- Precision engineering
- Precision rectifier
- Preclinical
- Precocious puberty
- Precoding
- Precomputation
- Preconditioners
- Preconditions
- Preconsolidation pressure
- Precordial thump
- Precursor cells
- Precursor chemicals
- Precursors
- Predetermined motion time system
- Prediabetes
- Predication
- Predictability
- Predicted environmental concentration
- Prediction interval
- Prediction markets
- Predictive analytics
- Predictive learning
- Predictive maintenance
- Predictive medicine
- Predictive modeling
- Predictive models
- Predictive value
- Predistortion
- Predominance diagram
- Preemption
- Preemptive multitasking
- Prefabricated
- Prefabricated buildings
- Prefabrication
- Preferences
- Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses
- Prefetching
- Prefix code
- Prefixes
- Prefrontal cortex
- Pregnancy
- Pregnancy test
- Pregnane
- Pregnant leach solution
- Pregnenolone
- Prehabilitation
- Prehnite-pumpellyite facies
- Preinitiation complex
- Preisach model
- Preload
- Premalignant
- Premature aging
- Premature atrial contraction
- Premature chromosome condensation
- Premature convergence
- Premature ventricular contraction
- Premelting
- Premises
- Premium efficiency
- Premixed flames
- Premotor cortex
- Prenatal diagnosis
- Prenylation
- Preoptic area
- Preorder
- Prepaid
- Prephenate
- Prepolymer
- Preprocessor
- Presbycusis
- Presbyopia
- Prescaler
- Prescriptive analytics
- Presence
- Presence information
- Presenilin
- Presentation
- Presentism
- Preservatives
- Presheaf
- Press brake
- Press cake
- Press hardening
- Pressed wood
- Pressure
- Pressure altimeter
- Pressure altitude
- Pressure angle
- Pressure coefficient
- Pressure cookers
- Pressure cooking
- Pressure drop
- Pressure exchanger
- Pressure gradient
- Pressure gradient force
- Pressure grouting
- Pressure head
- Pressure measurement
- Pressure overload
- Pressure regulator
- Pressure ridges
- Pressure sewer
- Pressure solution
- Pressure swing adsorption
- Pressure switch
- Pressure ulcers
- Pressure vessels
- Pressure-gradient force
- Pressure-retarded osmosis
- Pressure-sensitive adhesive
- Pressure-sensitive paint
- Pressure-sensitive tape
- Pressuremeter test
- Pressurization
- Pressurized
- Prestack
- Prestressed concrete
- Preterm birth
- Pretopological space
- Prevalence
- Prevent
- Prevention through design
- Preventive action
- Preventive healthcare
- Preventive medicine
- Prewitt operator
- Price of anarchy
- Price of stability
- Prim's algorithm
- Primary alcohols
- Primary biliary cirrhosis
- Primary carbon
- Primary cell culture
- Primary cells
- Primary decomposition
- Primary energy
- Primary key
- Primary metabolites
- Primary minerals
- Primary motor cortex
- Primary olfactory cortex
- Primary ovarian insufficiency
- Primary progressive aphasia
- Primary qualities
- Primary radar
- Primary sequence
- Primary somatosensory cortex
- Primary sources
- Primary standard
- Prime