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Dynamic Modeling of Estuaries
Published in James L. Martin, Steven C. McCutcheon, Robert W. Schottman, Hydrodynamics and Transport for Water Quality Modeling, 2018
James L. Martin, Steven C. McCutcheon, Robert W. Schottman
Equations 16 and 17 are valid if wave-induced circulation does not reach the estuary bottom. The depth of orbital motion due to waves does not extend below one-half of the wave length as noted in Chapter 9, section IV.A. If wave-induced circulation does occur in shallow estuaries or during rough seas, a wind-wave model or a flow model that also simulates short-period waves would be necessary.
Process-based approach on tidal inlet evolution – Part 1
Published in C. Marjolein Dohmen-Janssen, Suzanne J.M.H. Hulscher, River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics: RCEM 2007, 2019
D.M.P.K. Dissanayake, J.A. Roelvink
At each time step, the hydrodynamic model yields nodal water levels which are used by the wind wave model to assess wave group celerity and bottom influence on wave propagation The wind wave module is based on the conservation of the wave action (Hasselmann et al. 1973), which is defined as the ratio of wave energy density E to the wave frequency σ.
Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report, Issue 4
Published in Journal of Operational Oceanography, 2020
Karina von Schuckmann, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Neville Smith, Ananda Pascual, Samuel Djavidnia, Jean-Pierre Gattuso, Marilaure Grégoire, Glenn Nolan, Signe Aaboe, Enrique Álvarez Fanjul, Lotfi Aouf, Roland Aznar, T. H. Badewien, Arno Behrens, Maristella Berta, Laurent Bertino, Jeremy Blackford, Giorgio Bolzon, Federica Borile, Marine Bretagnon, Robert J.W. Brewin, Donata Canu, Paola Cessi, Stefano Ciavatta, Bertrand Chapron, Thi Tuyet Trang Chau, Frédéric Chevallier, Boriana Chtirkova, Stefania Ciliberti, James R. Clark, Emanuela Clementi, Clément Combot, Eric Comerma, Anna Conchon, Giovanni Coppini, Lorenzo Corgnati, Gianpiero Cossarini, Sophie Cravatte, Marta de Alfonso, Clément de Boyer Montégut, Christian De Lera Fernández, Francisco Javier de los Santos, Anna Denvil-Sommer, Álvaro de Pascual Collar, Paulo Alonso Lourenco Dias Nunes, Valeria Di Biagio, Massimiliano Drudi, Owen Embury, Pierpaolo Falco, Odile Fanton d’Andon, Luis Ferrer, David Ford, H. Freund, Manuel García León, Marcos García Sotillo, José María García-Valdecasas, Philippe Garnesson, Gilles Garric, Florent Gasparin, Marion Gehlen, Ana Genua-Olmedo, Gerhard Geyer, Andrea Ghermandi, Simon A. Good, Jérôme Gourrion, Eric Greiner, Annalisa Griffa, Manuel González, Annalisa Griffa, Ismael Hernández-Carrasco, Stéphane Isoard, John J. Kennedy, Susan Kay, Anton Korosov, Kaari Laanemäe, Peter E. Land, Thomas Lavergne, Paolo Lazzari, Jean-François Legeais, Benedicte Lemieux, Bruno Levier, William Llovel, Vladyslav Lyubartsev, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Vidar S. Lien, Leonardo Lima, Pablo Lorente, Julien Mader, Marcello G. Magaldi, Ilja Maljutenko, Antoine Mangin, Carlo Mantovani, Veselka Marinova, Simona Masina, Elena Mauri, J. Meyerjürgens, Alexandre Mignot, Robert McEwan, Carlos Mejia, Angélique Melet, Milena Menna, Benoît Meyssignac, Alexis Mouche, Baptiste Mourre, Malte Müller, Giulio Notarstefano, Alejandro Orfila, Silvia Pardo, Elisaveta Peneva, Begoña Pérez-Gómez, Coralie Perruche, Monika Peterlin, Pierre-Marie Poulain, Nadia Pinardi, Yves Quilfen, Urmas Raudsepp, Richard Renshaw, Adèle Révelard, Emma Reyes-Reyes, M. Ricker, Pablo Rodríguez-Rubio, Paz Rotllán, Eva Royo Gelabert, Anna Rubio, Inmaculada Ruiz-Parrado, Shubha Sathyendranath, Jun She, Karina von Schuckmann, Cosimo Solidoro, Emil V. Stanev, Joanna Staneva, Andrea Storto, Jian Su, Tayebeh Tajalli Bakhsh, Gavin H. Tilstone, Joaquín Tintoré, Cristina Toledano, Jean Tournadre, Benoit Tranchant, Rivo Uiboupin, Arnaud Valcarcel, Nadezhda Valcheva, Nathalie Verbrugge, Mathieu Vrac, J.-O. Wolff, Enrico Zambianchi, O. Zielinski, Ann-Sofie Zinck, Serena Zunino
These very high percentiles represent only a very small number of observations attributable to single events that do not affect markedly lower quantiles of the distribution. Several factors might hamper the assessment of extreme significant wave heights. First, the wind-wave model WAM, for which simulated wave heights depend on the wind forcing to a large extent, requires wind fields that include high wind speeds at the right time and place to model wave heights in general good agreement with satellite observations. Here, the used wind fields are taken from the ERA-Interim reanalysis, which provides 6-hourly data and runs on a reduced Gaussian grid with approximately 79 km spatial resolution. Jason along track measurements have a resolution of 7 km and the model simulation of 3 km. In addition, the satellites, and in particular the class exemplified by Jason have their own issues estimating extreme waves this they cannot be considered as the ‘truth’. It is however likely that elevated wind speeds that cause very high significant wave heights, as seen from the satellite observations, are not well present in the forcing wind fields – possibly explaining the deviations for the uppermost percentiles and maximum wave heights. The ‘true’ scale of the model is affected by the wind resolution which is quite coarse, thus a higher resolution forcing is of crustal importance for regional and coastal CMEMS products.