycle
- Stall torque
- Stamping
- Standard atmosphere
- Standard conditions
- Standard electrode potential
- Standard enthalpy of formation
- Standard enthalpy of reaction
- Standard Gibbs free energy of formation
- Standard state
- Standing waves
- Staples
- Starter
- Starter motor
- State functions
- Station keeping
- Stationary engine
- Statistical energy analysis
- Steam boilers
- Steam crane
- Steam engines
- Steam jet cooling
- Steam turbines
- Steamships
- Steel abrasive
- Steel casting
- Stefan flow
- Stem
- Stern
- Stewart platform
- Stick-slip
- Stiffening
- Stirling cycle
- Stirling engines
- Stock removal
- Stoneley wave
- Stoppers
- Stopping power
- Stove
- Straddle carrier
- Straight line mechanism
- Straight-line mechanism
- Strain energy density function
- Strain energy release rate
- Strain hardening exponent
- Strain rate
- Strain wave gearing
- Strain-rate tensor
- Straps
- Stream function
- Streamlined
- Stress concentration
- Stress resultants
- Stress-strain curve
- Stress-whitening
- String vibration
- Stroke ratio
- Structural acoustics
- Structural rigidity
- Stuffing box
- Subcooling
- Subharmonic
- Submersible pumps
- Subsonic
- Suction pressure
- Sun and planet gears
- Sun-synchronous orbits
- Supercharger
- Supercooled
- Supercooling
- Supercritical drying
- Superfinishing
- Superplastic forming
- Supersaturated
- Supersaturation
- Surface finish
- Surface finishing
- Surface force
- Surface rheology
- Surface roughness
- Swaging
- Swarf
- Swashplate
- Synthetic oil
- T-s diagram
- Tamping machine
- Tandem rolling mills
- Tangent modulus
- Tanks
- Tape casting
- Tapered roller bearing
- Tappet
- Target acquisition
- Target strength
- Tear resistance
- Tear strength
- Technology adoption life cycle
- Technology life cycle
- Temperature anomaly
- Temperature control
- Temperature measurement
- Temperature scales
- Tension
- Teos-10
- Terminal ballistics
- Tether
- Therapeutic ultrasound
- Thermal analysis
- Thermal comfort
- Thermal conduction
- Thermal conductivity
- Thermal contact
- Thermal contact conductance
- Thermal cycling
- Thermal diffusivity
- Thermal efficiency
- Thermal effusivity
- Thermal energy
- Thermal engineering
- Thermal equilibrium
- Thermal expansion
- Thermal expansion valve
- Thermal fatigue
- Thermal fluids
- Thermal hydraulics
- Thermal inertia
- Thermal insulation
- Thermal mass
- Thermal neutrons
- Thermal paste
- Thermal physics
- Thermal radiation
- Thermal reservoir
- Thermal resistance
- Thermal rocket
- Thermal shock
- Thermal stress
- Thermal transmittance
- Thermal transpiration
- Thermal vacuum chamber
- Thermalisation
- Thermistors
- Thermo-mechanical fatigue
- Thermoacoustics
- Thermocouples
- Thermodynamic cycle
- Thermodynamic equilibrium
- Thermodynamic process
- Thermodynamic system
- Thermodynamic temperature
- Thermoelastic damping
- Thermoelectric cooling
- Thermoelectric materials
- Thermogravimetric analysis
- Thermomagnetic convection
- Thermometers
- Thermometry
- Thermophoresis
- Thermoregulation
- Thermosiphon
- Thermowell
- Thin-film bulk acoustic resonator
- Thin-shell structure
- Thixotropy
- Thread angle
- Three-wheeler
- Throttle
- Throttle response
- Thrust bearings
- Tie beams
- Time trial bicycles
- Timoshenko beam theory
- Tip clearance
- Tire pressure
- Tire wall
- Titanium sublimation pump
- Tolerance analysis
- Tolerance stack
- Tool wear
- Tops
- Torque
- Torque converter
- Torque density
- Torque limiter
