- 3D textiles
- 5CB
- Abnormal grain growth
- Abrasion
- Acanthite
- Acid sulfate soils
- Acid wash
- Acoustoelastic effect
- Acrylic
- Acrylic fiber
- Acrylic rubber
- Actinolite
- Active layer
- Active matter
- Adhesion
- Advanced composite materials
- Aegirine
- Aeolianite
- Aerographite
- Aeronet
- Aeroponics
- Aerosol mass spectrometry
- Aerosol spray
- Aerosolization
- Aerosolized
- Aerosols
- Aesthetics
- Agricultural lime
- Agroecology
- Akermanite
- Alabaster
- Alkali soil
- Alkaline soils
- Allanite
- Allophane
- Alpha quartz
- Altaite
- Alunite
- Amber
- Amblygonite
- American Ceramic Society
- Amethyst
- Amorphous
- Amorphous silicon
- Amorphous solids
- Analcime
- Anatase
- Andalusite
- Anderson localization
- Andesine
- Andorite
- Andradite
- Angle of repose
- Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy
- Anglesite
- Anhydrite
- Ankerite
- Annite
- Anthophyllite
- Apatite
- Applications of nanotechnology
- Aragonite
- Aramid
- Argentite
- Argillaceous
- Argyrodite
- Arsenate minerals
- Arsenic minerals
- Arsenolite
- Arsenopyrite
- Artificial
- Artificial leather
- Artificiality
- Asbestiform
- Asbestos
- Asbestos abatement
- Asbestos-related diseases
- Asbestosis
- Asperities
- Atacamite
- Atomic packing factor
- Augite
- Auricupride
- Austenite
- Automated fiber placement
- Autunite
- Auxetic
- Available water capacity
- Avalanches
- Avrami equation
- Axinite
- Azurite
- Baddeleyite
- BAF2
- Bagnold number
- Bainite
- Ball clay
- Ballistic conduction
- Ballistic nylon
- Bamboo
- Bamboo textile
- Barite
- Barium fluoride
- Barium titanate
- Baryte
- Basalt fiber
- Base-rich
- Bast fibers
- Bathochromic shift
- Batik
- Beeswax
- Bentonite
- Benzoin
- Berkovich tip
- Beryl
- Beryllium oxide
- Berzelianite
- Biaxial nematic
- Bimetal
- Bingham plastic
- Bio-MEMS
- Bioaerosols
- Bioclogging
- Biocomposite
- Biofouling
- Biohydrometallurgy
- Biological membranes
- Biotite
- Birnessite
- Biscuit
- Bismuth germanate
- Bismuthinite
- Bismutite
- Bixbyite
- Black ice
- Blast furnace slag
- Blends
- Blood meal
- Blowing agents
- Blowing snow
- Blue and white porcelain
- Boehmite
- Bone china
- Bone meal
- Bornite
- Boron fiber
- Boulangerite
- Boule
- Boules
- Boundstone
- Bournonite
- Braggite
- Braiding machine
- Branched-chain fatty acids
- Breathability
- Breccia
- Brillouin zone
- Brochantite
- Brookite
- Brownfield
- Brucite
- Brus equation
- Brushite
- BS 8110
- Bubble gum
- Buckminsterfullerene
- Buffered oxide etch
- Bulk density
- Bulk micromachining
- Burgers vector
- Burlap
- Buserite
- Bytownite
- C70
- Cadmium selenide
- Calamine
- Calaverite
- Calcarenite
- Calcilutite
- Calcisiltite
- Calcite
- Calcium fluoride
- Calendering
- Camel hair
- Cancrinite
- Canvas
- Caproic acid
- Caramel
- Carbon fiber
- Carbon fibers
- Carbon quantum dots
- Carbon-fiber-reinforced polymers
- Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio
- Carnallite
- Carpet
- Carreau fluid
- Carrier lifetime
- Carrollite
- Cassiterite
- Cattierite
- Celadonite
- Celestine
- Cellulose acetate
- Cellulose fiber
- Cellulose triacetate
- Celsian
- Cenospheres
- Ceramic engineering
- Ceramic foam
- Ceramic matrix composite
- Ceramics
- Ceresin
- Cermet
- Cerussite
