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Human Consciousness and the Mind
Published in Junichi Takeno, Self-Aware Robots, 2022
Embodied cognitive science is a belief that intelligence can only be understood in combination with physical systems. This concept captured the hearts of many researchers because it specifically proclaims that intelligence is in need of an embodied mechanical system. Embodied cognitive science represented a large flow of research covering the major achievements of robot researchers in the 1980s, which was later summarized by Rolf Pfeifer, Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland, and other researchers (Pfeifer and Scheier, 1999).
A scientometric analysis and review of spatial cognition studies within the framework of neuroscience and architecture
Published in Architectural Science Review, 2021
‘Embodied cognition and multisensory integration’ is the title of the fourth largest cluster in the keyword co-occurrence network of spatial cognition research (Table 2 and Figure 1). The dominant views in cognitive science have held cognition as abstract information-processing, and the body as peripheral to understanding the nature of cognition. However, from the beginning of 2000s, empirical evidence from a new line of inquiry called ‘embodied cognition’ began to challenge the earlier assumptions (Wilson and Foglia 2011). Embodied cognitive science is based on the idea that cognition depends deeply on aspects of the agent's body together with the brain. The cognitive processing required to initiate and control higher-level behaviour will thus depend on available sensory perceptions, the environment, and the tasks pursued by the agent (Wilson 2002). Embodied spatial cognition has been studied in relation to perspective taking (Tversky and Hard 2009), spatial language (Oudgenoeg-Paz, Leseman, and Volman 2015), and blindness (Pasqualotto and Proulx 2012) to name a few.