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Electronic Circuit Assembly
Published in Trevor Linsley, Electronic Servicing and Repairs, 2014
A ribbon cable is a multicore cable laid out as flat strip or ribbon strip. A range of connectors are made to connect ribbon cable, as shown inFig. 3.23, which is used for making board-to-board interconnections and to connect computer peripherals such as VDUs and printers.
Grid Voltage Sensorless Control of Single Phase Grid Tied Inverter for Renewable Energy Systems Applications
Published in Electric Power Components and Systems, 2018
Aditi Chatterjee, Kanungo Barada Mohanty, Kishor Thakre, Vinaya Sagar Kommukuri
To validate the competence of the proposed grid voltage sensorless DC-MPCC strategy for single phase grid tied inverter a hardware prototype is constructed in the laboratory. A Semikron make three phase inverter is used for experimental implementation. It is operated as a single phase inverter by giving pulses to its two legs only. An auto transformer emulates the single phase grid. The inverter is connected to the grid through a filter inductance with a resistance. The control algorithm is implemented on DS1104 real-time control platform. The R and D controller card is installed in the computer and it connects to the dSPACE I/O box via the master I/O ribbon cable. Switching pulses are transmitted to the gate drivers from the slave I/O channel of the dSPACE board. A LEM make current sensor LA 55-P is calibrated to measure the inverter output current. The analog to digital conversion (ADC) channels read the sensed signals back to the controller desk. The output experimental waveforms are viewed on a four channel Tektronix digital storage oscilloscope (DSO). To perform the harmonic analysis of the output current and voltage waveforms a Yokogawa WT500 power analyzer is used. The snapshot of the experimental set-up is shown in Figure 7.
Evaluating adaptiveness of an active back exosuit for dynamic lifting and maximum range of motion
Published in Ergonomics, 2023
D. Adam Quirk, Jinwon Chung, Megan Applegate, Jason M. Cherin, Diane M. Dalton, Lou N. Awad, Conor J. Walsh
In this study, we developed an active back exosuit, which is capable of applying forces up to 250 N through ribbon cable driven actuation (Figure 1(A)). The exosuit incorporated inertial motion sensors (IMUs) to capture movements of the back and thighs at a frequency of 100 Hz, allowing for the application of forces based on the user’s movements. In this study, a generic adaptive impedance controller is used for all the participants without tuning or optimisation to each individual. This controller is a type of impedance controller that generates force commands as a function of trunk flexion angle and angular velocity. To calibrate 0° trunk flexion angle as a reference, participants were instructed to stand upright at the initialisation of the device.
Low-cost automated pipetting system using a single board computer and 3D-printing
Published in Instrumentation Science & Technology, 2023
Naga P. D. Boppana, Robyn A. Snow, Paul S. Simone, Gary L. Emmert, Michael A. Brown
A Raspberry Pi 3 B + was used to control and communicate with external hardware such as stepper drivers and a position sensing system. A seven-inch capacitive touchscreen was connected to the serial interface of the Raspberry Pi using a 15-pin ribbon cable. This touchscreen allows user interaction with the auto pipet software application. A single switching power supply was used to supply power for all of the components. There is a minimal temperature dependency with this type of configuration. The AMIS-30543 stepper drivers communicate through a serial peripheral interface and the ADS1115 module through the inter-integrated circuit interface of the Raspberry Pi.