- A limit cycle
- A limit set
- Accelerated aging
- Accident-proneness
- Active disturbance rejection control
- Active filters
- Active safety
- Adaptive control
- Adaptive systems
- Administrative controls
- Advanced process control
- Air-operated valve
- Alarm
- Alarm fatigue
- All-pass filter
- Amplifier
- Analog filter
- Analogue filter
- Arnold's cat map
- Articulated robots
- Artificial muscles
- Artificial sweeteners
- Attractor
- Automata
- Automated decision-making
- Automated mining
- Automation
- Automation bias
- Automation surprise
- Automation technician
- Autonomous robots
- Autosampler
- Backstepping
- Ball and beam
- Ball-and-beam
- Band rejection
- Band-pass filters
- Band-stop filter
- Baxter
- Behavior-based robotics
- Behavior-based safety
- Behavioral modeling
- Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton
- Bessel filter
- Bicycle locker
- Bifurcation theory
- BigDog
- Bin picking
- Binary entropy function
- Block and tackle
- Broth
- Buffer amplifier
- Butterworth filter
- Campbell diagram
- Capability
- Capacitor-input filter
- Catastrophe theory
- Cell transmission model
- Center manifold
- Centrode
- Change management
- Change request
- Charge amplifier
- Chebyshev filter
- Chebyshev pseudospectral method
- Chua's circuit
- Circle criterion
- Class AB
- Classical control theory
- Closed-loop
- Closed-loop control
- Closed-loop controller
- Closed-loop pole
- Closed-loop transfer function
- Cloud robotics
- Cobots
- Cobweb plots
- Cognitive systems engineering
- Collective intelligence
- Companion robot
- Component diagram
- Compression point
- Concept of operations
- Condition monitoring
- Conditional entropy
- Conservative system
- Construction robots
- Control banding
- Control engineering
- Control loop
- Control reconfiguration
- Control system
- Control theory
- Control valve
- Controllability
- Controllability gramian
- Controlling
- Costate equation
- Costate equations
- Covariance intersection
- Critical exponents
- Critical infrastructure protection
- Critical opalescence
- Critical phenomena
- Critical point
- Critical system
- Cross-entropy
- Crossover distortion
- Curiosity
- Curiosity Rover
- Current sense amplifier
- Current-feedback operational amplifier
- Current-sense amplifier
- Cutoff frequency
- Cylindrical joint
- Datasheets
- Dead-beat control
- Deadband
- Defence in depth
- Delay differential equation
- Delivery robot
- Dependability
- Describing function
- Design review
- Deterministic
- Deterministic system
- Developmental robotics
- Differential amplifier
- Differential entropy
- Differential inclusions
- Digital control
- Direct-coupled amplifier
- Discrete event dynamic system
- Discrete-time
- Dissipative systems
- Distributed amplifier
- Distributed parameter systems
- Doherty amplifier
- Domestic robot
- Door closer
- Double pendulum
- Dual quaternions
- Duffing equation
- Dynamic simulation
- Dynamical systems
- Dynode
- Effective safety training
- Egomotion
- Electrohydraulic servo valve
- Elliptic filter
- End effector
- Engineering controls
- Envelope tracking
- Ergodic
- Ergodic hypothesis
- Ergodic theory
- Ergodicity
- Error amplifier
- Exponential stability
- Fall protection
- Fault detection
- Fault detection and isolation
- Feed forward
- Feedback
- Feedback linearization
- Feedforward
- Flame arrester
- Floquet theory
- Flour
- Flow computer
- Fourth industrial revolution
- Fractional-order control
- Free entropy
- Fuel injection
- Full state feedback
- Fully differential amplifier
- Functional specification
- Gabor filter
- Gain scheduling
- Gain-bandwidth product
- Gap analysis
- Gaussian filter
- Gazebo simulator
- Gibbs entropy
- Grain
- H-infinity
- Hand arm vibrations
- Hankel singular values
- Hazard analysis
- Hazard Communication Standard
- Hazard controls
- Hazard elimination
- Hearing conservation program
- Heat death of the universe
- Heteroclinic cycle
- Heteroclinic orbits
- Hexapod
- Hidden attractor
- High-pass filters
- High-power amplifiers
- Homoclinic connection
- Homoclinic orbit
- Hopf bifurcation
- Hubo
- Human-robot team
- Humanoid robots
- Hybrid bond graph
- Hybrid systems
- Hyperbolic set
- Hysteretic model
- iCub
- IEC 61508
- IIoT
- Image impedance
- Impedance control
- Impulse response
- Industrial control systems
- Industrial robots
- Inerter
- Ingredients
- Input-to-state stability
- Instrumentation
- Instrumentation amplifier
- Integral windup
- Integrated logistics support
- Intelligent automation
- Intelligent control
- Intermediate-frequency amplifier
- Intermittent
- Invariant manifolds
- Invariant measures
- Inverse dynamics
- Irrational rotation
- Islands of automation
- Isolated system
- Japanese robotics
- Job safety analysis
- Joint entropy
- Kalman decomposition
- Kalman filter
- Kinematic pair
- Kinematics equations
- Laboratory automation
- Laser ignition
- Layers of Protection Analysis
- Lead-lag compensator
- Legendre pseudospectral method
- Legged robot
- Linear amplifier
- Linear control
- Linear dynamical system
- Linear filters
- Linear stage
- Linear system
- Linear-quadratic-gaussian control
- Logarithmic decrement
- Logistic map
- Logistics
- Loop gain
- Loop performance
- Lorenz attractor
- Lorenz system
- Low-pass filters
- Lyapunov dimension
- Lyapunov equation
- Lyapunov exponents
- Lyapunov redesign
- M-derived filter
- Machine
- Machine age
- Machine guarding
- Machine industry
- Machine shop
