- Logarithm of a matrix
- Logarithmic
- Logarithmic decrement
- Logarithmic derivative
- Logarithmic form
- Logarithmic growth
- Logarithmic mean
- Logarithmic scale
- Logarithmic spirals
- Logarithms
- Logic Theorist
- Logic analyzers
- Logic blocks
- Logic error
- Logic family
- Logic gates
- Logic level
- Logic model
- Logic programming
- Logic simulation
- Logic synthesis
- Logical clocks
- Logical data model
- Logical effort
- Logical fallacy
- Logical form
- Logical framework
- Logical reasoning
- Logical truth
- Logically equivalent
- Logistic distribution
- Logistic map
- Logistic regression
- Logistics
- Logistics Performance Index
- Logistics automation
- Logit
- LogitBoost
- Logo
- Logrank test
- Logs
- Loiter
- Lomax distribution
- Lombard effect
- London penetration depth
- Lone pairs
- Long QT syndrome
- Long bones
- Long covid
- Long double
- Long period ground motion
- Long run
- Long tail
- Long terminal repeat
- Long-haul
- Long-lived fission products
- Long-period fiber grating
- Long-range Wi-Fi
- Long-range dependence
- Long-range order
- Long-term care
- Long-term care insurance
- Long-term experiments
- Long-term pavement performance
- Longerons
- Longest common subsequence
- Longest common substring
- Longest path
- Longest prefix match
- Longhouses
- Longissimus
- Longitude of the ascending node
- Longitudinal
- Longitudinal fissure
- Longitudinal framing
- Longitudinal stability
- Longitudinal study
- Longitudinal waves
- Longshore drift
- Longwall
- Longwall mining
- Longwave
- Look-ahead
- Lookout
- Lookup table
- Loop
- Loop antenna
- Loop current
- Loop diuretics
- Loop gain
- Loop group
- Loop heat pipe
- Loop invariant
- Loop performance
- Loop quantum gravity
- Loop-invariant code motion
- Loop-mediated isothermal amplification
- Loops
- Loose connective tissue
- Loose coupling
- Loosely coupled
- Loran
- Lordosis
- Lorentz factor
- Lorentz force
- Lorentz group
- Lorentz invariance
- Lorentz space
- Lorentz transformation
- Lorenz Curve
- Lorenz attractor
- Lorenz system
- Loss of control
- Loss of load
- Loss on ignition
- Lossless
- Lossless JPEG
- Lossless compression
- Lossy compression
- Lost circulation
- Lost-foam casting
- Lost-wax casting
- Lot number
- Lotion
- Lotka's Law
- Lotka-Volterra equation
- Lottery
- Lotus effect
- Loudness
- Loudspeaker
- Louvers
- Low Voltage Directive
- Low back pain
- Low birth weight
- Low emission vehicle
- Low emissivity
- Low field NMR
- Low frequency
- Low level laser therapy
- Low probability of intercept
- Low technology
- Low voltage
- Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy
- Low-carbon
- Low-carbon economy
- Low-carbon power
- Low-cost country sourcing
- Low-cycle fatigue
- Low-density parity-check codes
- Low-density polyethylene