- Chabazite
- Chalcocite
- Chalcopyrite
- Chalcostibite
- Chalk
- Characterization
- Charged particles
- Charpy impact test
- Chemical bath deposition
- Chemical finishing
- Chemical metallurgy
- Chemiresistor
- Cheralite
- Chiastolite
- Cholesteric
- Cholesteric liquid crystal
- Chromite
- Chrysocolla
- Chrysotile
- Cinnabar
- Cis-2-decenoic acid
- Claudetite
- Clausthalite
- Clay
- Clay chemistry
- Clay courts
- Clay minerals
- Cleavage
- Clinoptilolite
- Cloth of gold
- Clothing industry
- Clothtech
- Cloud condensation nuclei
- Coal dust
- Coated fabrics
- Coated paper
- Cob
- Cobalt oxide nanoparticles
- Cobaltite
- Cobble
- Coble creep
- Cocrystal
- Coherent diffraction imaging
- Cold pad batch
- Colemanite
- Collision cascade
- Colloidal crystals
- Colloidal gold
- Colloids
- Color fastness
- Colour fastness
- Coltan
- Columbite
- Comb drive
- Combinatorial chemistry
- Complex oxide
- Compomers
- Composite armor
- Composite laminates
- Composite materials
- Composite repair
- Composite repairs
- Compost
- Compression set
- Compressive strength
- Compressive stress
- Condensed matter physics
- Conditioner
- Conductive textile
- Confined liquid
- Conjugated fatty acids
- Contact resistance
- Cooperite
- Copaiba
- Copper-clad steel
- Coral sand
- Cordierite
- Corduroy
- Cork
- Corrosion fatigue
- Corrugated fiberboard
- Corundum
- Cotton candy
- Cottrell atmosphere
- Coulomb blockade
- Covellite
- Cover crops
- Crack closure
- Crack growth resistance curve
- Crack tip opening displacement
- Crazing
- Creep
- Crevice corrosion
- Cristobalite
- Crocoite
- Crookesite
- Cross slip
- Cross-laminated timber
- Cryptocrystalline
- Crystal engineering
- Crystal growth
- Crystal habit
- Crystal structure
- Crystalline silicon
- Crystallinity
- Crystallites
- Crystallographic defects
- Crystallography
- Crystals
- Cubanite
- Cubic crystal system
- Cubic zirconia
- Cummingtonite
- Cuprammonium rayon
- Cuprite
- Cyclic stress
- Cyclotron frequency
- Cyclotron resonance
- Czochralski method
- Czochralski process
- Damping capacity
- Dangling bonds
- Dawsonite
- Debye model
- Defects
- Deformation mechanisms
- Degenerate semiconductor
- Delafossite
- Delamination
- Denier
- Denim
- Dental composite
- Dental porcelain
- Depletion gilding
- Descloizite
- Desert rose
- Desizing
- Diamond
- Diamond simulants
- Diaspore
- Diatomaceous earth
- Dielectric elastomers
- Diffraction topography
- Diffusion creep
- Digenite
- Digital textile printing
- Dimensional stability
- Diopside
- Direct methods
- Discharge printing
- Disclinations
- Dislocations
- Dissipative particle dynamics
- Djurleite
- DNA nanotechnology
- DNA origami
- Double lattice
- Doubling
- Drift current
- Droplet nuclei
- Droplet-based microfluidics
- Droplets
- Drops
- Dross
- Dry cleaning
- Dry etching
- Dry matter
- Dry plate
- Dulong-Petit law
- Durability
- Duricrust
- Dust
- Dust explosions
- Dynamic compaction
- Dynamic electrophoretic mobility
- Dynamic mechanical analysis
- Dynamic recrystallization
- Dynamic scattering mode
- Dynamic strain aging
- Dynamic structure factor
- Dynamic vapor sorption
- Dynamic vapour sorption
- Dynamical mean field theory
- Dynamical mean-field theory
- Dypingite
- E-textiles
- Earthenware
