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Multichip Module Technology
Published in Jerry C. Whitaker, Microelectronics, 2018
Though there are many other cases where the use of MCM technology makes sense, these are the main ones that have been encountered so far. If an MCM is justified, the next question might be to decide what ICs need to be placed on the MCM. A number of factors follow that need to be considered in this decision: It is highly desirable that the final MCM package be compatible with single-chip packaging assembly techniques to facilitate manufacturability.Although wires between chips on the MCM are inexpensive, off-MCM pins are expensive. The MCM should contain as much of the wiring as is feasible. On the other hand, an overly complex MCM with a high component count will have a poor final yield.In a mixed signal design, separating the noisy digital components from the sensitive analog components is often desirable. This can be done by placing the digital components on an MCM. If an MCM-D with an integrated decoupling capacitor is used, then the on-MCM noise might be low enough to allow both analog and digital components to be easily mixed. Be aware in this case, however, that the on-MCM ground will have different noise characteristics than the PCB ground.
Data Converters
Published in Nihal Kularatna, Electronic Circuit Design, 2017
The workhorses in the mixed-signal world, or the link between the digitalprocessing world and the analog real world, are the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) and digital-to-analog converter (DAC) ICs, which generally are grouped as the data converters. Until about 1988, engineers had to stockpile their most innovative ADC designs because available manufacturing processes simply could not economically implement those designs onto monolithic chips. Prior to 1988, except for the introduction of successive approximation and integrating and flash ADCs, the electronics industry saw no major changes in monolithic ADCs. Since then, manufacturing processes have caught up with the technology and several successful techniques, such as successive approximation, flash, sigma-delta, and integrating types, have been implemented on monolithic chips. These basic architectures and their variations currently come in monolithic form at reasonable prices.
VWF and Online Laboratory
Published in Chinmay K. Maiti, Introducing Technology Computer-Aided Design (TCAD), 2017
An integrated circuit (IC) chip design starts with the product specification, followed by the front-end and backend designs. IC design can be broken down into two categories, digital and analog. Mixed-signal design works with both digital and analog signals simultaneously. Digital IC design has clearly defined steps and procedures to produce circuits. Analog IC design is performed at the circuit level and the designs are more complex in nature. An analog design engineer needs to possess a strong understanding of the principles, concepts, and techniques involved in the electrical, physical, and testing methodologies employed in circuit fabrication. In general, as the EDA vendors who provide electronic computer-aided design (ECAD) tools for the design houses and TCAD vendors who provide TCAD tools for the manufacturing are separate entities, the link between the design house and the manufacturing has so far been poor. For the design houses, still the current practice is to rely on the manufacturer to provide the model parameters necessary for design purposes.
An area efficient, high-frequency digital built-in self-test for analogue to digital converter
Published in International Journal of Electronics, 2018
M. Senthil Sivakumar, S. P. Joy Vasantha Rani
An analogue to digital converter (ADC) is one of the most frequently used mixed signal circuit system which interconnects analogue and digital circuits into a system. The accuracy of an ADC is a required one in the mixed signal devices because it has a capacity to determine the perfectness of the complete system. Usually, the accuracy of ADC is observed through the comparison of actual and ideal characteristics for static (Linearity, offset, gain) and dynamic (noise, threshold, and distortion) parameters (Milor 1998). In standardised ADC testing, the linearity has considered as a primary parameter since it decides the transfer function and other static and dynamic characteristics of a converter (Maria, Marcelo, Luigi, & Altamiro, 2004; Dai et al. 2014). Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) is a method, popularly used in the standard off-chip testing. Nowadays, the use of ATE has reduced because of long evaluation time and unavailability of the external resources for testing complex mixed signal circuits. On-chip testing is a solution to the complexities persist with the off-chip testing (Mehdi, Bozena, and Karim 1998) like ATE. Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) is a technique used in high precision ADC testing (Pei and Chan 1991; Mishra 2010). Accessing uncertainty and complex multipliers found in FFT occupy an unacceptably large area in the BIST. The static testing methods such as histogram (Kerzerho et al. 2013), spectral analysis (Chauhan, Choi, Onabajo, Jung, & Kim, 2014) are the alternate techniques for reducing area overhead. However, the area overhead of BIST is still a primary concern in an ADC testing. Linearity measurements like differential non-linearity (DNL) and integral non-linearity (INL) require a ramp generator (Khatri and Puradkar 2007; Zhang, Suying, and Zhang 2008; Gamad and Mishra 2009) and digital response analyser (Ruan et al. 2013; Rajath, Pratap, & Bharadwaj, 2014).