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Design for Disassembly
Published in Anoop Desai, Anil Mital, Sustainable Product Design and Development, 2020
The architecture of the interactive design system also includes so called design libraries. These are contained within the disassembly module. The function of the design libraries is to help the designer to select appropriate design features. If the system were to prompt the designer to enter the type of fastener that would serve the intended function, the designer is free to select from a variety of fasteners (such as snap fit, screw in fastener, rivets, etc.). These choices are then ranked in order of preference. Doing so enables the system to use that feedback into the design solution.
Experimental Study on Seismically Resilient Two-Span Bridge Models Designed for Disassembly
Published in Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 2019
Sebastian Varela, M. Saiid Saiidi
Figure 3 shows exploded and assembled views of the modular column components in each bent. The lower ends of the longitudinal column bars were threaded to 5/8”-18 UNF so they could be bolted below to a steel plate that was part of the replaceable plastic hinges. Bolted connections were selected throughout the study because they are simple and can be easily attached and detached. However, other unconventional but easily detachable connections such as cam screw and snap-fit fasteners were considered, but their development was deemed to be beyond the scope of the current study. Pockets made of short pieces of steel tubing were provided at the bottom of the column to accommodate the top of the SMA bars. During assembly, the gaps above the SMA bars inside the pockets were filled with thin steel plates to allow the bars to engage in compression. Each bent was supported by RC spread footings with plan dimensions of 3 ft. by 9 ft. and depth of 2 ft. each. The footings incorporated mild steel dowels with threaded ends to fasten them to the SMA bars with coupling nuts. To simulate fixed column base supports, the footings were designed and detailed to remain elastic during testing.