- 1 pps
- Abrasive saws
- Absolute scale
- Absorbers
- absorbing Markov chain
- Accelerometers
- Accuracy and precision
- Actigraphy
- Actinometer
- Action learning
- Activated alumina
- Active heave compensation
- Active load
- Active power filter
- Adaptive equipment
- AdBlue
- Adhesion tester
- Adhesive
- Adhesive bonding
- Adhesive tape
- Advanced manufacturing
- Advice
- Agenda
- Agricultural land
- Air filters
- Air-to-cloth ratio
- Airless tires
- Airspeed indicator
- Algorithmic composition
- Allan variance
- Aluminum can
- Ambient light sensors
- Ambiguity function
- Amendments
- Ammeter
- Ammoxidation
- Ampoules
- Analytical balance
- Analyzers
- Anemometers
- Angle grinder
- Angle plate
- Angular rate sensor
- Animal glue
- Annealing
- Anodized
- Anodizing
- Anti-graffiti coating
- Anvils
- AnyLogic
- Approximate entropy
- Aqueous two-phase systems
- Araldite
- Arbitrary waveform generator
- Assembly line
- Asset health management
- Asset tracking
- Aster
- Astronomical clocks
- Atom probe
- Atomic clocks
- Austempering
- Automated analyzers
- Automated decision support
- Automated mineralogy
- Automatic lathe
- Average fixed cost
- Axiomatic design
- Backpack
- Baghouses
- Bags
- Balance equation
- Bandsaw
- Bank filtration
- Barges
- Basic oxygen steelmaking
- Baskets
- Batch
- Batch processing
- Batch production
- Bathtub curve
- Battery simulator
- Beaufort Scale
- Belt
- Bessemer process
- Beverage can
- Bias
- Binary decision
- Binaural recording
- Binders
- Biorthogonal wavelet
- Biot number
- Black liquor
- Blades
- Blast furnace
- Blast furnaces
- Bleached
- Blow molding
- Blue Angel
- Bluing
- BOD bottle
- Bonner spheres
- Boriding
- Boring
- Bottle
- Bottlenecks
- Bottom bracket
- Bowl
- Bowser
- Box
- Branching processes
- Brazing
- Break bulk cargo
- Broaching
- Brownian noise
- Brushes
- Bubble chamber
- Bucket
- Budgeted cost of work performed
- Build to order
- Build to stock
- Buildingsmart
- Bunkering
- Bunkers
- Burnout
- Burst error
- Burst noise
- Burstiness
- Business economics
- Business model canvas
- Business operations
- Business process automation
- Business process interoperability
- Business process mapping
- Business Process Model and Notation
- Business process modeling
- Business process re-engineering
- Business process reengineering
- Business processes
- Cables
- Cabotage
- Cages
- Calibration
- Calorimeters
- Canada balsam
- Canning
- Capacitance meter
- Capacitive displacement sensors
- Capacity utilization
- Capillary number
- Capital
- Capital budgeting
- Capital cost
- Capital expenditure
- Capital goods
- Capitalism
- Carbon additive
- Carbon dioxide sensor
- Carbonitriding
- Carburization
- Carburizing
- Cardboard boxes
- Cards
- Cargo
- Cargo ships
- Cartons
- Cascade impactor
- Cascading failure
- Case hardening
- Case-hardening
- Caskets
- Casks
- Catalytic converter
- Cathodic arc deposition
- Cavitation number
- Cementation process
- Census
- Cepstrum
- Certified reference materials
- Chain conveyor
- Chainsaw
- Changeover
- Channel noise level
- Characterization of nanoparticles
- Charrette
- Checklists
- Chicken wire
- Chinese restaurant process
- Chip formation
- Chip log
- Chisel
- Choice architecture
- Choices
- Chow Test
- Circular saw
- Clamp
- Classical nucleation theory
- Clean Air Delivery Rate
- Cleavers
- Clinching
- Clock
- Clock drift
- Clock synchronization
- Closed-loop manufacturing
- Cloth filters
- Cloud chamber
- Cloud manufacturing
- Coating
- Code of ethics
- Cognitive work analysis
- Cohort analysis
- Cointegration
