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Published in Traci Rose Rider, Margaret van Bakergem, Building for Well-Being, 2021
Traci Rose Rider, Margaret van Bakergem
Implementing choice architecture practices, much like the strategies outlined in the Prepared Food section, aims to encourage healthy food selections, especially in areas where social cues may be limited, like observing occupants purchase healthy prepared food in a cafeteria. As such, all publicly available vending machines and snack bars must implement one of the following: point-of-choice nutrition labeling, package design highlighting healthy options, portion size control, increasing healthy options for food and beverages, prioritizing healthy options through displays and layouts, and featuring healthy options as the default choice. The section also encourages Providing access to free water supplies near vending machines and snack bars. Projects must incorporate a free potable water supply visible from within 20-feet for all accessible vending areas.
Emotion and the instrumental workspace
Published in Edward Finch, Guillermo Aranda-Mena, Creating Emotionally Intelligent Workspaces, 2019
Edward Finch, Guillermo Aranda-Mena
Choice architecture refers to the decision-making environment presented to the ‘user’. Choice architects are the people responsible for ‘framing’ the decision-making environment. Whilst this may include traditional ‘architects’, choice architects refer to any person responsible for ‘framing’ the choice context. It can include those providing advisory information in public policy (e.g. pensions), the health sector, sustainability guidance, and health and safety, amongst others. One frequently cited example of nudge is the use of an engraved fly in the men’s urinal at Schiphol airport. This intervention invariably improved the directional skills of male users, thus improving sanitary conditions. In general, the choice architect alters the environment in such a way that the intended behaviour is acted upon almost automatically.
Motivating change in commuters’ mobility behaviour: Digital nudging for public transportation use
Published in Journal of Decision Systems, 2023
Sina Zimmermann, Thomas Schulz, Andreas Hein, Heiko Gewald, Helmut Krcmar
Nudging, in contrast, is an example of a non-monetary behaviour change mechanism. The concept of nudging in behavioural economics has been shaped by Thaler and Sunstein (2009). Nudges influence people’s behaviour without changing the economic incentives of the options provided. Rather, choice architecture is used to alter people’s behaviour in a predictable manner. Choice architecture uses the decision environment, whether physical or digital, to affect behaviour without forbidding or financially bolstering or penalising any of the available options (Thaler et al., 2013). A well-known nudging mechanism is the arrangement of products in a grocery store: By placing certain products, e.g. sustainable products, on the shelves at viewing height, more people will buy these products compared than products placed on other shelves, even though there are no monetary incentives, such as discounted prices, and even though non-sustainable products have not been eliminated from the range (Romaniuk & Sharp, 2016). Such adaptations can influence people consciously or subconsciously and are well suited to changing habitual choices (Thaler & Sunstein, 2009), such as the everyday decision whether to commute using one’s private car or public transportation.
AI-powered virtual assistants nudging occupants for energy saving: proactive smart speakers for HVAC control
Published in Building Research & Information, 2022
Tianzhi He, Farrokh Jazizadeh, Laura Arpan
Occupants generally lack an awareness of their energy consumption and the ability to optimize it, so there is a need for building systems to assist for energy efficiency (Hsu et al., 2010). Studies have broadly investigated the efficacy of various content and forms of feedback and interventions to encourage energy-efficient behaviours (Jain et al., 2012). However, the traditional forms of eco-feedback have been found to have scalability limitations and focused on one-way interactions. The technological advances have enabled bi-directional communications between SHAs and occupants. In this context, choice architecture interventions could be a promising approach to encourage occupants’ adaptation at the intersection of energy efficiency and comfort. The concept of choice architecture relies on designing choice situations that ‘nudge’ decision-makers toward more beneficial options (Szaszi et al., 2018). Nudge theory introduces generally inexpensive and less invasive solutions compared to traditional direct interventions (Thaler & Sunstein, 2009). The key factor of nudge theory is focused on positive reinforcements that maintain freedom of choice and the feeling of being in control for decision-making (Thaler & Sunstein, 2009). Through data-driven nudges, the choice architects such as policy makers or industry practitioners can arrange decision-making contexts that influence people’s daily choices and behaviours in an inexpensive and effective way (Ranchordás, 2020).
Positioning the biofuel policy in the bioeconomy of the BioEast macro-region
Published in Biofuels, 2022
Biljana Kulišić, Ioannis Dimitriou, Blas Mola-Yudego
The possible options for the RES-T sector were first assessed and listed, based on the current criteria [17] and alternatives in the area [24,25]. Resulting from this analysis, a set of alternatives were presented following the choice architecture approach [26]. The transport fossil-free alternatives estimated to be feasible by 2030 were listed as options for the stakeholders, structured in a hierarchy with three main criteria and nine final alternatives on biofuel policies (Figure 1). In addition, two additional questions were added concerning the source of biomass for biofuels: whether from own sources or imports and whether from by- and waste streams or from sustainably grown biomass.