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Sustainability of Air Transport System
Published in Milan Janić, System Analysis and Modelling in Air Transport, 2021
The present aircraft powered by Jet-A1/8 fuel are considered as conventional aircraft. They are propelled by jet engines whose main performance in the given context is SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption), expressed in terms of g/s-km (grams of fuel per seat-kilometre) (Janić, 1999). Divided by the average load factor, such defined SFC gives the average fuel consumption, i.e., fuel efficiency of an individual aircraft and/or of an aircraft fleet, in terms of g/p-km (grams of fuel per passenger kilometre). The average fuel consumption expressed in g/p-km has decreased more than proportionally during the observed period. The total decrease amounted about 45%o over the past 46 years (see Figure 1.12c in Chapter 1). The corresponding average emissions of GHG (CO2) decreased in a similar way. As mentioned above, SPK fuels have just started to be used in commercial quantities in different blends with Jet-A1/8 fuel. Under such conditions, the conventional aircraft engines have not needed any modification, indicating that, if the share of alternative fuels increases, the conventional aircraft will accept such changes efficiently and effectively.
Reciprocating Engines
Published in Neil Petchers, Combined Heating, Cooling & Power Handbook: Technologies & Applications, 2020
Specific fuel consumption (sfc) and thermal fuel efficiency are based on the power delivered by an engine and the fuel energy consumed. Sfc is the ratio of the mass flow of fuel (m˙f), typically expressed as an amount of fuel, in number of lbm, gallons or cf used by the engine, per hour, to the power (P) produced or delivered by the engine (typically expressed as hp or kW). It is expressed as follows: () sfc=m˙fP
Straight-level flight
Published in Mohammad H. Sadraey, Aircraft Performance, 2017
Please note that in the derivation process in this section we assumed that the specific fuel consumption (C) is constant with speed and altitude. However, the SFC varies with airspeed and flight altitude. For a jet aircraft equipped with a turbofan engine, the SFC decreases with altitude, but increases with the Mach number (see Figures 4.54 and 4.57). When this reality is included in our analysis, we can conclude that the maximum endurance will slightly increase with altitude, but slightly decreases with Mach number.
Performance evaluation and emission characteristics of variable compression ratio diesel engine using Argemone Mexicana biodiesel
Published in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021
M. Suresh, C.P. Jawahar, R.Rohith Renish, A. Malmquist
The variation in SFC with respect to compression ratio is depicted in Figure 6 SFC of AME20 blend is noticed to be minimal than that of other blends at CR 17 and 18. This can be attributed to the fuel viscosity, density, and heating value of blended fuels (Amarnath and Prabhakaran 2012; Anand et al. 2012; Sivaramakrishnan 2017). It appears that the SFC for blend AME20 is minimal at compression ratio 17. The SFC decreases with an increase in compression ratio. The SFC of the blend AME20 at the compression ratio of 17 was 0.27 kg/kWh whereas for diesel it is 0.26 kg/Kwh. It was observed that the SFC increased by 3.84% when compared with diesel at compression ratio 17. The SFC increases with an increase in the percentage of blends added which can be attributed to the decrease in calorific value of the superior blends. It has been observed that from literature fewer values of SFC are required for the better performance of the engine. The research work carried out by (Amarnath and Prabhakaran 2012; Anand et al. 2012; Sivaramakrishnan 2017) show the SFC of 0.3 kg/kWh, 0.28 kg/kWh and (0.32 kg/kWh), respectively, and concluded that lower SFC leads to increased efficiency of an engine. In the present study, at a CR of 17, SFC of 0.27 kg/kWh is reported, which is less the one reported in the literatures. The uncertainty in the determination of SFC is ± 1.05%.
Potential of diesel electric system for fuel saving in fishing vessels: a case study on a bottom longline fleet of Brazil
Published in Journal of Marine Engineering & Technology, 2021
Ricardo Fagundes Bastos, David Alves Castelo Branco, Maurício Cardoso Arouca
Another parameter required for estimating the fuel consumption in each stage of operation is the specific fuel consumption (SFC). The SFC is the amount of fuel required to produce a unit of power per time unit, usually expressed as (l/hp-h), and can be obtained by the performance charts (consumed power with its respective torque and rpm) of the engine, provided by manufacturers. Thus, it is possible to plot different results and trace a consumption curve for the engine under analysis. Despite variations among engines, the specific fuel consumption curve, in general, has its minimum value at the maximum torque point, with a load of around 80% of nominal power and 70–80% of rpm (Wilson 1999; Gulbrandsen 2012).
Effect of pilot injection timing using crude palm oil biodiesel on combustion process on dual fuel engines with compressed natural gas as the main fuel
Published in International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2021
Bambang Sudarmanta, Dori Yuvenda, Ary Bachtiar K.P., Arif Wahjudi, Ahmad Arbi Trihatmojo
Parameters used to measure engine performances include power, brake thermal efficiency (BTE), and specific fuel consumption (SFC). The related definition of these parameters, load is the external force acting on engine components. In this case, the load is given to the electric generator coupled to the engine. SFC is the amount of fuel the engine uses to produce 1 kW of power for an hour. Thermal efficiency is a measure of the heat energy stored in the fuel to be converted into effective power by the internal combustion motor. The relationship between the mass of fuel, SFC, power, and BTE is seen in the following equation (Mahla et al. 2018):