- Cold blast
- Cold spraying
- Collets
- Color index
- Colorimetric
- Colorimetry
- Command queue
- Comminution
- Committee
- Compactors
- CompactRIO
- Competitor analysis
- Complete spatial randomness
- Composite measure
- Compression molding
- Compressometer
- Condensate polisher
- Condensation particle counter
- Conformance checking
- Conjoint analysis
- Consensus
- Consignee
- Consignor
- Consultation
- Consumer goods
- Contact microphone
- Contact patch
- Container ships
- Containerization
- Containers
- Context analysis
- Continuous emissions monitoring system
- Continuous production
- Continuous wavelet
- continuous-time Markov chain
- Continuous-time random walk
- Continuous-time stochastic process
- Contract manufacturer
- Conversion coating
- Converter
- Conveyor
- Conveyor belts
- Conveyor system
- Coolers
- Cooperation
- Copper extraction
- Copper mines
- Copper slag
- Cores
- Corex process
- Corona treatment
- Corrugated boxes
- Cost accounting
- Cost contingency
- Cost driver
- Cost engineering
- Cost escalation
- Cost estimates
- Cost of capital
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Coulter
- Coulter counter
- Countersink
- Craft production
- Craftsmanship
- Crankset
- Crate
- Critical incident technique
- Cross-docking
- Crucible steel
- Crusher
- Cryostats
- Cups
- Current clamps
- Current sensing
- Current sensor
- Curtain coating
- Curve tracer
- Curvelet
- Cyber manufacturing
- Daubechies wavelets
- Davis Quadrant
- Dead reckoning
- Deadline-monotonic scheduling
- Deadweight tester
- Deborah number
- Decanters
- Decarburization
- Decentralized decision making
- Decentralized decision-making
- Decision aids
- Decision analysis
- Decision fatigue
- Decision matrix
- Decision quality
- Decision table
- Decision trees
- Decision-making
- Decision-matrix method
- Defibrator
- Degreasers
- Deinking
- Demographic profile
- Demurrage
- Deoxidization
- Deoxidizer
- Depth filter
- Derrick
- Design to cost
- Design-to-cost
- Desolder
- Detonation spraying
- DeviceNet
- Dial
- Diamond blades
- Diamond knives
- Diamond tools
- Dichroic filters
- Dicing saw
- Die-cut
- Dielectric mirrors
- Dies
- Diesel exhaust fluid
- Differential refractometer
- Diffractometer
- Diffusion hardening
- Diffusion models
- Diffusion process
- Digital manufacturing
- Digital microscope
- Digital prototyping
- Digital sensors
- Digital storage oscilloscope
- Dimensional analysis
- Dimensional metrology
- Dimensional weight
- Diminishing returns
- Dip coating
- Dip-coating
- Dirichlet processes
- Disc cutter
- Disc filter
- Discrete event simulation
- Discrete Ordinates Method
- Discrete-event simulation
- Discrete-time Markov chains
- Disdrometer
- Dishwasher
- Disposable cups
- Distributed manufacturing
- Distributive justice
- Division of labor
- Division of labour
- DoG
- Dosimeters
- Drawer
- Drayage
- Drill
- Drill bit
- Drilling
- Drop point
- Drug packaging
- Drum drying
- Dry-ice blasting
- Dryland salinity
- Dual modular redundancy
- Durometer
- Dust collection system
- Dust collector
- Dynamic decision-making
- Dynamic increase factor
- Dynamic priority scheduling
- Dynamic similarity
- Earliest deadline first scheduling
- Ecolabels
- Economic integration
- Economic potential
- Economies of scale
- Economies of scope
- Ecosystem health
- Ecosystem management
- Ecotourism
- Eddy-current sensor
- Electret microphone
- Electrochemical cell
- Electrochemical gas sensor
- Electrodeposition
- Electrodermal activity
- Electron capture detector
- Electronic personal dosimeter
- Electronic tongue
