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Published in Sally Robinson, Priorities for Health Promotion and Public Health, 2021
Connective tissues include bones, tendons, cartilage and the fibrous tissue that gives support to organs. Bone sarcomas (osteosarcoma) start in the bone cells, called osteocytesSoft tissue sarcomas start in cartilage or muscle cells
Animal Models of Bone Ingrowth and Joint Replacement
Published in Yuehuei H. An, Richard J. Friedman, Animal Models in Orthopaedic Research, 2020
Dale R. Sumner, Thomas M. Turner, Robert M. Urban
It is generally thought that the amount of micromotion at the interface influences tissue differentiation, with stable implants permitting bone ingrowth and unacceptable levels of micromotion causing fibrous tissue formation. However, the biology of tissue differentiation at the interface may be more complex as evidenced by a recent canine study8 in which 20 μm of initial motion led to increasing interface stiffness during the course of the six week study and continuity of bone ingrowth, 40 μm of initial motion led to decreasing interface stiffness and mixed bone and “fibrocallus “ and 150 pm initial motion led to decreasing interface stiffness and a fibrous tissue interface despite the presence of some bone ingrowth. This later finding is quite intriguing because it suggests that bone differentiates, but then possibly undergoes stress fracture and replacement by fibrous tissue in the presence of excessive interface micromotion. Thus, the conventional view, that excessive motion causes direct formation of fibrous tissue, may be incorrect.
Damage to the uterus, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries
Published in David J Cahill, Practical Patient Management in Reproductive Medicine, 2019
Fibroids, termed myomas or leiomyomas, but more correctly leiomyomata, are generally benign uterine tumours. In 28 years of regularly performing myomectomies, I encountered only one woman with cancerous fibroids. Fibroids grow slowly in vivo and are found within the extracellular matrix. They arise from the myometrium. Fibroids contain smooth muscle cells and extracellular fibrous tissue comprising collagen, proteoglycan and fibronectin. The smooth muscle cells of the fibroid are monoclonal (arising from single clone of a smooth muscle cell); up to 50% of fibroids will be chromosomally abnormal, apparently varying by the site of the fibroid (5). Fibroids have a dense connective tissue capsule, visible on ultrasound, on MRI and at surgery. Correct and careful surgical opening will allow access to a ‘relatively’ blood-free plane of cleavage between the capsule and the fibroid, which enables removal of the fibroid, with minor bridging arterioles being treated for haemostasis. Surprisingly, in practice, there is rarely a feeding artery at the base of the fibroid. Fibroids can be intramural, found completely within the myometrium, or they may be submucosal, partially or entirely protruding into the uterine cavity and sometimes pedunculated. They may also be partially or entirely outside of the myometrium, subserosal.
Intra-articular injection PLGA blends sustained-release microspheres loaded with meloxicam: preparation, optimization, evaluation in vitro and in vivo
Published in Drug Delivery, 2022
Zheng Sun, Xuejing Gu, Teng Hao, Jiali Liu, Rongrong Gao, Yanli Li, Bin Yu, Hui Xu
The histopathological examination results of rats were shown in Figure 10. According to the histopathological scoring results shown in Table 7, the score of model group was higher than that of blank control group. The articular cavity of normal rats (A1–A4) maintained a steady state, the surface of the articular cartilage was smooth and flat, and the chondrocytes were evenly distributed and arranged neatly. Occasionally, chondrocyte hypertrophy was observed, and no obvious cell clustering was observed. In the Model group (B1–B4), there were different degrees of defects in the left articular cavity, soft tissue edema tissue in the articular cavity, focal necrosis and hemorrhage, infiltration of inflammatory cells, formation of foam cells and multinucleated giant cells, and proliferation of synovial blood vessels. In addition, the articular cartilage of rats became thinner and distributed disorderly. A large number of hypertrophic chondrocytes were seen in the bottom of the cartilage, and some articular cartilage was hardened. The proliferation of bone marrow cells in the bone marrow cavity was active, showing obvious symptoms of arthritis. As shown in Figure 10(C1–C4), Histological score of OA decreased significantly after MLX-MS intervention (p < .05), rat bone tissue cell regeneration, partial recovery of bone hyperplasia; there was no obvious tissue necrosis and hemorrhage in the joint cavity. The edema of the surrounding soft tissue disappeared. The fibrous tissue proliferated. There was no obvious inflammatory cell infiltration.
Presence of fragmented QRS may be associated with complex ventricular arrhythmias in patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus
Published in Acta Cardiologica, 2021
Hayati Eren, Ülker Kaya, Lütfi Öcal, Aslı Gözek Öcal, Ömer Genç, Selin Genç, Mert Evlice
There were some limitations to this study. Firstly, the sample size is quite small. Further studies of larger populations are required to confirm the results of the present study. Secondly, MRI or histopathology tests, which are more sensitive in showing the fibrous tissue, could not be used because their costs are too high. Thirdly, only patients with QRS duration of <120 ms were included in the study. Furthermore, 24-h Holter records should have a limited effect to determine ventricular arrhythmias, and similar studies should be performed with recording devices that can record for a longer time. Techniques that allow longer recording times can determine the prevalence of arrhythmias in these patients more accurately. Finally, the patients were not followed up long term for future arrhythmic episodes; therefore, the relation between ventricular arrhythmias with fQRS could not be evaluated.
Treatment of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis using ultrasound-guided microwave ablation: a report of 50 cases
Published in International Journal of Hyperthermia, 2021
Lisheng Lin, Zifang Zheng, Jinfan Zhang, Xiaoli Liu, Dar-Ren Chen, Hongling Wang
In this study, histological specimens were observed under an optical microscope during the postoperative follow-up period. The results showed that, at the beginning of the follow-up period, the ablation zone gradually transformed into a large red-stained, nonstructural necrotic area. As the follow-up period progressed, proliferative fibrous tissue could be seen again in these areas—which is consistent with the process of tissue trauma repair. The clinical manifestations of this treatment process were as follows: first, the texture of the ablation area hardened after ablation— usually within 1 to 3 months; then, with the degradation of the necrotic tissue and the formation of new fibrous tissue, the texture of the ablation area gradually softened and finally achieved the same feel and shape of healthy breasts in patients whose lesions did not involve the adipose layer.