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Performance Analysis
Published in Brian Ford, Rosa Schiano-Phan, Juan A. Vallejo, The Architecture of Natural Cooling, 2019
Brian Ford, Rosa Schiano-Phan, Juan A. Vallejo
The latitude of the building’s location (north and south of the equator) is therefore a fundamental determinant of the diurnal and seasonal variation in the sun’s apparent movement around the building. The closer we are to the equator, the higher the sun will be in the sky at the middle of the day. This means that in many parts of the world the roof of a building receives the most solar radiation, leading to the use of protective ‘parasol’ roofs on many buildings within the tropics. Outside the tropics the amount of solar radiation received on different surfaces will vary significantly depending on the season. Generally, throughout the world, east and west facing building façades are more difficult to protect from unwanted solar gain than north or south facing surfaces. However, buildings are rarely oriented to the cardinal points of the compass, and these generalisations are not sufficient to determine an appropriate shading strategy. It is therefore necessary to understand the relation between solar geometry and climatic variation in more detail.
Basic Characteristics of Tides and Tidal Propagation
Published in S.N. Ghosh, Tidal Hydraulic Engineering, 2017
Due to the rotation of the earth, the Coriolis force acts, which is zero at the equator but appreciable at latitudes between 50° and 60° acting at right angles to the direction of flow. In the open sea this causes the current to rotate clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and anti-clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. That is, the current flows continuously with the direction changing cyclically through all points of the compass during a tidal cycle. When the tidal motion is constricted at entrance into estuaries, coastal inlets and harbours, reverse flows with larger velocities occur. The reversible type currents exhibit periodic changes in strength and direction corresponding closely to the periodic tidal range. Before reversing direction these currents pass through zero velocity or a slack condition. From the slacks the velocity increases gradually to a maximum, then decreases to zero, i.e., the current is reversed; the velocity then passes through a maximum in the opposite direction, again decreases to zero, thus completing a full cycle. Another type of tidal current, termed an hydraulic current, also reversible, occurs in canals connecting two independent tidal channels and inlets which connect the ocean with inland bodies of water. Such currents are caused not by tidal action directly, but by the phase difference of the tides in the two channels creating a head across the connecting canal.
Modeling Exposure
Published in Samuel C. Morris, Cancer Risk Assessment, 2020
Most exposure assessments estimate average air pollution concentration in a polar grid surrounding a point source. The grid has a radius of 80 km and consists of 16 sectors, corresponding to the points of the compass. These are further divided by a series of concentric circles around the source (Fig. 6-2). The concentric circles are sometimes evenly spaced (e.g., 10 km apart), but sometimes are more closely spaced near the source to give greater definition.
Exploring the Impact of Visualization Design on Non-Expert Interpretation of Hurricane Forecast Path
Published in International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 2022
Barbara Millet, Sharanya J. Majumdar, Alberto Cairo, Brian D. McNoldy, Scotney D. Evans, Kenneth Broad
As in Cox et al. (2013), for each trial, participants were asked to estimate the probability that the center of the hurricane would traverse each of eight sectors, corresponding to the cardinal and ordinal points of the compass (N, NE, E, …, NW). These sectors generated 45-degree arcs around the center of the tropical cyclone. The size of the circle encapsulating the sector was held constant across trials and sized to accommodate chip placement. Participants were instructed to place a set of numbered chips in the sectors to indicate their estimate of the probability that the tropical cyclone would exit the circle in the corresponding sector (i.e., strike percentage). The chips ranged in value from 1 to 20 and had a cumulative value of 100. There were two chips valued at 20, four at 10, three at 5, and five 1 s.
Nearness as context-dependent expression: an integrative review of modeling, measurement and contextual properties
Published in Spatial Cognition & Computation, 2020
Marc Novel, Rolf Grütter, Harold Boley, Abraham Bernstein
• Extrinsic FoR: the location is fixed within an extrinsic scheme of orientation (as, for example, in the points of the compass or some geotopological features such as uphill/downhill). In this case an acceptable distance for “near” is determined. Typical examples for depend on an extrinsic FoR, involving a path-following semantics (see also section 5.4.3 and Hedblom, Kutz and Neuhaus (2015) for a formal definition of path). A path-following semantics of “near” relies on distance and direction information with respect to a network8See also the sections and 5.4.3 for a discussion on distance in a network and direction. Furthermore, in a path-following semantics, a preposition is interpreted as denoting paths or orientation, resulting in the denotation of “near” as PAST. In the example “Geneva is rather near if you take the direct route via Lyon.” at least two paths lead to Lyon, including the direct route, which passes past the location Lyon.
Transient Reactor Test (TREAT) Facility Initial Approach to Restart Criticality Following Extended Standby Operation
Published in Nuclear Technology, 2019
The nuclear instrument detectors are located in the high-density concrete biological shield and permanent graphite reflector. The biological shield is an uneven octagonal shape with the four long sides approximately 15 ft in length facing the cardinal points of the compass (i.e., north, south, east, west), with the four short sides approximately 4 ft in length and oriented northwest (NW), northeast (NE), southwest (SW), and southeast (SE). Nuclear instrument detectors are located in a horizontal instrument thimble that allows the detector to be moved in toward the core or out away from the core, depending on expected power level. The instrument thimbles are located in pairs, offset by 12 in. up and down from the axial core centerline. The instrument thimbles on the south and west face of the shield are offset 2 ft to left of the vertical centerline and extend through the biological shield and permanent reflector to the inner face of the permanent reflector. The instrument thimbles in the NW, NE, SW, and SE sides are located on the vertical center and extend only through the biological shield to the outer face of the permanent reflector. Each instrument thimble can contain two detectors side by side, indicated as the “A” or “B” side. Table I lists the channel, location, position, and type of neutron detectors used. Figures 4 and 5 show the location of the instrument thimbles.