- Electrophoretic deposition
- Electrospinning
- Electrostatic precipitator
- Electrostatic voltmeter
- Emotions in decision-making
- Empirical process
- Enamel paint
- End mills
- Endmills
- Energy quality
- Energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
- Engineering economics
- Enterprise control
- Enterprise modelling
- Enterprise systems engineering
- Environmental management
- Environmental stewardship
- Epoxy granite
- Epoxy putty
- Equity
- Equivalent annual cost
- Equivalent noise resistance
- Equivalent spherical diameter
- EU Ecolabel
- Event-driven process chain
- Evidence-based design
- Exchange rate
- Excitation filter
- Exhaust gas analyzer
- Exit criteria
- Experimental uncertainty analysis
- Expert systems
- Exponential backoff
- Exponential smoothing
- Export
- Extractive industries
- Extrusion
- Extrusion moulding
- Fab labs
- Faceplate
- Facility management
- Factor endowment
- Factors of production
- Factory system
- Failure causes
- Failure mode
- Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
- Fair queuing
- Fast wavelet transform
- Fault tolerance
- Feasibility study
- Fertigation
- Fiber optic sensor
- Fiber-optic sensor
- Field ion microscope
- Field strength meter
- Filing
- Filter funnel
- Filter presses
- Filters
- Final goods
- Final product
- Financial capital
- Finex
- Finished goods
- Fixed capital
- Fixed costs
- Fixed position
- Fixed-pattern noise
- Fixtures
- Flakes
- Flame treatment
- Flex sensor
- Flexible intermediate bulk container
- Flexible manufacturing system
- Flicker noise
- Flow chemistry
- Flow process chart
- Fluorometers
- Focus groups
- Food
- Food coating
- Food distribution
- Food industry
- Food irradiation
- Food processing
- Force gauge
- Force platform
- Fordism
- Forecasting
- Forest inventory
- Forklifts
- Forward algorithm
- Forwarding
- Foundation Fieldbus
- Fourier number
- Frame rate
- Freight forwarders
- Freight rate
- Freight terminal
- Frequency counters
- Frequency domain
- Frequency meter
- Friction drilling
- Friction stir processing
- Froth flotation
- Fuel bladder
- Fuel bunkers
- Fuel containers
- Fuel filter
- Fuel gauge
- Function block diagram
- Function generator
- Fusion splicing
- Gamma counter
- Gamma process
- Gas blending
- Gas detectors
- Gas sensors
- Gas-assisted injection molding
- Gearboxes
- Geiger counters
- Generalised cost
- Generation-recombination noise
- Geometric brownian motion
- Gilchrist-Thomas process
- Glass knives
- Global sourcing
- Globalization
- Glucose meter
- Goal
- GPS receivers
- Grab
- Graduated
- Graduation
- Granger causality
- Grapple
- Grassland degradation
- Great Green Wall
- Green belt
- Green brands
- Green economy
- Grey relational analysis
- Grey system theory
- Grinding machine
- Group decision-making
- Guide rails
- Haar wavelet
- Hacksaw
- Half-value layer
- Halton sequences
- Hammer
- Hammer drill
- Hardening
- Haulage
- Health
- Health systems engineering
- Heap leaching
- Heat flux sensor
- Heat press
- Heat treating
- Heat treatment
- Heavy traffic approximation
- Heijunka
- Hemocue
- Hidden markov random field
- Hidden semi-markov model
- High intensity magnetic separators
- High-intensity magnetic separators
- High-power impulse magnetron sputtering
- Hit rate
- Hobbing
- Hoffmann kiln
- Holds
- Hole saw
- Homogenized
- Hooks
- Hoppers
- Hot blast
- Hot isostatic pressing
- Hot-melt adhesive
- Household goods
- HR
- Hub-and-spoke
- Human resources
- Humanitarian logistics
- Hybrid pixel detector
- Hydraulic presses
- Hydrocyclones
- Hydrogen sulfide sensor