- Ebonite
- Edaphic
- Effective mass
- Effective medium
- Egg white
- Elaidic acid
- Electric-field screening
- Electroceramics
- Electrochromic
- Electrokinetic remediation
- Electron crystallography
- Electron diffraction
- Electron hole
- Electrorheological fluid
- Electrostriction
- Ellingham diagram
- Emerald
- Emeralds
- Emery
- Enamel
- Enargite
- Endohedral fullerenes
- Energetic materials
- Engineered bamboo
- Engineered stone
- Engineered wood
- Enstatite
- Entropic force
- Epidote
- Epitaxial
- Epitaxy
- Epoxy value
- Epsomite
- Equiaxed
- Erucic acid
- Erythrite
- Eskolaite
- Ettringite
- Eudialyte
- Eutectic
- Eutectic system
- Euxenite
- Evaporation
- Exciton-polaritons
- Excitons
- Exohedral fullerenes
- Expanded clay aggregate
- Extended x-ray absorption fine structure
- Extractive metallurgy
- Extrinsic semiconductor
- F-centers
- Fabric
- Facets
- Fast fashion
- Fatigue limit
- Fatigue test
- Fatigue testing
- Faujasite
- Fayalite
- Feldspar
- Felt
- Fens
- Ferberite
- Feret diameter
- Fergusonite
- Fermi energy
- Fermi liquid theory
- Fermi liquids
- Fermi surface
- Ferrierite
- Ferrite
- Ferro-actinolite
- Ferroelasticity
- Ferroics
- Ferrous metallurgy
- Fiber
- Fiber pull-out
- Fiber reinforced concrete
- Fiber simulation
- Fiber volume ratio
- Fiber-reinforced composites
- Fiber-reinforced concrete
- Fiberboard
- Fibre cement
- Fibrillogenesis
- Fibrils
- Fibrous
- Field capacity
- Filament winding
- Filler
- Fineness
- Finishing
- Fire clay
- Flannel
- Flexural modulus
- Float-zone silicon
- Florencite
- Florencite-
- Flow stress
- Fluorite
- Fluorite structure
- Flux method
- Foam
- Foam rubber
- Foamcore
- Forensic engineering
- Forsterite
- Fossiliferous limestone
- Four-point flexural test
- FR-2
- Fractional coordinates
- Fractography
- Fracture mechanics
- Fracture toughness
- Franklinite
- Freeze drying
- Freeze-casting
- Freeze-dried
- Freibergite
- Frenkel defect
- Friability
- Friable
- Friedel oscillations
- Frit
- Frost
- Froth treatment
- Fullerene
- Fullerides
- Functional polymers
- Functionally graded materials
- Gabardine
- Gahnite
- Galaxite
- Galena
- Galfenol
- Garnet
- Garnierite
- Gauze
- Geikielite
- Gelatin
- Gelcoat
- Gels
- Gemstones
- Generalized Maxwell Model
- Generalized Newtonian fluids
- Geometallurgy
- Geometric dynamic recrystallization
- Geometrical frustration
- Geometrically necessary dislocations
- Germanite
- Gibbsite
- Glass
- Glass cloth
- Glass fiber
- Glauberite
- Glaucodot
- Glauconite
- Glaucophane
- Glaze
- Glidants
- Glidcop
- Glide planes
- Glued laminated timber
- Goethite
- Gold nanoparticles
- Goldschmidt tolerance factor
- Goodman relation
- Grain boundaries
- Grain boundary
- Grain boundary sliding
- Grain boundary strengthening
- Grain growth
- Grain refinement
- Grainstone
- Granular convection
- Granular materials
- Graphite
- Graphitization
- Graupel
- Gravel roads
- Green body
- Green manure
- Green nanotechnology
- Green strength
- Greenockite
- Greigite
- Grog
- Grossular
- Grunerite
- Guayule
- Gum karaya
- Gutta-percha
- Gypsum
- Haigh diagram
- Hail
- Halite
- Halloysite
- Halochromic
- Hammer mill
- Hard
- Hardboard
- Hardenability
- Hardness
- Hauerite
- Heat setting
- Heatsetting
