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Ontology based exchange mechanism for Systems Engineering information
Published in Jaap Bakker, Dan M. Frangopol, Klaas van Breugel, Life-Cycle of Engineering Systems, 2017
The presented ontology in this paper offer industry groups a way to set up their need for exchange of product model information using the presented modelling methodology based on ‘statements’ as defined in ISO 15926–11 and is closely related to the NIAM method of prof. Nijssen. ISO 15926–11 describes a ‘controlled natural language’, enabling to describe a specific world in an unambiguous way thus applicable for defining an ontology. Especially the possibility of the statement approach to present modelled engineering data in table form rather than complex data structures contributes to the low threshold of this method. Statements can be used to classify things as ‘being the case’. Statements can be expressed in language as relationships between two separate roles of things. Each statement follows the same pattern: Identifier of the statement: ‘object (role 1) – relationship – object (role 2)’.
Synthetic Worlds and Characters, and the Future of Creative Writing
Published in C.A.P. Smith, Kenneth W. Kisiel, Jeffrey G. Morrison, Working Through Synthetic Worlds, 2009
Selmer Bringsjord, Alexander Bringsjord
Of course, there are those (e.g., Moravec 1999) who hold that, relatively soon, person-level communication will be mechanized. Unfortunately, such writers are confident because of the continuous increase in processing speed produced by Moore’s Law, but raw processing speed is not the problem (as explained in Bringsjord 2000): the challenge is to discover the information-processing procedures that enable human persons to communicate in unrestricted natural languages. However fast the hardware, it does little good unless there are procedures to run upon it. It can therefore be said with confidence that while logically controlled natural language, and clever translation of unrestricted natural language into it, will pay great dividends, we certainly don’t recommend that you hold your breath in anticipation of the arrival of human-to-synthetic-character linguistic interaction indistinguishable from the human-to-human case. Fenwick can talk to Arnie within the confines of the narrative structure that Fenwick has himself established. He can’t talk to Arnie about anything, in any manner. It’s ironic that some originally logic-based experts in computational language processing have turned their backs on logic, in favor of purely statistical approaches. Charniak himself is an example; he abandoned logic in favor of purely statistical approaches (Charniak 1993). The situation is ironic because statistical approaches are content to capture only a portion the natural language such approaches receive as input, and yet in the present chapter we are recommending a logicist path based on the humble concession that only a portion of natural language received by Arnie as input can be transformed into logically controlled natural language. Of course, the nice thing about the approach we recommend is that that which is expressed in logically controlled natural language can be reasoned over with great power.
A new approach to plan manual assembly
Published in International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2018
Martin Manns, Klaus Fischer, Han Du, Philip Slusallek, Kosmas Alexopoulos
The approach that is presented in this work is realised as a proof of concept. A controlled natural language (CNL) breakdown is combined with data-driven statistical motion models. Controlled natural languages are subsets of natural languages. While natural languages, for instance English, allow ambiguous statements, a controlled natural language is used to preserve the level of human language while excluding the ambiguous wording. Figure 1 provides an overview of the modules that address different requirements of the approach.