- Ice blasting
- IEC 61511
- Import
- Inclined plane
- Incoterms
- Incremental encoder
- Indexing heads
- Indirect costs
- Induction brazing
- Induction hardening
- Inductive sensors
- Industrial engineering
- Industrial enzymes
- Industrial metabolism
- Industrial process
- Industry
- Influence diagram
- Infrared filter
- Infrared gas analyzer
- Injection molding
- Injection molding machine
- Injection moulding
- Inland navigation
- Inner tube
- Inspection in manufacturing
- Instruction list
- Instrument error
- Intelligent sensor
- Intensity-duration-frequency curve
- Interference filter
- Intermediate goods
- Intermodal
- Intermodal freight transport
- International trade
- Interrupted time series
- Inventory control
- Inventory management software
- Inverse distribution
- Inverted microscope
- Ionization chamber
- Iowa Gambling Task
- Irrigation management
- Irrigation scheduling
- Isasmelt
- ISO 13849
- ISO 16610
- ISO 19439
- ISO 6346
- ISO 668
- Isoquants
- Jig
- Job
- Job scheduler
- Job shops
- Johansen test
- Kinematic similarity
- Kit-of-parts
- Knife
- Knudsen number
- Labor market
- Lacquer
- Ladle
- Land
- Land management
- Laser cutting
- Laser doppler vibrometer
- Laser drilling
- Lateral force variation
- Lathe
- Lawn mower
- LCR meter
- Leadership
- Leaky bucket
- Lean
- Lean manufacturing
- Lean thinking
- Learning-by-doing
- Least count
- LEGO Mindstorms
- Lethality
- Level sensor
- Life-cycle cost analysis
- Lifting bag
- Lifting equipment
- Light field camera
- Light meter
- Light-field camera
- Likert scale
- Limiting factor
- Line shaft
- Linear scheduling method
- Liquid crystal tunable filters
- Liquid phase sintering
- Little's Law
- Litz wire
- Lixiviants
- Lo-nox burner
- Load cells
- Loading dock
- Local time
- Location intelligence
- Lock-in amplifier
- Logistics automation
- Logistics Performance Index
- Long run
- Low-cost country sourcing
- Low-rolling resistance tires
- Lyot filter
- Lysimeter
- Mace
- Machine tool builder
- Machine tools
- magnetic Prandtl number
- Magnetic Reynolds number
- Magnetorheological finishing
- Maintenance engineering
- Makespan
- Mall intercept
- Managed services
- Management fads
- Management science
- Mandrels
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing cost
- Manufacturing engineering
- Manufacturing operations
- Manufacturing process management
- Marginal land
- Marine chronometers
- Maritime transport
- Market access
- Market analysis
- Market research
- Market share
- Market surveillance
- Marketing
- Marketing intelligence
- Markov models
- Markov property
- Masking tape
- Mass customization
- Mass finishing
- Mass flow controllers
- Mass market
- Mass production
- Matched filters
- Material flow
- Materials management
- Materiel
- Matrix molding
- Mean time to recovery
- Means of production
- Measurement
- Measurement system analysis
- Measurement uncertainty
- Mechanical plating
- Melt spinning
- Merchant marine
- Merchant ships
- Mercury and air toxics standards
- Messenger bags
- Metal bellows
- Metal detectors
- Methylacetylene propadiene
- Metrology
- Meyer wavelet
- Micro injection molding
- Microbalance
- Microbolometers
- Microphone array
- Microprobe
- Microwave power meter
- Milling cutter
- Miniaturization
- Mission assurance
- Mode effect
- Molding
- Moment closure
- Moment magnitude scale
- Mop
- Mucoadhesive
- Multi-objective optimization
- Multilevel queue
- Multimeter
- Multimodal transport
- Multiple hearth furnace
- Multiresolution analysis
- Multitaper
- Natural capital
- Natural resource