- Heavy fermion
- Heazlewoodite
- Hectorite
- Hedenbergite
- Hematite
- Hemimorphite
- Herbertsmithite
- Herderite
- Hermann-Mauguin notation
- Hertzian cone
- Hessian
- Heterofullerene
- Heulandite
- Hexanoic acid
- High performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites
- High pressure
- High-performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
- Holes
- Hollandite
- Holons
- Hopeite
- Hornblende
- Horton overland flow
- Hot hardness
- Hubbard model
- Hume-Rothery rules
- Huntite
- Hybrid materials
- Hydroentanglement
- Hydrogen sensor
- Hydrohalite
- Hydrotalcite
- Hydroxyapatite
- Hydrozincite
- Hypersthene
- Hypsochromic shift
- Hysteresis
- Ice nuclei
- Ice pellets
- Iceland spar
- Illite
- Ilmenite
- Immobilization
- Imogolite
- Impact
- Incongruent melting
- Indentation hardness
- Indentation size effect
- Industrial computed tomography
- Industrial minerals
- Indutech
- Infiltrometer
- Ingeo
- Insulators
- Interatomic potentials
- Intergranular fracture
- Interstitial site
- Interstitials
- Intrinsic semiconductor
- Intumescent
- Ion beam analysis
- Ion gel
- Ion tracks
- Ionic crystal
- Ionic radius ratio
- Iron ore
- Isomorphous
- Isostructural
- Isothermal transformation
- Isotropic solid
- Izod impact strength test
- Jacobsite
- Jadeite
- Jamesonite
- Janus particles
- Jarosite
- Jellium
- Jojoba
- Jojoba oil
- Jute
- K-edge
- Kaersutite
- Kalsilite
- Kamacite
- Kaolin
- Kaolinite
- Karaya gum
- Kawabata Evaluation System
- Kelvin probe force microscope
- Kenyaite
- Kermesite
- Kesterite
- Kevlar
- Kiln furniture
- Kinks
- Kirkendall effect
- Knitted fabric
- Knitting
- Knitwear
- Knoop hardness test
- Knudsen cell
- Kohn anomaly
- Kondo insulators
- Kondo model
- Kraft paper
- Krennerite
- Kyanite
- Kyropoulos method
- Labels
- Lame
- Lamellar
- Laminate flooring
- Laminated
- Laminates
- Lamination
- Lanolin
- Larson-Miller parameter
- Laser-heated pedestal growth
- Latex
- Lattice constant
- Lattice energy
- Laumontite
- Lawsonite
- Lay-up process
- Layered double hydroxides
- Lead sulfide
- Leaf fiber
- Ledeburite
- Lepidolite
- Leucite
- Lever rule
- Liga
- Lignocellulose
- Lignocellulosic biomass
- Limescale
- Limestone
- Liming
- Limonite
- Linen
- Linnaeite
- Lioz
- Lipid bilayers
- Lipid nanoparticles
- Liquefaction
- Liquid crystals
- Liquid impingement erosion
- Liquid marbles
- Liquid metal embrittlement
- Liquid-crystal polymer
- Litharge
- Lithiophilite
- Loam
- Loellingite
- Lotus effect
- Low-cycle fatigue
- Ludwigite
- Lugs
- Lunar soil
- Lyocell
- M5 fiber
- Macroemulsion
- Macrograph
- Macropores
- Maghemite
- Magnesioferrite
- Magnesite
- Magnetic semiconductors
- Magnetic shape memory
- Magnetic skyrmions
- Magnetite
- Magnetoelectric effect
- Magnetoplumbite
- Magnetorheological fluid
- Magnons
- Malachite
- Manganese nodules
- Manganite
- Manganosite
- Manure
- Manure management
- Marble
- Margaric acid
- Martensite
- Masonite
- Massicot
- Mastic
- Material flow management
- Material selection
- Materials informatics
- Materials science
- Maximum residue limit
- Mechanical testing
- Mechanochromism
- Mechanosynthesis
- Medical textiles
- Medium
- Meionite
- Melilite
- Melt blowing
- Memory foam
- Mercerisation
