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Energy Efficiency and Conservation Technologies
Published in Swapan Kumar Dutta, Jitendra Saxena, Binoy Krishna Choudhury, Energy Efficiency and Conservation in Metal Industries, 2023
Jitendra Saxena, Binoy Krishna Choudhury
Carnot cycle: A theoretical cycle of a heat engine, with working fluid being always in a state of ideal gas, operating at maximum thermodynamic efficiency between a source temperature and sink temperature comprising four thermodynamic processes, viz. isothermal heat addition (expansion), reversible adiabatic expansion, isothermal heat rejection (compression) and reversible adiabatic compression.
Plants and Equipment
Published in Carl Bozzuto, Boiler Operator's Handbook, 2021
When the steam conditions exceed the critical point, there is no longer any difference between steam and water. There is just a fluid. That fluid flows through the tubes and is heated. There is no separation of steam and water. Therefore, the flow is referred to as #x201C;once-through.” Special design features are required for such boilers. The drive for higher temperature and pressure in boilers is primarily due to the potential improvement in overall efficiency of an electric generating plant. These plants use heat engines to drive an electric generator. Heat engines convert heat energy into mechanical energy (usually of rotation). Heat engines include steam turbines, gas turbines, automobile engines, and diesel engines. These engines are governed by thermodynamics (the movement of heat). In particular, the maximum theoretical efficiency of a heat engine is determined by the so called “second law” of thermodynamics. This law basically states that there is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. The consequences of this law are that heat always flows from the high temperature to the low temperature, that a heat engine must work between two temperature levels labeled Thot and Tcold, that a heat engine must reject some heat at that lower temperature, and that the maximum theoretical efficiency is governed by the following equation: Maximum efficiency = (Thot - Tcold)/Thot.
Stirling Engine Solar Power Systems
Published in Robert K. McMordie, Mitchel C. Brown, Robert S. Stoughton, Solar Energy Fundamentals, 2021
Robert K. McMordie, Mitchel C. Brown, Robert S. Stoughton
A heat engine is a device that uses heat as an energy source and converts part of the heat into work. Work is defined as force times distance, and power is work per unit time. Gasoline engines, diesel engines, and steam power plants are examples of heat engines. An important question is, “what is the maximum efficiency of heat engines?” Efficiency is defined as the work output of an engine divided by the heat input to the engine. The Carnot engine is a heat engine that receives heat at a constant high temperature and ejects waste heat at a constant low temperature. It turns out that the efficiency of a Carnot engine is: ()
Effect of n-butanol on cotton seed oil biodiesel: an approach for improving the emission behavior of DI diesel engine
Published in Petroleum Science and Technology, 2023
M. A. Asokan, S. Senthur Prabu
Thermal efficiency is described as the efficiency of a heat engine measured by the ratio of the work performed by it to the heat supplied to it. Figure 4 shows the BTE of diesel/CSOME blends. An increase in BTE is evident with an increase in the load for all fuel blends with diesel. The cause behind this is the decrease in thermal loss and increasing in power with an increasing the load. BTE of CSOME blends is slightly less compared to diesel fuel because of high viscosity, poor volatility along with higher density of biodiesel etc. (Suryanarayanan, Janakiraman, and Rao 2008). At medium loads, the BTE of B20 was 12.2% higher than diesel. But, higher load, the diesel performed well and showed the maximum efficiency (Asokan et al. 2019). After adding n-butanol, the blend BN20 produced a 5.8% higher BTE compared to B20 at 50% load. BTE of BN20 obtained was 33.1% at 75% load whereas diesel fuel at this load was 32.1%. Hence n-butanol added biodiesel fuel showed better BTE compared to diesel and biodiesel fuels up to 75% load (Yilmaz et al. 2014).
Numerical analysis of travelling wave thermo-acoustic engine considering the wall Prandtl number
Published in International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2022
Mahesh Krishna Gaikwad, Pradeep A. Patil, Vikas Thate, Yogesh Jadhav, Shubham Chabukswar
Any device which can convert heat energy of fuel into mechanical energy is known as engine or heat engine. The thermo-acoustic engine uses a heat difference to induce high amplitude sound waves. Figure 1(a,b) shows the CAD model and schematic diagram with geometrical dimensions of travelling wave thermo-acoustic engine, respectively. The CAD model of travelling wave thermo-acoustic engine has developed in CATIA v5-6. The boundary conditions and analysis are carried out in ANSYS-Fluent. The engine assembly is divided into two parts; first, the core which include the main cold heat exchanger, regenerator, hot heat exchanger, TBT and the secondary cold heat exchanger. The second part consists of the feedback tube and the resonator. The dimensions of thermo-acoustic engine have shown in Table 1. The detailed CFD analysis is described in the following paragraphs.
Market Basis for Salt-Cooled Reactors: Dispatchable Heat, Hydrogen, and Electricity with Assured Peak Power Capacity
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2020
Figure 1 shows the energy economy of the United States from sources of energy (nuclear, wind, solar, natural gas, etc.) to the ultimate customer (residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation). Electricity is an energy carrier and effectively acts as a fifth class of customer. Almost all energy today is provided by fossil fuels. Fossil fuels allow each fossil fuel to separately supply different end users. We have independent energy transport systems for electricity, natural gas, oil, and coal. Most energy is consumed as heat, not as electricity (orange lines in Fig. 1). This includes the transport sector where heat engines (internal combustion and jet) are used to move cars, trucks, and aircraft.