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Evaluate the Capacity of the Steel Beam-Column Connection through Pushover Analysis
Published in Farzad Hejazi, Hojjat Mohammadi Esfahani, Solving Complex Problems for Structures and Bridges Using ABAQUS Finite Element Package, 2021
Farzad Hejazi, Hojjat Mohammadi Esfahani
This module is used to define various interactions within the model or interactions between regions of the model and its surroundings. The interactions can be mechanical or/and thermal. Analysis constraints can also be applied between two similar and different materials such as Tie connection, Rigid, embedded region, shell to solid coupling, etc. The interaction used in this example is a weld connection between the beam and column and also between the column and segments. To demonstrate the condition of the weld connection, the tie constraints in Abaqus will be implemented in this model.
Command, Control, and Communication (C3) Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence
Published in Anna M. Doro-on, Handbook of Systems Engineering and Risk Management in Control Systems, Communication, Space Technology, Missile, Security and Defense Operations, 2023
Reciprocal is defined as a mutual connection and integration between or among objects, systems, or elements. Regardless of the fact that an object or element is not exclusively dependent on the other, they rely on one another. Interaction is defined as an interchange or action among or between objects, systems, or elements. As a result of linking together, reciprocal interaction means a mutual exchange exists in which objects, systems, or elements perform complementary behavior simultaneously or alternately.
Terms and Definitions
Published in Rick Houghton, William Bennett, Emergency Characterization of Unknown Materials, 2020
Rick Houghton, William Bennett
Chemical interaction occurs when two or more compounds come in contact and produce a chemical change. The change can be instantaneous, gradual, spontaneous, or initiated by a third compound or energy. Chemical interactions produce lower net energy states. Sometimes additional energy supplied by fire, electricity, light, or other energy source must be added to initiate a chemical reaction.
Study on the traction potential and manoeuvrability of wheel-individually driven commercial vehicle concepts
Published in Vehicle System Dynamics, 2022
Juergen Kneissl, Alexander Lion, Felix Breuer, Philipp Wagner, Thomas Ille
The method of Multi-body Simulation (MBS) is used for the simulation of the vehicle model, as it is widely used and accepted to represent the driving dynamics of vehicles. MBS is described in fundamental books [16–18] as well as in various applications [19,20]. To map vehicle dynamics, MBS (multi-body simulation) has proven its suitability [16]. It describes the interaction of complex mechanical systems. They consist of different rigid or elastic bodies which are connected via joints or force elements. For detailed basics on MBS, please refer to [16,18]. The equations of motion generated in the course of the multi-body simulation of a commercial vehicle show a high complexity. Accordingly, they can only be solved by numerical integration methods for ordinary differential equations. For this purpose, the commercial simulation software Simpack from Dassaults Systems was used [21].
Morphological computation in haptic sensation and interaction: from nature to robotics
Published in Advanced Robotics, 2018
Julius E. Bernth, Van Anh Ho, Hongbin Liu
Mechanical interactions are one of the richest sources of information available during object manipulation or haptic interaction in general. Here, haptic interaction is used to encompass all possible ways in which a robot can affect – or be affected by – an external object which it is physically touching. Mechanical interactions are defined by phenomena such as stress/strain, vibration and friction. These stimuli are transferred from the point of physical contact to sensing elements through a physical medium. As a result, the sense of touch strongly depends on the morphology (the physical properties and shape) of that intermediate medium and the sensor’s overall structure. Therefore, awareness of this relationship can facilitate the design of novel haptic sensing and display systems.
Differences in open innovation practices between headquarters and subsidiaries in the automotive industry: The French case
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2019
Marina Borges Martins, Paulo Carlos Kaminski
PDP must be market-oriented. It is directly linked to technology management and it needs to respect some criteria for costs and quality. Therefore, this process is composed of sets of activities involving numerous departments of any given company and even involving a network that goes beyond the firm’s boundaries. Thus, interaction is paramount to the success of the process. Through interactions, design problems are solved, difficulties are converted into solutions and design incompatibilities are fixed (Martinez Leon, Farris, & Letens, 2013).