- Mesh
- Mesogens
- Mesolite
- Mesophase
- Mesoporous
- Mesoporous materials
- Mesoscopic
- Mesoscopic physics
- Metacinnabar
- Metal casting
- Metal matrix composites
- Metallofullerenes
- Metallography
- Metallurgy
- Metamaterial absorber
- Meyer's law
- Miargyrite
- Micrite
- Micro heat exchanger
- Microcline
- Microfabrication
- Microfiber
- Microfibrils
- Microfluidics
- Micromechanics
- Micromeritics
- Micromotors
- Micronization
- Micronized
- Microporous
- Micropumps
- Microreactors
- Microstructure
- Microtechnology
- Microviscosity
- Microvoid coalescence
- MIL-53
- Mill scale
- Millerite
- Mineral dust
- Mineral evolution
- Mineral group
- Mineral sands
- Minerals
- Minium
- Mirabilite
- Miscibility gap
- Modified compression field theory
- Mohs hardness
- Mohs scale
- Moisture management
- Moisture stress
- Moisture wicking
- Molded pulp
- Molecular engineering
- Molecular machines
- Molecular nanotechnology
- Molybdenum disilicide
- Monazite
- Monazite-(ce)
- Monoclinic
- Monoclinic crystal system
- Monocrystalline silicon
- Monohydrocalcite
- Monolithic
- Monolithic column
- Monoliths
- Monounsaturated fat
- Montan wax
- Montmorillonite
- Montroydite
- Mordenite
- Mosaicity
- Mott insulators
- Mud
- Mulch
- Multiferroic
- Multiferroics
- Muscovite
- Mycolic acid
- Myristic acid
- Myristoleic acid
- Myrmekite
- Nacrite
- Nahcolite
- Nanobiotechnology
- Nanocapsules
- Nanoceramic
- Nanochemistry
- Nanocomposite hydrogels
- Nanocomposites
- Nanocrystalline
- Nanocrystalline material
- Nanocrystalline silicon
- Nanocrystals
- Nanoelectromechanical systems
- Nanoengineering
- Nanofibers
- Nanoflower
- Nanofluid
- Nanofoam
- Nanogel
- Nanogenerator
- Nanoindentation
- Nanoindenter
- Nanomanufacturing
- Nanomaterials
- Nanomechanical resonator
- Nanomechanics
- Nanometrology
- Nanomotors
- Nanoparticle deposition
- Nanoparticle drug delivery
- Nanoparticle tracking analysis
- Nanoparticles
- Nanophase materials
- Nanopillar
- Nanopores
- Nanoporous
- Nanoporous materials
- Nanoprobes
- Nanoreactors
- Nanoremediation
- Nanoring
- Nanorobotics
- Nanorods
- Nanosensors
- Nanoshells
- Nanosponges
- Nanostructures
- Nanosystems
- Nanotechnology
- Nanotextured surfaces
- Nanotopography
- Nanotribology
- Nanowire lasers
- Nanowires
- Narrow-gap semiconductors
- Native copper
- Natrolite
- Natron
- Natural fibers
- Natural materials
- Natural rubber
- Necking
- Negative index metamaterials
- Negative-index metamaterial
- Nepheline
- Nephrite
- Netting
- Neutron probe
- Nichrome
- Nickeline
- Nitratine
- NMR crystallography
- No-till farming
- Nomex
- Non-stick
- Nonlinear photonic crystal
- Nonwoven fabric
- Nuclear reaction analysis
- Nutrient pollution
- Oil sands
- Oleoresin
- Oligoclase
- Olivine
- Omphacite
- Optoelectrowetting
- Organ-on-a-chip
- Orpiment
- Orthoclase
- Orthorhombic
- Orthorhombic crystal system
- Oscillator strength
- Otavite
- Oxhide ingots
- P-type
- P-wave modulus
- Packstone
- Palygorskite
- Paper recycling
- Paper-based microfluidics
- Paperboard
- Paprika
- Paragonite
- Parallel-strand lumber
- Paramelaconite
- Paris' law
- Parisite
- Parisite-
- Parquet
- Parthenium argentatum
- Partial dislocations
- Particle board
- Particle segregation