- Machine tending
- Manipulability ellipsoid
- Manipulators
- Manual override
- Marginal stability
- Marginally stable
- Mason's gain formula
- Mason's rule
- Mass flow sensor
- Mechanical amplifier
- Mechanical network
- Median filter
- Medical robots
- Method of averaging
- Microgrids
- Micromagnetics
- Microrobots
- Mobile manipulator
- Mobile robots
- Model transformation
- Model transformation language
- Model-based design
- Model-driven engineering
- Monte Carlo localization
- Motion detectors
- Motion planning
- Moving horizon estimation
- Multiple models
- Multistage amplifier
- Mung beans
- Nao
- Natural surveillance
- Negative feedback
- Negative impedance converter
- Networked control system
- Nonlinear
- Nonlinear control
- Nonlinear system identification
- Nonlinear systems
- Notch filters
- Numerical control
- Observability
- Observability gramian
- Obstacle avoidance
- Occupancy grid
- Occupancy grid mapping
- Occupational safety and health
- Odometry
- Off-line programming
- Office automation
- Okara
- OODA loop
- OPC Data Access
- OPC Unified Architecture
- Open-loop
- Open-loop controller
- OpenRAVE
- Optimal control
- OT
- Paint robot
- Parallel manipulator
- Parametric amplifier
- Parametric oscillator
- Passband
- Passive dynamics
- Perimeter security
- Period-doubling bifurcation
- Periodic orbit
- Perplexity
- Perseverance
- Personal robots
- Pharmacy automation
- Phase plane
- Phase portrait
- Phase space
- Physical security
- PID controller
- Pitchfork bifurcation
- Planning
- Pneumatic artificial muscles
- Pontryagin's maximum principle
- Pontryagin's minimum principle
- Popov criterion
- Positive feedback
- Positive systems
- Potato starch
- Power added efficiency
- Power-added efficiency
- Powered exoskeleton
- Preamplifier
- Predictive maintenance
- Prevention through design
- Prismatic joint
- Privacy engineering
- Privacy protection
- Probabilistic roadmap
- Process variable
- Procurement
- Product analysis
- Production control
- Profisafe
- Programmable-gain amplifier
- Progressive collapse
- Proper transfer function
- Proportional control
- Prototype filter
- Quantitative feedback theory
- Quarter-wave impedance transformer
- Quasiperiodic
- Quasiperiodic motion
- Quasiperiodicity
- Raised-cosine filter
- Recurrence period density entropy
- Remote manipulator
- Remote monitoring and control
- Repetitive control
- Requirements analysis
- Requirements engineering
- Rescue robot
- Residual entropy
- Resilience engineering
- Resonance
- Resonant interaction
- Revolute joint
- RHex
- Rise time
- Risk management plan
- Robonaut
- Robot calibration
- Robot control
- Robot fish
- Robot kinematics
- Robot learning
- Robot locomotion
- Robot navigation
- Robot software
- Robotic arm
- Robotic materials
- Robotic sensors
- Robotino
- Robots
- Robust control
- Root locus
- Root locus analysis
- Root-raised-cosine filter
- Rotation period
- Rotational frequency
- Rotational speed
- Rovers
- RT middleware
- Saddle-node bifurcation
- Safety barriers
- Safety engineer
- Safety engineering
- Safety life cycle
- Safety-critical
- Safety-critical systems
- Sampled data system
- Security patterns
- Self-organization
- Self-organized criticality
- Self-tuning
- Semi-automation
- Sensor fusion
- Separation principle
- Separatrix
- Serial manipulator
- Service robots
- Servo
- Servo drive
- Servomechanism
- Setpoint
- Shape optimization
- Shuttle valve
- Single-input single-output system
- Singular control
- Sliding mode control
- Small-gain theorem
- Smart environment
- Smart systems
- Smith predictor
- Social complexity
- Social network analysis
- Social robots
- Soft robots
- Soft sensor
- Software system
- Soy protein
- Soybean meal
- Soybean oil
- Spare parts
- Specification tree
- Spiral wave
- Stable manifold
- State observers
- State variable filter
- State variables
- State-transition matrix
- Steady state
- Step-NC
- Stevia
- Stigmergy
- Stopband
- Strict-feedback form
- Sump
- Supervisory control
- Supervisory control theory
- Swarm robotics
- Symbolic dynamics
- System configuration
- System deployment
- System identification
- System integration
- System integration testing
- System integrity
- System of systems
- System safety
- System testing
- System-level simulation
- Systems engineering
- Systems integrators
- Technical failure
- Technocracy
- Technocratic
- Technological determinism
- Technology
- Technology assessment
- Technology management
- Tent map
- Terminal sliding mode
- Test automation
- Third-party
- Three-body problem
- Throttle position sensor
- Tiller
- Time evolution
- Time-invariant
- Time-invariant system
- Time-variant
- Total variation denoising
- Traffic control
- Traffic management
- Transconductance
- Transfer function matrix
- Transient
- Transient response
- Transition band
- Transmission zeroes
- Tuned amplifier
- TurtleBot
- Unavailability
- Underactuated
- Underactuation
- Universality
- Universality class
- Universe
- Unscented transform
- Upper critical solution temperature
- V-model
- Van der pol oscillator
- Variable structure control
- Variable structure system
- Variation of information
- Velocity obstacle
- Viability theory
- Virtual fixtures
- Visibility graphs
- Visual odometry
- Visual servoing
- Wastegate
- Wave turbulence
- Weighted product model
- Weighted sum model
- Wheat flour
- Wheels
- Wiener filter
- WinCC
- Winding machine
- Yeast extract
- Zero moment point