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Force-System Resultants and Equilibrium
Published in Richard C. Dorf, The Engineering Handbook, 2018
Most large i.c. engines are liquid cooled, and most small engines are air cooled. About a third of the energy input to a typical engine is dissipated through the cooling system. Liquid-cooled engines use either water or an aqueous ethylene glycol solution as coolant. When the glycol is used, it gives lower freezing and higher boiling points, but also increases the viscosity of the coolant. Although some naturalconvection cooling systems have been built, most engines have the coolant pumped through numerous passages in the cylinder walls and heads and then into a heat exchanger where the heat is transferred to the environment. Small marine engines are typically cooled directly with water from the environment. TABLE 68.1 Design and Performance Data for Various Internal Combustion Engines
Investigation on the effect of nanofluid on performance behaviour of a waste cooking oil on a small diesel engine
Published in International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2021
A. P. Venkatesh, M. Muniyappan, C. Joel, S. Padmanabhan
The experimental investigation was carried out in a single cylinder, four stroke, liquid cooled and Kirloskar makes D.I diesel engine as shown in Figure 1. The tests were carried out at a constant speed for entire operation with variable load condition and engine specification tabulated in Table 2. Eddy current dynamometer was used to load the engine. AVL gas analyzer and smoke metre arrangement was used to measure the engine exhaust emission. The engine was started and allowed to warm up for about 15 min. The engine was loaded by adjusting the knob in the dynamometer panel board. At every load condition exhaust emission such as HC, CO, CO2, NOx and smoke were measured using AVL gas analyzer and AVL smoke metre respectively. Initially, based fuel (i.e. diesel, neat WCO, water WCO emulsion) was tested for its performance and emission characteristics and then followed by water WCO nanoemulsion in the same engine and their results were compared against the base fuel.
All-Metal Scroll Vacuum Pumps for Tritium Processing Systems
Published in Fusion Science and Technology, 2020
Nathan Nicholas, Bryce Shaffer
Pump testing was completed at Air Squared’s facility on both open loop air and closed loop helium. The test schematics are shown in Figs. 1 and 2. The test stand uses a metal bellows vacuum pump to back the liquid cooled all-metal (LCAM) scroll vacuum pump. The LCAM scroll vacuum is shown in Fig. 3 (Ref. 1). By using multiple ranges of pressure transducers and mass flowmeters, an accurate pump curve can be generated by directly measuring gas throughput at various pressure setpoints that are controlled using a needle valve. For closed loop testing, the system was first leak checked using a Pfeiffer helium leak detector to prevent contamination of the helium during testing. The pump achieved a leak rate of 10−8 Pa‧L/s. A chiller was used to precisely control the water temperature into the pump while the fluid temperature and multiple pump surface temperatures were recorded using a data acquisition system during all testing.
Demonstration of the Advanced Dynamic System Modeling Tool TRANSFORM in a Molten Salt Reactor Application via a Model of the Molten Salt Demonstration Reactor
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2020
M. Scott Greenwood, Benjamin R. Betzler, A. Lou Qualls, Junsoo Yoo, Cristian Rabiti
Both liquid-cooled and liquid-fueled concepts can be fast, epithermal, or thermal spectrum reactors, with the primary categories loosely defined as liquid-cooled fluoride, liquid-fueled fluoride, and liquid-fueled chloride fast (Fig. 1). Liquid-cooled concepts of current interest are mainly thermal spectrum concepts that use fluoride salts as the primary coolant. This class of reactor, known as fluoride liquid-cooled high-temperature reactors (FHRs), has been the subject of a significant amount of recent MSR research, including conceptual design studies at Oak Ridge National Laboratory4–9 (ORNL). Because liquid-cooled reactors have a fixed fuel form, the analysis of their behavior and performance is expected to be more analogous to traditionally licensed reactor designs. Therefore, existing modeling and simulation capabilities (e.g., CASL, SCALE, RELAP, TRACE) are likely appropriate for many aspects of the FHR design and licensing process.9 However, the nature of dissolved fuel in a molten salt concept introduces many unique challenges (e.g., fission product transport) for which traditional reactor design and analysis tools must be modified if possible, or new ones created.