- Particle size analysis
- Paste
- Patchwork
- Patchy particles
- Patronite
- Pearson symbol
- Pebble
- Pedology
- Peierls stress
- Peierls-Nabarro force
- Peloids
- Pentadecanoic acid
- Pentlandite
- Percolation test
- Perfect crystal
- Periclase
- Permanent press
- Permanent wilting point
- Perovskite
- Persistent slip bands
- Pesticide residue
- Petalite
- Petroselinic acid
- Petzite
- pH-sensitive
- pH-sensitive polymers
- Phase problem
- Phillipsite
- Phlogopite
- Phonon scattering
- Phonons
- Photoalignment
- Photochromic
- Photonic crystals
- Photonic metamaterial
- Photonic metamaterials
- Photorefractive effect
- Physical metallurgy
- Piece goods
- Pigeonite
- Pinning points
- Plagioclase
- Plain weave
- Plane stress
- Plasma treatment
- Plasma-facing material
- Plasmonic metamaterial
- Plasmonic metamaterials
- Plasmonics
- Plastic crystals
- Plastic film
- Plastic foam
- Plastic wrap
- Platinum nanoparticles
- Plexiglas
- Plywood
- Polaritons
- Polaroid
- Polarons
- Pole figure
- Pollucite
- Polyaniline nanofibers
- Polycrystalline
- Polycrystalline silicon
- Polyelectrolyte adsorption
- Polyester
- Polyhalite
- Polyimide foam
- Polymer derived ceramics
- Polymer matrix composites
- Polymer science
- Polymeric foam
- Polymorphs
- Polysilicon
- Polyunsaturated fat
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- Polyurethane foam
- Polyvinyl butyral
- Porcelain
- Pore space in soil
- Porous media
- Portlandite
- Pottery
- Powder
- Powder metallurgy
- Powder mixture
- Powellite
- Power-law fluid
- Pre-preg
- Precision agriculture
- Predetermined motion time system
- Pressed wood
- Primary minerals
- Prints
- Protein corona
- Protein microarray
- Proustite
- Pseudoelasticity
- Pseudomalachite
- Psilomelane
- Ptychography
- Puncture resistance
- Pyrargyrite
- Pyrochlore
- Pyrolusite
- Pyrometallurgy
- Pyrometric cones
- Pyromorphite
- Pyrope
- Pyrophanite
- Pyrophyllite
- Pyrrhotite
- Quantum dissipation
- Quantum materials
- Quantum oscillations
- Quantum spin liquid
- Quantum wires
- Quartz inversion
- Quasicrystals
- Quasiparticles
- Radiant barrier
- Radio-frequency microelectromechanical system
- Rainflow-counting algorithm
- Ramsdellite
- Random mixture
- Random phase approximation
- Rare earth minerals
- Rare-earth minerals
- Raw materials
- Raw silk
- Reaction bonded silicon carbide
- Realgar
- Reciprocal lattice
- Recycled cotton
- Recycled paper
- Red-hardness
- Redoximorphic features
- Reducing atmosphere
- Refractory
- Refractory metals
- Reinforced carbon-carbon
- Reinforced rubber
- Rep
- Reptation
- Residual strength
- Resin
- Resistance curve
- Resistive pulse sensing
- Respiratory droplets
- Rheopectic
- Rheopecty
- Rhodochrosite
- Rhodonite
- Richards equation
- Ricinoleic acid
- Riebeckite
- Ripstop
- Roasting
- Robocasting
- Rock dust
- Rock flour
- Rocks
- Roller electrospinning
- Romanechite
- Rosin
- Roton
- Roving
- Rubber
- Ruddlesden-Popper phase
- Rule of mixtures
- Rutherford backscattering
- Rutherford backscattering spectrometry
- Rutile
- Safflorite
- Sal ammoniac
- Salisbury screen
- Sand
- Sand mining
- Saponite
- Sapphire
- Satin
- Saturated fat
- Scapolite
- Scheelite
- Scheil equation
- Schmid factor
- Schottky effect
