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Materials with Magnetic-X Effects
Published in Chen Wu, Jiaying Jin, Frontiers in Magnetic Materials, 2023
As the YIG crystal is an incongruent melting compound, the Czochralski (CZ) method is not applicable for the crystal growth. The traditional flux method is not only time consuming, but also difficult to control the grain growth. Although new methods such as the modified floating-zone method and the laser-heated floating-zone method have been introduced, it remains difficult to prepare large-size crystals. The edge-defined film-fed growth method has been reported to enable faster growth rate of the Ga:YIG crystals at effectively reduced cost (Zhuang et al., 2013). Techniques such as metal-organic chemical vapor deposition, liquid phase epitaxy and reactive radiofrequency magnetron sputtering have been utilized to prepare the Bi-doped (Ishibashi et al., 2005) and Ce-doped (Srinivasan et al., 2020) rare-earth garnet thin films with merits of enhanced magneto-optical effect and high magnetic sensitivity, which are compatible for integrated silicon photonics in microscale chips.
Basics of Growth Techniques Used for Bulk Single Crystals of Transparent Semiconducting Oxides
Published in Zbigniew Galazka, Transparent Semiconducting Oxides, 2020
Fundamentally, the flux method, which is also called high-temperature solution growth, is a variant of the hydrothermal method where the solvent is not an aqua solution but is either a metal for non-metal compounds or an oxide for oxide compounds. The growth from the metal fluxes, according to Kanatzidis et al. [78], started at around 1900 by Henri Maissan and Paul Lebeau. From metal fluxes, phosphides, borides, carbides, and silicides, and recently nitrides (GaN and BN) were grown. The development of the flux method for oxides started in the 1950s, when Remeika [79] grew BaTiO3, and soon later Nielson and Dearborn [80] grew magnetic garnets. In the early 1960s, TSOs single crystals grown from the flux were reported [81–84].
Introduction to Processing Methods
Published in David A. Cardwell, David C. Larbalestier, Aleksander I. Braginski, Handbook of Superconductivity, 2023
High quality single crystals are invaluable for investigating the intrinsic physical properties, such as superconducting gap amplitude, symmetry, and critical fields of bulk superconductors. The flux method is one of the most typical and easiest processes to fabricate bulk single crystals, especially for incongruent melting compositions. In this process, bulk single crystals are grown from a solution that is cooled slowly (e.g., at a rate of a few °C per hour) from high temperatures. Prior to growth, it is desirable to understand the thermodynamic phase diagram of a particular superconducting phase to enable the processing conditions to be optimized.
High-Efficiency Spark Plasma Sintered Ge0.3Si0.7:P Thermoelectric Energy Converters with Silicone Phosphide as a Source of Phosphorus Doping
Published in Nanoscale and Microscale Thermophysical Engineering, 2023
M.V. Dorokhin, Yu.M. Kuznetsov, P.B. Demina, I.V. Erofeeva, A.Yu. Zavrazhnov, M.S. Boldin, E.A. Lantsev, A.A. Popov, A.V. Boryakov, A.V. Zdoroveyshchev, M.V. Ved, D.A. Zdoroveyshchev, M.G. Korotkova
Electrical properties investigations started from the Hall effect measurements which were carried out to reveal the values of the concentration (n). The Sn contacts were alloyed to the samples in the Van-der-Pauw geometry. The Seebeck coefficient was calculated from simultaneous temperature and thermoelectric voltage measurements using chromel-alumel thermocouples [24]. To decrease the contact resistance between the measuring probes and the samples the metallic Ti/Au contacts were deposited on the top of the sample by electron beam evaporation technique. The values of Seebeck coefficients for Ti and Au were automatically taken into account within the selected measurement procedure [24]. The resistivity was measured by the standard four-probe method. The thermal conductivity was measured by the stationary heat flux method [25]. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range of 50–800 °С. The technology for structures fabrication, as well as all measurement techniques, are described in detail in [15, 24].
Synthesis of large monolayer titania nanosheets through flux method
Published in Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies, 2021
This study shows that the structural and dielectric properties of layered titanates can be exfoliated into single-layered titania nanosheets. The layered titanate KTLO was synthesized by the flux method to form oriented crystal growth, to maximize the planar width at 1,100 °C. In addition, the synthesis temperature shows a sub-phase of KTLO from 900 °C, which is thoroughly merged at 1,100 °C. The protonated layered titanate HTO, obtained by acid treatment to replace K+ with H3O+, shows humidity dependence for the reduction of interlayer distance concerning to the evaporation of intercalated water molecules. Both layered titanates in the bulk state have dielectric permittivity values εr of approximately 40 and 37.5, which are relatively lower than the values of the nanosheet form. The layered titanate was successfully exfoliated into a large-scale single-layer titania nanosheet with a thickness of 0.8 nm and a few µm in the planar direction, as confirmed by AFM measurements. Hence, nanosheet technology requires a more versatile methodology for future research.
Problem-independent nonlinear switch for newly designed WENO-BO-Z scheme
Published in International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2019
Ghulam M. Arshed, Ovais U. Khan
The semi-discrete finite difference form of (2.1) using a conservative approximation to the spatial derivative and assuming a uniform grid is where is the numerical approximation to the point value . The interface numerical flux can be computed by where represents a flux method; for example, is used in this work. The interface flux limits, and , are obtained by positive and negative parts of , respectively. The positive and negative parts of are obtained by monotone local Lax-Friedrichs flux splitting (LLF):