- Platform
- Platform screen doors
- Platform-independent model
- Platform-specific model
- Plating
- Platinum
- Platinum black
- Platinum chloride
- Platinum nanoparticles
- Platinum-iridium
- Platinum-iridium alloy
- Platonic solids
- Platt scaling
- Plaxis
- Playfair cipher
- Plaza
- Pleiotropy
- Plenum chamber
- Plenums
- Pleomorphic
- Pleomorphic adenoma
- Pleomorphism
- Plerixafor
- Pleura
- Pleural cavity
- Pleurisy
- Pleurodesis
- Pleuromutilin
- Plexiglas
- Plexus
- Pliers
- Plk1
- Ploidy
- Plotter
- Plough
- Plucking
- Plug
- Plug and play
- Plug flow
- Plug flow reactor model
- Plug flow reactors
- Plug load
- Plug nozzle
- Plug valve
- Plug-in electric vehicle
- Plug-in hybrid
- Plug-ins
- Plum pudding model
- Plumb bob
- Plumb line
- Plumbagin
- Plumbing
- Plumbing code
- Plumbing fixtures
- Plumbosolvency
- Plumes
- Plunge pool
- Plunger lift
- Plunger pump
- Pluralistic walkthrough
- Pluripotent
- Pluto
- Plutonism
- Plutonium
- Plutonium chloride
- Plutonium dioxide
- Plutonium in the environment
- Plutonium oxide
- Plutonium-238
- Plutons
- Pluvial
- Plywood
- Pneumatic
- Pneumatic actuators
- Pneumatic artificial muscles
- Pneumatic cylinders
- Pneumatic motor
- Pneumatic trail
- Pneumatics
- Pneumococcal pneumonia
- Pneumoconiosis
- Pneumocystis pneumonia
- Pneumoencephalography
- Pneumonectomy
- Pneumonia
- Pneumonitis
- Pneumoperitoneum
- Pneumothorax
- PoP
- Pochhammer k-symbol
- Pochhammer symbol
- Pockels effect
- Pockmarks
- Podiatry
- Podocyte
- Podosomes
- Podoviridae
- Point at infinity
- Point bar
- Point cloud
- Point counting
- Point estimates
- Point estimation
- Point groups
- Point in polygon
- Point location
- Point mutations
- Point of care
- Point of zero charge
- Point particle
- Point pattern analysis
- Point processes
- Point source
- Point source pollution
- Point-of-care
- Point-of-care testing
- Point-set registration
- Point-to-multipoint
- Point-to-point
- Pointers
- Pointing device
- Points of the compass
- Pointwise convergence
- Pointwise mutual information
- Poiseuille
- Poisoning
- Poisonous
- Poisson distribution
- Poisson point process
- Poisson processes
- Poisson regression
- Poisson sampling
- Poisson's ratio
- Polar
- Polar amplification
- Polar aprotic solvents
- Polar auxin transport
- Polar code
- Polar codes
- Polar coordinate system
- Polar coordinates
- Polar decomposition
- Polar ice caps
- Polar lows
- Polar moment of inertia
- Polar motion
- Polar mount
- Polar orbit
- Polar surface area
- Polar wander