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Published in Werner Käss, Tracing Technique in Geohydrology, 2018
The microspheres are delivered in small glass or plastic bottles. Disposable gloves must be worn when handling the microspheres and they should not be reused. At the injection, it is expedient to empty the bottles by rinsing out with a wash-bottle. The opened bottle and cover can also be tossed into a pail half full with water and with intensive stirring and several rinses, the microspheres can be nearly quantitatively injected. The rinse water for the pail should contain detergents, to better remove the , microspheres from the pail walls. The rinsed out bottles will still contain microspheres, which can serve as comparisons under the microscope later. Caution must be taken to avoid contamination. Those persons present at the injection may neither take samples nor count them under the microscope.
Disinfection of Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria in Sewage and Hospital Effluent by Ozonation
Published in Ozone: Science & Engineering, 2021
Takashi Azuma, Tetsuya Hayashi
A stainless-steel pail sampler was used to collect 300-mL samples. Samples of hospital effluent, STP influent, STP secondary effluent, two STP effluents, and river water were placed in separate sterilized glass bottles, and sodium thiosulfate (0.5 g/L) was immediately added to each bottle for quenching residual chlorine (Dunkin et al. 2018; Zheng et al. 2017). Composite samplers could not be installed to sample the hospital effluent or at the STP, and placement of sampling equipment along the river is prohibited by law. Therefore, identical manual sampling at a fixed sampling frequency was used (Azuma et al. 2019a). All samples were immediately transported to the laboratory in a cooler box (within 2 h), stored at 4 °C in darkness, and processed within 12 h.
Whole-body vibration exposure on earthmoving equipment operators in construction industries
Published in Cogent Engineering, 2018
B.O. Akinnuli, O.A. Dahunsi, S.P. Ayodeji, O.P. Bodunde
The values of the ARMS on the seat and the floor are shown in Figures 3 and 4. B1 and B2 represent bulldozer, E1 and E2 represent excavator, G1 and G2 represent grader, P1 and P2 represent pail loader, R1 and R2 represent vibrating roller and H1 and H2 represent backhoe loader in the Figures. Comparing the values of the accelerations with the recommended Exposure Action Value (EAV) and Exposure Limit Value (ELV) 0.47 and 0.93 m/s2, respectively, more values of the acceleration were found above the EAV. The acceleration on the vertical axis (z-axis) is greater than the accelerations on the horizontal and lateral axes (x- and y-axes), respectively.
Development of dewatering textile materials incorporating slit-pore geometries
Published in Environmental Technology, 2020
Kurt Westhaver, Morgan J. Archer, Melissa Cusack-Striepe, Roozbeh Mafi, Emanuel Ausch, David R. Latulippe
Two 20 L pails of municipal digestate were provided by the Woodward Avenue Wastewater Treatment Plant (Hamilton, Ontario). The analytical results for each pail are displayed in Table 2. Pail #2 was determined to have higher solids content, while Pail #1 had a greater quantity of dissolved constituents. Both pails were stored in the lab refrigerator at 4°C while not in use, and all experiments were performed within two months of receiving the municipal digested sludge samples.