- Natural resource management
- Natural units
- Navigability
- Navigable
- Net radiometer
- Neuromarketing
- Neutral density filter
- Neutral-density filter
- Neutron detection
- Neutron detectors
- Nitriding
- Noise generators
- Noise spectral density
- Noise-equivalent power
- Non-renewable resources
- Non-response bias
- Nondimensionalization
- Nondispersive infrared sensor
- Nonintrusive load monitoring
- Nordic Swan
- Nucleation
- Nucleopore filter
- Numeraire
- Observational error
- Observational techniques
- Offshoring
- Oil bath
- Oil can
- Oil immersion
- Online panel
- Online questionnaires
- Online survey
- Open hearth furnace
- Operations management
- Operations research
- Opinion polls
- Optical filters
- Optical microscope
- Optical sorting
- Optical spectrometer
- Optimal maintenance
- Order fulfillment
- Order processing
- Organizational architecture
- Organizational design
- Orthogonal wavelet
- Oscillating u-tube
- Oscilloscope
- Osmometer
- Ozone monitor
- Pails
- Paint
- Pallet jacks
- Paper bag
- Paper machine
- Paper mills
- Part number
- Partial autocorrelation function
- Participation
- Participation bias
- Participative decision-making
- Participatory management
- Particle counter
- Particle tracking velocimetry
- Passive infrared sensor
- Pasteurization
- Pedals
- Pedometer
- Penetrometer
- Pensky-Martens closed cup
- Perceived Stress Scale
- Performance improvement
- Perfume
- Permeable reactive barrier
- Permeameter
- Personnel selection
- Pest analysis
- Petrographic microscope
- Phase noise
- Phosphate conversion coating
- Photodetectors
- Photoelectric sensors
- Photoionization detector
- Photon doppler velocimetry
- Physical test
- Piano wire
- Piezoelectric sensors
- Pilatus
- Pilot hole
- Pilot plant
- Pitot tubes
- Plain
- Planar laser-induced fluorescence
- Planers
- Plasma activation
- Plasma cleaning
- Plasma cutting
- Plasma etching
- Plasma gasification
- Plasma processing
- Plastic bags
- Plastic bottles
- Plastic coating
- Plastic cups
- Plating
- Plough
- Point processes
- Poisson point process
- Poisson processes
- Polling system
- Polygraph
- Polynomial chaos
- Pooling
- Porosimetry
- Port of entry
- Portable applications
- Portable computers
- Position sensor
- Positioning
- Post weld heat treatment
- Post-fordism
- Potentiometric sensor
- Potentiometry
- Power hammers
- Power number
- Power tools
- PP
- Prandtl number
- Precipitation hardening
- Precision
- Prediction markets
- Prefabricated
- Prefabrication
- Pregnant leach solution
- Press brake
- Pressure-sensitive adhesive
- Pressure-sensitive tape
- Probabilistic forecasting
- Probabilistic risk assessment
- Probability
- Probability of exceedance
- Process capability index
- Process design
- Process heat
- Process industries
- Process layout
- Process manufacturing
- Process mining
- Process model
- Process modeling
- Process optimization
- Process performance index
- Process qualification
- Process specification
- Process theory
- Process validation
- Processor affinity
- Processor sharing
- Product layout
- Product-form solution
- Production
- Production engineering
- Production flow analysis
- Production function
- Production leveling
- Production line
- Production orders
- Production set
- Productive capacity
- Productive efficiency
- Productivism
- Productivity
- Productivity model
- Profibus
- Project cost management
- Promethee
- Proof mass
- Proportional counter
- Proposal
- Proximity sensors
- Pruning shears
- Pseudorandom
- Pseudorandom binary sequence
- Pseudorandom noise
- Psychographics
