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Smart Paints
Published in Asit Baran Samui, Smart Polymers, 2022
Asit Baran Samui, Sushil S. Pawar
Antifouling paint is used to protect underwater surfaces from fouling (hooking of marine organisms onto a ship’s hull and other underwater surfaces to produce a hard and thick mass) so that fuel consumption and operational availability are not adversely affected (Figure 3.1). The smart toxic paint to prevent fouling is based on organotin polymer (tributyltinmethacrylate (TBTM)) resin as a binder.
Prevention, Control, and Mitigation
Published in Héctor A. Videla, Manual of Biocorrosion, 2018
High efficiency antifouling paints based on chlorinated rubber for use in offshore structures have been recently reported.18 Anti-fouling paints used on ships generally contain highly toxic metals containing biocides which ensure protection against marine fouling organisms often for as little as two years.14 The leaching efficiency of the metal in the biocide decreases with time as the ions have farther to migrate through the paint film to the surface. Thus, although paint films may, on laboratory analysis, contain sufficient overall residual levels of the toxic metal to ensure protection, the outer part of the film may itself be depleted, allowing the growth of fouling organisms. This inconvenience is generally overcome by using self-polishing copolymers, which are sparingly soluble in water, to avoid depleted zone formation. However, these paints are useful when a rapid flow of water over a surface is provided (e.g., ship hulls), continuously wearing away the coating and exposing a fresh biocide-containing surface. These paints are not appropriate for static structures such as offshore oil rigs.
Trends in Polymer Applications
Published in Manas Chanda, Plastics Technology Handbook, 2017
Most anti-fouling paints incorporate a copper pigment that provides a toxic environment for biological growth. The cuprion anti-fouling system introduced by Cathodic Protection Company Limited, however, differs in that it releases copper into solution by passing direction current through a copper electrode. This produces soluble copper in minute amounts making a hostile environment for the growth of algae, slimes, and mussels. The Cuprion system is used by BP to keep its platforms on its Forties Field in the North Sea free from marine growth.
Spatial Distribution and Contamination Assessment of Trace Metals in the Coral Reef Sediments of Kavaratti Island in Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean
Published in Soil and Sediment Contamination: An International Journal, 2020
Anu Joy, P P Anoop, R Rajesh, Angel Mathew, Anu Gopinath
Another source is shipping activity which contributes in two ways – one is contamination of these metals through oil and metallic contents from ships and barges and another is from antifouling paints used in ships and boats. Pb is one of the major ingredients of antifouling coatings. There has been a drastic increase in passenger and cargo traffic across the seas since, Lakshadweep is on the trade route between Africa, Middle East and west coast of India. The passenger traffic by ships on Mainland-Island sector has grown by around 20% between 2010–11 and 2015–16. The cargo traffic from mainland to islands has also grown by 31% between 2010–11 and 2015–16 (Sagarmala 2017). Sampath (2017) reported that the coral reef ecosystem in Lakshadweep is facing severe threat from oil spillage and fuel discharge due to the increase in passenger vessels and the number of generators used for power generation. The concentration of Zn in the lagoons might be due to its application as an anticorrosive agent in boat paint (Deya et al. 2003). Painting activities of fishing boats and the use of antirust paint in fishing and shipping industries may affect the levels of Zn in the sediments (Kamaruzzaman et al. 2006). Pb is one of the major ingredients of antifouling coatings. Nearby the outer lagoon station OS2, a cargo ship carrying cement to the island namely Nand Aparajita, got wrecked on 15 August 2010. The residual oil and chemical contamination from anti-fouling paint abraded from the ship’s hull can be the reason for the increase in trace metals in this station.