IoTouch: whole-body tactile sensing technology toward the tele-touch
Published in Advanced Robotics, 2021
Van Anh Ho, Shotaro Nakayama
The environment used for the experiments (PC with Intel CPU corei5-7300u 2.6 GHz, Windows 10, Python 3.7.6) is close to the reported specifications of [7]. Programming language is Python for handling multiple tasks at one language, such as building and training network models for machine learning, image pre-processing, sensor deformation simulation, and data visualization. Chainer is used as the library for deep learning. Using the prepared dataset, training was performed on a desktop PC equipped with a GPU, with a mini-batch size set to 1000. The learning rate, which is related to the accuracy and progress of the training, was set using the library's automatic setting function. Here, the weights updated as the error back propagation was calculated in the learning process, which is called ‘step’ and the maximum number of learning steps is set to 1000. In addition, the learning progress was determined and the system is set to terminate if the evaluation value is not updated for 30 continuous steps.