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Lifetime Data and Concepts
Published in Prabhanjan Narayanachar Tattar, H. J. Vaman, Survival Analysis, 2022
Prabhanjan Narayanachar Tattar, H. J. Vaman
Mayo Clinic has conducted many clinical trials and a popular dataset widely used is the primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) of the liver conducted during the period 1974–84. The primary biliary cirrhosis problem is known in recent times as primary biliary cholangitis. It is the autoimmune disease of liver. This problem arises because of a slow and progressive destruction of the small bile ducts of the liver leading to a build-up of bile and other toxins in the liver.
An Optimal Modified Faster Region CNN Model for Diagnosis of Liver Diseases from Ultrasound Images
Published in IETE Journal of Research, 2023
V. Antony Asir Daniel, J. Jeha
Different liver diseases such as hepatitis and chronic alcoholism often result in cirrhosis which is mainly caused due to liver scarring. The primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) patient records are retrieved from the Mayo Clinic trial in the 1974–1984 time period. In the 10 years, a total of 424 PBC patients visited the clinic and were placed under different drug trials involving D-penicillamine. The initial 312 cases in the dataset were mainly from the completed data of the patients who attended the randomized trial. The dataset contains 418 observations with 20 attributes [30].
Experimental and theoretical studies of the interaction of Penicillamine with SWCNT (6,0) as a drug delivery system
Published in Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2022
Ashraf Sadat Ghasemi, Batoul Makiabadi, Mohammad Zakarianezhad, Alireza Soltani, Fereydoun Ashrafi, Farideh Mashhadban
Drug delivery system (DDS) is a method for targeted transport a medication compound to patient and release of therapeutic agents in a controlled manner.[1–5] Nowadays, the various studies have been performed about single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNTs). These materials are considered as a new instrument for delivery of drugs due to the small size, higher surface to volume ratio, and unique optical and electrical properties.[6–9] In addition to all mentioned features, CNTs can easily form non-covalently or covalently interactions.[10–15] To design of drug delivery systems, it is important to understand the details of the interaction between the species. The computational methods can be used to study and investigate of interactions.[16–23] Penicillamine (PCA) is an alpha amino-acid that is metabolized from penicillin and there is in two forms of D-Penicillamine and L-Penicillamine. The L-enantiomer form is a pyridoxine antagonist which is toxic, while the D-enantiomer is an effective oral drug for various diseases.[24,25] In the World Health Organization's (WHO) list of essential drugs, it is considered the most important drug in a primary health system.[26–31] PCA reduced the levels of copper in the liver and is often used to treat diseases such as Wilson's disease, childhood idiopathic cirrhosis, rheumatoid arthritis, cystinuria, primary biliary cirrhosis, and heavy metal poisoning. Specific studies on fluorescence features of PCA have investigated by certain authors.[27,28] Also, PCA is used to detect copper II ions based on localized surface Plasmon resonance.[28] There are studies on determination of PCA by cyclization and HPLC methods.[32,33] Mmany theoretical and experimental studies have been performed on penicillin, such as: synthesis and spectroscopy studies of nanocrystalline selenium-cadmium and its preparation for interaction with PCA by UV-Vis,[34] HPLC,[33] investigation of structure and stability of D-PCA fixed with gold nano-particles,[28,35] the DFT study of PCA adsorption on Zn-doped CNTs,[36] synthesis of PCA complexes and the effect D-Penicillamine on the biochemical contents of brain tissues of Catla catla fingerlings by FT-IR study.[37] In this study interaction of PCA with SWCNT (6,0) has been investigated experimentally and theoretically and discussed using an interpretation of MAP analysis, FT-IR spectrum, FE-SEM images, EDAX analysis and TEM spectrum analysis. To understand the behavior of the adsorption, experimental and theoretical results were compared. The optimized structure of PCA was shown in Figure 1.