- Public participation
- Puddling
- Pugmill
- Pulleys
- Pulp and paper industry
- Pulp mills
- Pulpwood
- Pultrusion
- Punching machine
- Puncture
- Purchasing
- Pyranometers
- Pyrgeometer
- Pyrheliometer
- Pyrometers
- Qualitative
- Quenching
- Questionnaire
- Queueing theory
- Radar gun
- Radial tires
- Radiative transfer
- Radio noise
- Radio receivers
- Rainwater tank
- Rake angle
- Ramp-up
- Rams
- Random fields
- Random modulation
- Random variable
- Random variate
- Randomized response
- Randomness
- Raschig rings
- Rate of return
- Rate ratio
- Rate-monotonic scheduling
- Rating of perceived exertion
- Rationalisation
- Rayleigh number
- Razor
- Reactive ion etching
- Reactive-ion etching
- Real-time control system
- Reamers
- Receiver
- Reciprocating saw
- Reconfigurable manufacturing systems
- Redundancy
- Refining
- Reflectance
- Refractive index detector
- Refractometer
- Regional integration
- Relaxation length
- Release liner
- Relevant cost
- Reliability
- Reliability block diagram
- Reliability engineering
- Reliability index
- Remote plasma
- Renewal process
- Renewal theory
- Rent-seeking
- Repairability
- Repeatability
- Reproducibility
- Resistance thermometers
- Resistance wire
- Resolvers
- Resorcinol-formaldehyde
- Resource
- Resource allocation
- Resource consumption
- Resource depletion
- Resource efficiency
- Resource intensity
- Resource management
- Resource productivity
- Respiration rate
- Response rate
- Retention rate
- Returns to scale
- Reusable packaging
- Reynolds number
- Risk assessment
- Risk perception
- Robust decision making
- Robust decision-making
- Robustness
- Rockwell scale
- Roll bending
- Roll bonding
- Roster
- Rotary hammer
- Rotary table
- Rotary tool
- Round-robin
- Round-robin scheduling
- Rubber cement
- Rust remover
- Sales
- Salinometer
- Salt spray test
- Salt-and-pepper noise
- Sand filter
- Sand separator
- Savannas
- Saw
- Scalpel
- Scanning mobility particle sizer
- Scarf joint
- Schedulability analysis
- Schedule
- Scheduling
- Scientific management
- Scintillation counters
- Scissors
- Scoring
- Screw gun
- Screw press
- Scrubber
- Seasonal adjustment
- Secondary research
- Securitization
- Sedimentation coefficient
- Seismometers
- Self-report
- Semantic differential
- Semi-arid climate
- Semi-variable cost
- Semimartingale
- Sensor arrays
- Sensors
- Serrated
- Set-top box
- Setbacks
- Sewing
- Shaper
- Shearlet
- Sheaths
- Shipping agency
- Shipping containers
- Shipping line
- Shore durometer
- Shore power
- Shrink fit
- Shrink-fitting
- Signal analyzer
- Signal generators
- Signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio
- Signal-to-noise plus interference
- Silos
- Similitude
- Single market
- Single particle analysis
- Singular spectrum analysis
- Sintering
- Skip
- Skiving
- Slag
- Sleep tracking
- Slick
- Slitting
- Slow sand filters
- Smallholder
- Smart manufacturing
- Smelting
- Snips
- Social metabolism
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Software ecosystem
- Soil conservation
- Soil pH
- Solar time
- Solder paste
- Solderability
- Soldering
- Soldering station
- Solvent degreasing
- Solvent extraction and electrowinning
- Solvent impregnated resin
- Solvent impregnated resins
- Sortation
- Sorter
- Spanner
- Spark plasma sintering
- Spatial resolution
- Spectral density estimation
- Spectral radiance
- Spectral sensitivity
- Spectrograph
- Spectroradiometers
- Spin coating
- Splices
- Spline
- Sponge
- Sputtering
- Squeegee
- Stable process
- Staking
- Stamping press
- Standard time