- Scintillation
- Scleroscope
- Scratch hardness
- Sea salt aerosol
- Secondary emission
- Secondary minerals
- Seed crystals
- Segregation
- Selected area diffraction
- Selenide minerals
- Selenite
- Self-assembly
- Self-assembly of nanoparticles
- Self-healing
- Self-healing material
- Sellaite
- Semimetals
- Sepiolite
- Sessile drop technique
- Severe plastic deformation
- Shape-memory polymers
- Sharkskin
- Sharp sand
- Shear band
- Shelly limestone
- Short-chain fatty acids
- Shortite
- Shrinkage
- Sialon
- Siderite
- Sieverts' law
- Silcrete
- Silicalite
- Silicene
- Silicon carbide
- Silicon nanotubes
- Silicon nanowires
- Silicon nitride
- Sillenite
- Sillimanite
- Simonkolleite
- Singeing
- Single crystals
- Single-electron transistor
- Single-layer materials
- Sisic
- Skutterudite
- Slip
- Slip casting
- Slot-die coating
- Slub
- Slush
- Smaltite
- Smart fluids
- Smart materials
- Smithsonite
- Snow line
- Snow water equivalent
- Snowflakes
- Snowpack
- Snuff
- Snus
- Sodalite
- Sodium adsorption ratio
- Soft matter
- Soil
- Soil aggregate stability
- Soil biodiversity
- Soil borne pathogens
- Soil carbon
- Soil color
- Soil compaction
- Soil conditioners
- Soil contamination
- Soil enzyme
- Soil fertility
- Soil functions
- Soil gas
- Soil guideline value
- Soil guideline values
- Soil health
- Soil management
- Soil matrix
- Soil moisture
- Soil moisture sensors
- Soil nutrients
- Soil organic matter
- Soil physics
- Soil resilience
- Soil science
- Soil stabilization
- Soil structure
- Soil test
- Soil thermal properties
- Soil water
- Sol-gel
- Sol-gel process
- Solid lipid nanoparticles
- Solid oxygen
- Solid solution
- Solid solution strengthening
- Solid surface
- Solid-state physics
- Solimide
- Solvatochromic
- Solvatochromism
- Sorbents
- Sorptivity
- Sparging
- Specific modulus
- Specific surface
- Specific surface area
- Spectralon
- Spermaceti
- Spessartine
- Sphalerite
- Spider silk
- Spin density waves
- Spin ice
- Spinel
- Spinning
- Spinodal decomposition
- Splat quenching
- Split-ring resonators
- Spodumene
- Stacking faults
- Stacking-fault energy
- Stain repellent
- Stain resistance
- Standard linear solid model
- Stannite
- States of matter
- Static fatigue
- Staurolite
- Stenter
- Stibnite
- Stilbite
- Stishovite
- Stone
- Stone industry
- Stoneware
- Straw
- Strength
- Strength of materials
- Stress corrosion cracking
- Stress intensity factor
- Stress relaxation
- Strongly correlated materials
- Strontianite
- Strontium fluoride
- Structural coloration
- Structure factor
- Strukturbericht designation
- Struvite
- Subsoil
- Suede
- Sugarcane wax
- Superalloys
- Supercells
- Superelasticity
- Superexchange
- Superhard materials
- Superhydrophobic coating
- Superlattices
- Superlubricity
- Superplasticity
- Supersolid
- Supramolecular assemblies
- Supramolecular assembly
- Surface diffusion
- Surface micromachining
- Surface modification
- Surface phonons
- Surface plasmon polaritons
- Surface plasmons
- Surface reconstruction
- Surface states
- Sustainable remediation
- Svanbergite
- Swift heavy ions
- Sylvite
- Syntactic foam
- Synthetic diamond
- Synthetic fibers
- Synthetic molecular motors
- Synthetic resin
- Synthetic rubber
