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Food Packaging
Published in C. Anandharamakrishnan, S. Padma Ishwarya, Essentials and Applications of Food Engineering, 2019
C. Anandharamakrishnan, S. Padma Ishwarya
The principle of this test is based on measuring the energy absorbed by the test sample in spreading a tear that has already been initiated by making a small cut in the test piece. Tear strength test is performed using the Elmendorf tearing tester which has two grips set side by side with only a small separation. One of the grips is stationary and mounted upright on the instrument base; whereas, the other grip is movable and mounted on a pendulum. In turn, the pendulum is mounted on a frictionless bearing and swings on a shaft. The sample of dimensions 50 × 62 mm is clamped in the two grips, and a cut is made using a sharp knife fixed on the tester. As the pendulum is released, it swings down on the precut sample. This indicates the residual energy lost in tearing. The tear strength is expressed in mN (millinewton) (ASTM D689-79, Part 20, 2003; the active standard is ASTM D689-17, 2017).
Published in Bryan Ellis, Ray Smith, Polymers, 2008
Impact Strength: Pendulum impact strength 300-500 kg cm-1 (3.2 mm thick) [2], 2.56 kg m mm"1 (20° , 65% relative humidity) [15]. The impact strength of PVA films is high [7] Mechanical Properties Miscellaneous: Tear strength 60 g mm-1 (min., 20° , 65% relative humidity, film thickness 25 mm) [15], 1.4 -1.5 g mm-1 (20° , 65% relative humidity, film thickness 14 mm) [15], 250-800 g mm-1 [2]. Tear strength increases with increasing relative humidity or with the addition of small amounts of plasticiser [1,3]. Tear resistance increases with increasing degree of hydrol. and with increasing MW (viscosity) [31]. Pinhole strength 300 g (20°, 65% relative humidity, film thickness 14 mm) [15]
Characterization Techniques
Published in Manjari Sharma, Biodegradable Polymers, 2021
The specimen I mounted in the jaws of the tear testing machine. The cut is initiated using a sharp blade provided in the machine. When the pendulum is released it swings down under the force of gravity under the specimen is torned from the already begin slit / notch, because of the energy required to tear the film. The pendulum has less energy then if it had fallen freely. The difference in energy is indicated by a pointer on a calibrated scale. The pendulum is released and the specimen is allowed to tear completely and reading is noted down to measure the tear strength. Tear strength is expressed in grams for thin samples. The Tear strength is measured in the machine direction and transverse direction.
Investigation of the flammability properties of a cotton and elastane blend denim fabric in the presence of boric acid, borax, and nano-SiO2
Published in The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2021
TS EN ISO 13937-1: This standard describes to determine fabric tear force known as ballistic pendulum (Elmendorf) method. Tear strength is the resistance force required to initiate and maintain a tear under specified conditions in a fabric. In this method, the sample prepared in a rectangular shape with a notch on it is subjected to tearing force by a pendulum. In the test device, the fixed jaw is attached to the base of the device and the movable jaw is attached to a pendulum capable of free swinging downwards with the effect of gravity. Tear strength is calculated in both warp and weft direction. During tearing, the threads break off individually or in groups. For this reason, the strength of single threads is important in tearing. Since the denim fabric used in the study consists of elastane and cotton, it has been examined considering that it may have an impact on tear strength values. In addition, the finishing processes applied to the fabric is another factor affecting the tear strength. If chemical finishing is applied to the fabric, this often increases friction between the yarns and reduces freedom of movement. Thus, it causes a decrease in tear strength. For this reason, in order to determine the effect of process solutions applied on denim fabric tear strength, tear strength tests were applied (https://www.iso.org/standard/23369.html).
Antibacterial, UV protection, flame retardancy and coloration properties of cotton fabrics coated with polyacrylate polymer containing various iron ores
Published in The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2018
Nurhan Onar Camlibel, Buket Arik, Ozan Avinc, Arzu Yavas
where W1 is the weight of the untreated fabric and W2 is the weight of the treated fabric. The add-on values of fabric samples treated with the solutions were given at Table 2. The thickness values of coated cotton fabrics were measured with Louis Schopper Leipzig Automatic Micrometer (Leipzig, Germany). Tear strength values of fabric samples were measured by Elmatear Digital Tear Tester (James H. Heal Co. Ltd. Halifax, England), according to ASTM D5035. Abrasion resistance values and mass loss with pressure of 12 kPa were determined according to BS EN ISO 12947 by Martindale Abrasion Tester (SDL Atlas, United Kingdom). Air permeability values of untreated cotton fabric and fabric samples coated with polyacrylate dispersion with and without 5% iron ores were measured by Air Permeability Tester (SDL Atlas, United Kingdom) according to ASTM D737 method at a pressure of 200 Pa. The bending length values of the cotton fabric samples were measured according to TS 1409 standard using a Shirley Stiffness Tester (SDL Atlas, USA).
Predicting quality parameters of denim fabrics using developed ANN based Artificial Bee Colony algorithm
Published in The Journal of The Textile Institute, 2023
Gözde Katırcıoğlu, Emel Kızılkaya Aydoğan, Yılmaz Delice, Esra Akgül
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and ISO Standard test procedures were followed for all the denim fabrics utilized in this investigation. The ASTM D1424 standard test technique was used to assess the tear strength. The ASTM D5034 standard test procedure was used to determine the tensile strength. Dry and wet rubbing fastness to wash of the dyed denim fabric was done according to ISO 105-X12. The measurement of elasticity and growth was done in accordance with the ASTM D3107 standard. The fabric weight of the denim fabrics was measured in agreement with the test method provided by Levi Strauss & Co (LS&Co).