- Tropical diseases
- Tropical forests
- Tropical year
- Tropomyosin
- Troponin
- Troponin I
- Troponin T
- Tropospheric ozone
- Troubleshooting
- Troughs
- Truck
- Truck drivers
- Truckload
- True airspeed
- True and false
- True anomaly
- True vertical depth
- TrueNorth
- Truncated
- Truncated distribution
- Truncated icosahedra
- Truncated mean
- Truncated octahedra
- Truncation
- Truncation selection
- Trunnion
- Trusses
- Trust management
- Trust metrics
- Trust region
- Trusted third party
- Trustworthy AI
- Truth
- Truth condition
- Truth conditions
- Truth function
- Truth tables
- Truth value
- Try squares
- Trypan blue
- Trypanosomiasis
- Trypsin
- Trypsin inhibitor
- Trypsinization
- Trypsinogen
- Tryptase
- Tryptic soy broth
- Tryptone
- Tryptophan
- Tryptophan hydroxylase
- Tryptophan synthase
- Tryptophanase
- Tsallis entropy
- Tschermakite
- Tsubame
- Tsunami deposit
- Tsunami earthquakes
- Tsunami warning systems
- Tsunamis
- Tube
- Tube bending
- Tube drawing
- Tube furnace
- Tube sound
- Tube wells
- Tubercles
- Tuberculin
- Tuberculosis
- Tuberosity of the tibia
- Tuberous sclerosis
- Tubes
- Tubs
- Tubular
- Tubulin
- Tucker decomposition
- Tuff
- Tufting
- Tuftsin
- Tularemia
- Tumor antigen
- Tumor hypoxia
- Tumor markers
- Tumor microenvironment
- Tumor suppressor
- Tumor suppressor genes
- Tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
- Tumors
- Tumour heterogeneity
- Tunable laser
- Tunable metamaterials
- Tundish
- Tundra
- Tuned amplifier
- Tuned mass dampers
- Tunel assay
- Tungstate
- Tungsten
- Tungsten carbide
- Tungsten disulfide
- Tungsten hexacarbonyl
- Tungsten hexachloride
- Tungsten nitride
- Tungsten silicide
- Tungsten trioxide
- Tungstic acid
- Tunica externa
- Tunica intima
- Tunica media
- Tuning
- Tuning forks
- Tunnel diode
- Tunnel ionization
- Tunnel junctions
- Tunnel magnetoresistance
- Tunnel network
- Tunneling
- Tunneling protocol
- Tunnels
- Tuple
- Turbidimetry
- Turbidite
- Turbidity
- Turbidity currents
- Turbinate
- Turbine blades
- Turbine halls
- Turbine map
- Turbine trips
- Turbines
- Turbo codes
- Turbo equalizer
- TurboCAD
- Turbofan
- Turbojet
- Turbomachinery
- Turbomolecular pump
- Turbophoresis
- Turboprop
- Turbopumps
- Turboshaft
- Turbulence
- Turbulence kinetic energy
- Turbulence modeling
- Turbulence models
- Turbulent Prandtl number
- Turbulent diffusion
- Turf
- Turf toe
- Turgor pressure
- Turing