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Estimation Using Confidence Intervals
Published in William M. Mendenhall, Terry L. Sincich, Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 2016
William M. Mendenhall, Terry L. Sincich
Impact of red light cameras on car crashes. To combat red-light-running crashes — the phenomenon of a motorist entering an intersection after the traffic signal turns red and causing a crash — many states are adopting photo-red enforcement programs. In these programs, red light cameras installed at dangerous intersections photograph the license plates of vehicles that run the red light. How effective are photo-red enforcement programs in reducing red-light-running crash incidents at intersections? The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) conducted a comprehensive study of its newly adopted photo-red enforcement program and published the results in a report. In one portion of the study, the VDOT provided crash data both before and after installation of red light cameras at several intersections. The data (measured as the number of crashes caused by red light running per intersection per year) for 13 intersections in Fairfax County, VA are given in the table. Analyze the data for the VDOT. What do you conclude?
Underutilized strategies in traffic safety: Results of a nationally representative survey
Published in Traffic Injury Prevention, 2019
Automated enforcement: Speed cameras/red light cameras. Speed and red light cameras are highly effective in reducing speeding and red light running (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety 2018). However, they are only used in a few U.S. communities. Congress will not allow federal grant funding for their use. Studies show that they could reduce fatalities in the United States by 19% (Transportation Research Board [TRB] 1998; Retting and Farmer 2003; Retting, Farmer, et al. 2008; Retting, Kyrychenko, et al. 2008). In a recent survey, almost 43% of drivers admitted driving through a red light when they could have stopped safely in the past 30 days (AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety 2017).