- Standard wire gauge
- Stationary distribution
- Stationary process
- Stationary wavelet transform
- Statistical randomness
- Steady-state economy
- Steam hammer
- Steel and tin cans
- Steel mills
- Steelmaking
- Stereo microscope
- Stewardship
- Stochastic
- Stochastic control
- Stochastic geometry
- Stochastic processes
- Stochastic scheduling
- Stochastic simulation
- Stock
- Stone tools
- Stopwatches
- Storage tanks
- Strain gauges
- Stretch sensors
- String potentiometer
- Stroboscope
- Strouhal number
- Structural reliability
- Suction cups
- Sunk cost
- Sunk costs
- Supercritical fluid extraction
- Surface grinder
- Surface grinding
- Surface plate
- Surplus
- Surveillance capitalism
- Survey data collection
- Survey meter
- Survey methodology
- Suspension plasma spray
- Sustainable management
- Sustainable packaging
- Swap body
- Sweatshops
- Swivel
- SWOT analysis
- SWR meter
- Synergy
- System resource
- Systematic error
- Systems modeling
- Systems simulation
- Tacheometry
- Tackifier
- Tailstock
- Takt time
- Tank leaching
- Tardiness
- Tax rates
- Tempering
- Test methods
- Thermal adhesive
- Thermal spraying
- Thermoforming
- Thermoluminescent dosimeter
- Thermomechanical processing
- Thin film composite membrane
- Thin-film composite membrane
- Three roll mill
- Throughput accounting
- Time and motion study
- Time domain
- Time of flight detector
- Time series
- Time series databases
- Time standard
- Time value of money
- Time zones
- Time-domain reflectometer
- Time-of-flight detectors
- Time-use survey
- Tin cans
- Tinned
- Tinning
- Tinplate
- Tire balance
- Tire manufacturing
- Tire recycling
- Tire tread
- Tires
- Toner cartridges
- Tongs
- Toolbox
- Tools
- Track and trace
- Trade barriers
- Trade credit insurance
- Trade facilitation
- Trade finance
- Trade-offs
- Traffic count
- Traffic simulation
- Transaction costs
- Transfer lines
- Transfer molding
- Transformer ratio arm bridge
- Transient noise
- Transition-rate matrix
- Transloading
- Transmission
- Transportation management system
- Transshipment
- Transshipment problem
- Traveling microscope
- Travelling microscope
- Tread
- Trend-stationarity
- Trip hammers
- Truck drivers
- Truckload
- Tubs
- Turbidimetry
- Turf
- Turret punch
- Tuyeres
- Tyres
- Ultrasonic soldering
- Ultrasonic thickness measurement
- Unbiased
- Uncertainty analysis
- Unevenly spaced time series
- Unit loads
- Unit operations
- Unit root test
- Universal time
- Urban freight distribution
- Utilization rate
- UV filters
- UV index
- Vacuum
- Vacuum assisted resin transfer molding
- Vacuum deposition
- Vacuum forming
- Vacuum induction melting
- Vacuum table
- Value engineering
- Value network analysis
- Value stream
- Valve stems
- Variable costs
- Velocimetry
- Vertical integration
- Vibrating feeder
- Vibrating wire
- Vibratory finishing
- Vikor method
- Virtual instrumentation
- Virtual sensing
- Vise
- Voltmeter
- Washing machine
- Waste tires
- Watch
- Water bottles
- Water cooler
- Water dispenser
- Water filters
- Water filtration
- Water tanks
- Wattmeter
- Wave soldering
- Wavelet
- Wavelet transform
- Weber number
- Webs
- Wedges
- Weigh in motion
- Weighbridge
- Weighted average cost of capital
- Weighted round robin
- Welch's method
- Weld line
- Wet scrubber
- Wheatstone bridge
- Wheel and axle
- White noise
- Wholesale
- Wholesaling
- Wire
- Wire brush
- Wire gauge
- Wire rope
- Wire saw
- Wire strippers
- Wooden boxes
- Woodworking
- Work hardening
- Work sampling
- Working capital
- Workmanship
- Wrench
- X-y tables
- Zinc refining