- Weyl algebra
- Wget
- Wharf
- Wheat flour
- Wheat germ agglutinin
- Wheatstone bridge
- Wheel alignment
- Wheel and axle
- Wheel cylinder
- Wheel graph
- Wheel slide protection
- Wheel speed sensor
- Wheelbase
- Wheelchair
- Wheelchair cushion
- Wheelchair lift
- Wheelchair ramp
- Wheeling
- Wheels
- Wheezing
- Whewellite
- Whey protein
- While loop
- Whin sill
- Whip antennas
- Whiplash
- Whirlpools
- Whisker
- Whispering gallery
- Whistler
- Whistlers
- Whistles
- White Portland cement
- White balance
- White blood cells
- White box
- White cane
- White certificates
- White coat hypertension
- White gas
- White gold
- White goods
- White holes
- White light interferometry
- White matter
- White metal
- White noise
- White pulp
- White rot
- White space
- White spirit
- White test
- Whiteboards
- Whitelist
- Whitening transformation
- Whitespace
- Whitetopping
- Whitlockite
- Whois
- Whole blood
- Whole genome bisulfite sequencing
- Whole genome sequencing
- Wholesale
- Wholesaling
- Whooping cough
- Whorls
- Wi-Fi
- Wi-Fi 6
- Wi-Fi Direct
- Wi-Fi Halow
- Wi-Fi Protected Access
- Wi-Fi Protected Setup
- Wi-Fi hotspot
- WiGig
- Wibro
- Wick drain
- Wicked problems
- Wide chord
- Wide dynamic range
- Wide-angle x-ray scattering
- Wide-area damping control
- Wide-bandgap semiconductors
- Wide-body aircraft
- Wide-column store
- Wideband
- Wideband audio
- Wiedemann-Franz law
- Wien Bridge Oscillator
- Wien bridge
- Wien2k
- Wiener deconvolution
- Wiener filter
- Wiener series
- Wifi sensing
- Wiggler
- Wigner distribution function
- Wii Balance Board
- Wii remotes
- Wiki
- Wiki software
- Wikimapia
- Wikipedia
- Wilcoxon signed-rank test
- Wild card
- Wild type
- Wildcard characters
- Wilderness
- Wildfires
- Wildland-urban interface
- Wildlife corridors
- Wildlife crossings
- Wilhelmy plate
- Wilkinson power divider
- Will to live
- Williams syndrome
- Williamson ether synthesis
- Wilson Cycle
- Wilson's disease
- Wilting
- Win-win
- WinCC
- Winch
- Wind
- Wind atlas
- Wind engineering
- Wind farms
- Wind gradient
- Wind lens
- Wind power
- Wind power forecasting
- Wind profiler
- Wind resource assessment
- Wind setup
- Wind shear
- Wind speed
- Wind stress
- Wind tunnel
- Wind turbine aerodynamics
- Wind turbine syndrome
- Wind turbines
- Wind wave model
- Wind-assisted propulsion
- Windage
- Windcatchers
- Winders
- Winding machine
- Winding number
- Windkessel effect
- Windlasses