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eLCAP: A web application for environmental life cycle assessment of pavements focused on California
Published in John Harvey, Imad L. Al-Qadi, Hasan Ozer, Gerardo Flintsch, Pavement, Roadway, and Bridge Life Cycle Assessment 2020, 2020
John T. Harvey*, Jon Lea, Arash Saboori, Maryam Ostovar, Ali Azhar Butt
Figure 5 shows the list of software used by Caltrans in managing the transportation infrastructure in California and the database and models used in each. The software with an asterisk in their title are either created or maintained by UCPRC. Each model can have one or multiple data sources which are shown by the arrows that connect the databases to each model. Similarly, each model is used in one or more software. For example, the PaveM Network Performance Models take data from 5 different databases: Caltrans performance measurement system (PeMS) which stores data related pavement condition indices, Caltrans GIS and linear referencing system (LRS) database which contains mapping data, Caltrans traffic and weigh in motion (WIM) database which contains traffic count and truck axle load data, Caltrans as-built maps and test results of core samples and ground penetrating radar (GPR) which provide structural details of pavement sections, and Caltrans automated pavement condition survey (APCS) database.
Air Pollution and Urban Built Environment
Published in Dejan Mumovic, Mat Santamouris, A Handbook of Sustainable Building Design and Engineering, 2018
The effect of crossroads on horizontal local concentration gradients is shown in Figure 1.4.6. Note that the source of pollution was placed at the leeward side of the studied street canyon. This was done in order to compare the modelling results with available experimental results. However, the formation of the vortices and consequently the prediction of pollutant concentrations in street canyons are subject to considerable uncertainty. It has to be stressed that the mentioned local wind field within the canyon is unlikely to occur if the wind direction changes rapidly in time. Note that the developed integrated air quality model does not take into account differential across-road traffic count.
Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon in runoff from different land use at Amman Zarqa Basin-Jordan
Published in Water Science, 2021
Othman O. Al-Mashaqbeh, Anwar G. Jiries, Zakaria Z El Haj Ali
Average daily traffic data is collected using an automated traffic counter (pneumatic road tubes). These portable sensors are attached to the road closed to the storm water runoff sampling points and record traffic data typically for 7 days for two years 2013 (26 June to 1 July) and 2014 (12–18 April). Traffic volume was measured at each street next to the sampling point at all monitoring site except Al-Qunyyah site. Daily Traffic were measured two times for continuous seven days (1 week) during April 2013 and May 2014. The measured readings for the 7 days for the two periods (2013& 2014) were averaged as Average Daily Traffic (ADT) and shown in Table 2. The results showed that the highest value of ADT was recorded at Al-Abdali site. This is due to many commercial activities exist at the catchment.