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Legal expert systems
A legal expert system is an artificial intelligence program that can access and process vast amounts of legal data to provide precise responses to complex legal questions in a matter of seconds. It assumes that the law can be spelled out unambiguously and is not subject to human interpretation in context. One example of a legal expert system is ROSS, also known as the AI attorney, which can mine data from billions of text documents to provide legal advice.From: Electrical Brain Stimulation for the Treatment of Neurological Disorders [2019], The Human-Computer Interaction Handbook [2019]
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Strong AI contrasts with weak AI, which is the application of artificial intelligence to specific tasks or types of problems. IBM’s Watson supercomputer, expert systems, and the self-driving car are all examples of weak or narrow AI. Even in the current state of technology, the systems’ ability to access and process data is impressive: ROSS, a legal expert system sometimes called the AI attorney, can mine data from about a billion text documents, analyze the information and provide precise responses to complicated questions in less than three seconds.
Incoterms® 2020 and the missed opportunities for the next version
Tan and Thoen (2000) explored a theoretical legal expert system for Incoterms® in China. Lorenzon and Baatz (2016), as well as Fedi and Russell (2014) explored the use of Incoterms® in common law and the impact on shippers of Incoterms®.