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Energy Management/For Going Green
Published in Dale R. Patrick, Stephen W. Fardo, Ray E. Richardson, Brian W. Fardo, Energy Conservation Guidebook, 2020
Dale R. Patrick, Stephen W. Fardo, Ray E. Richardson, Brian W. Fardo
One simple application of a computer or computer control to an existing system is the addition of a programmable thermostat. By using solid-state devices to measure temperature, a programmable thermostat can execute a program from an internal memory to alter the temperature in the zone it controls by time of day or the day of the week. Typically, the thermostat is programmed by schedules. Daily schedules include a temperature setting for a time to wake, another temperature for a time while away at work, a third setting for return from work, and last a temperature setting for sleep time. Depending on the complexity of the thermostat, these schedules can be set for each day of the week, altering the schedule on weekends if desired. Because it is microprocessor based, the programmable thermostat can incorporate other features such as a vacation setting, lockout of unauthorized users, and automatic changeover between seasons. Also, some programmable thermostats act as data recorders tracking the hours the system has ran, temperature extremes, and maintenance timers such as filter replacement. An example of a programmable thermostat with a touch-screen programming feature is shown in Figure 11-3.
Perceptions of thermal conditions in contemporary high-rise apartment buildings under different temperature control strategies
Published in Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2021
Helen Stopps, Marianne F. Touchie
In the baseline control strategy, all of the thermostat’s smart features were disabled and the thermostat was operated as a standard-programmable thermostat. Participants were free to set a temperature setpoint schedule if desired, however, they were not required to. In the occupancy-based control strategy, the built-in thermostat presence-sensing smart feature was enabled and a temperature set-back was applied when occupancy was not detected in the suite for a two-hour period. Participants selected both the temperature setpoint(s) which would be used when their suite was occupied and the depth of the temperature set-back that occurred when their suite was unoccupied. The load shifting control strategy used overnight pre-conditioning in which the suite temperature setpoint was gradually lowered overnight in the cooling season and was raised overnight in the heating season. Daytime temperature setpoints were not altered from the participants’ baseline schedule. The temperature setback schedule for the load shifting control strategy is shown in Table 3 for both the cooling and heating seasons. The temperature setpoint changes for the load shifting control strategy were implemented by remotely setting vacation events on participants’ thermostats which setback the thermostat setpoint relative to participants’ temperature setpoints. As the load shifting strategy implemented aggressive overnight temperature setbacks, participants were able to override the vacation event settings and return to their original temperature setpoint schedule if they were thermally uncomfortable.
Exploring smart thermostat users’ schedule override behaviors and the energy consequences
Published in Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2020
Brent Huchuk, William O’brien, Scott Sanner
The thermostats from this particular manufacturer (ecobee) allow users to program a schedule with a different set of timings and setpoints each day. If a user has not programmed a schedule the thermostat is defaulted to a “sleep” and “home” period each day based on predefined default start and end times. Each scheduled period on the thermostat (i.e., sleep, home, away, or a custom one) is associated with both heating and cooling setpoints. Left alone by the user, a thermostat follows the setpoints associated with the period at the current time in the schedule – the standard behavior of any programmable thermostat. The STs in this dataset have additional reactive “smart” setpoint features. For example, when anticipating setpoint changes located in the schedule, the setpoints are adjusted to smooth transitions so the household is at the correct temperature at the time of the schedule change. Additionally, modest adjustments (within a couple of degrees) to the scheduled setpoints can be made on perceived occupancy or absence on some generations of devices. The occupancy state of the home is determined by the motion sensors both on the thermostat and located around the home in paired remote sensors. All of these feature-actions were marked in the interval data.
A Method for Predicting Coal Temperature Using CO with GA-SVR Model for Early Warning of the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal
Published in Combustion Science and Technology, 2022
As shown in Figure 1, an experimental device was programmed to measure the concentration of index gases that were emitted from the coal at variable temperatures. The setup comprised a gas chromatograph, a programmable thermostat, a monitoring computer, a fan, and a flow regulator. The lignite coal sample was obtained from Hu Jia-he coal mine, 401103 working face. The gases emitted from the combustion of the coal were collected in a tank and quantified using a gas chromatograph. The experimental process was as follows: Selection of coal samples