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Analytical Methods
Published in Colin R. Gagg, Forensic Engineering, 2020
A stereo microscope exploits ‘the brain’s ability to superimpose two images from different angles, and perceive spatially accurate 3D objects. In the stereomicroscope this is achieved by transmitting two images from the sample inclined by a small angle (10–12°) to yield a stereoscopic image when the sample is viewed through the eyepieces.’[3] Although stereomicroscopes allow images to be obtained with excellent depth perception, they only have a limited resolution. Practically, the maximum working magnification tends to be of the order of 90–125×. The images can be subsequently recorded utilising a digital camera, then saved onto a personal computer (limitation: the image is taken through a single camera and thus the 3D effect is lost). However, stereomicroscopes are a valuable tool for detailed examination of fracture surfaces.[3]Advantages: magnifies objects up to 1000×. Cheap to purchase and operate. Small and portable. Natural colour of the specimen can be observed and recorded.Limitations: specimen preparation may introduce anomalies. The depth of the field is limited, particularly at higher magnifications, where the image can become increasingly distorted and blurry. Requires a light source, particularly at high magnifications. Specimen surface must be flat.
Characterization of Solid Surfaces
Published in Kazuhisa Miyoshi, Solid Lubrication Fundamentals and Applications, 2019
The stereo microscope allows for three-dimensional viewing of specimens themselves, of a stereogram, or of a pair of stereo pictures taken by an optical or scanning electron microscope. Stereo imaging consists of two images taken at different angles of incidence a few degrees apart. Stereo imaging, in conjunction with computerized frame storage and image processing, can provide three-dimensional images with the quality normally ascribed to optical microscopy.
Testing of Semiconductor Scaled Devices
Published in Balwinder Raj, Ashish Raman, Nanoscale Semiconductors, 2023
The object that is needed to be viewed is positioned on a stage and is directly seen through eyepieces of the microscope. In a stereo microscope, distinct images are utilized to create a three-dimensional effect. This is in contrast with high-power microscopes in which both the eyepieces are used to view the same image. The image (micrograph) is typically captured by a camera.
Application of wire arc additive manufacturing for repair of Monel alloy components
Published in Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2021
O.O. Marenych, A.G. Kostryzhev, Z. Pan, H. Li, S. van Duin
Sample preparation for optical and scanning electron microscopy included mounting in Polyfast resin, polishing on Struers Tegramin-25 automatic polisher to 1 μm finish and etching with ferric chloride solution. Optical microscopy was carried out by using Leica M205A stereo microscope and Leica DM 6000 M optical microscope equipped with Leica Application Suite (LAS) 4.0.0 image processing software. Scanning electron microscopy was conducted using JEOL7001F FEG scanning electron microscope (SEM) operating at 15 kV. The energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) of precipitates and the element distribution mapping were carried out using an AZtec 2.0 Oxford SEM EDS system. Particle compositions were analysed on up to 60 particles for each condition. The element distribution mapping was carried out 2–3 times from various locations for each studied condition. The line scans for evaluation of Cu segregation were carried out 3–4 times per each studied welding condition. The data was taken from at least 35 points per image with a step of 0.4 µm between points. Microhardness was measured on StruersDuraScan Vickers hardness tester with 0.5 kg load. The data were acquired from the base metal, heat affected zone (HAZ), remelted zone (RZ) and fusion zone (FZ). Up to 10 indentations were performed in each section, with a distance of approximately five times the length of the indent diagonals to ensure that the results were not contaminated by work hardening from previous indentations. The indentation dwell time was 14 s according to the standard ASTM E384.
Dentin to dentin adhesion using combinations of resin cements and adhesives from different manufacturers – a novel approach
Published in Biomaterial Investigations in Dentistry, 2020
Elke Seitz, Carl Hjortsjö, Jon E. Dahl, Erik Saxegaard
The surfaces of section X and specimen Z were examined with a light stereo microscope, 20–25× magnification (Euromex Nexius Zoom EVO, Euromex, Arnhem, Netherlands) to determine the fracture mode. The fracture mode was categorized into three types:“adhesive” at the cement/bonding interface (≥70% of the total area not covered by the cement of both fracture surfaces added together).“cohesive” in cement (≥60% of each of the surfaces covered by cement).“mixed” (those which did not fall into groups 1 or 2).
Cavitation erosion behaviour and mechanism of HVOF-sprayed NiCrBSi–(Cr3C2–NiCr) composite coatings
Published in Surface Engineering, 2018
The microstructure and morphology of the coatings before and after the cavitation testing were observed using an optical microscope (OM, OLYMPUS-BX51M, Japan), a high depth stereo microscope (Hirox-KH-7700, Japan) and a scanning electron microscope (SEM, HITACHI S-3400N, Japan). The elemental composition at different areas of the transverse section of the coating was obtained by an energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, EX250, Japan) attached to the SEM. The phase composition of the coatings was investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Bruker D8-Advanced, Germany) operated at 40 kV and 40 mA. Vickers hardness was measured on the cross-section of the as-sprayed coatings using a micro-hardness tester (HXD-1000TC, China) at a load of 2.94 N for 15 s. Adhesion testing was done according to the ASTM C633-13 standard using adhesive E7 epoxy (Provided by Shanghai Research Institute of Synthetic Resins, China) with an across-head speed of 0.05 in. min−1.