- Torque screwdriver
- Torque wrenches
- Torrefaction
- Torsion
- Torsion constant
- Torsion spring
- Torsional vibration
- Torx
- Total loss
- Toughness
- Tow
- Towing
- Track circuits
- Traction
- Traction engines
- Tractive effort
- Tractor
- Tractor unit
- Traffic waves
- Train stops
- Trajectory
- Transfer case
- Transient hot wire method
- Transmission loss
- Transoms
- Transpiration cooling
- Transport coefficient
- Transport phenomena
- Transverse
- Transverse engine
- Transverse waves
- Treadle
- Treadmills
- Triatomic molecules
- Tribocorrosion
- Tribofilm
- Tribology
- Tribometers
- Tribosystem
- Tricycles
- Trimarans
- Triple point
- True anomaly
- Trunnion
- Tube drawing
- Tundish
- Tuning forks
- Turbine blades
- Turbine map
- Turbomachinery
- Turbomolecular pump
- Turbulent Prandtl number
- Turnbuckles
- Turned
- Turning
- Turning radius
- Turning vanes
- Twin
- Two-stroke
- Two-stroke engines
- Two-wheeler
- Ultrasonic cleaning
- Ultrasonic consolidation
- Ultrasonic flow meter
- Ultrasonic horn
- Ultrasonic machining
- Ultrasonic testing
- Ultrasonic transducer
- Ultrasound
- Ultrasound biomicroscopy
- Ultrasound energy
- Umbilical cable
- Unbalanced
- Uncertainty parameter
- Undercut
- Undercuts
- Underfloor heating
- Underwater acoustics
- Underwater glider
- Underwater vehicles
- Undulatory locomotion
- Unicycle
- Unilateral contact
- Unit injectors
- Unit pump
- Unmanned vehicles
- Usage-based insurance
- V engines
- V2V
- V8
- V8 engine
- Vacuum casting
- Vacuum chambers
- Vacuum drying
- Vacuum flask
- Vacuum insulated panel
- Vacuum pumps
- Value-driven maintenance
- Valve actuators
- Valve gear
- Valve leakage
- Valve seat
- Valve timing
- Valvetrain
- Van Laar equation
- Vapor barrier
- Vapor lock
- Vapor pressure
- Vapor pressure deficit
- Vapor-compression refrigeration
- Vapour pressure of water
- Vapour-pressure deficit
- Variable compression ratio
- Variable displacement
- Variable gauge
- Variable valve lift
- Variable-mass system
- Variator
- Vehicle
- Vehicle recycling
- Vehicle-to-everything
- Vehicular ad hoc network
- Vehicular automation
- Vehicular communication systems
- Velcro
- Velocity potential
- Velocity triangles
- Vibration
- Vibration fatigue
- Vibration isolation
- Vibronic coupling
- View factor
- Virial stress
- Virtual displacement
- Virtual temperature
- Virtual work
- Vis viva
- Vis-viva equation
- Viscoplastic
- Viscoplasticity
- Viscosity index
- Viscous damping
- Vitrification
- Vitrified
- Volta potential
- Volumetric efficiency
- Volumetric heat capacity
- Vortex tube
- Vorticity
- Wagons
- Wankel engine
- Washer
- Waste heat
- Waste heat recovery
- Waste heat recovery unit
- Water activity
- Water brake
- Water chiller
- Water cooling
- Water injection
- Water jacket
- Watertight door
- Wave
- Wave drag
- Wave field synthesis
- Wave impedance
- Wave loading
- Wave packets
- Wave vector
- Wavelength
- Wavenumber
- Weighting curve
- Wet-bulb temperature
- Wheel alignment
- Wheel cylinder
- Wheel slide protection
- Whispering gallery
- Whistles
- Wiedemann-Franz law
- Winch
- Wind-assisted propulsion
- Windage
- Windcatchers
- Windlasses
- Window insulation
- Windsurfing
- Wingsail
- Wire drawing
- Work output
- Working fluid
- Workpiece
- Workshop
- World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations
- World Soundscape Project
- Worm gear
- Wulff construction
- Yaw
- Yield strength
- Yield surface
- Young's modulus
- Zipper