- 360-degree cameras
- 3D object recognition
- 3D pose estimation
- Action selection
- Activation functions
- Active appearance model
- Active contour model
- Active learning
- Active perception
- Active shape model
- Active vision
- Activity recognition
- Adaboost
- Adaline
- Admissible heuristic
- Adversarial machine learning
- Aerial survey
- Affordance
- Agent-oriented programming
- Agents
- AlexNet
- Algorithm selection
- Algorithmic bias
- Alphafold
- AlphaGo
- AlphaGo Zero
- Amazon Alexa
- Anaphora
- Anytime algorithm
- Apache Giraph
- Apache Mahout
- Applications of artificial intelligence
- Applications of virtual reality
- Apprenticeship learning
- Artificial immune systems
- Artificial neural networks
- Artificial neurons
- Attention
- AutoAI
- Autoencoders
- Automated machine learning
- Automatic image annotation
- Automatic target recognition
- Autonomic computing
- Autonomous agents
- Backpropagation
- Backpropagation through time
- Backward chaining
- Bag of words
- Bag-of-words model
- Batch normalization
- Bilateral filters
- BL
- Blob detection
- Blocks world
- Boltzmann machines
- Boosting
- Bootstrap aggregating
- Bundle adjustment
- Business rules engine
- Calo
- Camera calibration
- Camera matrix
- Capsule neural network
- Captchas
- Cartesian Genetic Programming
- Case-based reasoning
- CatBoost
- Census transform
- Chainer
- Chinese Room
- CIFAR-10
- Clinical decision support system
- Co-training
- Cognitive architectures
- Cognitive computing
- Cognitive modules
- Cognitive robotics
- Committee machines
- Competitive learning
- Computational intelligence
- Computational theory of mind
- Computer vision
- Computer-automated design
- Conceptual clustering
- Condensation algorithm
- Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
- Confusion matrix
- Connected-component labeling
- Connectionist expert system
- Contract net protocol
- Controlled natural language
- Convolutional deep belief network
- Cooperative coevolution
- Corner detection
- Correspondence problem
- Crowding
- Cultural algorithms
- Dartmouth workshop
- Data augmentation
- Data preprocessing
- Data-driven model
- Decimal point
- Decision boundary
- Deep learning
- Deep reinforcement learning
- DeepFace
- Deepfakes
- Defuzzification
- Degree of truth
- Deliberative agent
- Delta rule
- Dialogflow
- Dictionary learning
- Differential evolution
- Digital image processing
- Direct linear transformation
- Distributed artificial intelligence
- Document processing
- Document-term matrix
- Domain adaptation
- Drools
- Eager learning
- Early stopping
- Echo State Network
- Eigenface
- Embodied agents
- Embodied cognition
- Embodied cognitive science
- Emergent
- Emotion recognition
- Empirical risk minimization
- Empowerment
- Enactivism
- Ensemble learning
- Entity linking
- Epipolar geometry
- Essential matrix
- Estimation of distribution algorithm
- Ethics of artificial intelligence
- Eurisko
- Evaluation function
- Evolution strategies
- Evolution strategy
- Evolutionary computation
- Evolutionary programming
- Evolutionary robotics
- Example-based machine translation
- Expectation propagation
- Explanation-based learning
- Explanatory gap
- Exploration-exploitation dilemma
- Extreme learning machine
- Face detection
- FaceNet
- Facial recognition
- FastText
- Feature detection
- Feature engineering
- Feature extraction
- Feature learning
- Feature scaling
- Feature vectors
- Federated learning
- Feedforward neural networks
- Fitness approximation
- Forward chaining
- Free-form deformation
- Fundamental matrix
- Fuzzy associative matrix
- Fuzzy classification
- Fuzzy concept
- Fuzzy control
- Fuzzy control system
- Fuzzy mathematics
- Fuzzy rule
- Fuzzy set operations
- Fuzzy sets
- Gato
- Gene expression programming
- General problem solver
- General regression neural network
- Generalization error
- Generative pre-trained transformer
- Genetic programming
- Genetic representation
- Gensim
- Google Assistant
- Google Brain
- GPT-2
- GPT-3
- Grammatical evolution
- Graph neural networks
- GraphLab
- Graphplan
- Ground truth
- Group method of data handling
- Handwriting recognition
- Hard problem of consciousness
- Harris corner detector
- Hierarchical classification
- Hierarchical task network
- Histogram of oriented gradients
- HL7
- Hopfield networks
- Hough transform
- Human-in-the-loop
- Human-readable
- Hybrid intelligent systems
- Hybrid machine translation
- Hybrid neural network
- Hyperparameters
- IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation
- Ilastik
- Image analysis
- Image fusion
- Image moments
- Image mosaic
- Image noise
- Image processing
- Image registration
- Image retrieval
- Inceptionv3
- Incremental learning
- Inductive bias
- Inference engine
- Infomax
- Information extraction
- Instance selection
- Instance-based learning
- Intelligent agents
- Intelligent decision support system
- Intelligent decision support systems
- Intentionality
- International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- Intrinsic dimension
