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Ionizing Radiation
Published in Martin B., S.Z., of Industrial Hygiene, 2018
Industrial radiography is the process of taking an X-ray picture, or radiograph, with a radiation source and X-ray film. The radiographic pictures show the inner structure of such things as concrete structures, welds, metal castings, circuit boards, etc. A common type of industrial radiographic system uses an Ir-192 gamma source containing about 100 Ci of activity.
Industrial Radiography
Published in Paolo Russo, Handbook of X-ray Imaging, 2017
Industrial radiography is typically applied for the volumetric inspection of industrial products and installations (Halmshaw 1995; Bossi et al. 2002; Czichos 2013). W.C. Roentgen himself did the first radiographs of this kind in 1896, by imaging soldered tin plates and his hunting rifle (Glasser 1939) (see also Section II, Chapter 17 of this book for an historical introduction to Roentgen’s discovery; the original plate made by Röntgen of his shotgun is reproduced as Figure XXVI in the historical gallery, in the middle of this book). The basic setup consists of a radiation source in front of the object to inspect an area detector behind the object to capture the penetrated shadow image of the object under investigation. The classical detector is an X-ray film. New electronic area detectors are gradually substituting film. The radiation source can be an X-ray tube, a gamma source, a linear accelerator, or a particle accelerator, generating, for example, neutron, proton, or other charged particle radiation. Objects of all possible materials and thicknesses can be inspected, provided the right radiation source and energy is selected. There exist practical limitations to the upper material thickness, for example, 0.5 m penetration length in steel or 2 m in concrete (at an X-ray radiation energy of 12 MeV).
Fatigue Design Philosophy of an Aero Engine Combustor Casing
Published in Sashi Kanta Panigrahi, Niranjan Sarangi, Aero Engine Combustor Casing, 2017
Sashi Kanta Panigrahi, Niranjan Sarangi
Industrial radiography involves exposing a test object to penetrating radiation so that the radiation passes through the object being inspected and a recording medium placed against the opposite side of that object. For thinner or less dense materials such as aluminum, electrically generated x-radiation (x-rays) is commonly used; for thicker or denser materials, gamma radiation is generally used.
Location and Activity Characterization of Gamma-Ray Point Sources Concealed in Shipping Containers Using Iterative Reconstruction and Modeling Cargo-Specific Attenuation
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2023
Euan L. Connolly, Dean T. Connor, Peter G. Martin
A 662-keV γ-radiation source was modeled as a 2.5-cm radius sphere (resembling a point source). In each simulation, the source was positioned either at the center of the cargo, in the corner of the cargo, or at the midpoint between the center and corner. These three positions are depicted in Fig. 1, and henceforth, are referred to as the center, corner, and mid positions, respectively. The energy 662 keV was used as it is the characteristic emission of 137Cs, which has widespread use in medical and industrial applications.[21] With greater than TBq activities of 137Cs used within irradiator and inspection systems, there is potential for malicious actors to obtain 137Cs in dangerous quantities. Demonstrating the MLEM PS method for 662-keV γ radiation serves as a proxy for detecting isotopes with emissions in a similar energy range. The characteristic γ energies of other isotopes commonly used in industrial radiography, such as 192Ir, 60Co, and 75Se in TBq activities, range from 264.7 to 1332.5 keV, roughly the order of magnitude of 662-keV γ radiation from 137Cs.[22,23]
Automatic anomaly detection from X-ray images based on autoencoders
Published in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2022
Alice Presenti, Zhihua Liang, Luis F. Alves Pereira, Jan Sijbers, Jan De Beenhouwer
X-ray radiography allows for non-destructive inspection of the internal structure of an object. Industrial radiography-based inspection is an anomaly detection task, which aims at distinguishing between defective and non-defective samples. Identifying possible defective objects solely from the observation of the object radiographs can be a hard task and is often defect-dependent (see, for example, [1]). Another possibility is to compare the acquired radiographs to simulated ones from a computer-aided design (CAD) representation of the object [2]. The effectiveness of this method, however, strongly depends on the registration accuracy between the simulated and measured images. In fact, the orientation of the object during an X-ray acquisition is usually not accurately known and has to be estimated.
Heat treatment effects on tribological characteristics for AISI A8 tool steel and development of wear mechanism maps using K means clustering and neural networks
Published in Tribology - Materials, Surfaces & Interfaces, 2018
Nandakumar Pillai, Ram Karthikeyan, J. Paulo Davim
Probabilistic neural network (PNN) is a statistical algorithm used in classification problems. Here the operations are organised in a feed forward network with multiple layers of input, pattern, summation and output. PNN can be used for mapping, classification and to directly estimate posteriori probabilities. When an input is given, the hidden layer computes the distance between the input and training vector and produces the element close to the training vector. The summation layer computes the contribution of each class and generates net output as probability vectors [17]. A transfer function on output layer takes the maximum probabilities from the summation layer to give the final output. Nacereddine et al. [18] has used PNN in Computer-aided shape analysis and classification of weld defects in industrial radiography based invariant attributes. Neural network is used to predict and compare three body wear analysis of composite material by Rao et al. [19].