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Published in Samuel C. Sugarman, HVAC Fundamentals, 2020
Specific volume is the volume of a substance per unit weight. For air, the units of specific volume are cubic feet per pound. Specific volume lines run across the chart at about a 70 degree angle (#10, Figure 3-1). Density and specific volume are reciprocals. Once specific volume is found on the psych chart, density is calculated using the equation: density = 1/specific volume. For example, if the specific volume is 13.33 cubic feet per pound then the density is 0.075 pounds per cubic foot (0.075 lb/ cf = 1/13.33 cf/lb).
Compressible Flow in Nozzles
Published in V. Babu, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 2019
From the first term, we can define the isothermal compressibility as −1v(∂v∂P)T and, from the second term, we can define the coefficient of volume expansion as 1v(∂v∂T)P. The second term represents the change in specific volume (or equivalently density) due to a change in temperature. For example, when a gas is heated at constant pressure, the density decreases and the specific volume increases. This change can be large, as is the case in most combustion equipment, without necessarily having any implications on the compressibility of the fluid. It thus follows that compressibility effect is important only when the change in specific volume (or equivalently density) is due largely to a change in pressure.
Experimental investigation on the viscosity and specific volume of gasoline fuel under the magnetisation process
Published in International Journal of Ambient Energy, 2022
Rakesh Kumar Sidheshware, S. Ganesan, Virendra Bhojwani
In thermodynamics, the specific volume of a substance is the ratio of the substance’s volume to its mass. It is the reciprocal of density and an intrinsic property of matter as well. In this experiment, the specific volume of gasoline fuel is measured under magnetic and non-magnetic field effect. Figure 7 shows magnetic and non-magnetic effect on specific volume. The result shows that under magnetisation process the specific volume of gasoline fuel decreases at a rate of 2–4% for any quantity of fuel measured (Figure 7). The specific volume of gasoline fuel is measured from 50 ml to 200 ml of fuel.