- Fluorescence imaging
- Fluorescence microscopy
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Fluorescent lamps
- Fluoride poisoning
- Fluoride selective electrode
- Fluoride therapy
- Fluoride volatility
- Fluorinated gases
- Fluorine-18
- Fluorite
- Fluorite structure
- Fluoroacetate
- Fluorobenzene
- Fluorocarbons
- Fluorodeoxyglucose
- Fluoroelastomers
- Fluoroform
- Fluorogenic
- Fluorographene
- Fluorometers
- Fluorophores
- Fluorophosphate glass
- Fluoropolymers
- Fluoroscopy
- Fluorotelomer alcohol
- Fluorotelomers
- Fluorouracil
- Fluoxetine
- Flurbiprofen
- Fluroxypyr
- Flutamide
- Flute
- Fluticasone
- Flutter
- Fluvial
- Fluvial processes
- Fluvio-glacial
- Flux
- Flux balance analysis
- Flux limiters
- Flux linkage
- Flux method
- Flux pinning
- Flux pumping
- Flux qubit
- Fly ash
- Fly ash brick
- Fly-by-wire
- Flyback
- Flyback converter
- Flyback transformer
- Flying qualities
- Flying wing
- Flyrock
- Flysch
- Flywheel energy storage
- Flywheels
- Fmoc
- Foam
- Foam cell
- Foam concrete
- Foam fractionation
- Foam glass
- Foam rubber
- Foamcore
- Foaming agents
- Focal adhesions
- Focal depth
- Focal length
- Focal plane
- Focal plane array
- Focal surface
- Focal-plane array
- Fock states
- Focus groups
- Focus stacking
- Focus variation
- Focused crawler
- Focused ultrasound
- Fog
- Fog collection
- Fog computing
- Foil
- Foil bearings
- Folate
- Folate deficiency
- Folate receptor
- Fold
- Fold and thrust belt
- Foldamers
- Folded normal distribution
- Folding
- Folding wings
- Foley catheter
- Folfirinox
- Folic acid
- Folin-Ciocalteu reagent
- Folk theorem
- Follicle
- Follicular cells
- Follicular lymphoma
- Follicular phase
- Folliculitis
- Folliculogenesis
- Fomite
- Fontanelles
- Food
- Food allergies
- Food allergy
- Food biodiversity
- Food chemistry
- Food coating
- Food coloring
- Food distribution
- Food drying
- Food energy
- Food engineering
- Food fortification
- Food industry
- Food irradiation
- Food loss and waste
- Food miles
- Food processing
- Food rheology
- Food vacuoles
- Food waste
- Foot
- Foot odor
- Foot pressure
- Foot-and-mouth disease
- Foot-and-mouth disease virus
- Foot-candle
- Footbridges
- Foothills
- Footpaths
- Footprints
- For loop
- Foramen magnum
- Foramen ovale
- Forbidden
- Force carrier
- Force control
- Force density
- Force feedback
- Force fields
- Force gauge
- Force of mortality
- Force platform
- Force-directed graph drawing