- Intrinsic motivation
- Iris recognition
- ISO 8601
- Isolation forest
- Jess
- K nearest neighbors
- K-nearest neighbors algorithm
- Keras
- Kernel methods
- Kernel principal component analysis
- Keyword extraction
- Keyword spotting
- Kleene star
- Knowledge acquisition
- Knowledge-based system
- Labeled data
- Landmark point
- Language codes
- Language identification
- Language resources
- Latent class model
- Lazy learning
- Learnable evolution model
- Learning automaton
- Learning rule
- Least-squares support vector machine
- Legal expert systems
- LightGBM
- Linear classifiers
- Linear discriminant analysis
- Linear genetic programming
- Liquid state machines
- Logic Theorist
- LogitBoost
- Machine ethics
- Machine learning
- Machine perception
- Machine translation
- Machine vision
- Margin classifier
- Maximally stable extremal regions
- Mean shift
- Memetic algorithms
- Meta-learning
- Meta-optimization
- Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit
- Mixture of experts
- MLOps
- Mobile mapping
- Model-based reasoning
- Model-free
- Moses
- Motion detection
- Motion field
- Multi expression programming
- Multi-agent planning
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning
- Multi-agent systems
- Multi-label classification
- Multi-task learning
- Multiclass classification
- Multilayer perceptrons
- Multimodal learning
- Multiple instance learning
- Multiple kernel learning
- Multispectral
- Multispectral imaging
- MXNet
- Mycin
- naive Bayes classifier
- Named entity
- Natural language
- Natural language understanding
- Natural-language understanding
- Nearest centroid classifier
- Neocognitron
- Neural architecture search
- Neural gas
- Neural machine translation
- Neural network software
- Neural networks
- Neural Turing machines
- Neuro-fuzzy
- Neuroevolution
- Neurorobotics
- Object detection
- Offline learning
- Omnidirectional camera
- One-shot learning
- Ontology learning
- Open information extraction
- Optical flow
- Orthophoto
- Pansharpening
- Part-of-speech tagging
- Partial-order planning
- PatchMatch
- Pathfinding
- Pattern recognition
- Pedestrian detection
- Perceptrons
- Perspective-n-point
- Phase correlation
- Philosophy of artificial intelligence
- Photo-consistency
- Photogrammetry
- Photomodeler
- Phrase chunking
- Physical symbol system
- Pinhole camera model
- Point-set registration
- Polynomial kernel
- Pose
- Pose tracking
- Positional tracking
- Postediting
- Predictive learning
- Probabilistic neural network
- Process ontology
- Production rules
- Project Tango
- Proximal policy optimization
- PyTorch
- Q-learning
- Quadratic classifier
- Question answering
- Radial basis function kernel
- Radial basis function network
- Radiometric calibration
- Random forests
- Random subspace method
- RapidMiner
- Reasoning system
- Recurrent neural networks
- Recursive neural network
- Red light cameras
- Reinforcement learning
- Relationship extraction
- Relevance vector machine
- ReLU
- Remote sensing
- Repast
- Repeated incremental pruning to produce error reduction
- Reprojection error
- Reservoir computing
- Residual neural network
- Rete algorithm
- Roboethics
- Rprop
- Rule induction
- Rule-based machine learning
- Rule-based machine translation
- Rule-based system
- Salience
- Saliency map
- Sample complexity
- Scikit-learn
- Self-management
- Self-organizing map
- Self-play
- Self-supervised learning
- Semantic parsing
- Semantic Scholar
- Semantic space
- Semi-global matching
- Semi-supervised learning
- Sentiment analysis
- Seq2seq
- Sequence labeling
- SfM
- Shallow parsing
- Shape context
- Shrdlu
- Situated
- Smart objects
- Sobel operator
- Software agents
- Spacy
- Speed cameras
- SPSS Modeler
- Statistical learning theory
- Statistical machine translation
- Stemming
- Stereo cameras
- Structural risk minimization
- Structured light
- Structured prediction
- Structured support vector machine
- Student
- StyleGAN
- Superquadrics
- Supervised learning
- Sycamore processor
- Symbolic AI
- Symbolic artificial intelligence
- Syntactic pattern recognition
- Systran
- T-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding
- T-norm
- Table extraction
- TD-Gammon
- Technological singularity
- Telecentric lens
- Temporal attention
- TensorFlow
- Terminology extraction
- Text graph
- Text normalization
- Text segmentation
- Text simplification
- Textual entailment
- Time-of-flight camera
- Toronto Declaration
- Transfer learning
- Trifocal tensor
- Trigram
- Triphone
- Triplet loss
- Turing test
- U-matrix
- U-Net
- Uncertain data
- Uncertain inference
- Unsupervised learning
- Vagueness
- Vanishing gradient problem
- Variational autoencoders
- Vector database
- Vegetation index
- Video tracking
- Virtual assistant
- Vision transformer
- Visual descriptors
- Visual word
- Vit
- Wasserstein GAN
- Watson
- weak AI
- Weak artificial intelligence
- Weak supervision
- Weighted majority algorithm
- Weka
- Whitening transformation
- Winner-take-all
- Wolfram Alpha
- Word error rate
- Word2vec
- Zero-shot learning