- Szomolnokite
- Tableware
- Taenite
- Taffeta
- Talc
- Tantalite
- Tapiolite
- Technical textiles
- Technora
- Tellurobismuthite
- Temper
- Temperature-responsive polymers
- Tempered
- Tenacity
- Tenax
- Tennantite
- Tenorite
- Tensile strength
- Tensile test
- Tensile testing
- Tephroite
- Terahertz imaging
- Terracotta
- Tesserae
- Tetradymite
- Tetragonal
- Tetragonal crystal system
- Tetrahedrite
- Textile
- Textile manufacturing
- Textile mills
- Textile printing
- Textile testing
- Textile-reinforced concrete
- Thatch
- Thaumasite
- Thaw
- Thaw depth
- Thenardite
- Thermal barrier coatings
- Thermal ellipsoids
- Thermal oxidation
- Thermally modified wood
- Thermochromic
- Thermochromic ink
- Thermomechanical analysis
- Thermoset polymer matrix
- Thermotropic
- Thin films
- Thorianite
- Thorite
- Thortveitite
- Threshold displacement energy
- Time resolved microwave conductivity
- Tissue paper
- Titanite
- Titanomagnetite
- TN
- Todorokite
- Tomlinson model
- Topaz
- Topological insulators
- Topsoil
- Torbernite
- Toughened
- Toughening
- Tourmaline
- Transgranular fracture
- Transition temperature
- Transverse isotropy
- Trass
- Travertine
- Tremolite
- Trevorite
- Triclinic
- Triclinic crystal system
- Tridymite
- Trona
- Tschermakite
- Tunable metamaterials
- Tungsten silicide
- Turquoise
- Twaron
- Twill
- Twinning
- Two-dimensional liquid
- Two-dimensional materials
- Two-dimensional semiconductors
- Ulexite
- Ultimate tensile strength
- Ultra-high temperature ceramics
- Ultrafine particles
- Ulvospinel
- Umber
- Unit cell
- Universal testing machine
- Unsaturated fats
- Upgrader
- Upholstery
- upper-convected Maxwell model
- Uraninite
- Uranophane
- Urbach energy
- USDA soil taxonomy
- Uvarovite
- Vacancies
- Vacancy defect
- Vacuum bag moulding
- Vacuum consolidation
- Vacuum preloading
- Valentinite
- Van der Waals heterostructures
- Vanadinite
- Variscite
- Vaterite
- Vauquelinite
- Vectra
- Vegard's law
- Vegetable oil
- Vermiculite
- Vesuvianite
- Vickers hardness test
- Vinylon
- Violarite
- Viscoelastic
- Viscoelasticity
- Void ratio
- von Mises yield criterion
- Vycor
- Wackestone
- Wannier functions
- Warp knitting
- Warping
- Water droplet erosion
- Water of crystallization
- Water retention curve
- Wavelength shifter
- Wavellite
- Wax
- Wax emulsion
- Weak localization
- Wear
- Wear coefficient
- Weddellite
- Weibull modulus
- Wettable powder
- Whewellite
- Whitlockite
- Wide-bandgap semiconductors
- Wilhelmy plate
- Windstopper
- Witherite
- Wittenoom
- Wodginite
- Wolframite
- Wollastonite
- Wood
- Woodchips
- Woodhouseite
- Work function
- Worsted
- Woven
- Woven fabric
- Wurtzite
- Wyckoff positions
- X-ray absorption fine structure
- X-ray absorption near edge structure
- X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- X-ray crystallography
- X-ray microtomography
- X-ray scattering
- X-ray scattering techniques
- X-ray standing wave
- Xenotime
- Xonotlite
- Yarn
- Yttria-stabilized zirconia
- Z-pinning
- Zari
- Zener pinning
- Zeolitic imidazolate framework
- Zinc selenide
- Zinc sulfide
- Zinc telluride
- Zincite
- Zinnwaldite
- Zircon
- Zirconia
- Zirconia toughened alumina
- Zirconium dioxide
- Zoisite
- Zone axis
- Zone melting